Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jul 1947, p. 3

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FI IAEafw gn uma lco storehInd n îh, aa-rtente A odîrl un 1 C. ln. L tE1s1It rkr Ireos A lUSNESo tyortwnfr nî $4 Box 146. 7 Adela de W.,t-ornto O MLS, REASE, TIRES, DYBGAI) CICItS ilh ie r sao3 5.9, puDr-l. , cok pulle oo') Ote i. ohrei 39. hr horoWhîleLeghe n GXBced ok lc Chiclct, Gueiph Onîai, ;III 10' TOC want Sptembe chîck, teMtol pou SALE AIRFORCE SA-LE Slow RCAO' Lathecr dresa ot 0.5 Înw)$. 5,Bank ts-3.9 riefor Thrifty Sport Shop, 129 Church St., Toronto.-- ATTENTION A ER l'oR SAX.E-Traetor TIres. mails of rubbee, ovuîtablefrboting on steel whels, $19,0 isacls. eai' wheela; $7,50 eaich, front wle eis. Wnen orclerng tate diameter and wldtb 0f wbeel. National Rlubbev Co. Ltd. *6 VWllt. sbire Ave-, 1oronto, Ont, cooiitn.40 I.Reasonable. Aso ank haro 0 x1 0 , Ma. -Stif, Tavialoclr. CONCRETE MACHINERY 11% Cil. !'t.HnicorPoe-ertd ier -idleal 'for nmll mixine jobis 0on tle tr etîercenet r feI. . andl 6 ru. fi. Power "'N ixerm. jHand-tamped PBlock Machines ifor the fohis -oI, use. Imm1ediate deiver.1t- lufe-.OkrIndutiesLhied D9 AY Street. TOrontO. ntario L CLEýTRýACcatersillar tractorluitb 8 f t.bull doze. hyraule liI. Aply eo:. Pol- lar, BustlsOntPhono 665r r13" Ahrde oAgu-4 ,nt,11. ouha0 'm00. egso Farmn R.N.",Ws FLAGS ALL Size1Uion Jacks oýr Cnda tsgs seu oil bntri.Secial ofeigon 4 '/ ail 6 ot iUnioat de n -mt- TIRES 60x 16 - We arle ostcse i the jie ot0fgýoo t' tsei traýde-In tÀres(ua3 te to be ln el- -olent 7shape). Al orders sEhîppeil C.O.D. S0pellolpnt for1vIlcan.ilngTrurk andl FarnTractoIl 'Tires. B EA.,cO( N 1TiRE 'corner Qgnand ToiiSte. * ilallon. j"Ont. ONTAIO'S MOST OEI EQ1PDTIRE HO DarsWantedi YARMIS FORUAL hrm ouse, 9 roota bad f4soft wattr. in sm at a"', haro. 30 x 70 gey 1ahieshd.hin bouse and garage. Trac-tr -ut, eIl iithorwitutstok audime- -we.Iruford' n.., .4 phone 71. IURNITURE -CHESTER FIELD SUITES Chlcsterfield Suliteýîs bso te!' newv . fuIl"prînq; fildcons'truction. evers et l. inesî Moh'air. Vely' Fire. BrcatiL e. lk , Dame ýaka 'al r'. »00 NEW CIEST'jER 1lfIEl) SUITES TO# Y PlS9 )ROM! FRERDELIEWYTO TOUR 2NRARES'T S TATION. TODD -1s bo h betril uite hosbneos,, for 0 eas dlareogi ant lhetr- as peo- itad h moIparticular bte Li td tlw rea few of ou, cshpl1êea for !<JuAATV UCHESTERF!-,'ILD SUITES $119iece P-, lo lSle - fnet $ 149.00 Ipiece rmodem s uites.Bllo $119.00 BatflIoec aenSie $1 19m0 iet2pgaCalso o donsut. Mayothorotteinfoue '-à AVE AS MUCH. AS $100.00 shwoo ample tsuites direct fonTOLDD1 S. J. TODD & SONS, 745 WOODBINE AVE. (Rear-),1 TORONTO. e1"meaeGOI 4311 H Inf 1m-at1n n re. es a ri bornse, Rttnosfiidesng A-dîy.17At nue RDuneTcoon, "P. cetç, Lorne. Ontmothe ï Caefot 1Sidl, t. gediet Dut'oiiie 'u Iltun~os rug utore 33.î Rlg mOttawa a fera p;I l'onas minJ:rlef On e s lnha FI-tI l 2125Cn a Tue Qinipl ngeenta Neuciîs, iors oDfa Sure.s for iScin. Ils idre l A ogue frea rite oreCaî 211, B 4 RIdtl eu Sireet Oitw 4PATIENTS FETSERSONAGH &ComanyPatent Soliitor Ratbliseft 89014 RngWest. T'C t lol klel of inomatonon requesi OV'ICSL SfcM b fistorb\h R.A. Jeffery i,,cluding Al, echup, ntDollar. Mrite: "Ru, :i!strcl Asoiai, Folyet,: ont: NUvA Phoo ecïireoffrsyou thse lateet iir oi 'I, fmînmu. lne dnloped and ont.ecbe catt rintof ccsnegative coin plet1,2n inapbo >!alum30'. Reprints 4c. Foc httereualty ad fater ersonal servIce aendpourfils toNu ap PotoService. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Ti hlg. ceAsie tu'diodots oual1,worlr AT LOWE1R PRICES O nt ce, tour ims. Senl th4c. Stana r 1oapsho Sri ce.fpitY t o. r 8lExposure IIE EOIEDan llfNllcfo mae rcm rîta0fbt negativeau, -WIG'SPHOO SrVICE 2 J," TotoncO , PROTEShANT teaher.waîîtd for 55ano. Ralan. heg$n5Sent. Sd. $947 ApyttiaSalan2, anilouAlific ttn Dtai f onie da to. Se.F r eas.k Ple. r Rad., Onri o.ý,-; ýito , O i WAN FED tifAfiRD-AIIkîn1ds OC OroseIý--l purrTo. ps-lcci for top isrds. .ioepb oprLmhi Pmsotr~Dett *2054 Daittortls Ave-.. Torosnt LOOS REQUIRED WR arcaseStple. irchl, A.11, Cerand D)AIRY BUSINESS WANTED Wha bae su t oferW, ha-e a buys-ei aluon a>'loalt>' will ha3 suIitable Thie rnmpsoy will ptmrcbaee aisealteiuk tvls. Pica p $5.00. a117l, Classfed A vrtisin Induans Purchase B3ritish Bu3tsinessens British bhtîsiîC',mi tndertaki)lgs ini deals ius-tohxing somje £ 20,01)(O0 ($8q0.OOOOO) du-ii hapast 12 ,montbs, aorlig10tmlc States- Malîy such tascils werC conîipleted before Septemiser- 19> 1946.Buyacyof (ha Calcutta stock mlarket before lasî AugustL wvas an imlportant factor suid itere -%as a mad seranlbla by indianis (o acquire ani iilntees t nina S ian y Vri(ishý -iîrs as possible. ()nil, the h bod, svra arge anud influerîial Btsîr commer- cial i "udrakings in Calcutta aMd elsewherc have renîained comi- plcely unMOvd by'ail tese changes and arc knorvn ta have rcjmetd offers of purchase from) Iîsdian intaretsswih on shIlort terni rcoigw'lea Cary ta(a- TrtUe Story I , t 7îa; IteIsu i ~,. Yhttîg bue Yom*,îihu ft/! Watch Ont Whlen The hîghcrttemiperaturlegos anid the Iore humid it bcom, le S Ilele o w o aloucan do.i- jis' ai mee alero comforat, as soC 1man 1, peopl11e imagine. CIt intjuet aj quIestion of forgLettinig abolat!the It ls a albter of(n iCat hvlt tise body, w ii stad wthou a noraor less sarlous colaps>isays Ilhe iaca youir bo% ill do the 1best it c,. fo yu y ooin out 1oiffby pell 1)irat[io1- egins to dlinetou ad \ourin r n i gl Holw much het can la fainstn aîîd ba effic:ieîît nis wiý,ork? IHow much woîkcaîs]ha do under certain coîdtoîsofhat aîsd cio-îhLAiàg ? TI United States army, wihMa1 intest i(letropicalsiaîdgof Gt tha Paifie waîited t0 kiowth tests 1lo t is hecpointi war undertiel Iby iteattortisof thesu "!Medit col of titelndiaîîa Six Homr stretichSafe Tisv dsco'erd hat ;a man ili >ii ! îs li te uvae toif-a tropic'a loos nec Jandliht porotss mlater- ials -could vw ork in -t, praur oi~~( 91dg-sfra ix bouc nstretich discoîsîfont Theiu rk as not ha.The ts ivve w'ikinlg as a 37-, mile anl Ï1,our gai p I k prcn grade re Ils. Sfiies ait w Ite wa al uiow-ed 11cnpenst e iforI-lose JLt was ico05,ereld Ibat (ha group, ctîîiii, tîtîtlil ho, dy tmeane rose)o lie daiger point. Peyonild th'at jhat potrtonwas ïisilsent.CI Stout Men and Thin a vital e nnmîtin theamuto efor isat uis I ouldstand Iunder liet conditions'. Desdin sockIs, siosand s aotsaoît,rnen could stan tepteshat we-rc dans- gerous (o mets;ilin roîïci niforme. Ifý is ot difficulit to figure 1how dnrosil could ha]te imets uln C(ighî violias nd ie Famlîaitywith haut inatherI factor.Sose 80 percent of oUSe- w,, 1o1 succm ved re from -,tite norîherîs -iipart of)isleUntd tas wlsere they eu t11c0nf txe io higb teperaýlturesz. Stounmii w ere e x u0. tlnerabtI)C le anti. Huîmidity keal Danger nidity A$ îot jus an adicm for-t, il is a ra danger. The hd wH iisand reasoîsbluefot inî temp- craureup o 103 dgresifdh bniîdîty is lowv. But if il is ligi potcntialiy dngrousl. If the eataris Imugýgy, ie Dia't knock off and go gpofng, jus r1elalx, If you hve 1been wr inig in a bath omprpiainandA perspiration uden Stops, s'top wiîî l, nissyou can tiink of a goo rason fo.rtise change. IL is )latterîto waste youar wItî îne than wat, e adco'.Ilacao hba t- e îploy cd than in lookýing after someoIe w-onoghit to ko enouagh not 0 tkechtances w 'ith bmidhy, 1ause '!pors jgthe- rout be avof l1Wi ha cdSeýa, anid baîýc til throgh Rob thev esîeu onra i Aýs thea în- are w1ita% ,(h Natona Legueho'a 1respectal margul. ore lnao that, they Itave bninaconitendiîslg 1position îe Sirnc1the stau i f thlie'sua soni; and i Rhiso-~ha îot onaly usada g(od on aIl tcst w aF prditd of htmpbut as is bcoa hagre(atcst (dra\-- j Tushob fomanartsi antd a col]dus't ha sitîing înîîch eteri \h11ad proîai y r(te1n (li scip, ]n smcto o otheri,-; I us lwat .Le uoc'erspi- laI feligsmust haas a> ) ýttches Jiuoloov ees pitting! us ino m/td of Peril Coîîîtvse/tit te sere akid. j inlt/;ebasebali it caolaorsn-.tîce, fliun ýiîbas, ban îd all /tfora- U/eîa/a s sca s g f ic dianîtutît jutashape T/hanîiflie fa/thIfMe if, cier mt o f ba /rst fluAi tossed Tishcseofthtrace mare runuîînilg --and w inn-unider (ha name oý-f ibrsister is stiii far fronsbcn -ij1satifconily etle. The cceýs are eyer il l(ha. Otir turf sol(-nïs, m il, ar]C aa L-t-t nto thencseIv es, pl Itaed -no trais and olle ow'ner but on'tdo it aguain" verdiC. The 0W neris oftsf (hastecd1s ihrail secon1d, third anld furth (o WILL GI[ýVT will hý akalencire of. receîv-- îl ing (ha poriont of the pure (at NE WDAT ONTHE PROBl- L F HiR RAISING Id/y sc 1lil /le dvrtsig o/ilms of a da)n "a;) o i'he cay ta !oFort Eri, tts'l-k;îozt'îTurf dviser (hî't/r ayotî> '-s l îrd fo a-eît or/ soine Sici7c lt/tsf ims ca uuau's hair jrows f seru suýmuîCr t/icn in sen fer, D(- o7i e iar'i?""To w/tic/i pl/fed, «Ail I k; >i îs il ait uot/iiîgn t/li'wdii/I ni;( a/ce a guy'.f h4a1cr siroseS f ebcfnig s/tvt/te P rice. Firt ea 1 f or football tal-lt (o s'-- por t for1(aîn!)in g 11as a 1read(I vg ona C out andi befo-rce ])0Dog Duys ýa - properhy1% seýt in, no)o htwe hhb hv-ingyre- seasiniexhibitinS, (otee fow'ed byl cague gnse s, w'îilipl ay offs and post'-play o/l ns 1suing qright up ( hiîna rIllte customercs Of (course it isu'( anyv of our par- tiuh a r 1bu1tsin c ýs anid--as y0ou arc prhbysuying f'omouslf-if w'e d.ntlike ,il w'vc almse ha-t'a (ha priilgeofsa' ngawýay.. But we Stijl can't ;wp ifeelinlg tha't an Aîh)- letic Cmisinrnight (1ow'sa for lïoc banetie),of sport iM enrl ffhan 10 appor-tiont(h a y&r into defintç sgmeuts sd tell. fpr ini- stance, h' footb ll oiot (o slop (1,ao xrinoIokys eroy- and 'c ~es~-- t/t ei~r greea we rather o rcported by suut;oler cot cent/y, t/te y îuaîîagiuîg fi t/te bac/t se. sa t/ta new / /ie ci~it i~ I nifuffe 1~1 t Af fcr asscuctcr - places .i'o f/îcf I eau Then possib/y feeling expianation rcas 10 0. 5tm170u see, f/t cre'// be t/îunîbinq a cou/ste o ia single produc4, =wmmzULAWmI= Ue Baby Binoculi made aire the- anid arec il b)iloculars S>11 xsprts-,And Onie Thhing or Another Ly FRANK MANN UIARRIS ("'A Sixbit Critic">

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