A~Sei Co S ELORIZONTAL 4 Gnri 1 Pic i ure-d sat- 5 Czar UrauiSi., JohnSS 32 YNo ther 13 Aries M lInhen7ianenes 19 Annoys. 20c0wheaidett goddess 24 Stove 26SuCCesslor t' Ataturk 28 Seine 2ý9 Negative 4j1 LongofIsaac (aïb.) 4.22Likerd MPisor(a.) 24FeOne(F. 'l Etnct bird 6 Short cougCh 9 Dyestuffs, 10 Na 15 seldier (slangr) 16 Fempiniie 17 Sun god 18 Finis 21 Dips>omaiFit' 22 Wýithin 3 ay of Weekr (0-.) .-5 Stuipid 45 Each (ab.) '0 Cereal grasses 33 Joh.,nnycake 48 Everything 5 Be- vera-ge 49 A point W6 Wiiir 50 Toward 38 Me!o5y'.1 Red cross village 3Upon 42 P Phlpin 4Wrthles By ~cdIn lre - 4 Somthingseemis te teI Me that thýis! is surmmer! At an ate it is stormïs anid summr ssitrs-ut lo 4r",ryiuýý1g Fsec'ls to hapeil at once. Saturday foýr instanice: Tht mcxi- 'wer woring îke urytrying teý cîclar a hgfieid of hay befr hrat- vcîg doems onmld tI hm or tht coeof tht ayhrnga noirmal cend tD fiecId aru act;r ivîie.Anid t- t'een ithem ithey Cîd it Prttri luroughitili jitsst abut ad mle quak- îing. 1 was sure thtwagonwould iever gointo tht baino r thiat John Tt loald swayvd (craLzîiy on thtw «roughf grounld anC as it apoce tht biari 1 stood wachg johnl croueed locr an lowe, h horsts lu!gged thir \way inito tht( barn], tht Loeam ever tht dc (oorway canghýIt tht top cf tht boaC until ï il ushd a foew ieorkfuls of lhay ha;ck anC back an llnally e er tht ed of tht rac!k. Ex - ept for thiat tht bjaC Clid gp o uteh Lar.. avig rassredmyscîf on1 fatpoinit 1 moltd "tht Gr;eeniing" g)kt cf tht Suni to thtlgrage.May- 1ie mye mm n'alý;s on thec lo;ld, or tÈnaybe il svas thtie iat, any waywhx Î wa t 1go te town Ia couple of LIours Iater I founld tt gIitien still eýanC tho1tfatley %wersc Ithan utse- h.. L ligfor Bob te iCeai wihadwililiehoiho maC !', Af 1er supper I1tsuC lmithtaworst-aMcdhe 4 ~ as'tmaC at aIl. lhi lac~ hc t dicth isot n l t o a littIe xeiet ing. Instead eof o Ing lthtcar or gettig a store battylhe j ackd onte 'wheel jup anid 11'thn tîrnd thtc wheei wut sht dots thtefl-wbcd on tht tracter andl, pesoaa cttht ecstor as slick as yen pleasc. Thon came Sunîdaiy. Boilitht ey ex-,ptccd te e abc aymeot t dayý astId as Parîner an I 1wcro nelt eok ing- for any is'itors u'lt iendd te inaketht eet f a quietdy n &ftl up a bit. Incidenitally fthere wantto much 10 cat ilutht bouise iecause iilu id i(.Weather I try te kpuprishable food Supplies down-i Wo a minimum rather than bas e tbem sOil f course yen bas \c gtîcýsaed wt hal ïjppened ! Yes, we baC \isiters ailrihîviîtrsf rom aditce for diixier, afterInoon te(a anC suppor. But don't tink tb!leysavd On a gtan 1rusticle p a meal -wilîi n a.hrry lut it ntjl cseas thouiglit it out ont dotehve ai fcw baC moments! AnCii lciciesnie, shIort rations ntih wtndng v ucveepl(casod tbe set our tisitors. Then came ý Mon-day:Capntr wvere ]here first îhîssg i lic hmoriig teî cpair tht hayferk trac. Pariiner t tht iboys te bielp wmitlbthe j)ob %vbileý lie wexit onlttu I mcxv. \\ibo A tIse men mcvere thls eoccnpied a truck caealon .101g te pick iup a vacaî af we wanled te haxe btchered for !tht kc k re; thon along camne zanotherý ts-uck for twevea cal i s that wsvr ~S~gto ma 113(anCo(fcourse ec ý time I1 bd ite huit ;amai te handle tise calvesc. Somesiiie dur-ilg the Morn 1 jng L'John111Caee tC-HtC ouIlSe. Lo ifor boîts in a box at tht baru ht C Cxs<turbed a bee's nest. By th le ok e ohn l's arm ont bet had shown aciice resicnmnt, tht others iere bu zzing rondangrily jmat neartht riscwaijnstht hari whtre tht hrsts tako their aC. As evry- ontknwsbes and horsts is al barn Con't ale oo ompaniens. Ifl1 ul, Johnuy anC thenî, aftcr Iha g is 1),htbeS time 'te quiet(," ow abt, i fil',ed 111m tee. Th ank heax en for PDDT i tan sre sav ýl ](A fýî ok an mîsrykota obý Tht ci5t : s s- lt aanto- morros< h 1oh1an1 omorwm Although 1. is tht me- t fpjýire- moeWord-s sîatll ,thi S Gthan any otlier. Alfaxidr's fîiine wool suit bas a beige, brown, rust and, green thetkýed wool top with a sîraight brown shirt. Indicative of the trenid le longer skirts, Ibis suit taxji serve thirougbiout tht day int tht e vening. characr i Britaiin, film tare- cluded? Answer given by a Lon- dois pholographeýr, wh ped is lime hxtngclbrte ith is - betis "ise Qut 'utuyba h righit features foI hoorab, u she xdrtnetietcnqeo up anCdsmile, hen she xi!Iirp tht actiong&ig nsunom bisces" Ntx't(on thtlîsUt is Wntx pay-Feve.r Note Suifferers from nihay fexe anCls- ca.lcd "rosecoIs uda i are mosî uje otos xpesn disabiljties, aecordig to eat uth- orities. Thoe lo ufe sscrl f rom hyfvracasie etbIink! twice hefore thcs go wim ýing a ai. Chrenic inLaémmtions nf ht nos anC tlsroat maîsthis adshable Sounds Eï,sy kn;g:hil i iif m1i~Iw GIRLS!a WOMEN!S TRY THI$ IF YQU'RE On'CERTAIN DAYS Vegetable Compliound te relice of he o~ih:suchsymptois. 'T'is finexsseditine of Th Menh!la very effeetive for this purpose! De femsale fanctional montlsly For over 70 years thjoustends of disturbanees malte yen feel ner- girls and wemien have reported vous, fidgety, craxiky, se ired and beneft. Just sete if 1m, tee, den' "dragged oet"-aqt such times? report x i --11110 ,îletWorth Then dlo try Lydia E. Pinkhamn's tryving. ft f.VEGLTASLF o4<e C.Oà "àcOm POauNmD Seasonable Salads htsir1p'et sldi smie contain slduin genso Eome sort. Everyonekoribtth ra mn-ajority of people c at with t01,1r cyes, and thi mus11t be kepJt Ili mindj Men 1plnin1g andarrain the aa pae crisp ;and ldry. ffxe niosstsat ory rnethod o(f otiin hsap- pearance Iv.)3 kepngevrytinig on ice, if possiile Besur th salad dt (t1ol îuiltdor hiandled. i cup whole, sma ll coked bets 1 cup cookedl greeri ea i cuti radisl suïces 1 cup whole jgýreenbenscJokedj liin,:ii watcresu,ý 1 head lettuce Salad dressing Arrange vegetab-ie,, on a platter li indiv idual igroup, epraeby letituce laves. F11 cnte ith watercre'fss and serxe with l ldo Egg and Cairrot Salad Salt and pepper to 'aste ýa a3d dessing corî mayonnaýise, SliCez'sof Pichled beet Arrnge ltuce laves for imdi- iduisrving.s. Paechoppud egg on ltue Mix the gae ca1rr w iiti 0 clîuîpc'-d onions .(t10n pe)pper Pie igbtly on thtegg To ýith a;tgene'rus ponulo salad dressing (anih ih lie of p)Cickld bes i exn Garden Gïow la itabiespoon gelatine ip npboiîing wa,îter 'cup sugar Yteaspoo it 2cups rdedla ttc 3/, clip slice-d carrot 1 cup cooked green pearis 1 teaspoon CIopped oio egar. Sir unt1il gltn sds sovdand cool, SIice aycro peals and rchopped enjeu, nC aýý ;r. ranige in ihlorae ole pouir jtlly mxueoecili util firmi. Uml nlettuice evs B2Zl 1y IPA RRY Good Swt ,Petel Some time ago, wec did a spoctilighit (on a youting fYl- lu"fromPilickerjing by ýte name of thut timc e h AdjustcMnpeaed il) Pecter Kaiser, baitoe oloist.-At th, iai uieFsia n wakdoff with top Ihonourfs. Well, lasýt sxeek he appearedl on the raio programme1111, -stars o, oorov over C(-B L Cas\\-(,s. N thînk heit, did a grand job and knotv thiat, ifyou hard hmyo njoyedl hlm Who's COi Second? \WhIilc ithe boqesare beýing to!ssed arouind, Mc eanu mention NilMacCarl of Whity wO is Coding a i bg-job of shpor1ts-reportin1g for tht l1ocal p'ai- Cr thewre.Neï s takiing thejoulrnalt- ist- cureat 'Weste ntvriy Thîsis theliccol1rse that'varit thirew d4own Ilthe drain1-pipe.Wet ernbeîg ne1w anid modclermad cager 10 hltose hwaý,ý;nîtotebe sometingtooklbe coure svhîchis , Back to M \acC(arl, Neil writes ai eriep .an1(l nappy coluin llAm! !bai heenl seen' d ýar7tinjg arond ith aý 1a); nd Tlpentl1uc at sporta 111u, at V ib o niilubr of year Who ynov, u ïr 1 e nvayiav e nnotilser Andy Lytie. Friggin' iii thE .Riggin' Sailinig for linpont wlio likes waý;ter M sill apopular as e.'Nýe note it inet tht recen3t story of the youn saiors tltht Torovito GCl who wýi1 1 have no pat fwoein jiist as wol Smetmest;le fool- li their sailingacvies May be ing arnd ilxihoats \01,n yus n ictouble Hcke y Stair Checkecd.: 1Erie fd 11p thc tlothe nig1.1nfact 1he was toped s sudeul whle id- he na throwxi off, Thehorut wctluto thtacttonknokin a ax, oman anC a 'ichlid ýfiat. Pogneu, as we her it, nsnol hutrt, sl hl iding tiit(blades ion- sadof a herse. PogniS slae toapar ih the Gurl gi ntxt stasn. Djemoicracy is Fiin: T'laboe i the tle11Uf îa pice that peae iin thtJu ïrisueof tht ,-Rot-arian, CIPC of tht firiest ma in~ n' Ihecoutr.Tht st(ory conerus1 group cf i owa yutswb awad solve a probtm tuatset a whSA: toxsn talking. It eesthlat the younig people cf t01c ptblic ani high sehool )ifl Dub11q1e, l1oai, have fclicne 111)on thea!tre adls in) thathtpical Ae Êcntown of Onie mrnxg 1ropMet in the a (" -)03 wuoIsC OrL:Cauout PEICHl WVH ENMYO0U'RE iR ED AS Yeu CAN BE1- Long Peace xnIgs, piyWOOpteIte fttsats, lip-sthc tht po1Crroom w 'i inuie o thwtItht. crc ostingthtia w"(tlit to kmn on ise il îegn t hap snfa thtykowI, th l pressand rdio t Kte.Tda uu rto macc a -ast miixture ,g; beatwel ced fleur. or sIe-asoft uasang pan. L.over; let ins warm -&Plate uxtïlL about 1 heuir, Balte in 4ý oàven about 20 minute. ON"ý,,ývY 1, THAT neN*s. en tee. Li wben y ing, fle you tlm thist m os'n Se , 'i f( Akoéeg*'soys- *AND gEM15MBER-NO FUS.. . WiTN LIFTONS$ TE-A BAGýs j_~U~I'Mot Photogenie' junior Au,îrli, hatIs1 a lu t Tht or 11(In1w1jemse dIrect- prry, hesi 1