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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Jul 1947, p. 6

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eoIstS ii~ Reatîzng Stiat tise tasse b moasie visite g. XtcCab ilina doiso- ilOlit door. acarsy tri a saito, 'a uiitfoi-m unS aaiî~ roi- 5. match, for isia î-evoivci-. rat- as <socs Rocisy aod a li eCale eard tliock steCale -ni on w phen Bi le Saisi. ce-rem d Isis ai He bovwed ias f is- t"La.;te as usuaiil, 1took Co-\r îvihh a-I.bruls- haI t as uinfýai ia r. IHe cml allil iito 'bbc lbrar, ashutiise snd shaleIiug IS fussiug around (lMiss Shc stnod, a figuire of ouedc( of al anIi]IaTàIIn, Was - gray aýgainsltheIý t"shc said in --.1mur1- because -a cry. -- ]I n s lis 3l o teesLaenw 44E, 46, 48.Size s- 39INcB far. w N.U~ FtATURCI the s inter cf tîs reawav tisaI service entran aice. tuiJn-Cur t was ,pasin, le isnly tepedup ho Iooked'"P vat hion. Ab as sseple, -reaiiv, uow' tat il wsepaud Uc id siý ay, the hsu fdrso ou lus lpsi, ,1ieia oon e- mmiid. and I misard thilat, tn.Mik sin tb crx i are Sn comso wlsre hatIS --iere lhe wa scét cIei e Vho i'oldcoiiueeta s ai. or-it!i the JBîgeIows? 0One thing selîf fr Ibtat." 'XYbat' ta t?"'se o l y MeCale reci d nt and t ibubcIat, eh~ ieiwIad in bhis bAu ewcrda finger sud ,Ispuni t ie tbig arouulike ý a plateC. "Vil'Ii e dmr, ol -1 doni't blause you." herewas Chagrin iun McCai 's loue(. This; bat i ispfeîyrud îvîscb identi- fies il as ýtle type wýorn a number, rf years ago.> Thle Style -wais cbanged about fiîe asmago TbA iseer urstilt np in froîst ike a regimieiital !officer's c(ap wtota Visr f I'd roticed that QuIe tbing, M' have realized tIhe sailor0 C e saîv vsslsv - e(1a pIonn. e? îg el tltoght of Shari LyyIn. oueycleared is tîoat.Then Ibee ws arsse of feathers asud satin a-jt tb1e dosd 0c -'liVýl\ýEictora wîiîled su IU. er e-swcre br ight sud .cibei- make -Up stood ont ýin gha1stI l relif ag-aîust tise paieness of ber fma Her fîngers jerked 10 be. air anid a sbrsek died on bier lip.:-%o offîcersmoe frar aulomalicalliyShebfrictm wild. gibbcrîsh that fore-told rsin hlyster-ia; tfien sudfdeluwas quiet. "So yon Iddàt?"she said ïsy lM GdIdidnr'tïî hiu you badi thie guits. You ifoýol, -you utter fool.ý She isi't w'orth Il l l yuukuo-ulOt B3y Iis tîlme Dneywsrt led!. I-uc moveýd in oi tphn it a cir-cl I b!is Inli. Uclgave bC Charge so low' il xashardly audi- bIe. His votre doppe forais i- terinable minlute befo,-re he step- ped 1back. As lie did, eClesaw tBigclox,ýýv' s jaw milovc, Ibis 1hCa d eocme p sovy ired, furitive cyns; lup aslh lookcd way frn thbe group, 1-1tËsurroundd bîm.A sn gIn tear rauiontof tblc c c nofa Uc got 10 is feet, li-euîg bus hcad a a iowly2mcd 1 akýe them ait l n. Noonm oved oward him. Uc gve Ibhon a conhemptu,- ont glace inaiy heturud ito V-ictoria sudispokIilas lýctwordls in t:leir prý Eseucc "Yout I t il Mthr?" ulit voic1 oLets go," aid Doîlevyf TcCle t o ing away , l ',f yit ad fie bc B io-use di n 111pos,:ys rislpo eora phegrs' fIIlashbisin bb pce.fuit ficiais from police 'aquarler and bc dsîlt atruey's off ice. bcn ic btbey rnaebed lil g, tcy ing rnmpe hir mb place.fimar ite' ailoerisr't yil?L am s-i Ivoui feel al rigîIt?" Sfi w'as ry- I'uicbael i ~5"cada is St atîd molli Pîcture w tIse Than Mva;rkiagi Two Fai ~edgrve TorirîgCanada Bitshf ilîntar i-Alchl Regrxe iis touriug an ru bov wjhbis fml. 'eae.e imie, drosrtsaballetL pose to lier 'faiher ~r RchlKespo, hieCorin Wilîim eeadthe erodLynn look on. as~~ ~ ta1 i h usr fRdraesRgnyhm nCiw on tIhe batiks of teS. ~ ~ ~ ~~ l Rc-ae' aet itrei Fme Is The Spuir," an Arthur Rank îrGductioni. 14/LFS Between ths Sofred 't' budnd Iid1 iyre both dilv readers u' f y eoln$sn.We ithiink nue c * perîinceiii, a marliag rwe * dffren [fitss may n o-eo *i yor other ~l )l(o)wersi. * Vearc of iferntËfjiý'l sut il bie em happjs il mtrIr( fo Ç'six *c e\r W\hvet- ouderf!d *childreni. \M nxerba a ero (* qurl a n 1 1id 1neit1er1 gai C up bis *hilirch Il aiedw bi __ We dncid1ed wouklcbIlnn 10. go 10 Im ch i 'o g with is1 and-111vice seisa.'l *1ý bve fruiendý 1 f, of iffîesst *t faih ho ;ce alo appilv mur * E rone liasisesm Gd *t andI stuie(s hrom the same ible It eaui and 'oes vor! nt fneif t' ] the W111C qix c use sot 10con- 1 e TOLER'fA I 11T P 1OlEI 11,15S A Dï(LG !i o le o/% YourH dwritng and You Alc m SA-l ), Manreqesafor buvsiisg'mn- alssreaii ch e aud i ain pica'e Wbeu . iv-îrtismg yonr re qur ,ill adanagou o sîdnu rmore fulpgsof cripl w itten iin iulk on god qulit i plain pape r I ni1'e is m ore sali fc ory hbaîsp',eicil due, 1 iil pnr 11ilet qaltes at ink w ýiIi uI utaror 1r111(on quaiîîy papr, apr [itbouit iuid1 unes is1csaya tIl ýS" spaciîî1 g and dietoiof the rii'; is an extra cousiderain ie ; ai is peu! ý:! w'ýi ich y ou as ýe nuio aml lar, TIepe ib sbýou1Mlu eIc from corosiin as acoîrl n catis- et ba i-vy au ill (1 1i ght dows il) erin hue. \rîîiug tIsis utîdy( tib os araltchcs ausdsuer due' 10 a bad pen n11;>'inder1iin the"vil. Wile ýju t est baudolifo- ýble aud i utalaIwrigpoton XVlse te , oe ' gesi1msar follouvnd th cipt Juanssil b rîrîsets o o - rtr"prcîaiy Ifl the cript is d!ýIatotted ud car .insý!y writteni, th e anaIya.' nînst xi lJovite or silch diacrpani1 dds-ýlP,'ied scrvice- -T B Cntnud coir 1fo aiefîs , 1cm, 1/0at 1fici'd tint fn c C 1tir iil 1ilgc r ili l' i~i O S itr n i ii ;1i SeIse; , aoit La/ pr is j Mi l il te' l 1uS o-,ia lsci, n /ic/ "1(!;i/î (1s, fsfcrd b l1c,1itlp f bctts Ji s iegra par n lii /taa icr;, i jid deserve t/se a ute respl as hss oili tiier peri ctin ilit-; gta lifethiîC, 1rcs,/ii ii ti/t cîi/dîî beiiig rasc uil! c/tri ail ail,,É f/t v oi n'r fil/oi. 1lutit lien sîaThrevo dv/aiicut f.ltofe nc/'i,, ii vo yismsorr ltv int k- o -ihi te So iii it/t itrtaices ithj dcc Kit'ibs'rv i ai....... b TO"HSTAIN" Vasli-e lisc *ae nd 5 our cils o qusion IiisA *h lad , iigýiiiity. Y ur amuiy pay * ni Tisibesa- mof is pas-CCto * ~ ~ la tlecgrsta linlce andi * ,i th ci s ai \"it eri to * stlia-se listeedb nai.NnierO *n dcroaîryabutbi grlfrîend * ii -m a ('lest'U rilicb ei l . Ail or *o tîsi o ilbtts udrsasda 'uuo go kode. Tak unhi d or * Youîr- a riets iso e.m and, cae-c * aliyabouibis oy. eyout cir i lv * oade yo-hu d o wi ft im bl * pmnîty ou(cos jatst-elsa ng rt * brea as y u lsa isow' * Put isis epericnCOMPbnd~OUÎ, ISSU 31-go19ed 1n7astiogs o SunuySchîoGI 1Lesson Parents and Their Children Proverbs 1.8-9; 6:20-23; 17:1; 22:6; 23:22-26. Goldrin I cxi 7 mi p ae i1id ini fte stav ie shosîld go: ond w/iri lie is nid , lhe zi/l noi 7d'par1 freon if Lrvcs22M: I sa t't nknot ouly, of individual salvation, but also of Vbl-i te 1-'iippiau jailer (Acts 16), terror-stricken lest bis prison- ers should'have escaped, but reas- sured b-s-tIhe soice of Paul, cried "V\Vhatinust 1 do 10 be saved ?" Paul~ replicd, "Believe ou the Lord Jess hrist, and thon shaît be sax ed, and.thy bouse." But family religion hiad deep roots iu the Old Testament, and in thie Iewish literature were mnany pre- cepts,,gi\î11ng Wise cotiiunsl tbpar- ens.and se-ttiug fot te du1ties; of chifcldeu, ts eslalishing wibc1eajr- nies the couditiolns of family wel- fare tland ahappy hm-ie Someý of thie choicest o'ftes pre- ceps oîsttne ur lttn.lbougbt Lu1( bcnîd wstronigly îbey stress tbe law and comsnanidmcnts.- "My so, kcup Ihyfat\r-scomlmaudment, and- foi; sake n the awof thy mo- v." T I,'l rc us1t lî tadadsof right, anid a Sense ofrspsbiiy if ilise se o h sond1elaionhp and hapinerýsa nbt ue The accptnce ofparenithbd w ithout an adeýquaite sentie of re- SPspusîility is t!he root of a great deal of home beko and trag- edy todiay. A fir-st essential of a good homne is good pareints. W bat eau bc expectcd ofclildren, if their par- ents do notSe t hcm a good ex- am1ple ? 1\brpcve, precept and beach-ý tng- arr, int cngfor childiru will soon deteet inincerity, andl tbc PARKERHBOUSE~/ Bellter Boke Plenty PAdd1 jenvelope IRoyal Fast' Rising DryYeast and 1i sp. sugar toi c. ukewarm water. Stir; let stand 10 min. Scald 1 c. milk, add 5 tbs. sugar; Add Z tsp. salt, cool to luke- warmn. Add to yeast mixture. Add 3 c. sifted flour, beat util perfecti? smooth. Add 4 î bs. melted shortening and 3ý c. more sifted flour, or enougb to make easily han-. dled dough. Knead well. Place- in greased bowL. Cover; let rise in warm place until doubied in bulk, about '2 hours. Punch dough d-nin bowl; let rise again in wr place until nearly, doubled in bulk, about 40 mI-in. When Iight, roll out 4" tîick. Brush over lightly with melîed shorîening. Cut witb 2 " biscuit catter, crease tbrough center he-avily witfh duil edge of IWsife, fold over in pocketbook shape. Place on well-greased shallow Pans,;1 " aPart. Cover; let rise utlight, about 1 bout. Bake in 40<0F. o-en about -15 minutes. HOTEL METROPOLE 01P. - il. STATION ý 1 e ý i , To Air Vîews In TwoDaySession IIwdo Canadiani w onien feel aboutff the yoith. centres being set tip in their o-un communities? Arthey satisfied witli preseut educational facilitica for their ebjîdren? Are Canadian wvomen shining up b c their respousibil- iies among- the wotncn of tlice world? , Questions lil'e Ilese wll bc discussed at a two-day Xonen's Forum toi take place at the Can- adian N\ational Exhibition Aug. 30, 31, Kate Aitken, Director of XVomen's.Activities, lias annun- ced .- M\iss Mabel Stoakley of Toronto 'bas bren diamed chair- man of the four sessions to bce hield iin the theatre of the Col- iscum, WVest Annex, VGuest speakers in the.panel discussions will atteîsspt to clar- ify the place of women in an intelligent Canada," Mrs. AitkIen said. "Thcy will lalk over wo- meu's responsibilities in the home, the community. the nation and the sývorld." Repciresentatives of il wt- mnsorganizalions and women ev-cr-,vhcre arc iuivited to .at- tend these sessionis t ask ques- lions and join geuierally in, the eopen discussions. v. 0)t1 (Jail counilsel WC could gîve to our childreniiw'ould-,bc eltosay, "Don't do as 1 do, but do as 1 say." "Tra-in, up a child in the way be should go," is the BýIbl's injunction tpaetw itîs the assurance that Wb-en he hold l i,ii not depart froin it. Alas! that assurance is not always justified, for manv influences are upon tise child, as w cil as those of the home, and 100 often they break down and destroy what the home lias sougl 10 odo. The most acute of osîr social and religions Problcmis of today arc as- sociatec w ith home and family life. TI-e first magazine, ever issue4 was the Gentiemnan's Magazine, Publishied ini Loridon in 1731. Theà St. Regis Hlotel 0 SIingle. $2,50 ati- Pouble. S3.50, op 0 4;004 Fond, Dili";:andS Nigbil,' t.herbQ(urne ai Carlton TvI. IzHA, 1 ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHIED $1.50 up

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