anlother o Midwa in ana1da, IX à 0É -I K~me Run GROVER HEIMAN Martlured ta o ntoible club- I o eanld he kîîew sh', svaýg YcI wsb y u oldquit bsbh anld go) into b'Sînýs ltbFather" she saud(, txî itiugbe gve lube long fingers. "We'e takedabjout tbîisbeo, dalug Iundrieds of tuimes. î tbiought it s a closcd sbet' " r1i :o peiu ig wore ick nightatengt. "W w1 ak about à it er the Sas." e suid waril andtbe oAi alngeýr gîew výlrge lnbisces.Vb this aan Th'Iey had been mrried ess ta a year anld it 11ad1been theSame Story sinice sping traininig, Sure- 'le bÎad ben ucky ta get ber. Or was it Ilucky ta mrr a girl wîtb aý cool lmillion? The ebers of tue crevwd lith grcteýd the Redl Legs w lnjie team i uedont af the cIbhbboseý wals music ta bis c(ars. Hlere wecre luis P letefanIS. Rliawid poor /lsey had oe ecom- swingntrest aî(1 ic leçhared(1 thai isterest. Basebohdi s i;.-, hi th sanld ExhI-Abitîons, 1947 Antig. il ï 1Cl akebadExhlib i tion Wil la and ta........22Sept. 6t a...................9.3 .....9, 3 & -Sept30 ....... .26,27 .Aug 30& Set,3 .lI,2,22 .. ........ .......29 , 30 ..30 .1, 12 .9,10 .9,10 12, 13 .12,13 ' 10 .1i, 13 10 .12,1,3 1112 .9,10 rg..........12,13 .ii, 12 Troit Cek ........9, 10 1Upsala .. .. .. .. .. .......1 Welesey.. .. .. .. .. ...,10 Septem-beýr 15 -20 Beaeron . . . ,... , 172 Burktls Falîs....... ..18ý., 19 Caeo........... . 19,20 Chrstin slacl16, 17 Cîrslug.........3,17ý1 (ACobe............ 16, 17 Deshro . .... lb,19 Drayon.. .. .........9, 20 DunJaf;ilk... .. .. ......1,16 Emblro.... .. .. .. .. .....5 Eugchrt............6, 17i Ext7..............7 18 Forece...........8c1 Fo rest..........1,9 ron Bridge.........7 M Kcare........8,1 Lto %l........1,18 Mete alfe.........1,0 M iddiail ... '. . .17 Napnee.............15-,17 Nob rih .,,,,. ,1,1 Parkill..............17 Petoli.. ......... ..1 ,1 Picuton..........1,2 APfoerassau , . .............1, 17 ProvienceBay..........1,1 Artsseu...............1,1 Seafrtb...............1, 20 Sevru rde..........1 Selburge....... .......1 ,1 Belteville.............1 ,2 Bprifild ............. .1 , 7 CStrat1il1f or d....... ..51 Val Gagn ...... ......1 Warrn.............1-1 Drumb............24, 25- Dunchrcb...........24, 2 Dun11gannol.............2 Fevesa..........24, 25 Holte>n.............24, 2-, K be.......... ...22, 24 -Kidn s o .. . . .. . .. . . 2 42 Kifrktn............24, 23 Lncnov............23 , 24- Mardae............. 22, 23 asy.................23. 24 .... .,26C, 27 Maics...........2(,24 Oakood............23, 24l Obseke..................24 Own oud.........7 &29, -30 Pari..................2, 27 ïrae...........22, 235 SotbRier. ...25 , 26 prcae........ ......... 23, 2 4 Ticlsonburg................2, 24 September 29 - October 4 sept.Oct. Lanton........... Beass IeSept. 30, Ot. 1 Brg ion............. Buror........ep. 0, Oct. I Caleoni................2- Chatsortl..............2, Gade............. .. 2, 4 Melorn.............. Odesa.........Spt.30, ct8 A oulsie haired boy tainding on Mary's de turned a freckld nase to the boystndngbeside hili' 'Bay" b murure 1inawe, "Matt Johnson, That's bat 1 Want' to bc- a bail player Pke They ate inuer and cersa- tion w,\as sparse. MattwaSn'ýt h-appy, not wtbMary feelïing this way. hlooedlike acoi-ar Or baeal e ke il: woldbe c Mary, but hle d acbl.The bank job vwith Mary's fathier iwold drlive hlm raz1y. Ff anly She Coul d udrtancPl As bhe paid the cbeck heit heardi p ai nat a 1nearby tajble saying to(J a wolaan in a 1turban: "T ha's MatJoi uson, ,;oil cf Iti" gatsscounid b -e'; i tlie gaie. That pin. is (acredit to ue aineaud matae h io ohomllo Ma\t t tok \Mary 's aýrm an, tbley departted. He didný't wat o bear m'ore.fin (lie calr he made iup'bis mmld. It wou1ld be b'tter to',break, uitb theicgamue nw han 1 li e knew it bccaiuse blit ewhjmselý. "Mary . , abo'ut baebî.', Sbue put lber fiingeeo(er\Cis iýliras anld kissed his chek.""e been a fool, dar-ing.- A sel/ish fool. I realized lit\whel u yu hit thle hm ruin and wýben1) tle fans wanlted youiratorah And thle way tbey chuert. Those bos by the car, what tbey said, and the n in ýthe grill. Yu can't leave ba-,bal,ý matt. You a ;re bsbî Concrete Frdeght (Cars Castrefocd onrefrit cars are being madein era, it is rpre;alprsaecs Thcdfor .........7, 8 VVoodridg.............. 111 MiliXe1 ton............Dc - VIntiernl1ioal Pln1Mach "Nooo, "soid 3a;lîiî,'lpil *ileh fr slînc uV',.îdlu ycaî;s o/d." '1 ces;ia/caeiiiîgliin b Jjlu. Past -Tenise "I ~ ~ ~ i cAshI kicwwhee Gorg beas, a rcnarlsdte-ogw l/e ah.1 p ;i-eîiie, uy ea, si le i sqJUare o(f gas idi 1,(!Pv sta,4!ds aîî The ale lockedio a fatdo(lepay lu the ,,top-of tiIe iiltbt ip a Generlyand the stands xven id. M1lattgac edl ait Ždacý,, but terewasut>s: of elaioî. ta nIox10 tofi tplac, Ibut thle tw ter wugtbree ttimes auiii thenca)ine ack lte tbe dulgouit. Maitt cos bs Ibat and tolokis placeai the plat. Mary wasstil!Il n - h tis dand hie wtedtbe first balia nu and faintly eadthe uîuipi e c'Il str-ike aîîd (Maittgax e the ic i of isý capla jrk ad leaur1- oerSlow, burninig aîîger bildup ithen and bie xasear for thenet brw He watdto bit it 1with eey thling he badi, wated tahrt the bail I be cse bewaS 1burIt. 1, It cm and he swmng. Tesolidi crack of t1e bat told the fanis and ithey rose as oleeto cheer. Matt blooked ver is shoutlder lafter tocig son and ginned. A% homle run and the bah g~ame He noticd the two gis sýitting niext ta Maryv, con the-ir feet and cbeering. Mary was waitinig fo'r hiîm at the clubhouseý. THe wanited to hear bier Say it was a good bit, but lber face was cloudedc( in thiouiglt. She too-k bis arm and tbey iwalkedta tû ie gate. A mass of hmiauity miet Matt, anid be IladCIto îhaIt, He au- tgaedthe biail and then books, tickets anid anything L, 1 ithey socdilnto bis aus i ~ i SI A Shiip A-Sailing lomexvaýird bond fteýr ialnconthin C a: c beau waersfth mjestic Sea Cloidlargstprix ate yachit M the wolhisssi ff Hamiltont, rudanîd he-ads for-tl for New London, Conni. Tlie crati'tlngsto Joseph E. Da\ltes, formier U.S.ambassaýor to Russia. n Caîl Him No. 1 Jap Gangster-As impnassive as c Buddha Ki ()tk zu s>its in prcsoner's dock after Jis arretsti 54Tkx0. The 0-yar-ldfapanese is described by police as the city's utmbr ne agse chief. He is accuised of'mkn millions o,\ yewbuurp)ing the rights of propeýrty owners in bonsbed- on areai, and renting their homes to ochers at high rates., Vc 0 onstntganoeunie TeoSacwco .5