.3Ai-he Rssa'cild is Il-)io iffereult ta alda 7 cotîntry in tht worid-h2's happy to vegodytechlr -.Schooi, cndd fuiILe firsýt îh rcgaesi M ov alytp re cls lroccid Is, wih(h a athsa. iujpa deep bad be Mr. an denly d order t Thev 1, m, TIey actdJt Dad rad onc'. e Ohtanne Pas i alx 1 iys 1bse' sItan sîma tas utp" TUin Jeann th rîiath wctdJepc rs,ýý Hal' ha' vry ud i il ep, a reit- haunt tht boy s. Hale bcgac, urandat teuzebers' Scientin hdPili MakIes Chil-d Bright tîme a di gn gro morJict1li Tht pul, t rs Icane, lis gluta mi t acp, a em en C'wemicl 'ha yen ci bc aI tre crner rrîgstor if ~u hat a ic iipieî arethtbuidin Ilecil, t 7pettins rctd l~ a aie ip tea7 pint Tleipiprexelm pt affctsPnet-I eiiy inelgnce buqt pîroaite, thtl mcting et tIre Ame cri(a Pyciari etue,1child reupoi leg eteit othrs fir tt reamc t f iu Tht psîshuîtusmbl" tmcf lrisc, ba pad dit'hipeittes a noi.meil cr!etits(1 0 ac erti totutlid tht cnrfls t a bec C 54 stop tligh t cma.,te îrg ectr at A 1Ing, y(,. Timt or tt 1iî1xxik haîm spel.esrtni1arl rrbu tht Iliitlcli ami 46 ieTs s ginres rai, by 1i irci prîsiito fliph systm dcxtîntCd as parItfeit a prgrate ht a th hairds t fly- inginbing oîather ýdrtr piai Mietirimectt t4 itrnrt i blaýck teotp)riits gbic tdcoee ycsl weefilitrd ,-lxîl ,of Ilove aîîd tha enere Fanc in 194 n t ac-I wek oe peuatd ht h word dabe lce toiin ý,csat R. Groves i headed the then secret eus thratn botsert epos iTirri U-i anr There She io! deuof Hoojubaiia Japan, launcli this, h.mugc 15 Il- 12-foot kimt, robblthelarestin the world. Tliy adeit foir the re(umpion oYf kite fying contestqs ss- pended for tht 1)A Mitn Séars in japan. V<îght of the Cie and sa9icgte coutro it tals 1430 pounds, Se'e 850 sheets cf papai, 20 iranihen polenad fivegalloof Mink xere used ured Fas Museum Tht ai'Occi Ashiz byPrme Jse Craîkeîza 4,000,000 persons sa.idte brebren Use qick-ctîn,4oting, antiaeptic D D. 0. iripaor "lur vneback. Vour 4 (ruig8ia The msilon' ladei, Prïf. S. A oGLeudsîmIi t,' nowVe t Nrtbwesterui !nciv ersity-, lras aai x eof HolIlcci and î ias l'Il V l ctce ith may ot, flic Ej pansintsni hs Ar ;iifistli hr xxIas h scare ihen th Gemn altdit àfortohase Py Dcembr, 144,tt Aises ms Ince (the ission go't icte Gr macy t tliy foucd eut xL t he (3,C- macv faiit teirdri tht Nai leadeiswitbth ïll, iticg the topl brars lte hi gly - 'ce - pbicatedil Ihiysics 1(lctres wh Iich he cod net rînderstacd, Field MaIrîhal Iilm Kitelone1 reea petite note Saying hbe( yc tetaIlls, but rcail,.l, wasn', it i tte just then., Il( 'lt 1 *I 'A lie the11a1- 1', ally becam îuîcleDt(d itiyàput tht pîe rm sn chaîgeiet rne horr IlgoNai prît ['ior'scilctlsts. \ arens ctfcgups srn Despli te thir ItIl, ttGr mcsieist cuuca-1asue thelenerljSaff hatthlywtr s Cim, "tey ism.ild i a cc sens" d jpopgana. Cehat Pic ed, U pe cn meLsetspra t ioe tht rai1rasWiidbitton eacd R.C. d ugaci MG.lPeidentii et th Cad1r-iiî1Ntional Ra 'iac s thtttrillways are tt onjiY mcd i- mciiibnh ea _dotire jobc;lîIther dit~ sically or at sch low cost tistts t picture1that ix w or- 1,i1g-ttîrics sastt id et lnre in t I94 ptl1u 9 o varice ittîn L1br Yii. e cît kitjnior reporiltrfoDaiv or ppe wiccbr ate contnuehrf ifin cari. hi w1 pote iîytaen 'cnt T erhTh tag o th Mrin era.csyceungsilrînpaly hm te h~ adyofThe G-iai t eeitincrmn