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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Aug 1947, p. 3

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A FondFaewi To The SaIEoy F'very se o t'fi we aea Ilong sihfor tue passtng 6f semein- 5titi o -r il' iidiidual f.nly ideýn- tifiesi\titb "tisegoosiols I sny.' 'Wc neuutht xanîshed quilting bec"s ai the Littie Resi Scbooi- bouise, the noble hcrse ansi tht ofl- t.iet vaudexille. It is about ime.t: ttthat lfseme one paisi ýribIte Ie that litft-îîcted but indispenisable falieninilstituitioni of horst andi bulg- gy sinys, tht sinail boy, conmmns thet Daily Times, Xattrtoc),i Turne was when the smnall hoy's serlics o ftt farm virec tntver- mif >senîttinssuptitbe The--e -1,er, xtiocv ansie-,te fred, eorn to il, petato bugs te pick, wadnst icsaud Woosi Ce Split ansi tord lup. But mechanization andSi citîîtific ïmetthlosisavedis- Feesîng s nelong r a adom. 0cor but an; exact procedune'. for tht miodern farmer.Wod bas in many cases be4,nirtpla c(d by ceai or oil ful. Asiweding ansi spray- ing, are today- vdoe on a wboiesale bavýýis. Ch(înicals snucb as 2-4-D, DDT, suiphunii; acii, ,sait bnine ansI petroil-1mw lpruducts cnkl morie wesalisImbgs lu a ew helurs than legiions (if sn i bys Penhjapýs Cli mens ha't today's faiirenswiIll 5urfrein Cosefani- iili(;es of, fivejon Cenchilsiren hat onice wen ndsesal. yMay rsubstitutc tht old Iqbut effîiient laonoyfor thtle nrstry,This poss a ques(tioni fraugbit with sig- %ifICanýce for tt innca W Whence wiimcerneChosefanm boýys, toegreatscetssaS- kÈCsicu, ins!stiaiiýss hs atr evwrdlSe, muich Ce their youtf nio cinv!ironmenelt But anothlen view will be taken )y theuse et uls Who have laboresi long Iheursýini Cern On petato fieldss imdtr a b)lazinig sun, wIit htdust istepilmg inte (un rCyts ansdi up Our p'ant legs. Scienlce u d1îoe ts)on eiug.We wtrc homo 30 ycars con mL oce eaniy, AdCIui1t Exm.e r cs.e-- jf you art lr35 o ave flotý ben mn ran"s ing, do t undertak liaving;a fil niedical chec -I up, wa;rn ithC doctors. If (exercise wi0lh1a rapid lheart vwhici ido esn' t 'ilvw ow o mptly, ansi witba et einbliog 'feeling in theý muscles, fut otsuch xeten The author- iti eind Caniadians that, unlcss 0iey are uisesite a certain amount g)î exercise daily, they can't take a chance onl a sutiden splulrge of Yen jOs iun iaeptL-littis, 50 wýhy lnet thtpretîcî eusposbe >k,ïrc they arc--a pny srs. ii ,trochtct, ani ey ny IncKepesivie Ce iaù, pmcticai ~owr pthldes f m crue, pal- hem 64 a's i rectionis for bethi. "'ens TWE71NTY-FIVE CEN TS lui othi s patt iîlc tt .Nec(lcraf t Dept., roomn 421, 73 Adelaidle St. T MWes , onent. Pinýtpnny PAT- TIERN N(-NUI31", y'eur NAMtEnid j.SCreen ACtor J HýORIZONTAL VERTIC W1 1 Picturecl 1 Roam mveacter, 2Dîned Il Chpeau 3 Golf device 12 Eluider 4 Happening 13 Cor-ded .faibriç 5 Egyptian sun 15 Indîividlual god 16 Electrical 6 South Dakota engineei (ab.) <ah 17 Rough la-va 7 Rent 18 Ever ( 1nri8ge 19 Dimninutive(- 9 Exist of Edward-1 10 Retaiinuiý 20 Curreut Il Farni evente implemeci 23 Italian ivtr 1 o 24 1Exciarhiatin 1 Bt a 26 Avers 2Eiht(ab 28 1Iron symboli 25 Lnught (b 29 Container g5oLunsie 31 Rips 26Gem eil 34 1-1m 27 Iemnints 35 Mensure of 7mpil 3fTrapped inb m- tree l "gI 39 Victuals 42 Either stL 44 Allegedl force '~ 45 Northwest is 47 Things0 4Barium <synbel) 3 3 38 51 Measure of elot- 54 Snak.e P 55 Chooses 'i ~'i 58 Higb tcard 59 He l1; one cf 1{ellwee 59 28~~~ Muia oe4 ebN 2F ipnt 38 tvuiclnte 49M oe 32 Before peue 33 Distri'a.. sigi1 50B'xeai 37 Westerni sports competîtionis 381 Erbiumi symbÔl i 40 Any, 41 Bracers- 44 Eye 46 Tiny 51 Et Ceteral (Ah 52 Landing ,Shîpý Tpnks (ah C 53. Standard c valuWe 56 Haîf-eniý 57 Symbol fer. calcium By BAPRV tSIURkMAI< As wc Joek in on the sceecte day, vefiniMunkar rtclntiing lu an easy \Ii istyptwrittr penched uip iu tront cf tht chair. Be- sîde thet type- ýinten is a hait ottle et coke ains a cookît. Tu o feet axvay tht radio îs go- sng full biast alla a man is tellîng abou'ýt tht public spckingconests ansilots cf stut~ asi hics s we'li pais that much ain couBless me, nexv 1-ar 1ry Jame1 is iv gxng ont nith hat 01( godeTue O Clock Jumpl". l'Il hase Cc )stop a, minute. Oh)1 brother, Chicy sure gîxveuon 0 hat ont. "How It Happened" Two weeks 'age, yen picked up this colnmii ansi probably feli fiat. an receven>iig ySounon doubt groan- cd, *se hats whnt Cat jerk looks like'". Weil me fienslies, ixe have b )een kisidesi a lot about hat pictune andsichre is,, how it happenesi. Tht editor guis thideax Cýhat my picture in tht ceuimn iht dress it up. Ain't thatiaigAnsi I tan ac- tenut for Chiose dark cîrcies tee. yen sc, ny pop teek hat pictune. WeiI, pop gets under that black sheet andi says watcb Ch' birdie. There is a biinding flash, a. big putt of smokc ansi pop lanîds six teet, bath .of dthecameora. The dark cincles are neally touches et tht suiioke, hat shet eut hreuigh the, whos.its nlîiîthet thingamio1)b \xvent hingledih. Jottings Have yen lîtard Franîk Feena (tht BuinhîtBoogie Man) anîd bis ccxv orchestra yet? . . . Wt still wtleome letters frein reàsitrs, y euîîg or olsi, se sensi them along te Pickering . .. Frank Sinatra is e-, piasing Bill Sterns on Fnisisys aS 10.30 over NBC ansi Seing a goosi job, tee . . . Dick Haymes iv ap- pearng witîî MarCha Tilton on "Yonr HiC Parade", Satundays aS 9 oven NBC 'vhiie Andy Russell is fislîiug or sometbing . ,,. Cab Calie- way's cunrent neconding, "Jungle King" is, goosi ansithte tiien ide iv jnst as goosi . . . Penny Coîno, wbe evcnyone thonght wss on a vacation for tht summen, bas been a negular tenture et tht Paraîuîcunt tlîatre in New York ever sînce he letS tht îrwaves i June. Puer Pennr as the inloicy ht is foncesi Movies oftShe Month .Welcome Stranger -Hene ih a p5ictune you wili ike, Starring ing Crobyani Bnry vFitzgtrald, iCi ~atteniit ,lie; ,îiformer story. DearRuth -A gay domestic come(dy, spankesi by a hobby-vexer with juvenîile notions; about politits. Very ftny ansiwilprove tô be rea-l faiyetrnne tSanneS U y Edivirsi Arnolsi, 1n neenn B o o m e a ng1- a d e i l Y P i c u, i tpE wcith news rain ti fokig i telisc aaAs have tut top nis Ca.regie Hall - A,\neptason h sliii) f musie. ili1c!1 i dm l-omenstretcb xoieno hs Last Minute Stnffý Jûohîî Muxvatt of our Cxviis typîcai of thetCeen-agers xx o asim- te bc seînething. Ht camie iii t- day xxtb a magazinec covt'r he lha,( paisîtesi as au' assignîneiit for li- art sehool. John works iin ut ay ime sud studies art atngu. Husîdressof yonng peole a ýrei mueli tht sqamlik position sud w ýe wouild bc pleaisesi Ce hean bn thciîî. John selis sone of ibis eus in a local store as dots amîot!ièr artiit, Norn- Cafik. ifle knuxv of a youîîg persoîî vlîo ivstiiing Ce get aheasi by bard v ok or stidy, let us have sonîcthing on it. Ad-' siress youn items or letters te Tetuý- Town Topics at Pickcningp el hat (loti it for this xvek bt ï el bc back. Skirt Length Tazkes Drop cf F ive Inch-es£ Hidilng tht feiine ute cap thîs <ail iv oee ashien "musC" on xvlîic1 aIl dlesiginers arc agnces.Skn lenglth akes a susisicupinu)gec f fiv e on moetinches.- Less unanirnous is tht ai et sty ists te pull stuffing ot ofsio- siens. Thîose wbo den't yacmk eut al cushioîîing modify tht size of shoulder pasis. Cents almost monct Clan any d ay- ime tashions seen in' eariy -pre- viexvs reflet a prodigal use et yur-an age. Tbey will envelepe tht littie xveman like a ent, 'On w111 tient fuliness behinsi ber like s bridai vai. Ceats swing tromykso wnap-areunsi witliîlavish lapovens, Many w rap-amounds sayput wmtlîI tht help of a bamel. Ma!my ,new msuîs owe tir sauv look te racohcihste shudrlonger jackets, pî ) Iungin sut tiea ïnew lnote of eleýganIc. Metalli(7 or br-ca'de bIeuSevaidiC thisefct Hip--ayar-ivise give,-s suitsten- new look. Builikypv et enaftt ns oftcn as fre, bu[stIes, pets peplums, ansi dap.ry art sesite break Tht straigbt iguelme c mostdsines mreot 'e brek. wb-ich ,haSn'--t apD -opehlp- Swathed Cirei r drapeýdstkirt, Last Wednsday Bobput the car in thehae of a tiret and sisi he is goinig to chiange thie il.fHal " ahliwcrlater 1I nent eut te ak liinm rnrigbuit ail f colids>e of BoW) at first' ixýas itwo fceet ans apair (ef le llsickinig eut f rom ide1(r ithe front S-il thl car;:ani romilthoese1le g's here wvasn e t omuch a a oveeuj "Mercy" i tblouglit, "it musit be thiat, th1e car sipdoftheja c k and cuse bm"With imy helýart iuii y meuth wet n1ýý]!vea1rer. And( then IlyounsI th rsof Bob- head, houldr nibody, on hIis' bakiicteditchi, wellunder the car ali nd fat a0leep,! He lOokesi pefetl om1forttableso 1II leE im to' it. But it was neilt for long. A trlck craille rattlinig up thet lanle and tht noise of ifrt esud ii a rd awakenling for the sleepcr. Bumt IilieSme hsten tuoadd my sonj is nlot mnfthe habit (o, sleeping 0on thic job se sec there xxaýs a reasoîn for it tis t ime eIliasijust retuFi- 1 l from CtIlon 11g trip te the non- Chnuwidstat I sxas tellinig "yo1 ai outlast w4 etck anilie lhaitbeenl Cîthen( rdriviing or ridinig silice eigbit 'cloci< tht Preius night to seven oclock tbat oring- ald inl a uiea tn. ob aïld Ibis comlpan- ionsvsre ri1l ito ttbuhccu- iry, alng ith thle msuiesand bladk fli, stay1ig at a111isolatesi Uain bus justl abouit miles fron everyvs ltre ud't whenre sbeep had tob lsu p every ib o rte iem fro 1m the beau ns1 wlvs Nairal iing cnitos re moreor essprimiitive ilu sucli a dis- i, t, not thnoug ignorance but l, Lcsity, bt ithepeoy]c o-o b man that is tht kisi of lite he woul lik, lnow Chaýt Ihe ba1,s some cx- peiîîebeid hins.i el1 IdonCt h1avc eilikedlit teo- but niot now, 'flc xiidbuh cunty f the n iorth adte ide epen s'paces ;of Ithe wet,, ave oh vl-t theýr ;ap- 0 rjiewhn ue11iksooit howman sxysofivinCtere are inltroqduce a stranlger teotai n say- l biiseyicL ania ýn. Neithtr i,, the x et 1r ise rthi typicaliy Cauad;in. Bult ea ch1i p'art(et thle hoe-as, ._ est, rh ind tbe re r cdircs-ah11are r c ri5, poititi silintries. Anid mn kn ofcinae oetimeis 1e Ian vring , anunith itchen I wlonlderho in~ ~ ~~~lc- s;ii, iblee hr re stiil quite a lot. Ansi hyFor gons New Bulletin On Canning at Home Fre.--eon Request Wîth the c'w-ing ai nesrvin is enlei "'m CnîgofFut ansi egebe,ýis" ani xvasprprs hy theConumrService~ ofth Depantmenïii. ILt anSWers most ifth qetoslikely to ariise xvhntan ninfrits or vegetalcs, or mkn "jams ansi j( 11s, pickdýýle nsirelidhs. )Requiremrrents andi Rcipes thtequiliilene required, and c plains te vry tep t.) takeimftil te secaled in the conLltainers and ecadyh teO he ore for fulture luse, Th,, chaniceofet erris redu1c,,it a miimu hy the icl S1il of a processing t imel ctable ý giv- sake sion't tel, i me t's bcaluse youi Mie ic! If you baven'C grishydre tiireisurlyneoreason aginst an .t, o-tove.lxeu'(-F , f dl yo Ani eil stov-e is just as necessary te a ame' ,vife as a jctw tire for th aml ar. Yeur hshalsi bas neyer suýggested b1'uying ot or yeWhy sholsidhe if y ou aýppear tec lestsisOr hveyen tricsi him out ansi founid bhl ont of those sitxbborn maies ho are bar te convînce. May c ynhae trie(lthteight tactc ies.Hw about giighiml a goosid sigMake apoint Of fba iug thtitçlîcu reatliy blot on sochn yanmJIltlen) aogsefor thte isoftbuit asisi (hat it wulnL e that wa if enly yeu hadan olsov! t mgtbecat 1a fe 1;1ays of hea trenemenlt wouidresuciii a steo heiing broulg)t hmeon tht ex tnip to ow 0Smetme apactical demnstatin xiiiheip more tiîan hours f agan r nes yen hap,- nl tebetht tpew o prfer th part net1tebos, epigit nice- ani COOL, mvhi i ty su eltr 0oven a coksoe ntt bckktce h men ýlcome iifrom tht iels; at thelir uselxbe ; t is cool, ansi1 wondr wb Moher ooksse ot anml fîstrei.Tbey say it isn'it reaiiy se oday -nfact thicee is quitc ila nice breez biewig! i was goinlg te1o y-, iithe men!ý" but no;dt [it be more te tht' poiint ifi s1 -" teewe menP. Po 1, "tl larStleIIl) (leing jpo1larc pý,loning anit(rcstar CI sînce lie copnes h ydAnSi- Bo couIt. hoeth o"tct ar etI tht summer lu telilltte vne blow teokep wanm1c tht Cer- peratun iv fanbtio zere. Tht( Siulgges cstme, hie sa îiilt week cenist .et1acl1ose lttn murlyr ti rnbben, 'a1layer et inisula 1tion I, ansý il nubbcnr enltcr gi ment. t w71 1necesfiiy - Ctes im v th yr xpdtîn C Ane,- aIrctic last wnc, - el, cekc Custralia bas hasi te dite i< îInto its citîzens' peekets ten f the £20,000,000 thiat tht Cornerm helblas prÏesentesil as a fret 1 tBrti.Auistraliia bas a sîru tr popujýltiion than London,a ,£2()0,0,000 manis £3 fromIlie- Australin mac womjan ansi ci Buit thete is far nmore thaunime ýin this imagniflicenit gsu spaifor tht love ai]trutitt binsi the nations oAthtemPi to(gethier, ansiftht dectermïýinatio11 thte British peoples te stand( ,gether i-in-,pecas ithey bave st, in xvnr. Some croakcrs abroasi hý bee syinlg itat thtemVlpirec faling apart. Wat do they te tus?' FLY PAOS HAS XILLEI FLV PADIS HAVE MLES. 8 coer( esssweis éw M OUS E W~HTERED WHIE AP -Now you'l! stec with your own eyes thteue citing thiings bete readling about, hecarinýg about, dreiming about for years. Styles iii homes and in bats.Famg' n.ewest anti finest. Boat races and soft- bail chamlj:pions. Olsen & J0ohnson Mn persýon. Television and radar ini action. Whiatev,,er your i aterest, your hobby, youLr sport ,. . See It At The C.N.E. this year! J. A. scyti-aS Presideni EiWOOD A. HuGHýES CANADIAN9NATIO&AL EXHIB0ON

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