Our prices are is of the best at the Times office orrester, Publish-er lis side o le orer aedy, news and sot hi their (cars. eto ,i carsas, a ie entertubamecnt if tbe le cutomuarynesit the prolbiem of t the sma andieariy ~ nti 'lch Ci ad et wos miac, i sinali makes e some super- a aîso. d, anti comes a c- p anti r e -e ng asu-LÀ r of Wluatyou get ray to the wr alna understaad- aay wový hy en- 1 c i-,aity" l e- t .pro~ oece C *the storiýes of orted freir, vu-, oth erti City ruals )n Most peopie he wiord '1gh' - round or mn nr a gooda paanehib'ition game w- ith .the OCoo oy' niiget teamn-. Th- boys huare Chaleged tlie girlsputo tis gaîmýe 50let, uýs alil be on 3hanti-to see wchis the better teamn, On iTlisday eýf last week the Orono girIs softbaUl tainwere defetetiat te bandacf te Cour- Thce gis, hy the ce score to 12 te MnerSta!1 n Pyaehaspike lis lNStr sftlbll eainto epre- senit Durlhai County -at the Juinior Famr'Field Day to be heliiat Belleville ,on rLtuesdaty, Juljy 29tlh. The( vn-upxii bie -as follo)Ws :Promn Coutic, J MenightJ. Antel arnd A. Taylor; froinN cst, L. Fow- 1er antiEB. Ajl(ln;from Neýýwtonville, E. Jo 'n antiCG.joncs. Any '-sup- porer wiox~ish to acconpan,11y the t ua")t Belleville, are requested to get in tou'ch xVît'h Stan Pr yne me diatey an tranporttionwill b arranged, if possibl e. On Tliusday evening of Mlstwee th-e Orono fotal ean fureydto Zie- MVopuy thut teai in a schedledi gan ýe. Mter sîxty inutes of play tie rootanfut teinselves the ctor, winnig by thescore of 3 to 0. On WVedrestiay evening lost the Orollo fotb'allteain playeti against Souna at Orono Park. Nether tean couti secure a vin, the score standing at nhe idof the gaine one Ail.This aniae noýwholdingteir ow iih th est tin atelea1gue. A benflit f-cootball gatue AUl be plati atOono Park o1i Friday,. g August stbetwý,een iZion anti Orno. This is a postponedl gaine. Th e en- tir gate receipt wil b trnetiover cKNox'sI Furs See Them Before You Weur Them lloney Qu0alit y Chas. R. KnoxK ORON O - Pee64 r 2 .S.Flrt n hne xvM be )r sale Sut. 26th at Fur Farmn N(O CoUPOSIN ETE DD C Th* eautifui PORT HOPE WVed.1, Thur., July 23-24 "Laie George Apley'! "T11HE (CHASE" (-Adillt) 8.ý20 Only Fn.& St,,July 25-26 1o e aZion p1ayer, stuiniton, who brok cý leg hia a previous gasne. The gaine sGheuiled btwcnOronro dn1d Haitolt thle latterý placýe forý S~u4yevening, July 2(th, lias beeni ipo'Si(,l pndUnitil Monday eveadng, J1 uly BIRTHS Grant and Judy Tai,ýnil'ynar proud to aninoun3ce the birthi of their baby brother, William Br',yan, at Bowman- ville Hospital, on July 10, 1947. CA-%RD 0F THANKS Berthja M. J. an wishes to ex- ireas te lier many fr-ientis and relu- ives clierdatelt thanks and appre- ýition for nct.s of kdindniess, messages tributes ext,ýende-d to her in lier r-ecent sajd beý-reavem-enit ini the d'eathi of her faýther2, also thliing Dr. A. F. Me- Kenzie for lis unitirin'g efrs IN MEMORLAM 11OSK1N 1- Iailovin'g emor of a diear hsad A. L. 11oskin, \vwho diei July 3th, 1944. Time take(s away thie etige of g-rief BuLt timie turils ba'ck every leaif. -Ever rnebrt by Wif e. Fashinhws at tlie Caniiadiaýn Na- tional Exhibition will solgtfalI clotlles *eiudaad imatie iy cana- dians anid preksenited ion thernaay )y Caainmodels. -AUCTION SAL E The une hgeilas received MR. J. A.ARTMOUR to s'el! by public auction, at Lot 21, Con. 6, Clarke Township 1 Coni. iortli ofOronlo, 1/2 mnile eaist THURSDAY, JULY 24th thlefooin Farin Stock, Impie- menits, etc.: Bayv Clytide 'Mare,. 8 y earis 0oki, 16 00 lhsý.; Bay cy.ld'e 'Ge<ingi-ý 8 years old, 15100 ilJs.; GeyPercheron Geldlng, 6yars oltiC 40ls Cattie0lbs BMue Cew, 5 years, caîf ut foot; Bine Ccv, -1 years, caîf at foot; Redi Du mCo,6y earis, c-aîf ut foot;0 Brirdle Cow, 8 yearcç .aîf ut foot Hoist0ein 'Cow, G) yeurs, due tui-e of. StokerCatie 3Durlia'il Steers,' SO00 Fls. eah;7 urýa-mCavs 2 DurhamHeifrs,300 l.eacbi; Fa-t Co;2Durham S"-teers, î600 lbs, euch. swino 7 hot,7351lIs. eîuci: So-w, breti JTune lst; Sow, breti Junie 28thii :og, 18, monith1s old. Set o-f Team IIrna;set of - -Ie Machinery M1.Biier, 7-ft. cut, No. 16, Mowr, -f. ctgood; Ke lils M-11. Day Rake, 10-ft., good LiRy1 Rack: M-11. 1 3-tooth ýCultivatLoù; Steel he Trucks, gooti; M.-H. Sýeeti Drill, 1 1-bhoe; eaa- No. 12 Creaiin Separator; M-{ No. 21 Sin- gle Plow; M.-Hf. Twdn Plow1(m; Cutter; Buggy; 3scinDuodHarro-ws;' Set of Seules, and other articles. Remarks: Asý Mr. Armour i s la 1poor healtli ev-erytlling aniust -be sold. Note timo of sale, 7.00 p.m. sharp. TERMIS CASH1 Positbvely No Reserve A. E. Mrforton Jack Reid Clerk Auictioneer ORONO TIMES Wi7-th Elizabeth Taylor VVANT ADS and George Murphy "DON COYOTE"ý SELL, (Color)BUY M-on. toa Wed. July 28-30 RENT THE YEARLING" HR With Gregory Peck, Jane FIND WyVmarn und Caaudo i- NTvI rV Phone 9r1 to-day! hina- L LOSED i'D e losed from August st llth, both days inclusive. ýmpiance with the Goveru- Classified The JuIy meethlg of the E,,eninlg Auxiliary will bu held TliursdaIýy e!veaing, July 24th, at 8 o'clocýk, in the park. Mris. Eustace wlbe Ith e speaker. Sh.oulci the weather be un- suitaqble,ý the meetingl will ýbe ia th e Sunday Scliool ioom. WANTED ARl types of Live Poultry a.nd Feathers. Top prices5 paid. M. Flett, Bethany, R. R. 1, Phione 7 r 13. 30-P. STRAYED Onto the premises of Mr. Charles Stapfleton, Lot 29, 'Concesion 6, Clarke Townsip, bu three weeks,ý ao, one young caln]f, O'wner many have samue by ýpioving- property and payiag expeases. a-7- p. LOST On SturayJuly l9th, een Brooks Gavan's and EeetCaini's, one Pathfiader Tire, 3 0 x3/. Re- ýrard, Fred Pýartuer, Tyvrone, Plione 2328.a--p Lot '7,4 Thip, on STRAYED the premuises of N. L. Patton, ýConcession i8, CareTown- ior about the mriddle of June, two 2-year-olt ichifers, anti three' yearlings, colors r eds, black and gr'eys. Aniyone' knowin'g of their whýereabkouts kinidly notify N. L. Pat- toni, p'ioïne Ono, 16 r 5. c-27-p. Trenders for thec wiriîng o'f Kirby School S. S,. No. 14, will be r-,eceivýeti Up to Augu.st 1st, 19417. Thie higliest or anytenetrot necessarily accept- eti. For. specification of bileuerint aply te, Wýilim Cochirane, Orono, Ontarlo.a-27-p. Bray Pntcery bas plenty startetd chickýs immediat-e delivery7, especially 3---6week joullets. Tbiink %,hat these wille earninig in a few mion- ts!T'hey al1so have daýyoids.An if you wYnt Ags-e,.chicks, or- der n-v.Agea'1t Jc udson, Oronlo.. FOR SALE paîniiteti. Phne 19 16ý(, Oroio. !Il Used Cars I '41 BUTICK Convertiblýe, Radio, ile-ater-,new vtop. '41 PLYM3OUTH SEDAN Heate, Dfefroýsters '41 PONTLAC COACII Only 30,060 miles '41 PACKARD SEDAN 6-cyliader, over 20 miles per '40 PLYMOTII COACHI South Wiad fHeatér '40 CHRYSLER SEDAN Heaiter, Defrosters 69 Concession St. BOWMAINVILLE Free Estimates will be Given Cheerfully on Roc1i Wool Home Insulation By Blower Syg;em,ý Four iches thick, GILPIN &Co. Insulation Coaitractors, 57 Bloor St. West, Togroato District Represontative for Durh1-am -Couaty GEORGE WADDELL Phono 23 v 22 - BE THANY Radio SJervice!e TL44 combination of epreccom- plete data on al ial aep, an modem tweç*u!pMent vil ensure PROPT.REAONALEAND EXPERT REPAIRS cal R. L. MeYLES Professional Directory MEICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHTYSICIAN and SURGEON Office.Hors: 2.00 to 4.'00 p.mý.; 6.30 to 8.00 p,u.. Sundays and Wednesdays hy appoifiltment 0111Y PHONE 47r1 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office 688 Home 553 W. WARDi BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones: Office 825 Residence 409 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. VETERJNARY DR. W."W. STIERWIN VETERINARY ,SURGEON Office Main St. Orone Phone 63 r 7, Orono J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty,, Automobile and Liability ORONO ONTARIO TOUR MANUFACTIJRERS LIFE REPRESENTATIVE will gladly assist in plannlnW financial security for yourEelf and your family. DANE FOUND Phone 8r1 ORONO, Monuments The RUTTER GRANITR COMPANY Phoneo'501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ortario Mopnuments, Gravemarkerm. E.ngraving, Goldleafin-g AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON' Auctioneer and Valuator Coaducts Auction Sales of ail aimes and at'reasonable rates Commuaicate with him at P-wt Perry, Onltario, or see hi. Clerk, A. E. Mlorton, at Oronîo, for date. JACK REIDJ Licensed Auctioneer andl Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms -and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke Dio IYou Know That, for a man age tweaty-four, The Imperial Life Assuruance Com- pany xil guaraatee his famfil $5,000.00 in event of his death prior to age sixty, for betwoen 2%o and. 3l of that amount yearly. And 9f ho lives to age - sixty, the Compan7 wÎ11 pay hlm the $5,0()0.00. Why nlot consuit your local representative FRED LYCETT to see what a plan such au this o i -w - do for you? cali the everÉy±ihing ,, -headb,1 tioniery, l b1Uiemd,% a 'pe of ed <priurîùgL fioffie, WepeIn n fine plLM- -[~ or forma, ezýe 'Verlitlun kblle *fý m,ý Progmmus, Invta.