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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Aug 1947, p. 1

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m -- - ~ .ONO Vol, 11. No 2 O&N 0, NT., N ewcastle Lions Club Sports Day large Program 0f Sports For Children,- At Liions Field Dacyl Wer~sdyAuguist 2Oth he date for ewcatleLionis Club sports Day '--' adcarniVaýl is gradually drawýing ~gee.The diffe n oiittees ap)- poinXed by the Club have muade ail tenecesary arnemnsto make tIeaftemnoon anýid eeninýg a deided sucues. Ail that is needed now is godwethter. If it does ram tfie vetwill be' held the nýext day. I he is, a heavy programme for the ichIildreni in ithe afternioon, nearly sxyevents, whîch will start at 2.00 p.harp. There 'w11 be a 25 yard dash for boy a undetr 5 years; 75 yard daAi for gi rls under 7 years; 25 yard potato Tae '0boysundrr 10 years; 75 yard da b, girls ttnder 12 years; 100 yard da s.b>ýt, bys upder 16, years; 25 yaid !We , 1l'Is under 5 years; 75 yard btboys undeer 7 years; 25 yard a sc ,"sunder 12years; 100 dàn gl under 16 years; S, c-2~0 yard relay rape anyj tLdin fron a ScIroolJ Section -5 yearïs of ege;e 50 Yar dash,' M W r 5 gas; 50 yard shoe W= ps u et' 7 years; 75 yard girZl'-js udr10 year(s- ; 1 -0 yard ash boys u~ 12 years; staniding o jum r, Lirls unider 1(i yeavs; 50 parcdash, ..jbo ys runder 5 yeaIrs; 50 rd suoe race, gi Is under 7 years;1 _5 yrddsh oy der 10 years; 100 rd dsh girls unLIder 12 yea'îrs; ste ig brad jup, h ts uder 16 ~- easSpec ml -- 200 yard-i relay race, an 4rg 1tal from ïa Schl Sec- 10under 15 year-s o(f age; 25 yard a adand forwxard race, gir'ls un-1 d'e r..eas 50 ya'rd das'h, boys un- er7years; 100 yard da,grsUl 3er 0 yearq s; sebal hrow, boys un,-e-c12' years; running broad, girls de16 year; 5b yar-idadsh, giris- ndý , 7 y,ýears; 25) yard backward and- forw'- rýd race, boys under 5 years; 10OC ar ash, boý"s undfer 10 years; base- aI hogirls under 12 years; run- li gboad, oys undIio-er 16 yearlls; 75. rcash, boys under 16 years; 75 E\ret - wim againis time twce t 1-elgh of the tnfor agast im twce heIengt'h of f'the ankl--for irl i I 1ý,ears <f cge. PenureSpotsDa'y Attraction - Nencstl' vs rono plaingfor LI SivrTrophiy to hacopee for an-c uall tthe Nwate insCIlub Sports Day. Thîee s the lineupij for the_ enter- ai en of the "chiidenin the alite- 0,on.Thýere will ble something for - ve-ychdw1ho wih ,0toenter any uf tne sporing"eens. M. andMs.CeeUl Walsýh and son To n,, of Myrtle, and Mr. and lMi s. stok, ereSulinay vîsitors withM. and vs.W.S.Coheik Ma andMis. Ernest AnnIab)elanid fendy, o Torntoretuned ometý o ing fewdayswithMi%. and Ms Wuoknen's Compensation Now Open', To Farners Famr thir ive,1s, cbîldren and emiiployees, whea thney drev;wàwaesý fromn the farni, cn ow ire prn-tected under the provisions of the Work- mien's Gom~persatcion AIcL Before farmners were brought under the, pro- tection of the AWc, ail those whio wor-ked on the farmi for wevages, lai- cluding the farmfamily, mn aln of the risks off injur,,y andlos jus-t as othier ivo7rkers did hefore the Work- men'sCmesainAct gave themi The tragedy cf a serlousý accident to a fain worIker to(>o-ften resýultedI ini lowvering the eamniing powxer of thre injured workier, or in leaving famillles demitue lu the éase of death. NO claiss ofvwotiker suffers grieaýter loss,, in relation to earin-gs, than f ar m wreswlloartepaiy or per- mnanently disabled. The risks of fairm iwork are 11hundiheaccidlent rate eeesthat of miany other indus- tries, For theirown proe cndte protection ùof their epoes nld ing the membeors oiftHir famille w-,ho aýre paidl wages foriar.ors frmviers iiiay takIe advaittage of the opportunîty to insur-e themiselves and t'heir wrer.Farm wokes ho aeprotected by the Wrkmiien's, for loss of tÀie resuilting foma acecident while enýgege_,d in farm w-,ork, for mnedical and hospi care and treatment. Winter KiIIing Can Be AvoidedBy Fertlizers 'Mitrih of the winer killing of hatis duiie net so much to severe wýeatber as ýtoetavigof te wheait p!lants land !feultre to bu pthe( prooer food lre-ser.ves i la hnrosfo r wiVnter rotcin, dProf, G. 1N. .Ruhnlke, badof the o.AC.Depar't- meunt cf Soils sekigtommbr orif1tie Oiltario (Crop Ipoenn s iirportanice ofpopaeIerilizer in wintr weat -production cenot *be lie seys "thne wheat plant miust obtain frmthe so)il aad store lai its root systEmi i lite fall the necess.ary min- erals (phosph'Ieruis, potastsSiumi, cal- cj-im etc.) asý food reserMves fromn %xhich it c au draw for' eery andi vig- orous growýth'la tire s 1ing nTathe filrsýt six vweeks o>f feuI growth, thie hetplant tek-es up ýiU ts scceedin1g sme. IF popou is not pres- enit lu the soîl et tPis crtialp eriod it cennotibe utilied effeciely &by tbe erop Interon. It àiSsound inurcncei to fertýilize Wintder wheet W;tb àfer tiiebigh a hspaeipneda (Contnuedon page 8 Constant Spraying To Reduce Late Blighit 0f Potatoes Tlism.a Ir a ptat blgbt year, ~ays R. .0GooIn, 7Fieldrmaa for tire 'cpa, Seeds uand Weeds Brancir, 0n- taieý Departmen't <of Agr1icultuire. Wetï, îwavim 'eather conditions, 50 pr eva cent tiroagiroutt Ontario, -are favoum-ýathie for the increase nnd de- vel-pmemnt of tire fintgus causirng late bigtof potatoes., aready reported L, biSuhm United States as no-w me igto more nortirmi sections. teefranys ýM. Goodin, botato ,goeswoild Poe well advised to give 'Partic-ýuler attention tins yeam to effi.- cient apaying or dusting of their ~rs~ gPOtatoes for the prevention oif bll-,ht and rot disease. - fer tire adonïtinjeý SVa-i ts are 8 to 10 incies tv<-tre knýown as 4--4.40 isrcmed edt This mateial n re purchsed ia readily avauilable form. Fixed Cop)- pers suchl as C. O. C. S., 'Coposoi, Cup)rOn-K, Cop'per A Comipounid, ,Basicop, Bordeaux, Caproecide r Perenox may ire usedl, according to directions. Dithane, Fermaite, Kar- ba,îrMiathasan and Zerilete are also aveilabile for spmayirg. Ia either spraying or dusting a imamîe wth iigir Pressure is esseni- m àa, cvr both surfacs of the ýleaves with itire raterieL. Forty or effty gallons per acre mnay be suffi- cient when tire plants are simaîl, but! lý8f te 1N gallons or more mey bel required vwben the plants are large. ,ikewise, :20 to 2ý5 poundIs <i)f ust per acesIhld be as)cuýed inthe flit appli- 1 çation. Fixed copper dusts say bel applied durtg the day whiea tie air is still, usinig an epron ini the case of- Power maChines, The Augustmeeting the CW man's MsinayS Vit aS plan.- ned as a inie, the buiness and pro- grammile takilJgý pliace in' thue clurch, auditoiiuan, and the lunch on the uch lwn were a long table wa spread wîth -an buda of good1 thinto eat. Thie president, Mrs. Delve, presided aW olJend the eetig with the inngof the hymll "Oh Worship the Kn" and announeed the thieme of the meeting as "The ieatioiils get- together". M'rs Delve then calied on Mnsý. Kelly to read the charter of the Unitedl Nations. Mrs. Kelly, leader of goptwo), took charge of the meeting and cail- ed on Mrs R'ainey,wh gave the scripture readinig from Isaiah andc cotanmets on Christ's peaceable king- domt, and followý.ed with prayer. Mâiss Stella Best gave a vocal solo in a pleasing manner, and *-Mrs. Walsh, temiperance secretary, gave a reading on Wt is a ecetail". Rev. A. E. Eustace, guest speaker, was then c(aled on adgv a mostý intees'ting ;and iiformal tallk ab.ouýt bis ex,!eienices in home ,-PIssw'nary work in the Wvest and identls tha lupeidIeýi la h ,ý--- Canadlians needled was to give themn tce helping hand. R1ev, Eustace closzedHlemetn With the beneditinandail retired to th1e cliurchlawn o the -picnic aup- per and a soc-ial timue as enjoyed, KENDAL Miss jerry IDonnelly îla visit iag with Mr. and Mrs. G7eorge coarke. IMiss Mrda Barkwell is visitib wilr MIlr. and MUrs. Wni. Wilson, Miss C. Mlatthews, of Toronto, spent the holichay î vt~ andM. F. Stoker. Mioss3Mary TýýYlor, of T~oronto, lu sp)endiug lier vacýation with Urs. W-m. BopydI. Weare souyito ear that Mr, BIake Alexanderisvry scan wish lm aspedy ecoery Mr. andMs yod s and iPeter" M . and [ M s. Jack Gý ir J'cid Joanne', and M ssGeorgin_"a Drig ton it Ms A. G.Drigtn L. Thlorne. Jaek Glover, Ajax. Mr, j. DixoI nd mI r. Alex.,of Oshawa, called on Mi_ and Mrs'. F Stoker on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarenwe Bell of Osbawa werevisit1ors with M,L.D Bell over thewek-nd Mr.1s. M. Soper ad M R Aatte vkiitd MsIT.J. Carscadde-n on Mr. and Mrs. Wm Wrghmanan daughbte-r Glri, F To ronto, areu eSt WýrightmI-an. Mr. nd Ms.Eddie Curux [av atCache lBay vwith lte Forme'i pr Mr. nd Ms. arle, Brce nd flahar, o Toono, isied r.and Mrs. Blak Alexnder ove'. the week- end. Mr. iandMs.CIlude Merr m Ii famly isied er aretsMr, and' Mrs. WVarren olver the hoidyweek- end. Mr. and Mrs. J.t, of Mimico, visited for a dIay, Ind Mr. Wm-. Low, of Toronto, for- a -week cwith NMr. and Mrs. A. Low. Mrs. Wm. Wiqo ttendedîithýe fi- rera1l irport Hope of ber nep hewý, MWr. Hiltoni Rowden, on T-uesday, Aug. 5th. Hriltonl was in his 28th -year. M.and Mrs. Robert Bo)yd ,arnd tw,,o dauiýghters, Jeani and D or otËhy, wer e gýuests wt1h Mr. anld Mrs. WnI71. Boyd over thceweknd sie suianville, sufferec. Ticker Bell, ai, and serloius scalp Tbtodhed a andother injurie Alvin Allisonj, 58. Russe1i Wrey,, b$eside rssy ,rAIs,5JLIVýhu was sittir,, without; WlimCrossey- is aurvived by bis a year an wie ndtree sons, Don.ald, Gleunn 1a26where Mrs. Ste' the 'Womty The oloig sa list cf Faîl Pis -a'Miss for. Eastemn Otalo ;she sene KiImunit.............-- ---AuLg. ,30 FHope u Port erY...... .ug.30, Sept.l 1(be BI'ood Apsley................Set. 3>, dlrescin ------to---.............Sept. 2, 3 exýecutiyec' --ron --.-.-.--.-----.-..-Sept. -5, 6 time (if lber - - - - - - M-up t- --.-. - - - - - - - S e p tý . 4 , 5 -s-a-............sept. 8-10 nure, bceg -oo --r..............sept. 9-10 tby ere e jleavetoa...----...... ...... SpL19, 20 xvher -e ber ,Lakefeld.............Sept. 19, 20 be plrec Ila ve tce ýý. if( teuRd C m1nom Glinic. S thie VedC. erests Meakresu............Oct. -arm --a..........Sept.0,Oct Uxri dge..................--------c0 C, i lc u -------------. ------. ct , theword'sgoldcaefo grevel and Sand depois i bs.CatlifonIie, the KlIoII Asriaiare familierE 1Suh dpostswere, eaiyn to)-daýy most, of cp-,r gold coi lo de mnn 111g, re q u iring". SIhal aadstpe in blard roc, ad iinvolving -ýmac-h Viia T fewbeach plaers, such as nar te mouth cf ithe Yuk serNomie, -Alaskaw - oc irstathe lbeach gravel lariger th1an anIîy knon ili t cf feet c sdien and 1 ~riantita, scIstbglike t red ila Souir Afica. To- Y ila oes<f cong,-lomerater roiunded pïelYontsarsand miented tgtenot su ou. lieOur Canadien go 1 býy fathéeateintahev produ eud-about- $11, 000,U10 gold. A good exhiibs <of tir' ol e asay no Ibcese RoyaliOnario Museam. ,Misýs Le Quyer and r Yýj, casin, a poor4h wlio ins- n evcsb Aiia u ivr1 teeMi u 'Yoj weaterpi ew Hedfor. ste 't Yhlet N( atl nvill iist4tir heli uner tepothe :be NecLe atre-th w l s r.O it irhna

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