ýca \xxas filrst uis( q as a )cn die centr-e of big tcout er Sun earl try is pIcIred wiîh -fis flot lintil t1e latter haif of the1lith etury ttte1,aibegn t obtina ooingin nln.Pepys record, undr thedate ofSptbr 25, 10,,"1 sCnt for a z cup cf tea- (a China of ih 1 had neyer Tlhr1-'e yîafrs Itler the Ea ni polui'IS, two ,uncesCfjtea a is a presens . fo)r 1ling ..-IlckS the tea i te United lKiiîgdom lhad rcache(d 3î million pounds, white a ienturyInter ifs~dat thc stagger- in 1otlof 526l milîlinpounids, ~audat £31,000000ý, Ustil 114 yer gthe tea traide was mono- jet stpto Lte so111iien of B('ipolized iby the East India Comnpany. thi ne goupof 11preabrc- There wer(Ie se many scandals over land Theproectis the ares prices that int 1833 a Bill was passed le BritishIses1 to allow a ny individulal te import tea. In 1852, the axerage cost to the Bud:ntrruted "Nt nw, consumers of 54 iiiion pounds cýf sis. eelear aitinlg te scen01. tea iin Britain xvas jut about $1 pier corne on"1. prop11ed er into pound, of which the originllodue the l)iving room and111( Lindaý, made er in China got less thjan 0cns the rounlds cifiher fins Thousands oýf people n ised to witon BritishjdockýS forih rivic e SudnlBu actgin t ships. This wasIthe "odnaeC)f lier elbow. "in rid I waiil-Thiso f0 the clipper sis"Gold, ti, 5rubbcr mee a pecaïll rien ,ofmin. T, s and cil !boomis [fade inito nsgif is~ -ad ale , . le was ty cance Vwhee cmpar(d wth Ct ; a e11i1ýilgner ntheFîn Frt" spcutive ,ýcommodty onthe Lon- 'Heow 3doyence; 'Linda sid donmakt hriely."Kimt, hemnrurc, ÀAed, cf couirse, it ws riish im- an mie.position efÀ an]1111opJular impor01t dnty Budgrined "Yu te oght on this conmodty whichdid imnich te kno cachother, ineith(vereeo e crsalze dsote1i h yen eve arhe anwhre fi American colioies, brouighIc lefirst time." organîze'd r istnei, the "B1oston "Reall, Bud Liedabegan, Tea Party" of 1773 and poîe Bud pu[)1t lis arli around h ler "l'in rallying issue fýor thce lois really- ery prendof my ittle 5l5S_ 0f alI non-alcololi e bevrages in fer," hie said te any."Scproh- tewrdtai yfrtems abyln]s)or aout Cars and trwrdti sL fl leMs CÏ!ý9ll(S )lýLÎ ti , popullar. Coffee is second(, iand (coa engnestha an ma inths third(. * "es îr" Bd cntnue, "or but Randy stood there, looking. fwo ,years she deea epal 'Well?" Linda said. ove Nrt Aria.Ses 'oo i can't believe if .."ie said gaI t haveaîoegon a np."slowl. "You're se ml n Rany'ssmle sifeeanld l pretty, . ."TIen suddenly, h'e semd el saloîbcee cnked Iguess ïthis puts mie in thinig." jeep. .NothAfic te wlkoncerner," leticook * " e skd ekl. Ye," 1r arm. Plesefergive 3me, Buaidl. and tanks for net telling onie. heir ï,s aned lBd mvc ff b Iewole' tl Bdtri al u * Anwew4oprevlong puzzle 1Enr=e PA S PSMNE T S Monster EL-LBISN 4 Note of sca-le P 5 Live 6 *ighway NEEO E 7 Fold E15 T N 18 Newt 25 Per 42 Fail to bit 11 BaChelor of 27 dhild 43 Ownýs Science (ab.)2 Girl's name 44 Tree 12 French article 2 River li Italy 45 Paîd notice 15 Every 33 Area mensure 46 Myseif 17 Peruse 34 Store 48 Godcless of 20 Exists 35 Bueket dawn 21 ThuLs 36 Compass potnt49 He represerits 22 Weight 37 Symbol for the -(i<b.) 23 Legal right samarium, 51 That thing 24 Near 40 Back of neck 52 Any GIRLtsar WOMi4N y TRY THIS IF YOIJ'RE Onl'CERTAIN DAY$' Vegetabýle Cm onn erelieve of The Ioth 1 suchsymgons,,,-ý. Thisfinemedicine ia very ceffectiiefor this purpose! Dlo feniale functional *nonthly For oe-er ï 0 yasoouad f distnrbance,, Imake you f1eel ner- girls L ;oo ave reporteti oudgtyi cranys trd nd enft. J -wt, cee if you, too, don't "daged ouf"-ai 'Dch ltes'? report ecletresuitti! lWortlî Then ý1.dn +rv, T.-A4,in , . i.," v EGF , z ý ,- C QMpû p0 , P C,,ir iie p1 '. 1, 1 1Qds oeutil n tdhg. sar~i~ a .nd icow scV.yt cnfodr w water Memlorial -Hospital W(e]tare ùsland -orking ibC se(erl t17ce- York Tirnfoes.fl lin Seinle cases Ifrm tee 1<4) fiften ycars-so, taat tIe study ol cld.-age diseases w-7il1 be cotiniu ons andl thorougli. Thle new approacî will be je contrast te previeus Ilpiece- meal" studies conductedl over the short perlods fIat patients hàve been available in bospituls.,. The plan'distinctly is net an et- fort te leegthen the life-FIpan cf old people, but r atIer an qftcMpt te give them a lcalthy old age, s0 their last year s may bce spent, in "reasonable comifort and liappi- ness." If the agentcies making thi s stndy can fhelp 1man eovereeme ihis fear of old age by recîng its -.,at- tendant ilîs, t1iey wîli bave per- formed a ditinet, service te the lu- macl copmmuity, Royal, Gown-Here'ýs apre- view of the gew-n Princess Alice will Wear at the wTeddingý of lier son Lt. Philip Mount- hatten, te Princess. Elizabeth. Greek-born,. Paris coutturier Jean., Desses designis tle... royal dress with meodel's aid. Man Ch cke Vild RideGfi Runaway iCer an me iiil WINS ONMR ARMAND TURMEL 0F SHERBROOKE, P. Q. risks iife Vo pro vent dlisaster It was Sunday afternoon. Ariand, Turmel anti his wife were sitri ig on a bîslcony facing Fabre sýtreet in Sherbrooke Quebec. Suddenly. AÀrmand grped hiswicsam Iok 0bos ibe fool dr*,iving that car?" Picking îpseddiathe. steep, grade, An antomo bile P"as swerv- ing nem îcurb. te Curb! NO DRIVERI T'hen, as tise car approached the Tis-rmels, they saw thgst there was ne one in W! [gnering bis ,wife's wartiing cries, Armand [eaped from îhe bioyand sprinted out te the runaway automobile. When he finaIIy reached it, the car had gatbered considerable sp-ced. Ahead there were childrcn plaig on ,a lawn, and cycia-ts oblivions te the danger were coasting down the hill. Bcyond, tihere wvas a da ngero:us drop e) nte the raîlroaid trackS! DIVES FOR BRAKES ArmaLnd wrenchied open the door and threw himusetf icross, tlie front seat . .. in the n-ick of time lie applied the braýkes. and bronglit t he car te a stop. This'man's quick anid conra- geeus action nndonbtedly averted wliat might have been a terrible accident. We' are prottd te recognize the b1ýraveiy cf Armand threugh the prtneo TC' 'THEDWAVADi '/inCrs ec cslcctcd by the DC.j Awerd Commintec, a goeup of editors cf lead.-g Canadia,, daity ncwýs papers. As the car sped ont of.control downl the street, Armiand Turmel reafized bc would have te aict fast te; aven disaster. Hie got tâc car under controül jnst iri time, for cyclists on the !hifl cnd chidren at play did flot ra;etîcir, danger.