By BARRY rJURKA?ýZ We _care inow xellite cte- ber and Ithle tnost oet yen ýivUl bave' settld dowi te the. fac t at theýreisa lottg aad of VOn, But SýIool cari al Ise man fui- ad plety f met we are thII]iking of football. Tît 'e ganîg will bc eut on the back field aiter school and yon (if you are neot a player) cari probably be seen standing on the sidelines giving the boys the once-ex er and trust- ing they will be ship shape for the first game of the season. Corn roasts on ce'col ï'faîl venings ith a harvest ineon everhlead canial add np te the fact that *even if faîl does mean back ti the gringd, it can aIse nean good tintes 'with the eld *gang. Those Nirw,,ýampn', Sw.eaters Yipe' and. Yow.' Have you n- ticed the trend of those.,new camn- pusý-styles of sweaters ? Th e sloppy-joe i.. a has-been, Yes, fertn fitting sweaters are the cur- rent trend and we do t' hink vu' agree thlat they atre mnch more feilmincn than the ptteSack-s We have been lokiiigakt for the p as t trec e yearS, We pe the girls wiIl seeti ifle ý â1to --fihe current desiglis, altlouigh we b ave. ne deubts, but thiat they _will. Debates 'Are Good Debates are aiways a lot of fii - at leastwe thinik se. It putts yen on the beamn and dleans * th mmnd of a lot of other wise, flunky air, With faIt fairs, sciteel tfairs and the like be>Cing the hiigliliglits of ýthe tnnmeit-t, debat- ing teams 'will lie polîshing up for the annual centests. wîth their -near-by neiglibers, During -a debate us'one time, it dees not pay te lie ignorant. The Coke and Malt, Dinkers Wýe liad, to admire the spunk oDf twe teen-agers, who recently '- teek Life Magazine te task fer J heir continuaI picturing ithe ty pical teen-ager as a coke-suick-- ing, malt-sleliberer with nthing te o (but hang qeut atthe locali drng store listeing te Franiik 'Sfnatra 'A71111c holinghiids unlder flhe table. The gaisIs i hir ltters te the editer, stres'sedth ai. imi. portant fact, that rnaniy f tîic kids -)f today ELke te sit dewni -)occasienial]l, and are fan teeo often fed uip -with the way, radie and the mrovies try te portray thein. We think that the- kids around cour town are ne different 'from kids of other places and the meit of the yeunger set here, have already ma4e Up their minds what they want, te be, You would be surprised te learn that most ef s them want a professioîîaî career such as doctors, dentists, etc. Congrats to the Seap Boxers \V:e are n thinking of racing 4 derbys, but of the four kids who won the recenit public speaking contests iatlthe C. N.E. W e couldn't get thec nainies of the inniiers -ýitime for Hus deadlinie but vwe know thlat Sudbuiry, Osht- awa anld Brantford wecre amrong theý four top wiinners and ne- ceived cashi prizeýs frorn the anidi ef the Presîdent of the "Exý." If anlyone ever tells those kidïint go, grab-- a soaýp bx they'li be able te de, it and mnalce a good job Of it. C..N.E Clears; Up a MVatter of Misunderstatiding The riter, aîon g whth thons- ands of others feit * very, vecry soLrry for theý gal in the ironi-lung at the CN, 'until rciding iii Canadian H'igh news, that the litle gaI, iname of Alma lias two perfectly good longs and is putt- ing hienself thirough ix'ersîty on *HORSE SHOW attthflc \Wiinsor fair broughit hoinors to "Blackc Bess," -even>ear-old dair> deliver-y horse ld bv aycoý le, "LakBess" w\-on opeti class for wgnhors'es. Sports - nd One TIng or, Another Byý FRANK M ANN H ARRIS ("A Sixbit Critîc") fIt lias long bcen customary for us sports ýfans to assume the superior attitude 'of beîng wiser, touglier- minded, and infinitly'harder to f ool thai. the non-sporting publie. Perso n- al ly, we arc bcginning te suspect,, instead, that we are just about, the biggest ýsuckers and softest touches on earth-the kind that wïll hold stili for almost anything money-hungry promoters care to disîs eut. TFhe Toronto Argonauts-te singte out just onle f rom, many-recenstly played twe gaines in Winnipeg, te large anid profitable assemblages, with a! buicli of athictes, nuaîsy of whox h-adni't been e,ýen frm ïyii- trodutced teone anmo1her. They theni jore'dteot0tawa for i-a iregular 1leaguew gamejk; and it requîred no ex- pert eye te discern, that they were still a couple of weekls short of even passably decent playing f orin. hi other words they-and al the rest of them-were Iearning their rudiments and getting their preliimiinary, train- ing in public, and at -public expense. -Nowif Sir Ernest MacMillan, for example, were to announce that lie xvas starting a new symphony orch- estra, and then invite music-lovers to attend hiii early rehearsals at reg- lar concert prices, WC doubt that he'd get very far. Or if an automobile manufacturer, 'readying an entirely new model, were to ask folks to pur- chase sanie, during the period Mien it was undergoing road-tests, and before its bugs had been ironed out, We imagine he'd run the risk of being laughed to of business. Yet We harfd-boiled sports addicts, year after yer,i faîl for exactly that sort of thýing, and witlî hardly a murmur at It lias long been one of our favorite dreanis to attend some such contest, M-it th de atîsîecs* apipcaring peuuids overweight, short of wind, and with nio desîre beyoiid going through the mrotions as pailcssly as' possible- and then have, the referee declare it NO CONTEST and tell the folks te dentand thecir ntoney back. We have grav e doubts about ever living that long-but stil ne can dream, can't Dwpok'er is unidoubtediy the finesI' of al tard gaines; aild it is a grea ntrcyiîdced t/taif/te ladies have lneyer. , t7i/cen b itf aity large exfét nt I l'upious thought cornes riltaffier -'cudijt/tie stat.entietit of f/eitci nu-' toog iiss zw/to plaeed t";itir!:,,/te"Miss Aliter/ca" eoîîtest, 1Vttc prf çfi -right faeceshe decarc s/e sas realîs vcry g/ad s/te itadt't wco; toP ltontrs, as it would have iea't th te obscueritg cf lier "Zt//s ( eatitrlt in caîit so 1ttnh/tfo le, ' tttiauZ sittiiig ini 'lc ite 1aiity kt1î( wnias 'colo? ii ali aiteecaolie 1-exactly defin- cdý; (or îif Ii ca ,,weldo'intend te bore You imore 11w,11 u'uai by try- inig to do so. But it exists, neyer- .theless, and stands out just as pro- tiiiiently as a siner on the e e 'of an uslCIer at a church wedding. It's Worthls money too, both te the ath- lete himself, and at the box-office -al thougli really, îîow, we con e to think of it, those two are one and the sanie thing. Take;, for instance, the cases of George Hernian Rnth and John Mýize, ju5t 26 yeàrs ago. whien The Babe ~a setting lis alI-timie homeC-runî record, thehle 1rld was watcing wjtlî intenlse xit menIlt, and every t ihe bust an- othe(r one it -was ifriont-page inews. Today as werie tisMr M is ahead of Ruth's mairk of thec samec date, a nd i5 a real threat t top i) at -season's end. But tell anyoiie that Johnny Mize has, bit another four-bagger, and the chances are the respense, if any, will be "Se wlîat ?" The difference? Babe Ruthlî ad the quality which kept every eye glued to himi even if lie was only striking out, or bloving the, suds off another seidel of so:da-pop. wile his preseîst-day rival, to he man in the street. is just another guy named Johnny. It's color that does it- and it pays off too, but big! W/e note tai saine of our con- tellp oraries ar'e Protesting agaînst fte modern trentd toward longer s/c/rfs. As a veteir observer, seho has watched ttehem-/ecli/ntb ail the seay frontzeo-inste 120% in fte sîtade, and bac/e again, we woI4 ~advise, t/tern ta bec of good) elteer anîd save f/te/r r ai.lit te first plaCce, nrOt/t/ng ' a n"Iernahe could possib ly say eil ee ia/cte slig/t est differ_ý)cuc nyey Secndy, eccati» sceaU isente fais- iy excif/ng adi pesral oiiet even in t/te eras shens/rt ale far 'ii tte du, andmaiwc nd ay drese Ilatiyiittcaaoestdoi- tosen cornters "for ta admizre a(id fo to see"' as M1r. Kiplintg ptIit. Suehl mnentor/es bstig famm t/e eînr cf t/te Lontdonî bus-c ouductor fothr/t lady reluetatit ta mucînît ta t/thcpe deck in t/te presence cf obseres "Just go r/g/ti /cad, liýIy,". ie-.(id- vîsed lier. "I'nt direct/y be/titd yu anîd 1 ut/g/t t /formn you t/taletof tuaniti n îl position, leg's a/n't a b/t of a ftreat. We would like te be the firsýtot give. you tbe absolute 0A-dwno the uoming World Series be tw-en i New York Yankees anid B ol Dodgers; anîd if the latter should fail te get in' the -samein goges for the Cardinals. egrdesof whiclî lias the bettcr itinig, fiel:d- ing or )ase-ru'oYiing averages, thie series will be won Lby"ht1à Leam thl'at gets te beterCit ichinig; ad he oult f baseCbal dspaydWill ble1 retyiisferier te ,vlat lias beenI senin-, flecpast. alwys is;an ten ycai's frelinnow' te exjperts w-ýi! be fonidly recalIiflic te ntghtly clubs,