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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Aug 1947, p. 7

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~Cost of Washing r~" Dishes Toà FHigh Thousands of yunig Canadiau married coupls-like their parentws sund their grandp(liarenits befoie themn--have aise urgent ambition:ý a home of their own I and a'kitchu -. of their 4own lu which fheyea wahtheir own dishes, a.fter babyý is lin bcd. Yet such couples, with salaries or wages of from piue ta two husdred dollars a mnontis, eau- isoyt fiud these honmes withtise de- sired kitcheus becaue-so w-e are tuld atuiatvl-tcosts too imucista build themu. Nor is theq reason svhy it cossa too, much for these people ta have homes of their owis with kitchena ln thens, hard ta fiisd, remnarks the Quebec Chronicle-Telegrapis. An adrartisement that appeared reýcently in Vancouver uewspapars, for instance, supplies a dlue. Thîis ,l,owed a scisedule of ivages 0f- ferd to workers in inibiîer camps of British Columbia, lu respoîsse to, the latcst demand for ais ni- creasae of' wagea. Onse lhe is sig- nificant: "Dishvwashers MIay, 1946, $5.41 per day;; Now $661; New ofr$7.441 it is heccause it c'te 74lper o gt àiilhes wai- mlu lisberi citlssps uht ftha pr's 0f baisses aainleitab)ly ferc-sdIlp)beyonsi thie réach of any younig couple who mayi be possessad of tlec dreai of, a kitchen oI' thaLir owîsiiis wlsIicis a wash dj (ishes but arecihu ex- tniecapital resers a, t,-) enahie flsem ilta make if couse ,u0. Ad by'\ the way, if this is not ;inflation alr-eady present 'and doing ts de- btrucetive work lu Canada, w c -sNould like ta know wh'at infflafon- ;S,. Radar Traps Catch Speeding Drivers The use of a radar desica ta meias-ure accurately the apeed of automobiles aos highways la going ta nle eut entîrely protesta of thev speecdy driver as ta just lsew 'fast he svas goiug when halted by tise police, 0f course,, ta the vast mnajority of motorists, the ien' t nstrument wil hold no terrors, inice they observe tise speed law's. Btte thelise ýwho lîke ta pass cvreeon thie road,-beiîsg caught lu such a trap as thie isew radar m1achine cenisttifuts wil l ea-2 them iiwith uslaswr.Sciïence will tel1 the judge juaf hlow the y broke tIse speed lw.If slsoutld prove ta_ ha- quite a mesus o f conitroliug Y ckesdrivers when iput-into S.idespraad use. Save Space;-Grow' Pumpkins on'Trees Tha usias aanew m n tion ia pumiipkiu thaýt'grews ou trees. They obtalined ià by crossing the ahI- fash1ione(d vine pumpkýin xvîith the GreItaliani, japanese aud Meso- potamnian e2ggplant and the Chule bush pumpkin. The new fruit is an ;impravoment os er tfise vine typa w h1ichi takas up 60 square feet par plant sund cannot ha cultîvated. The emaIli1 pumpkiu tas take up near- Y' 10 square fecet and caus haenîuti- s sted by tractor. 7careful, Mister!- Figtir-e of ,îsan at riliad the50poue :remndes sze f thco 42,o000 poud bmbas ((nu!i) l is"ta5, 011 Pron Sunflower Seeds-Oi1, Canada. Nesv indultstry is expecr n al a()f vhirl are im1porteý i ' dforexerinnttinare Sportsic nd or An4, By FRANK M», ____________________ ("A Sixbit, A fricnd of ours, whose faste rtiss to the cruder forms of sporting en- tertainmenit, was mnveigled into taking a look at the 'recent, inter- national tennis matches at Montreai. After -watching thse lads f rom Down Ijnder toy w ith our Canadian, talent fô'r haif ail hour or se he turned to his companion and, said, "If that Refcre had any moxie'h'd stop this thing, and cail it 'No Cotest';. in f act 1 tiink he'd teil the promoters to gis-e the f olks their doughi back t'o." la\'1 i ss; ndoubtedly deplorable j sport ike tennis ; andl of cusit wýas hri as bad as thaï.Tats to sayi, e lsw ho paîdadisio weren tgpebecause they kewv in advýaiic, prttyv mch w hait !ta cx- pcct. StilI, il is't exactiy sooxthinig to national pride to watciî Canada reprceantcd by athietes who had about as inuicli chance-sud Iknew it! -as oid jackDemnpsey would have, 1 right todav, in a bout with Joe Louis. The fact is tlvit wa' just, haven't kot any talent that belongs in, or aulywhere near, top tennis circles; and util we lhavec, w e shouid sta; ont of International contests. If or boys and girls just want the benefit of higli class comptition, by ail means encourage them 4û get if. But for the sake of those who have to read the gory detaîls, let thiem doit as private individuals, not as officiai representatîs as of a great Dominion. 1 T hîis çthe tale jusi as we heard it, and las ta its vcity we off er no guarantee,. ii il doas utin 1cse, ii illustra tes the avsb/t fclear, distinct dictiono; over the radio. Any- uiay, it seenîýs 1tat a zekor le0cg(, a certainî cecli? knaw cu escaster fhad ii a ca/I f roni a /iig/ly inîdignant lady ý listener. The very idea of Ysinqg suc/i vile laîlguage over the air," sue spnittcred, "and besides, gain g aut of Yosir.way ta in su/t t/w menory of a grant Candin n." Uttcr!y flabbergasted,. the micro-, p/hone maestro duig ont t/ce script af thme nazscast mu question, and turned ta t/me part objccted ta a raferance ta the deat/î af Alan Su/livanu Sud- dan/y a grcat liglîtbro/ce over his benîused h ead After speaking ai t/he loteaziioutrs achiieve;ieiits as travei/er and writer. lie lad said AIR. SULLI VAN WAS A SON 0F A BISI-IOP. A.nd t/he lady /îod mis- ta1e1t,' inal éord for soinet/îsug e/se. As Thle Virginian sosid-"[TVleus yo' all w( /Ia-c tiiot una " Tut for r s change. iet's take a Qu iStop icsn F 1i------bites. heat rash, footand thersxteoaii caseil skin troublÏe3. PRSR PLO. raeisstainess, Itch stos o yo r mnybs.vour druggist ISSUJE 3-1947

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