CLA$SIFIED ADVER OILS, GEAO1ESfiI' TIES- I HAV a ' gooctbuiness lcs. cloe lnch e i ap tnets, aens eoli ~ud lacsmie soItl l., ot house ud lucre iancn r t ntr ilae se anuruberIl -geO loaii>tî wih bsh.cred ro cmen or UfM vil arn OXL, vGRa:mShES., NewIREshir .u ecdes. -ke n0ric Fed 15.9ontrolles 18.95, PI 95.d Write rco Gre.9se &hOteLimhil c laoroAsrantoXWht 1 ELEV eghmisons toaents c95ýAs-i on - u !tlers wîhE'pots ue o Mlt Ir a 11pplance Lg on ulsa ,qnyw hre Csoa. Enquiri.5.00vped <nrm ruen 00W oC'iulsil uIIesy Copotion. Hto aî,rLo. Citoc'l I lçseriest, Guielp, n tamio.e colcnda14 0 , sole Ieo red1s ,a14 95.:, rouets17 53.cocherl 11.Oe ht c'oî N Iacct RoSl3acl Astaloo Wt Lt lec, lV~ic eaor sulei 2.0 A JoI A V h;eunadLgtPioslOTic pet, nd dd~5.0 pr Undti. Sh 7q e 9AI ()R F011 ALIt L, 1O -'10,0lacres , l ecd aL drîci 1,Soungor ad bcInl u tt lca.1 u1t J'-uscls Ontrîo the Sy l ai, tcs. .s. il. m es1 0 go ton. Il a le tL, achollud ga, kilet sot erly taxes 18.00. Nw il-, ,torl Iwel',nzgm ithbo,t anti olli tse; I3 plece hll, 1eil:tric lig't'; fil basmenti furace, etc ese 1 acres elalfnd '20 acresthe ba Thlfarnsbould lie seen to l;'eappreitd 3l .,ois&Co 1t. , EedDeer Alerl Il0R eSALE FLAGS ,ed6 fýot 1Illi, 5nJarkLa. Fat ds swn ott Toorntyo. m ATTENTION F1ARMERS« suIltable for botasg on cateel wlei. 11.1 esch, rear wilegl, .00 ùeacic, rontwleea W IIen rderiing state instrandiwdtio wkel.Natioonal Rubb-erCo. Ltii..6 WI sieAeTorontou, Ont. C HEN 1LLE SPREADS $4.89 dobeantid nlelesin 1 baltiful toOn. lovdeli l"]'"a " fîd. entC.O.. pu 1 b helrooke S,, WMntei18. Qu. COINCRETE MACHIN'ERY (AI Cu F. 1HantiorPo-e'oJrte L:,îer ciler ernnt r fed4 and 6 u.Ctfoteerv Street, a al'oronto, Onlari1. Electric Poweýr Plants unî. del or GogtiarfIIstion,,water 1umLin1 u rmaîl ptir oos ams iow. Writ fr etals 10 Sak ,St, ottsaa FOR MORE FISH KENNEDY-SMITH ADV. CO. Appi' J L. hiintRR7No.1-Fr, Ont. eesdtei ifle ua.Ftssadr sevl. ThI Iliargai 'uaelen teait for -wh IlstieylaIon s 10eesI I.lin; stesfor leeans75e par pIair. Rt [euIII Eppe Sportîna 11ooda, C lIn ntro OMAFLE syrn, 1947 top. Reasnl prtes wii an two nien. PrAetteationedcei Inuedatsdepvrt. Wrte ral:ami t. ONE OC1SUT acd oeCFrdTERS 94 1'OIZSALE oCtets ccrtifcate corset. onApvU; o Letsti cf ourse semonHospRealirensets G74piisStrua lebet.eon iîenas Y,' 1- i Rmunesalon eprietpusf gi!o Aintedn acesudunîor. platioun are fbeing rc enia'edn o Trek for ou res Togî nî Chîorkut., 67 Cloee tOnt.Trul FQiPDTIRE SH releaentsshapee. -CHESTERFIELD SUITES Ci-ilef id ùSuites absoluteli note 'full sprng fîllo1 ccnsFtruclitn. e-sers' si, 1e,,fînieal Mohair, Volour. Fr ise. Brocaittele. Silks. DamasSe sudt other fine bard wesriog uphoîsterino 1005111 HETERFIELD SUITES TUO 4(,100SE FR115! LE,. LDt71.lVt7t-tTO YOUR NRAREST STATION. TODD as been Il e tto Chestterfield suite tosir.oas !'or ?u yea"sandd s rocogrlizant ie the fratie s ecialîst and the mai osarlicular loyer LI tdlcsea o-u u ahprîces toc ',I7 1CHCtEP:,FIIELD SUIOTES. $119 GO t piece P lY veio Sns ifes ruantescucor ities avîtiia fin oulit noi s SAVE AS MUCH -AS $1Oa.00 Bus asoitîlynoema1-1iolurcs fatcr eh.rorl asple -suites direct Iront TODO.) S. J. TODD& SONS, 145 WODBINE AVE. (Reur), TORONTO. Plîî- , t0l'IZ 44131 II4Ri arS'iSt LEAUN liaitirosinli l Ct i1Y,,13Î Airil nîurm oio eua eauîi îoî Rt trtsoa 1taîriroaili Si-dois'. 1 ofs W cal Lorne. UnL WHY SUFFER APSTHRIý'1T1C 0011 118 VILaNi111r A T3S1-TO AIEL-Erýs' dERcro k 1 i.iaicPinlASorNOt5atii 110r', s1ta<a. f l paiiTh,1i FO T lMENTS;1', 1 4-CraFot il ffctvcy ouictiO cin RE E A HADRESAPSERV1F Grosi iipîinti Lear f1.î coirad PUINEo 30 Plcassl dîgilti irreasion.g c.r o laS lo Its W * 1010510ves STRnhsN4 RnST . SERICEO & 74 ItdeauSteet.AlTORONT WINGS PHT O NIESRVIC <Ios nti<nl ntomaioi stIre1;xS tii, ï,7IviBabI te. Olta Set.2u.1a7 Solcitrs. asiaih d quaeificions XXes lian al isori llets(Mi5t. ost, O . Sn! Thî 1bi, l". e s 0tiit TISING TEACHERS WANTEI> ed fior Sihool Ares 3No, . Ileai sn 10 îîd11,Her'ciiel Salary. $1150. oe Otilifcatons toFrank Hinsze, Sec. Tre, Mayuoob Staton. Ot. WANTED-Ai idE50f dressed pltr.ToP prît.e or top bird,. Josepu Cooper Lfl4e, Pau try Dnapt-.. 2054 Dan forth Av., ToroDte g.<,do custom ,gradilug). LOGS REQUI.RED WE ucaeIal.Bra Asii. Cherry an)d Basswoodgse,,Jladd on freigt 'care fer cash,. \Write particlarsto iBox f617. 3ec- peler. Ontarlo0. From '.A 'Cariadian" A gif t' ojf $160.000 wsmd anonyniously ytie lase LordBeni- ]ICtt thenew iildord atisdra wisiclis wiýllbat c a commem1uilorative cisapel to mark tie gratitude of the pcopleof Surrey for tie help of tise Caniadian f. orces dinig two wars. Whien it tasgiven ifuryc a aoas a cnrbto tovards the puirchase of theý cathedralýl site, i,, vwas announllc- cd mnel2y as froins Canaàdian." Thc Bislisopof Gidodnow mec- veals thatbte donation was iroin the (-m<rm Mnse f Cn ada wh i di nln o cr beo h is dah No Tea PryWt a Russian interpreter acting- as ilnter- mei ryyrsidenit VIiucent Auiriol of France and V M. Mol- otov, Soviet oeinMinlister, ejyauftr-unhencup o tea anId a Vjoke at a party given for Foreign Mnsesin Pri stc u-ngthitMarshall Plan 'for Etropean eostuton u the big metingwas o ta patyiten-ded in fiue S ars -And One Thinig or ,Another L-y FRANK MVANN HARkIS ___________________ <uA Sixhit Critîc'"> No dulî we'e siciiiniseb od mile,;c,î t nitrhrtia sua nîibcs ctfseeing inaction. Sil, w ha. btte se itatot l in l,! îî tha this stilate, nt Iomt I~ lîiîîgl Taîthl ' g i. in tu itot l -1iscb l îing Itî on i unheaîdo.lad pnacîcalyscnda(lo-us eroianceu dît î th "oIting t. a t ot cf. [o itmailge loh aceti ti amas dir ie- loties. Butclid1Tandbcg pt'(t1 p',i cnIa'p.p 1,; 'ers od co n c.ampi.. [t1st0ing biatanhoil o3aksi li-ifogttclle adntr beenin t17ydont ahtîttheotît oita pat? Dd le ten dc- c alti; i e ite m'f ttei rin h s lue nc1co1d 0an1b (t-aiufo4ahîto rn ttn l rnd anked il idnlt beithue I bad ilt'.ntheistl." HeC m-ty b a coning oraîon.Od ae ablesattoleh ot1 ' o bruling p01t e i v' 1 c o1Pý iQukkl Stop itching of inscet bitesheat rash, enta, hiv es, sîp l cie, scabics, atliicte s fono j0t antiotie eterlly caused skidatroulas,3 Ueu ic-tng, sootiing, antisertic D. I0. D. PE C lT oDN raees sane ti '-tops oryour aueoe ok. Vtif dmng5tc stocks D, jJ PRECRIPc YtiON tmblie ale isa, n li)mes îke tIsce suc(h cdiuou nd o"-o-dae îiet' &f aturissu liimculd crin gel anai aiing le aoneba ea beariiig on fairsý.Pl . Butcvcinue 10 tdo Sc, jus bcaseBrrnag f îbe United Sta'tes, anld afe, ninto tsI hotaitSccnrtesstili!mnag 1 swingfa )more wight iban secmis posibl. n[htmsegeos do tuss for lCe C îame rason, isat abadu of Cmîuuistscao exeti-ýcefar moe nfuecein cas'tain Unlions thian i<hir n numblmS X'1ui sens UntîtIe thens bl. bat c. AS ne receoit oce ,l t oceii t j, h'ýý"I lile." ) Il if* if- aI, B Iîglftîrcsa Plaroil1ug tt ioidfacd «l t ýii flic1 rcil a't vîbiIic tî-cU s tiîtkiîg of Oîîlc oftht pcula tiesof ise' gaeo' îeaný ' hls i tat ise more- plierfctIifspayd ts lsiîtm coneton, t;c rcreioef o player named Wcioîa (4o used 10 ro v.ans icotfbd maVy ca s o frte oronto apl Leafs. Jo prat;cllyet ny amesomtitieà-es se'.cra tiies i gnse-ýlý i'11otîd Ilgoff rnýnin catches is 'abord--n cd otinn f icucuous.lHe gtels Lans plcnty o titîb, adte ilc apln id is t cy mt-e "eliis liae s ho a ti( His tccmnîateipt nIny a ecret lsoikrfosteeotuîso rgor harv'cst, later f/ufi 4( radîlPri! -'-.5 tue -lîat 0f- f /ît' Mappinig Res3uned 1927 and interrpled by tis ewa, linof s,)me, 70 per1sonis 'oring un-1 de2r tise EtanIïsisGoci Iîu Tise expdéitinbs ah ls disposai tbe most oe[en fmp mainincbudïngtw Caanaly îng boats bouiglit in tbfe -United Sae 10 bep in th e buge tatsk of accuvavëb csîlig a copartitebysmllPfraction caf rougly sven cf cent. Atit is ce Sn 2 prcn ftt(al Canadian exors" whc cnitts 77 prcenit of licttlUitdS:e supplyt I O CIGRETTES WlTe fui er1 Presidclnt of Sankilýskt InutisComipanly;lMe h wiha solutioni of glue or- M E PARTY FAVO utimunog coffees îs BMa flouse. It sthinulaleu, cheers becýaUse iWs Rpu Roasted to deveIop extr PERS Fara~us Pre-W~ Quality SIIING TRIP ;A TU87E 0F - - ù. PIEPILS BLACK< FLIES and ofther jnsect pos# STOPS SUNBURN - AIDS NATURAL TAN Here's rmodern protecion against vicious black fies, mosquitoes aind other insect pesf s Rîsb a lithle TantoG Repellent Cream into thse skîn of face, neck, artis, etc. and you'I be free fromn annioyiDig insects for 6 to ï8 hours. Tatoo is thse iatest discovery of science. . a modern and ~ROUcT c ested formula . . .odouriess . easy to Ùsdand carry. A: your Green Cross. ISSUE 29-1947>
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