Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 17 Jul 1947, p. 5

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BOWMANVILLE LEGIO-N CARNIVAL PUBLIC SCHOO0L GROUNDS, BWAV{L Friday Night, Saturday Afternooni and E-vening J UL"Y 1& 19 BEAUTY CONTEST Bouth Nghts - pen te i any single or inarried -irl, will appear in b;athing suits; fully qualifiedjudges (Ladies in waiting, $25.00 each. GRAIND PRIZE -- $20000 SOAP BOX DERBY - $80 în Prizes See these boy-built, motorlesýs miniaturecasiihertilig c(Oorful races SATURDAY AýFTERNOO'N, 2.00 p.m. MO0ST BEAUTIF-UL CHIILD CONTEST O)pený to any boy or girl present uder years of ag-e. Tihme, Saturday, at 7.00 P.M. IPOPUJLARITY CONTEST Buy Legion tickets now, you have a chance te -win two mantel radios. Each ticket gives ýyen one vote in the popularity contest. COLD STORAGE SCIENTIFICALL Y REFRIGERATED $erman's Fur & Cloth Garments COT O MORE TO STORE WITH1 US Agent-RddlsBrbrho New Slervice Claners & Dyers Queen Street - - PORT HOPE RED &WHITE SOE Cuiban CRUSHED PINEAPPLE, 105 oz tins (unsweetened with Juice) ..... nl,1 ,49 Cut Mlixed FRUITS and ORANGE PEEL, pkig 12c CIICKEN IIADDIES ...... tin 33c MATCHES, "3 Large boxes... SFRESH DO! &Pr ASPARAGUS SOIJp, Ayl- mer,, 2 tins for 21c RED ROSE TEA BAGS, 60 bags for ....72e Kelloggs'sVarîety CEREAL, (6 differ-ent cereals)...28e Aylmer CANNED SPIN- ACH, in.......19e -< CHICKEN with RICE SOUP 2' tins for.......33e ORAýNGE and TANGERINE JUICE, in *......21c Lyon's BATAMIX, Yorkshire Puddîings, etc ....,.19C Dalton's SWEETENED PUDDINGS, 2 pkg-s ... 15e FLY TOX, containing D.D.T. large bottie for ....43e- 1...for 29e Ni-ne P'as-t Ris-ing YEAST 4 pkgs SHREDDED COCOANUT 4 ozs SWEET Poickles bottie 27c I Local News '-, an tis ilISY S onMtla, Toronto , iis vis.i in .i'""rz 1o~r Wl the irh of a so 1 Mr. andMrs. Strlckland, c Ln- Lyd, ormn don viite wil-friend ii OrnOToronto, on Tues l e soi ek-endi.ývu A large nuanher of townspoople ANNOLt attended the I'welfrh of July parade Tenotl in Port Hope last Saturdîay. wil~e ning Au Mi10and Mr;. Mac Moore, of onwul" y 24th, jr A manvlewrevsios twon 01 Mr. nd Mrs.Wm. ckOf Tor- poîe.î~i onowrevii 1rlt 1Sunday It thei -- homie of Mr. an z. R. di11 rown pare'(L, ýMriadMr.Cl.%ls Miss Lenore yWood, 0OshawisUý luron and ivicnitýythis 'week,.R 5fr. ands. Mil ton Cornish, of Fenelon Feus, spent the -wek-end! THE famly area~ay oraucouple Air weeks' oias Mon AmbentHaris is menyingaa hé dutis at "Goodyear"'in Bow- TurF Mi ad% Mis, IG.E. Ppot, of Win- Make a niîpeg, Wnd0prandMis. WV. J. Phil- 1Denis palot, ofTorconto, istes on Sundayl Morganl . Rdei speT LTu-eslàay ast v is it in1g with MYrs, J, fH. !Leslie in etîor Meoia ar nWensdy'Aug. a 20'th.SELECTE Mastr Mrril Brwn f "ýrowV- view Far m',Kuvnispndg some holidays aý t he homre of bis Str gîamdpaîents, l W. and Mrbn J. D Brown. "UI A n erof m er'of Orono M4asonic Lojdge w rinToronto onAde Wednesdlay last attendi-nigGradWILD Bli Lodge ýConvenion big held bn that asRE City.1 Mes.srs. . A. Forrster and son! John, DPr. W. W.SheinGrant Sav- "A I age snd Donald Shefwin, spei-t over the- week-end visiting, et Gedar Har- bou., L eSimcocýe. OL 5fr, R .Logan ha1ýs puchsedth Clarke Tonship uiling on 3ainOO Streeo rono ï and exp'-ec--et to mve bi isopthrere hy te (end o, f1Juiy. Mo'1n,'IT .The top part 'ilse mude over into July 2 adwelling. si o csih cil s, 1A. C'uv[is d The Epic that MiDs. Deve wonereMs. owaid Coile, Word frU cf Na p o , I s. F a k Col,e, cý1the Sire Torouto, and for the week-end, Mrs. Ale Lev'O Buce , fSutoni, end Mr. and LA UD» Mrbn Wm. Buckey, of Peteboro.Bin irs. RoSssiter, of-'l'Ud Il*ding2ton, ' DONLEVY Mich, and Virs. Wrk,. cf K Jitchoenr are viitng their brother, mnir L Wasnand_ Mrs. W_'atsn; also ,itih TWO telatter is M.Wto' o-m Mr. adMis. -lhrs,SofSpring- a iL fild, as.,ivrecales n ro'no onI FOX L~ Wednsda. M. GlchistwaS orn in Oonoandit ws b s f riit Cartoon li iaktn hshm tw ufity-nineSî years, He found ëa great in ny chan ________ ges hmie WV. M.Riddell btikets 1o n a for the L~.F xuso to Rocli- one can take in the pisnic. Tckets, jAdus"Io00pIlus,;chdr, $10 ls15. tax.Boat eaesCo-i M1 jbourg at 7.45 a.în. retrning at 7.30 The Oddfeilowýs o Drbm is tricit No. 42, 'i od afmosteric.- nic ii L th OrooMe:morial 1Park on MAonday, Septeniher lst (Labor Day). Reserve this dc ate for aïa e-o gethnec- ofthe fo-ur Lodýges and Rée- 1bekahLogs n friends of our dis- SUNDAY The drive for funds te 'Buy Br-ick<sp 10 for tire BwHacîieMmrilRsi iplia, is comning along ncely.Tmoa ra1tuat date, $4129,Q00.C assr are om, anid if not caHled on yet, you "4The Unj ïil Hab soon. Kuindly have your do- nation ready. $1,000 istbojeie for Orolio, CaPn we do it "? Muceh satisfaction was exprassad over itha open air Zband recital and iworshiLI serviece at the park lasmt Sab- n. ha- Good-1 be' bleld lis wek, Q ' 1il Phone 9 r 7 1, iS lime Jack ÏYAKEE"e ED SHORTS ay, July 19 TEPS OUT, Attractionr LL ELLIOTT RYDER, in FORNIA iRUSH Pies., We 21, 22, 23 BENI Lia FITZGEI1 YEARLI Orni i lb.. 20 lh~ 1 ýý >1 ..pinit 43 r 1- We have a nice dslyof WahDresses, îla Print, ChamrayGintghamand Seersuecker, sizes 14 to A2, priced ...-$3.50 ite $9! SiIk jersey, in plain aild filowý3ered, n1ewest styles, sizes 13 te 44 piriced from ..... ... $15.00 te 1 Ail WolBlazzers, in red anid avy,sie 14 te 18, pricKl ...........----.....$ thing PARK ST. UNITED CHURCU Revred A. EEustace M ini stûr Y, JTULY 2êth home: just Stq Order I ........-. RICE JUICE....48o E FLOUR... .2 1 wCanadian ih.

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