Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Sep 1947, p. 2

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"No Good" Girl Tells Shocking Story "DEA-R ANEHIRST- 1Is it-toc * late tc, start being hegirl thvoder *Peoplearounmiheethcou Iarn? * They say-"i'n: au auge> l'liue others * kiîow il ýà(I'mno ,ctiuig. Vi'm 16. *"Two monitths ago 1 met a mail. *l Hetold mie lhe 'asiarried, but * thl didnl't mak0e anyv dit ference te mle. 1ilet hi mev, amdi hav f allenin lo 1ve ago v tCl hl Àme andud swie. He Chose bis ife, and saud r Id luesrforet hom. *Aie irît, 1have found eut *11o that[I-f m nade a perfe-ct bol enut * of ms if nd I have lest Amy * reputtion. I soke and drinik, * tee, auid sreie gamlble.) I *1o( hoe il enaegirls will rcsdj Stis anîddlui tdo aayhig I hive *ý doue Y7ou wvililbe sorry ii, fthc * eud. «No(- marr-lied mni me-ans ariy * snge girl aiy good. "NO GOOD' N0T 7"0 LA TE Y'1ýau aveben goinig oround tilA the rerang 1rcraredl. tu ,Velse raoî,(dd yau havelerîdl a tioc'tdriink and sinke ecn l gîîîb/ an liinh il das'tnalce 55differeuîcewlcle ai iiiis marid? ouare un1dejr flc eqt geu u oul sale ud ycu mnusl hveiÀidiged -,in scouîîe o! these Li veycauuîiîfýYIhere arecuice ppiPe ztuha u isniaitv predomsinale. You con find f hem -if you try. Drop these lbase yunser eloia have Iured yoninf osuiiug o Neyer be seen 7,tui haiiy aur of thsein ogain. The rond back tý)ao goùd 'f e is liard. For a clfie rau W lEbe shun- sîrd by niiergjirls, for their -p, jarets wal't letIi cbesreî?î tif hyou. if hs onfy by reihdraùWin yoursef Irons f hrse fozeacuinaeeand ado p1tiugaci rydiff errai nane ami e hbtsta you roi sho the brIe riret in youýr Çaîmnwi- ity that you arr reorth1y of itheir fricn;dship.y 1-1w first r('ov is la biury yeZ,-rSelf if yanoir sideaîî xeliay sehool eorqk as faist os ý,yrju cois. Don't ingero fr sha aerif homie, au;d stop tee i. os $pare iînr ase yig ele i oroundihebose Juiîe zVc and 1Icaruuiat fîîîî ztnyou caîî,have il, Oh, motiier, w bat winniug ways this pretty and prciusoutfit last One yard akes jackeýt and jumnper for a tiny' v yke size 2. Blouse in ONE iec, mrod ery trans:fer mec. Patteru 4(47 , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10. Size 2, jumper ,i-and jack(et, 1 yd. 39 in.; bous, ¾ yd. 35_-lu. Senid T W EN TY - FIVE CENTS (25c1 il, ons~(stanps cantbe accepted) fo)r this pt tera to irooni 421, 7,3 Adelaîde t \Ves±, Tyot.Pl-il]t plainiti SIZE, ..NAME, AD DRPE SS. STYLE NUPMBEER. ISSUE -.3-1917 141IRSOTj adecî way, use t)lîerz?» îîsMîî go on iîcir Iîikes svhicn yoizcaui, tak/ýe utP sbii ,extra oie le /e Yaî4 have deccivcdyourparîits aboui;îiiy. SIow flcîn 1îw bo, sorr ý,v ou arc, and trv ta reiu f ir co aiise gain. 7'h,, slîaîîe yo sitfj fer is ilîcir shanie, toa 0o kîw aîîd fhry imusi bc horrified inz dis- ccr':1 ilî te kîîd of1hf r vou'vebren leadiîîg. Go 'wif h fîcîtachîrc aîid ji Soule of flice tîaciîte there. ,You îîeed aitlhte mrlsup- port oie can-gef. Grdîally, as (,tiýîs sec yoîq iutent, ll 7,A/ZI!reccîve vou as one of tîi-îdtlîal uwIllbe yotir Big (hatc l'on have ben ltoa lvîg onte 7UrOîîg frack1,. Turn ta flheritt îîoa' If Yoa tikta if, 3U oi/ ri flîrouigli. tion llîotyoie go away for axrefuir is a risr one, Il inox' hi~t this separatïion rez)! soft c;i x,)zrrr w:! es hcart toreard yen, alid siicti) oe ta r 0îcî ,e only le prsatper- îods of lier snoioZ1g(* idforget zos ,rhichi caused lier so nîIl Yo rerntfair, ruknr.Il înay b 1e truc thait ou on'l d ior srocror lrisn oroiund but tiliere are allir sins aantmarriage 'cIhieh a rif e resents Cas îuh.For în1sta,îee, you"neyer laid lier wýhal your iîîeome is! You hae doed out tolrsfrated lier ike a ci see- Cr (zithosd salory) 'rvhishOidn'ft shc resel il? You have, you con If ess, not always done zwhY atws riglit, yrt you kept on that woy,, neyer aig any effort ta understatid hotu your eouîdi!ct distressed lier. It is the ae- cunînlalýion of thiese lesser offernses rehii now sue e Iels las deslroyed anv loveshie had for you. G;et areay for a whle. Give lier thie elîance fa tliink thuigs over. She knows how you love your lultte girl, ond J Idon'tlhik hesouid deliber- ately take her away from, you. Yeu have rathier on your side, tao. You have bren consideraleIi of hint and you con de pend vpaîi his understand- ing. Now fhiat you knawwrhîere you foiied, I hope, with you, îit h elsn you edmie bock 1yolfr wifi e will hvede- cideci fo g ie you onolhier chanlce. ANE irst cain help you makjje *if ok if yeu'! wit lier fraukly *at Bo-x A, roem 421, 73 Adelaide *Str West, Toronto. Alvaq3s use a cuttîng board-when s1hredding or cutting vegetables or 'slicing' fruit on the draiuboard or sink to avoid chipping the 'ebamel. - Those "Don't oeae ~,-. ý dgaya- d dopeyo tird-ut feelins a bc caused by patin.Segive yowr. * ý' selfanf-resh start wîts * a cUrseo ru0 im ~ t-' Justafinch or two of Kru -sen ls thlng in the morning takem ucetht's the ideat KrU2hen aids'fault elimination and supplies the body wit minerais whicb may ho deficient s in diet. And you wilU findKruschen gentis, yst su thorougliand ieffective. -Millions et people ail over the world follow thio siep goed-health plan. Tr it yoursblf and es» the happyresults. Gt Kruachen troa yow mearest Drug store: 25c and 75e. KRUSCNEN Helps Io keep you fit! ISSCAHDAS GRGINALFOR NYLONDY use Wfmn urTia Exf ensvely vedfor headacher, 110as efjeeep, nervous indigestion, irritbility' , Rinaemlia, chironic, fatigue, anld exhaustion Of the -~o-r (Po cts. Economily size,$.5 D.Chase's Herve Fo I N Going Out Conccitcd Young Mans: "Have you ail opening for an intelligent man ,v;tll a university educaation?'* Business Man: "Yes. And âen't slam it as 3 OU go ont!"' EýNJO'YEI BY MORE famîlies ti4a ny other brand of colTee in the world ..that's Maxwel flouse. BecauIse of 4tâ extra flavor it's always "Good la Ile LaSLI Drop." V RE E! NYON STOCINêGSI Ladie, would Yuu like te receive a pair orlavoeiy nylon atockings, abse- iutel y free? Then ansWer tIfis eliaPIO -Wbat la The Birth StoneaFeor octobÏer?" Sencl your answer, stogether witb your name. address and a wr5PPet' fr r'm an empty parkags of DV-O-LA rl)VE. or a jeaonbi frlnlI. ta Job;nsonRcarAonLd., C13 Churdi t.Troo.Speeify the sîze aniS esolr Tle; wigenr elceS evemy t1ý iay dnna )Otober wt.ece;vys sas J'air or P In l okig5ifon, wrapuvea nior -OLADVor friis aeai- close; tw pair ni!sto i re Iftw atocking ii 11,' ronaae É,,-e. lo ber 31. Vou may enSas mamye- tries as you whlahlbut e-1aach mue a-omned ý,lby a 0V LADVwrap- par.,or fara n le. DVOlý()IA IIVE la on, sas t méat drueIg d g o"Cery £.tore'. Prire 10 e p pa kgeThee anonas betoter LSt you PEPd

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