VL4ero' D UR A BLE a ld pa FIRE - RESISTING ýthey w. "Ecoofs that WM Istil long tir be Modern Tomiorrow" Vmc ApH'r ,A LaT Asphiait Shingles and Rol Roofings which bear the Vcry Lond4on branld a:-e products backed by long y-ears of mranulfacturing e- perience. Your assurance cf' îatisfaction is the maniufac- turer's itegrity *vhich insists oni a high standard of quality in ail products which bear the Viroy name. Dependable deal!ers re,-commnen-d Viceroy Asplhalt Roofings. is a long, ROOFINGS FLONDON ROOFINGS R 0 L 1- ,EA i JRFACE'ô Vr.adMis. Goi don Leaienand two eeks vaatio laOronio. MWr. anid 'Mrs. Alfred Jkna spent a week's hlidlay -rece(_nty at Sydetnham, near ICingston. We were pleased to see Mrs. W. S. M!offat in to\wn last week-end, look- ing s0 well after her accident. Mrs. Charles Reid and Miss Hazel Reid, o,f Toronto, spent the week-end dih r. ,n Ms. T. A. Reid. Miss Beck, of tHamilton has re- turned home after spending a few diays with Mrs. Jas. Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. Pingle and yoting son, of Ohw~vîsited the latter's motherMrs. Baldwin, recently. Mr. C. T. Miiller returned homne on Wensa 1,,t after a pleasant trijp t,) the Un ited Statesý. Mr. Laver-ne and Ross Boyd, of Toronto, w7ith MAr. and Mrs. J. W. Boeyd for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Bol). Gmbof HMamilton, paid aJ visit toC Mr. andf Mrsý. Ken Gamisby on Doinion Day. 'Mr. Davd lliott, ofSt. Peters- !unig, Florida, hias been visýitin1g his -ister,; Mr-s. J. G. Tamlyn, Orono. Mr. nd, rs.Leland Keate arnd daghter, of Toronto, were week-end viiors 'with W. E. Davey. Dr. J. H. and Mrs. Lesie, of Peter- hoo pent qJul1y Ist w-"ith 1Mr. and Mr.W. J.'Riddell. Mr. tenTaby nd friendi, of Moýntreal., spcent lihe week-enid holi- daýy at thie fre parents, Mr. and Mr. ýM.,J.Tamln MrE. Essery and two hln n Mrys. R0eet arabiland baby, fron Curtcevisited with Mrs. H. BMarrhl on Tuesday, JL!1y i'st. Mr. and Mrs. T. W ('nwker and Mi. andMs.Geo. Caw ker wreSuni- dïay, guests wiîth Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Mr, Wialter Cornh, BiE and, Ross Boyd vosied Mr. md 1Mrs. Mto Conshat Fenelon Fa'll1s on Suinday last. Mr. înd Mrs. Arc1h-ie MDoalc f TootMvrs. Dna ona naldof Bowmnvile, ere Suindaiy guests at. Mrs. H. Ba-rra'balF's. Oroo Ctizns'Bnd Suppiled the nsi for Newcastle United Church -service at he La'ke on Sundiay evenm- mng ast Ulis. Jmepiclison, M isBek 12r, Mlason and Mr. and cMm.-1D a n e Foiun,-ci, took a àn})Iotor tnip on Suniday la-st to unSv jle. sMr, and snAllison Cowan and famly, ôf Toronto, spent over the holiday wme-ndwih TNe forme's paretsMr.andMm.Tho . Cwa.1 _Mn. and Mm. 'Wn. Hoar visited Mn, andlVrs. Paul Snodigrass at ro )che-,ster duriing the lonrýg holiday "The Ghost & featirn ROY ROGI 'HEL "£SPOILI Carin RED & WHJTE STORESF- QUAKER PUFFED WIIEAT, 8 qt s. ... bag Fresh GIROUND COFFEE, ful-hodied and fragranit. ý.......... ........l G'aines' DOG MEAL, ige. econoical 5 lb bag "KEP", a famous EnglishAMeat Sauce. ,bottie ,KeHlogg's VARIET'Y CEREA L ..,.,pkg NESCAFE, the popular IsatCofe.tin PRUNES, fresh ...-...............lb 47e 59C 2se, 59C 20e CANNING? PINT JARS .............. dz93c. RURBER RINGS, Red..... ........ 3 doz 20C. WIIITE.SUGAR ...... .....>.~ 10 lb 89C (Sugar Coupons Valid ýTo-day-55ý'4. S55, and Y7 to Y1O QUART JARS .... . ....... doz $1.15 METAL RINGS ........... ...... doz 25e IVELVET EQIEABOUT TNDR LAKE FLO0URX CANA~ PURE LARD EX TIRAÀFA N CYfPCK 5 1bs. OVERSEAs 2SC. PARCELS 28C. MEDIUM SIZED ORANGES, 288's .,. -doz JUICY LEMONS, 30's ......-.......» 6 for N.EW CARROTS........ ......21b GRAPEFRUJIT, Califorian ...,...4 for 29c Mr, ali dMs -H rwof Brown. MNr. Hrl Allin, of Toironto, spenit over the week-end in O 'n!a'11a-1 tended Decouation Day services at Orono Genetery. Mr. and Ms. eorgýe Ieith, ou. and MirsA. Tudall, and r. D Graham, of Toronto, spent Sunday withMv.andMrs. VirtieWis. Mis AnnaSta-ples wsscesu ln obtaining her expination of lier firt year àn the FaWy of Arts at t'ne nivsiyof Toronto. iMr' n r.R~hr ct n Mrn and dirse Mi1ton McCreary asud dauighter, of Brantford, spent the wekedwith Mn. anid Mrs.Era Rainey. 31r. Wilson ichrdof Brýantfond, spen th hoiday week-end vwith1 his sister, Mrs. Evelyn allbotJl akn in the occe races' in O-shawa,- on Tuesday las_. Mr. ai-d Mrs. Jack Leis;hman anniv- edon hrdy vnn tO visit Mr. n-,-d Mmr. . J. an,,blyn and Mr. lMit- chiei, aiten a six wek'mo7tor trip to Recent visitons wtb '.Mr. and Mns. J, 1-. Morris were, "Mr-, and Mrls, Nor- man iiWil1hiams, -cf Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Car] Hall a'nd daughter Milyn anid Mrs. Mbflonaldl ofBo an ViSitorsL. with Mrs. WVrn. CowaVn' on Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. Chrieds Hunter ýand two sons, of Lakefle,, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Du),oley and chil- dr-n, o'f TorontO6,ané[ Mn. and rs Austin Turner- and Heleny. M9r. Calviun am, B A., and Mns. Cailniam, of Fort F,, ancis, are spendng fthe suinn1ier win the form exr's parents, 'Mr. a-id Ms. . J 1-ammy, whiqle Mr. Calvin Ha' s t è,ni aspecial curet t he lTniver- it-y of Toronto. Mrs. Roýy Fonrester a,ýc com11P anie d hecr fathen, Mvr. C. D. Bouck, is Ethel, and Mr. and Mrs. Russel1 Ma- l !uske, Toron>ito, ve the week-end when they attendedea nu Do f Mr. ouksbrothers and sisters held at Williamsburg, Dundas Counity. Mr. and Mrs. GaolrdonSuggitt and damghter Nancy, Miss Peanl O'Neil, of Toronto, Mn. 0011 and Muf's. Týaite, 1\rs. Jon Neals and 'Mrs. John NTichoils, of Çbug were Decona- tion Day visitons with -ýMr. and Mrs, WF. Seyrnour. A -nilseelianeous sho(wer was lheid for Miss 'Ruth GoGeds, hide.to-be, at the h'Omne if Miss Ana Staples îISe Satunday cevening, Whein.a anuiben of hen gir find gterdtOg-ethenr and çMnsentsd RUtliWlth any usel Robt.ý Walker,j Jéudy Garlandic, V Jerome Kenni's '31 Glorious 'T Vox LT "j w s "< UNDAY, LLOO 'J OORNSH &MILLER Or'l lbse Thurs,1 Dorothy Mc4G 'Claudia 'JE