C-,LASSIFÎED ADVERTISING t~ ~ ~~~~~" 1- rX 7: e, ot useupa's Asr blc 1 1vt Vpri nS A '11dwork 50,Il 100 '1. il0 1,r fare 0ih hd o cc AIlENTS 'ANDT t-ILS, l C G 1, ScEi, ilCat ir eS , and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Y Ja'aot 10f aigl etc ei wanted~~~~ .rit boi err -tcs u Lmt ou tots F1l liO Itay 0 Coror t., Ha ilt , tt 91da [ilm p de i ery ou Il, to io ie p r br,3 Jd. W îe Lgorn, Riaiii I0t'n lit.s laite Rocs. ets H Npors 15bliu 'el'w. thît fya o ut, Nîehr Sasser'. ltl A1.t Il oris. Jrcy W blie Giurs t'kto W ile L YIoc X- BarctiRock, A1',tRi. 19 ie W~~~~~TPVI h hwk RoifortsLaoo Nwiup si' 1e X ý Ba, d Ro'k Ras' red tc A N 1 IlSus, 1\e Ilampabu c ]flb SX, ors I fotei -ock 1Ai iea Il two a-d i.te 1a 1 ja r i t grI atiy re d re Ioc Iu n anr Joit.~~~~~9 Aractlge wedeClkBt 3-eci Js -litd etu, Pu]u1aet o1 î lie, ts.1Ont. C T C Il e , I on l 6it 01as, h itts ,,lc e t ,dàr 'Il rhinite Ïin non sexedilL llets1, A l,- cnrk el Baveý ùie ll oltv bred focpo tdeir: riSte aWluiaLehrn, Wbt RocksýjD , IlnI,ght )JkAu ,r Whites, Rrreti.Rait 79 Witez Le:ou. St fo r spail prce l, Axlan. puilets lllii2 0i,1wek a iyng wdi tisîck Rtciterie. Ltmite , i-gu, Otr hit y IAS plek ,hut ba i orerd nW trortr Setey AtLEai aioba ATTENTION FARMERS 'Or SALE-Traclar, Tires, matideai utaber sutbefor boiI!anstalwhsl. 1f aiele aional RoiirCa ti.. 6 Wit. ,Iblire Ae.Tarante.O nt'l. aetvte 10 u Js is luesfl5., 190 Il-uia l art, Woodlu0-k M Onti.s C-IL-1J1VE SUPERS tulidept L$4.89gb WeiiauudPowertPraot CHENLLE StRAS $s inlor1.u .oth -dubi ih ur e îtou,îv ce 'tI StebrokeSt, ., ilnnial , Que.ý, îtninS nt eoai oar tule v .,caps 5oed nt saîrpooetto elueo. riet Pf04 Runt S1 *Ota', wa. FOR SALE 1 5-,0 acePl '. 1IÎTLt18 o.8 PRATOER 0, AILlhRulevernupp)Os li ChatiantR-R4,o."0 'WeldautlfOutarta tiretbots nti 1mb soati.somashinnîn T'cntrc C.Lt.. W Ikat.... Ontanspin. n p o cquunu. on t. lsiAbi tri 2 CO MI-Re baeI14 11,il e barvaster, for lay w areetyrr om a, l t itshs Imsdn eatieli Black. W i ra ubt Hili PofRugQe.,Fec,(okhrQe maltrase $24 8 anWrite Fordreccataogue Italordr FonitC Waetoue. 179 Iwcle&- menu Streat. Toroutadise. humlite oq 2 NW pneboos 1 aît 5 tct 8,.0 dienios. Abl 'eiîh ooel w . Qe Tcatoran Rub . Comats st1.Itlt- tf Aious ha iýiit sc g eba- Sc. icnyequ rsîun aTiesare arNTs aIRE ctner cnittin, $n- YorkSta . HaitonW Otere. 10..Bel -Itel grve ealseipn at wr ise sa- ForbSrouser C -ottgs s , ei tOsSa-d tion. Aéan>hoT. R, Crawford, oStinusg Outtr asi olatî,,Rde rle Torontol. for vlcai iug Te.urk antiwa rtnsTrartorr Tire. BACONTIR cone racks.a anti Tit Sf s * nhami Otn.Ot Watchmakers Attention crysais stt Dpet. Write es pris let DlrtonCoa>', DentI. ',t Sssx ouno -II P WvNTE( CANES)TERFIsEdLDt SblIcorfo Ban anti istref HaifSUnit unth nu.lFs' guraict. rTor tr ic.J iîat Secraai",fItoceanIIslal BIard. BtackeOI $ t i49.00 $! 9.00 1 itiere Pecinti Suite -- tunesu cuatans taverati ah ovsr stitb tutus qualit>' velour. 2 place ntodert~ suites, Balinon utoitair. Ifosutifui 2 piara Lastsau Suite Fîneet 2 ntece Cherles 0f Loo- don suifes. otiter titstetanttng vaines SAVE AS, MUCH.AS $100.00 S. J, TODD & SONS, 745 WOOD-BINE AVE.(ea, TORONTO, rYSene GRVERTt4345 iC- Pnstnait $t.wiAn 3017, ( Pia At -, tnfitl OrofSb'etso. OOd wage Aluni s succ, Z3 eisn. avl grduaea. Amrc' retu ytet. Illuspt rteti ai, oas r rt rC A 4 iea fret ttw POMPERTOMAIL ERVICE AN FFR t eER Pnen-ICEt ilea "7 a i'!,treet, Ol aa. PAbTENTS ST- NPEIDO SRVIC j iEO S. D o ou tisis sepet 1i an. Sle. i pS-tos nas nomto 8 Raghan. Dun1a1,n riilSt iriaf rped 4lu, Rpens eleaiOnpao S Dond Isi ar it .1n tat 1 ttar Soapsiiot Serv cl Hill",E RO S WANTED) WANTED-AIIkinclli rset alty o lace ortp bles oehCoe mttt ï'oultt y Dn 04Danrfoetb Av.Tr$ LOGS REQUIRED Welder' for Farma4 1iin , Unt tteuit caîl ]le m)ozilnt' cd o tramptr in tmwo miîîiuts, cen be- tI.e;d a tadbucagr-cbatr !S u 032 \tils. I, an v 'J iiI -fin IP> T cofIas oid dis:coiîiîîgsiirsan basiiut lin a t(--is d ippin,1 drape And 15 ather Drizes ai $5, CONTEST I - Whch ielescz ihcouteci? WMON àFLY PADS AUE DiATS TO FUIS ?W81 WILOW PADIS14 DEATN TO FLIS Tho i; tri sîluee.o,,ect * sdia-1 rws ihl il C*Çelii# cossJ '23, 1047, Wisim caes '%lSbk psblished le A.quît,. snd Y,a ceseQfbeg wtýhz R4t5'Ac, lbel, o, largeS fis ssy aI Ibis WILSON PRODUCTS bzlow le.- CONTEST 4,1 -WILS;ON FLY PAD CO oDepI 0 Ham.illon, oc& RDU49$ 1 lelrRIPeLLEN F LT 9403 50881TRI W 0 WLS ON 'S REPELLENT' Protecis yee fes mMoudS ias,1 IWITH THE RED WitE ÈýAND BWE T ARGEt ISSUE 27- 1947 people- tisc Ger. fue co To Plumb Ocean Depths- Prof AugstePiccrdfir-st sphere, wil try to, dèscend to a ettof 1,10feet in tue Gu1if of Guine(a oft e ýoat1of AfriCa. Hie vl go do\\n"1i'n lis bathymphere, a steel sphMee abo uatwo ardsin diameter ASth walls fâive ncises thick. [lis rsev i of bioyanit gas banging above tihe sphore. sAil Sports-lAid Dite Tidu; or Anotheri By FRANK. MANN HÏARRIS <"ASùbtCic) nickel kJind -if this isnt agoofy Oýld w'orld, at Ieast itwàlldo iitite reaî thig hos U. ormonths wehv ruptred uroe ad thAscdlid the, en1tire wvorks are due to 'oi os %Aîh a rush Theitawe heitWA annliounic",led that a uropean rmoe is paying Joe L.ouis thre hudre thouanddollarsta tWk sone bgec publc aexerils -nsush spots as FrancIapyand Spain Aï for ta, Lou i bothaetolIy and as an athietuncha e tisehest admiîation Ta. ee' l-i l ictiont 'we' have '.cngone Su far' g ast en somnee of ourowniey; -which, taý anyýbody ii tise Sports-wvriilig dodP, But wcn wehearof >oe0ling lite Britaibing asked ta utthe alieady siinpy rýatilons il'rdr, ht Stauîiog Frpasmyhavýemoet cat, thew iso lng juSt doCsnlt see to Add up. Mayb e iAshuld'thave- skipped S80:Mn atemloisco cse at 1ehool Rý,41 ,JIPO 11J f HO1UGHT1ON1N "bot so i shee .cfdJie. .oous rutitouI/ M1h bars flic îm pat'Jp aîty niiiinlciatssovryt nits tlidt'tif du Caîuz i 1aîî , îakugl is lL ttd-ror; 1tsnd t/lot t n(4 l/d be -toerctUt Parý! i11is1g oitl t îttsrîp ionri'iiîî8 'aîd b0crlia- totsIcL propoîil son*Dut 15 iBterestif yaung- itilseastint ing »and train4 gude s aisocx iwiid tif e lS Rtrc ion i ciutoeti wîc ate a s off 'in rsuu ce Ger- Tisev t, and it wifl iscens- gam~ il step, touriat atisar- Smoking Pieaslire 1 1