-Melting Icebergs' May Cause Ocean Levels T o Rise 1,in thcspring, as liat glaciers î stcostofe enlland, chunkils breacýk off with a -ioen -rarand float away as iceb)er-gs. acb year sornle 8,000 iccleergs are born1, froml lîtle "growlers" to litige mse tlle s zeof city blocks. Tbey dift ilp the coastline, towaîd 1thieAc tic sîde of Greenland and d(in 1 thie Canadian coast of B3affin Ba viiith theLabrador (Current, ac- cordinig oNesek Abouit 500 ayarsrv1 ln enough to mnc oîiAtiati sipnanid so1eanige sa Y, oIn!î ias Bermltiua (,0 ie O ne such iceberg sank tbe Ti- taiwitb he ,lossoiof1,513 lss in April, 19P. That dsse e snled in ltse Iuntrnational I'ce Paîrol, opecd on ', îal of four- tceen maritime natiomi, by the ULuit- ed States Coast Guard.' Lsually ihloservera bave plenty of siglins rpor-t i libeir prior- il1adlio msae.But we h C'oas Gnr' paeLnd ve SUS venîurned ouI for. thlenew sao in May bey ere srpric 0fiî ant uull rni'uîheif ice- bergs. necws for seafalrers, but the en'lys - lenige [ibe CoastGur wulnt pa's lnp. To takthe problem 10( ils suctecutter edoa carrying a leain of Weatber BuL- rea eperslasI wek osed lontl ý;f tle Auserican base at Argen-ý tinla, efud d in a bligh gale. ]For lire ,vc [Ibe observers oudpry 'mb th e foriddig 1,400-m1ile 'csetast of Grecunlanld 10 sc -if ieeg ccsilbeinig produced. Atnative bor s thac-yt th lacIs of bergs rsîe fromt a sec- ic fmild wvinters inl Grcecnlanda -atwiler I-was 10 degrees wa- t annormal. In Los Angeles, Dr. Has Aîmun lircior of Ille Sweish i Geographicalinsi tube, reported au "enormous" risc Pl average Areic temperatures since 1900. if Lh tcind contiliucd ghlally tA tIe extent of meltîng the Antarctic tee regions as me% as tbbc main Gcectland ice ,cap, hec 4ay risc 10 inudllýte bbccos ~ plinsof tibe continents. Already, the iniicasedl navigable scason, around 1 SpilsberIgen and Norîheru-1 Rusýsia -was a miatter of -"vorld Stali;n )Daws Plans For a New Mosco-w chitecturai l vreaiou cx-prcssinîg lIe noble idecas of Cmsns, ai scoww said Qujotilg anl article.ii0 tbe Soî ict cilywoul colsinavenessquares, uand par ks- ro, ed arudb S Krclin, in adto 0mnmna buîildiîings a, ud mIbautifnil momFi bouses" tlu bc Ibill on\ (r1ms quss Mouils of gcound. Ne'stlinlg aroind -theotsirts of th', city sou becottgessui o d tapanese Beeties Tour byAirinier --Thl'f aei e cî( l, , silice l s arrivaI in N\v Jersey some -d yc-(a-s agLas iven evýidece o,(f b ing nîuiChlea(1d sitb 0 t 1a seen anld (caten ofI this cutyi mure th Ilaln asorùf saesays thtý Nuw York Heruald Tibunell. The amiionls inseel is ueli aw ar uf te vaue f ir rasprtil]gel tinig arouud a land so lmicb are tiailîs or-iginal Ihome iin'Itle P- cific. Eery SumeiIr IL makes use o plne, rveligas aOoN'Ny or Isiklihier, u comiug aboard; cljuging bldy10smetaî cer1.vho xnay le mnuc inIjîa beau silinca în Ohio a fc ew bol ulaler. Now l'ihe Deparlmnt of AgriculI- tures Bueauof Etmlg u Plant OQuarantile Ibas cmnploycd fi_1e1 gt-ir s 1 srve as isetr ILa GuardiaFIld, i1Lith1bbc duly of v, atchising, for )I loîbo1, dbeCîýles it- tMjAch in0the balCk o! F aadn !Iior ir idcnt!,y ]ornamlleuings xasi- fr:Ock. - isi, ferbc 1Uilited S taltes anid the Uite<d KiugdomJ is Ca- ada'S third best customler. \V.,.ï Looms on Great Lakes Waterfront \\i- . adian Seanîien's Union's ex-president, Pat Sliahaiga rival uinion w-,hich seems to nieet with the apr )a f soine shipow sier,the C.S.U. is strugglinig to maýiIinta]in its ';swa arnog oganzedlabor on the Great Lks HarrýY -Dais, righ, nw pres]ident, declares bis union Is flot anxýiousý for strike batebut that if shipping companies breýak contacts i meR wil ie Up shipping. Cyri1 Lenton, ntinl rasrrad T., G. Ml(Mai-us, secretary, help Davis count srk alt i I-stI '(ar's waterfrontfia Sports - And, One lT hing or Another Biy FRAN4K MANN HARRIS ("A Sixhit Critic") -- Professiinal ibas'ketbaîl bas been tiil il, the ci[tv of Týorno-tried, sud founmd wniin mOt one vital cse til, The asce ballyo wass 0-te ad auy;presosud radio support nmoSt genecrous; plavets wr of tihe AIl Star Var-iety sllhough, ait timeis, theyv did perform as thougil he dutbeen pcopýjerly introdnicedl toionestloibr,,.Jti-t one lhiuig 'týas laciugnamlycash customers in sufceîspaing cuantities. Pu1titiniig i, baîdly, tihe whole thiing w as s promtionludflop; sud Nbl i's easyv t, be wise aftcr Ihle et th1ere wetc hoseof lns wopoinitcdI onit Ill te potleso otid1 î-ghL from ll the lrtTbey ovcr(ilook- cd Ithe fact that, wbil100 cnistomi- csaI $2,50apicepuilit ul as ucb aI fur- itilis by e ms Illeb same tb v inutesater cf buildingl uýp a fL o, îiiiletad of mak:iug sureuthat th'ejin %lt as packed ev-en w its dad bads for Ibir first hsf-o7n aie, tetacedasi doors sd av okscoea-rod incash l ll baud. LAud thrc' n- tbing ,as blin sa opeof tbbo- Sanid puletyigto sounid enthu- stii0 s place buill 10 biold sevenl or îglt tv11îsthtatnaî DISAPO AITMNT. Tiere lis saî 1 hu ebceuî grca,,t aîîicipatiolît auîog flc blck lics aîîdîîsqi qaitos ofNoriîcru Oîîorioai the sîes o flc cîîieîî GvsyRose Lcciýsitiigtioe a- ; Sssea theîî erccvc rusîocdas tin--)g b iaîtBalîs"Air for ii;,, G- Sri "as "),i" loncv arî1 slrppe thei stiiges Bu, als, iss Lec, sîoîal oslnîe or ro cssioîtal ap- pearaces, îîd o pî'seîn,-,îosofter A ruernd enlemnias re- cently coline, ont with eae blast aga ilns-1.wrestling an;ýild x-vretlers -one whiche thiink îisoniewlbat unfair. 11aving becuï, in our limfe, mi 11d)up ore closcý ltan Most folks wiîhthite - sporti, buisiness, rcecallwVbat ouL ike - - of wrcîlugwefeel ini a position 10 sekb-, the book. nil xvile we bave een stln fans. 'male and femnale-, tirred byl-,-excitemnent 10 actions that werc hardIv ' ither Po- lite or diaigwlwe imight saye theyrvy same re-gar-ding wbat lce ave v1winesý , s cay, a Rçv. ACHES., Backahe is often caisses! yb,, fsAy nney acin. Wen kislaeys get out of order excesa acidi and! poisons rensain in the systeni. Then backatlîe, headache, rheumatic pain, ai&- turbes! rest or that 'tires! out' feeling May *ooii folîow. To help keep your kidney3 working properly-use Dodd's Kidney PlUs Time-..egted, popular, sae, non-babit-form- ing. Deniand IDodd's lidney Pilis, in the bIne box wfth the red ha-ns. %old eyerywhcre, i3m take theoiiibv suad lrg.the quietest, decentest, wbstliing buncliyou'i fud in an5 bue of physiaendea- vor. restlng bo, îhec sd four limeýs a week , Iaeuîblimenc evenl if tbeuy had ise iciain or îyrea'l (anin-aisiig oulsi e s ring. If somî-e of îeioati(,: ve-rge on te crde wll, s Shalespere sad Iedrsai's laws the drama's patronls give",. sud modem wrest- liuig is ail of 9 pet cent :Cbi-ama %uywy, w(areproud le ocoulnt a lrenumber (of N etîras welI it as i mu îîtramong (our per- sonal firids, And if (vldo'tl hiappen teated resýtlîug nmatches as olen Iias wc use 1, csame gons for Chutch service as avill. au SOY $2,0 Jpr bskt 1ot lng agoý, tisse 1-"Il55,;l eco uld b1, cherrve( lie those as low ,as 25c-a(bos)et." The,"!, caf fer aa u eadd s anîd tt to-it i as i s iaî', d t geflod fa ts w dolaîrs is WT\That Scîence îs Doing Casein Brieties a osnbaleLnycragsnicb brst swere uscdCI is satcbeus unltil dispýlaccd by tl-e baY sr i s ofiee. And fo)r a log ime tbIle bog ',a s Ilth udisputed ý%lder in t itaue was frced t(l le [ýoa haek seat by. of yariouis kinds And now here i .a fiew th rcat10 blis former mnp ALixue fcasil, o tauinedý f rom skýim mililk, and wterisex trudcd trng uitbedie and, thnsub1jected 1 0 finlishling oea iosThie culingbistle is îoundi ini cýrosssecinand bl'ack flîke bIorse- lir or China pig br isl ad ceau be prdcdin anmet:)r Iamt des]) A. 'The ucasc in 1,istl resid to b zaricVarl I el aaptd fr se i paintbuse ecuetlcy are re- sistaut 1 oil d orie SOIlculs !'u defeuise of. tle locaillhogs it probaly sbnld etetionied 111,aI mosl of he tmgristI ies used be!re orefomChIýi nud Europe. Not, w hsten t adil, that ourdomestie hogcoldni't lraise fiee bisles i s j1ut ihat thie local bristIes are n]ot ogcniouigh, duec10th le f act tha"t AmerýIican boitg raisers do niot, as a rul ccp barslon'g uenougli "to grow brisîles of iedesired leugthi. Gigantic Trust Lâteot ifrmtonidiaestat tlie gigalnti ndsîil ,trus to 1Mhch the Sov i re organlizing seizeiL German indusIltries in their zone of the , Reiclj owComprises more thlan 00 eniterprliseýs. Tlie trust icudsailliron wrksin Ithe Rutssian zonel, al! airadan uto- miobile plants, Ànuil 7 per cent onf ail opiallandOthr reisoninusr r-av materials, elec(tric poe utan traýnsportatÎi faites and all out g oes Io Ilhe Sovie-tUin 5T0p*ITCNBites.- Qulck! Stop itcisî ii.nse tbebct rasle, essema. iee ipls eetscabie. eathletet foot nad othier externatly caisacd skin~toul lYse qlkatn.soo(thing, anrtiseptic O, D. D. pRrLSCR&PTION- Greatet1ess, ;tainiess. ilIeu îtocsF. Ni 0 RîCR IDIO à 2 Special Rem-edies Jy the Makers of- IVecca Ointmgnï Massa Pite Remiedy No. 1isl for protrudlino. Bleeding Piles, and îa solil in Tu-be. wîith pipe, or internal application. Price 7,',. 1Mecca. Pile tceyN.2 je for E.terual ltclslng Piles Sold o jar, and is for etrnuse opely. Pr5e0C. )rdor by ntuiober fro ur Ziru,- at cà4 .........-. aver f q s C. tl î1 î, andiBa waTOI0d T Il 1-E1oi utt ioeitedlvc A sat~fo ane bsepourNeewr.W Ros, NwHphrs e apbr X -- Chc ok LgtSs'x e a 27.51. oussc.eduS red Il ndLgh Puei COli lan uliess cig u wes td-4%us 11ID N( Ma-Edi tIAL ý1 CE ET eoe ipe ,v, and dprc L I vre enyher. J Brs ,lomg. r ce PoL oa140 2 AdeihSbdW..Toon. ventin oides J, patenSCtd orinseid Toronto.. .whig U nthn nea i'en.o1ien FARLSAi(G SAL M001) 10Muccra. Me l mened ad drined sonne nrchard b ginig10ba .Ahbid ings iii excei-ei lc'ito. Un itear GPruseels, Oniaco. FOR ALE goo gri.n-addiyfrn 7 acres ove 500goriabie iol oS un i. Adaso S miles s> 600 -X 16 - Vie aa oveatookil a tiDeors-sul cr Cer Ailjp odr bpelC.O.D. SpeciaiequiP-nn Tires. CEACIN TIREcone, Quenam ONTAP.IO'S 5MOST MD QUPPED TPIRISI 5560 n LEARS Itairilci Information c CÇAC ~Q L Guanted bu ~~ jood MOUSeeepi n), ~ ~ ii NURSES )SppuiDrL R 41 ililRT U N 1Il E s 6 DE A HIAIDI ~u S<'5500L tearo nosnn uccesa f i,] e c ,'1e 1.gra duaseýI, logus fre,.WrteorCati 358 lo tW oul 7rnb1 44iisS. aîio ;i' "M iesu i ree. ctsn su t: DE V EL Reprints ounted e Devi. 9M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE fOX12. PSIOFFICE A TOIZONTO WýA TED -Aý,i1 kinde cforesiouitry'Yo prices fer top bie oep1ope9uahei 1,uitryDp 04DanforisAv. Trot 6, d, n utoogradingi mont!,! haýve a aize andi type 4o! 506e, or (ussblnet. fI îosis' ypnrg.isae. vi us,4 or ,siic for pricea. e tg '. A. i.&j.ùVL KRLI MITE ÉL TORONTO SA5ýFE' WORKS k -,A RNîiES S & cO7 LL AR s 4 t,