OR O i '0110o kly limes SUL îIto 15 nt. ur rics ariE, okis Jof the best ursdy moningat the Tmsofc R. A. Forrester,Puisr v.1937. itable. The ùoaiy thing that basý irotective subsidiy , avearce tl, che staffof 11fy, seld re 0due îld cere-aîs are uos.ed every d3ay. S'Iould Serve te dîlscourage aay bread la 'Caada ad the -U.,S !s n'oroh aach yaar. It behooves even the dsaddcut ri IV eassunirirsg i îerand -1hilc froithatgreat bedbse orhl's foed supples ould be' e wan, providled t'rat c pcon- ly, thosecon0,dîtiois 'have not hopad. Penhaps pithatvili par- ead and caras if suci a risc OUr- detan.llmntien te aeo enceraed. Thýefgrsqoe nove. To vaste net is te 'aa m- '*- oý Restor 'hen thýey tel" us tait aad accsary.Des- ho s rputad te have ly anld effectively ls -imder iv-1 oni *ffeaminutfes duriarg thredamy, your night'ssrs lasfficienit fer ani~ e lthtetratochofor y. Fuijnelivig coDins nIy g ar popl. Wuldwaý be 0(ld t],0daotd e leep -n'ojuld , s t il1 t* * * Dodging Thle" Issu e cf C () ýp i l and ad tIre Mlie ay~ ~ t aa!ldteour 0ewn spidl inipîssi"e-0eig- îe duigthe war years on that people -luboth- t "~matingfor -noth- fit and gai atteex 'Mhnja' else. n'a are tear,,- Biack marketsF aiy eple 'epoe ir prens ack eisire t e rieadn onsvalue, wahrI s. e 'Pr ioathing lisa atrend of thel mnni g witIr fear. Wh'othen le cay e- r honorable a imet'hods efo're cat'astrophe seaýn. To -fac! ithoug, tIrt thfe presenut 'witout ltlnatcl destroyn s ltiro * * 4' 4' The Urige To Goc Places that tche whreI avas man's f!irst adfeos n- and meant more t human progress than any ana uventions. Whaels hava led t ecasier ail swiften ide ma'king for machanical developinent. ly tIha youager fny- taka ranchefi stoick in thase facts uesr of mtnilfor a "s ap bo" ar, Thecy are, ýr just w1bat the aniea cf eaniy ýtires làokcd, mad intarvaning years have sought. Ive knew, bacause resiuto ovecr ounselvas in timrea geneý, by, Lers aent aftar aIels od oae type and -anotharw ramaived fre"I tIre proeant day gena'ratIoIa, ae Y eesand bulîIt miniaturfEecars. Mst cfthoIGse Onventional and austure su boxstyle, Ail axia *LOCAL NEWS hoefrein her visit te icrie 'Mr, aad Mas11. Jam1,es Canetcon1, ocf New Toron)to, are visitbsgn'lt hi brothe, Mr'M. A.Crltn Mn. iwe Faanof the nkf Commer"ce staf, BOwnsanville, is en - joying a twex weeks 1aainfo i Mr. and Mrs., George West ndc fauyspent thle Civic Hol10iday 'ek end n'ith h fne s 's brothlerMr. aadi _Mrs. A. E. West. SPORT EVENT-S Goylen and Kendal bal! teaw~s are thle two tes s!la the playsrff s for the ch ia mpienlShil ,p 0cftire leagUe n'-hich la- cludes Ne'cas'tie, Kendal and Oronei. Cewcasitle are out ef tJe runaing, leaiang Ke-adal and Orono for, the finals. C Ie W rs gàme of te plaoffs wu]l be ia 'Kendal this Thursday evening, Auguist 7th, ,ornmencig at 6.30 p.m, *The ractura gm niOU be played la Orono on TueSa evenîng Aug'.ust itcnmencing at 6.30 p T. Ihe I team tkn the aest twO eut cf thniree gamals nill haC the crnPos Thr-oughout thelan,ýgue games ,thre 'Oon enin 1Weraee r defted(, but1 j ýena e ld te a>tone al tie nby Non'- castie. esur'e 'teattend thagam at Oreneon. Aug-,ust 12Uh, aise tLhe gaii t Knaon r gst7hand gv tetanin younrmoral spot Tie noe gýr i rls let thein fins-t gama la thai playofenieos agaiast Nwataraitrte lat1ter place last weVek 1by the('C'lose s(ore cf S to ý7, At Che and cf the thrdinaings Orono was four ruas ahead, but whan the seveath innins aed bonth teanm weatiad, se an extra jinFis had te be layed, with Orono scoring one ruia ter hifansdi Newcagstl cr- ïing two ruas, taking hafirst gamie. Tis Ttirsday avanipg thasa tn'o gils temnon-wiciash again, this tiares at Orone. Orioobas to WC thiis game làte stay la the ruuiniing, se give Pthie gir-ls aIl!the suvipport You Caný. The OrPoo footbal teani deeed BPowmaunvilla footIall teaam in Oronio CoanruItyMemnoial-Par k on Wed- nesay eveniag by thascmorcf 2 ~to 0. 1Thereoeplîayens are non' ento the gaina, and n ý ya vili ba rip viti tue eadrs.Oroo las n'on hi JIM CAMU<UON Leskardi Ont. Ci Toratoa Ellectric and Acetylene CyliderBlocks and IlasWelded SPECIALJING IN Alumnum nd Zinc Base Metal ALLI WORK G-UARANTEECD "A weldî that is wrhdoing at al- is worth doiug wl" Phone ORONO 1 MRIng5 __________________________ n PORT HOPE Wed. to Fri., Aug., 6-8 "THE HUCKSTERSl" ith l Clark Gabi Kýerr and SydueY Auig. 9 Aus- DOG nor'y off a Wy J 'I LUTE P Walten, 7th-, 19, Gene, de'ip H n' n Non- on earth can tale y'eur place. A h'pp iCee ne 0once enjoe- lon vewet thie mensny si But death has- left a lonaiýiness Thle worldc3.can iieyer fil!. --Ever re m-e ie ed by ris W if e, an -Iaunters Vera and Eazel. IN MEMORIAM W~jTR- 11,lo(vh senor o m.J., aler ho passed away iAgut h, 1i944. Gone is the face wýe lvesode, Siuent is the voie we loved to heaIr, Sweet t elenenber bhlm b oc ~was here And wo, toughaôse-it, is just as dear. Foo deeply loved ',0oe'be forgotnC-1 OBIronS thmLsadoy.us atthe2 fanp.y reidtence, LDo c, cemetery. SALE REGISTER H l aving biis b;arn de trYe d by fi n'e, Mn. Victor Palu-er, Lot 5,.oceso 5Hope To-wship, 1 mile West Of Rossmontwil sel! by public ac tien on Frilaiy evenings, Augtust LSth, at 6ý.30 p.m., th"efeiwag 2 young,- ere.20head f Durhamr cattie, 70 pullets, aluiliber cOf ne-arly new fr m'achinry, aad20o crsof nmixed grain te be sold inl fid Terniis Cashn. 1No Reserve. JackRedActoe. FURNITURE SALiiE The undersigaed bas received The Eec ti f the Estiate of the late M1RS. lJ,1IUALLOWELL te si] by pubklumcioii at her osyStreet, 1BOWM-ýANIVILE at 100 .m.on SATUR-DAY, AUGUST 9 t-iceWleut DoiaingromSie 3~peccWalnt edrooni flSuite; Finid- ayý (COok Steve, nearlen; 3 Becds; 3Couches ; 6-piece Walut Hrse HRami Sttee, vcry iiitiQue; -'2'Varanda Chair,ýs; 2'?smi-all Cha,ïirs; 2Axrlse Rg;12 fRa g 3Ma tts;6 Rcn Car;2 Waiblnut Wardrobes; Anti- que Mimeor; Hall Raý"ck; Quauitity cf ishes and Cook;ing Utansilis; Gar- den Tools; 3 Tolet Sets; nuirber cf~ CokPictuJres, Bedding, etc. TERNIS CASH. No Reserve. JACK REID, A,,uctioneer. Township 0f Clarke COUTNTY 0F DURHAM TENDERS FOR BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION ýSEALEi) TENIDERS clearly mark. -as to contents, aili be received up te 12 o'ciock noon, Friday, Aug. l5th, 1947 fer tIre ceonstruction cf the folowing relnforcaed coarirote ýstr:uctures. Oaa 12 x 5' x 2(Y concert culvent at Lot 31, fbetaveeiConcassions 7 and 8. (b) Oaa 12' x 4' x 26' concrete cuivert at Lot 9, btvenConc'essions 8 aýn d 4. (C> Oua 18' x 8' x 21' concreýte bridge n'lIthbandrails, at Lot 9, betaveen Conicssions 3 and AL Prnhrinformation on plans, spe- ci4icafloas and tender ifonins rnay be sacu at tIra office of the undersigned. Marked ehaque for 10% off co-tracit bld arut Coonlpaaly. acilstender. Lowest or any tender not nzceasar- ep se-paraitely oýr Col- i. J. MELLOR 'Clacrk, Orono, Onàt. A'Iltypes *ofI Fea ihersi Top Fle,BtanR ltry an pa id. M one 7r1. Wý-ANTED TO RENT in "Oronio, two, or miore rooms, or a al house, suita-ble -for Beauty Parlor. Apply to Box 17, Orono. tf. WANTED Wom-an Boarder, ln nice quiet homie. Aipply to Miss Idia M. Taylor, MainStret, ronO; plone 65 r 1'2. LOST One Smal l Cole Pup;bown i soine blaick; anmswers Vo namne of "ier.If foun"d retýulr Vo Rossý Canýeton, Orouo. Re'ward« a-29-p. LOST In Orono on Tuesdlay, black plastic chng urse :and sum of meaey. Re- wa F r. (Chas. Knox, 64 r 2. Bramy1llatcihery lit somne fine 4-5-6 week o;Il& pullets for mmiediate deliv- erjy, niost varieties. Think w1hat these will miean te you for fai and wvinter egg markets' Chicks for Sep- temier-Oetolber' delivery seudbe ordýieed now te. Contact us soon. Jack ; lUàson, Orono. ___________________________________________________________ I FOR SALE J. C. GAMEY ToGood Jersey IC.sWS, milking; aise Top Buggy in good eadlition. Aýpply ýte Lexx Weod, Phone 84 r 4, ýVi11age IProp)erty FOR CASH SALE In Clarke ýTownship, Agoed hom-fe -weil locatecd, 6ross furished; Woodedhed and garage; large gardea; àa good cement hard wate, el ttedoor; soit vwater aaderpunsp]latthiehoe;cset chrc,, scool, bsies lce nd P~O.; ~dno vailalImmedliateý pesesio ise a 7romdsemni- fu raiiled home, aunn'smmr it- cheribathrom, btad coild ta¶ps in kthnand luardry roo)m, built in kitchen cupoeards, ellar cuphoard, hydre all new; gond garden with fut.Close te PO., stores, church, schnoel, park and nwimingpool. PosessonSepit. lst. For, furth-er patiulrsapply te Box,,:4C6,Oronlo, Ontarie. ese1 thýe Turnesc, officeý. Eithen hoethein ýla or, drop thL'em le Office. WANT AD SELL BUY RENT HIRE FIND -NOTIFY Phone 9r1 to-day!. Free Estimates will bç Given Cheerfully on 'Rock Wool Home Insulation By Blower, System, Four luches thick, GILPIN & Go. Iusulation Contractors, 57 Bloûr St. West, Toronto District Representative for Durham County GEORGE WADDELL 1Phone 23S r 22 BETHANY .4"TE(p 40 Radio Service! plet, dbat o aI maessudm- PROMPT. ESN EAND) EXPERT R=AIRS A.U R. L. MYLES Professional Directoryý ME DICAL A. F. cKENZIE, M.D. PHYICAN anid SURGEON Office Hours ; 2.00 tu 4.0 P.m; 6.30 to 8900 p.1S. Sundays and Wýednesdays by appoinitinent only PHOINE 47r1 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A., >Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office 688 Home 553 *W. -F. WARD jBARRISTER SOLICITOR Phones: Office 825 Resideuce 409 BOWMANVILLE, ONT, VETERINARY DR. W. W.,SUER WIN VETERINARY SURGEON Office Main St. Oroas Phone 63 r 7, Orone INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automobilý and LiabilitY TOUR MANUFACTURERS LIIFE grPRESE !TATIVE wilgladly asslat in planingf fluancial security for yourseef aud your famiily. DANE FOUND Monuments The RUTTER GRANI"ýTR COMPANY P'hone 501 - P.O. Box 622 \.. Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkerra9, Engraving, Goldleafing AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Couducte Auction Sales of alss and at reasonable rates e Co-mmunicate with hin lb at P Perry, Ontarlo, or see his 1Crk A. E. Moûrton, at Orono, for date. JACK REID Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke Do You Know' That, for a man age twenty-four, The Imperial Lifeý Assuruànce Cern- pany will guarantee his fam1.LIy $5,000.00 lu eveut of hie death prier te age sixty, for between 2% and 3 of that amount yearly. And Hf he lives to age sixty, the Comnpany will pay Mim the $5,000.00. Why net cousuit your locul represetatir,- F RED LYCETT te ee wha.t a plan such as thla --wZM do fr yOn? When you are lu ne.d of PrItwîff Call the TIMies Offiee. W. pla everËtuiig lafine prLntîng - îè ,ti dd , B laps, W eddtng e%.. tom, lebge# ioWffl&b. 'le, Deborah SIlee p, a will agn-ee k> s ONTARI 0 GRONO ORONGý Phone 8rl 1