Vol.11. No.M q O'NO, (ON T Durham Central Agricultural S, 0rono Girl Guides Enjoy A Week Camrping In-1Haliuro BIlake and 1rocýky cuhore, I will ~unonemoe' nd ns the wter Lason flhe rocks andltehundg ons o Captirý1 ;e 1drift inlto the 1a r k- ea, oach girlS iely promises te retur A tcamop inet year The1-c- 11917 Girl uidecmasit n atmn on Tate'sPoint at N ogîe11 I's ireek l themidst f -a, northarný iparadse. The nid urai beauty of Pllg'eon LAk must be seen to ha ap- 1prcite, s ero words vwould inot viwits plngelt ina air and its -woodad charur. (aiy f tihe Orono gîis vwe re eapigfor the first timne and there - ruci' ave bena lovelier spot chosen fur thir initatin. There wýera five girls tLo e'ach tout with a leader là each, arnd evory day a tant ha-a d ty. The dutIes were: cooks, hupisiealii, ;sh -eor s, camifire the -mals, under the expert guidancýe ~f te qurtemastr, M's.(Dr.) Mil- charge of garago diSpos, and of coerngt' 'pseair daC.ýy wt edar for as~hng ishe andtontowels. ten gaheed ho oo fo tadcamp- -fig ~ S ,m.fla4bra andkEt h At fie.A 715 he rsfthe toole bouse lu wet woather, is can cievement At7.30 in the g.After breaýkfas t the girés edtoHlear arlusduties', thenwi rel iheir ousfor, insýpectioni. a.m. the girlshadsinrmin]-g nhIlur iltVisBaiaaVrou-i of~ ~ ~~o Pioawasisrcres s the g (dne-fJ atanV. trnw afe Gie M-liai innijer and thotwo hýoprsfree whenyouarea camp-d i ai on epe yr I -b lu Ùlb tai il liii 6 Th uute engo the Wo-) June 2Othi, ith Mrs. V oisn onnO f theSoil eaecorn- mite, uchar ge dofTce programme. The' guest speaiker fr thile after- noon w-ýasMs.Anme Rb fthe Chldens id Society' of Port H1ope. Mr 4s. Raýýhy's ,adi(ressgave usane jiewvon socal elfa r e %,ork W have long asnociated foster oe an1-c( adloption with the 11ildren' A id Society, b ut we litie raîe h1o w many otheridepart(entl ar e carecl for byý the S)ciety. Wý,e wera ~'vna glimpl"Se inito thle nmacinery of social welfaýre work aïýnd a short sunmary of prtective cases, court casas, the Lodge at Port Hope, fos- ter homnes and foster parents, acop- tionls for mlarried parnc-l ases,-vet er- ans department and their neest workivestigations rLýlobby bous- It ws eiplanedth-tlthe Socýiety $1,00.C er yar, nd dpeýn.ded on dntosand tag dys o pep Prom rivae peronsfrom chlbsan digand tim-e dnte okitc- výie1)y tha id >Sociýety. Flown Mr R :h'sed&es, asoia1 cup oA toa ws enjyed n!d ltheme esha withstas, agloingfire, the sound of F h c waiter lapj"piaig agalinst thne shore and camp songs boating 'o'er telake. For.goiton are the pett quarres of the day, the duties you thultwere hariId andl the rare re- prinran4n you iecie frem a guid er ejoinin iniý ging the Lordis Prayer and Taýps and theii offI to bod. Such was a day at cam, ut thiere -were maniy sailincidenIts to re- meibler, sucih as Éthe Suinday weha chicleen and hiome-mande ice crea m, visitors day wenit r siesmch the mail hose lovelyskînydips, h s'kits- at casnpfire,te ne1-w camnip sog ou leanethe picunres you toadthe long wlk. o o uire- Gode uwona iprize a aý nnpanas>,,e lud~ andGrace GasbyJoanne orish ndJaeh eiSo wn a pria o ih Theo leepy lleads.)i Thee ws i ýtir ajor MoweS'i Mlany re th hapymemrie w have of camp forit is the sunny dasw ecaîll ad he aiy neire forotin. or thieir grnd oliday and apoymemoies achof the toni Orono Guides w ito express their ver depet hanles to the Orono Oddfelows or înkinIg i osbefor theim to attenld mpl. 0 f July Health Report e case of oio sgadqat olosind also i akrng nted n a cîld 0 som proisîinfor -h'ýndwa.singfor Seyoir Twnhip teh tafs ndthepu l attediI!g nid rcse andshw ths'frs Dungu,99rta- The chil wsun at and19si]o hle"nsetin tîverale solaion ere arriod out, No ther cases Two p tiens we-re amttdto this Health .Unit $anautorium duLrinig the mïonithof Jly, rIt Asa eul tat rmthe Healenth Uit are-a and ar- ni h ersure s 1,S rangeents miade for a tirid cese to he~ heal!th Of thleir be auimiPtted early in) August. These ýie( ail in case Of caý,ss(of thruoi oedj-agnïosed y doctor should be by the family phy>sin WMt the -as- sistancie of the provincial lbrtre cases of imulmps and d the egularonthly eches-ray mpox reported dr lne.The faily cnacsof the-so asos of red meeases.laces have alroady 'been examNie chîld healh confer- at the regular monthy chest x-ry and parents brought cldnes or aragmet nade fo, pireshool eblidrea heir exaination. At the regular conference with thre monthly chest -ray cliic in Co- es macle 366 homne boua there wore 20 persons x-rayed of young infants. aa1a ormt Hope 21. tors colected 117"u Fowi ng lgtigsurvoys carried rbaerimoloialex- ouitsy the Heaith Unit Staf lat ineotis inilg yea'r, and as the resuit of suhsoquent ision of safe 'wate er rocointions made by Ighbtînlg vate sours b ut it engineers of the Hydro Eleýccfil y private 'wells ine- staff, new liUghting eumetishe uate protection to ing installed liu seiveral se!hools ýandj freediom frolpol- w111 be c'mletd etore sco opens ~ d comndfeets frDe.Il uh,0of Toronto, ras at- o 'wels do not have taclhed to this HIealth Unit for fieldi or that thie upbper work duing Juy. D. Farough', ment cruing ij otfomIndiaund Dr. Radasîng, fro -e vs ý èr aOof Cylnwho' had jus-t npeed er fair grounds in course à PublicHeanth r aHavar nmmendsaon i d> nvrstiiedteHealth Uni Taxes lligh lit Schooli Section Twelve This Year I Thue tax rlat efor Sho eto o 12 ~ Y (rn)isyor, will hoagreat- Tho hi raiso isld e othoeici earia leat. Ti 11 enthaýt aie herat of6 i- m)lîs, 1i VI C i The ounty rate ir up milho-e 1-1 p .'ml', t()towrhip rae adte spll bridges rate will h 1 iil an Ld l incï'oase of 5 ie milî s; - 'tenri ) 1eHspia oit I fi-olsta d uriho Gnaras ! k of .8mihlu re wCentralesg Frn oieVlage mLis. C list oraa- o Society F AIR aORONO FRIDA AN-jAlTTUZIDAy September 5aand6 HORSE RACES- Two Classes 2.21l and ......... Purse $150,00 2.21 and under .......Purse $150 Monte Ehiitoý fHorsesý, CtiSheep, legs-, Poultrv, Friït aid Vageàtables, thie Products of the Farmi, Dmesie Manufi actuýre, ex- h ibîofHm Clo eking Neeýdlecrvaft, Pain ing, I ers, and ,thýe Junir Dparmentmerts our visit; aIsetha Pr E >bi f Chais. Knox Fur Farrm. Orono Citizens' Rani xiii play f OO .00p to 2.30 p.m.l AMUEMETSMIDW'AY, THE BETYET Mery-o-'oudBob tha Clonthe Amiateur Si5Mwý, 2.45 pjm. Admission toFi:Aut,3e;Cars, .; hl uaiUder12, FREE CO,7lMNITY H-ALL, Russ Creighlton and Varity [ a tte n danAc1 ADMISSIïON 'TO DANCE: 5ý CONCi TOWNHALORONO, : by the Jessie AMcGregnr C', I Orono