WEEli tue and 9cup NE WTON VILLE iss Audrey Tffrdis,îstîgber sitr Ms irold BIurley.týî1-ý ) Mrs MaelLangstaff is iitn 1Mrs. Zenn"ACarL , Wark orth ctih ber sinster, Mr GWiis ones ~bedin bis isticto Monday afr- M.adMr. J TlPare (tre to dI'et MotralonFrd y't oftthi onrea lttendeony Sny.o u ii Mr. SamnelBertb bas eturneîId îom er sitrain idcî adFn Mis. Wli, PrtlN icl, it 10ODEII W ESL EY VILL E FERS a lteSeýver.al rom i Ie conimunlity at- __________ ended tbe Lin[dsay PaI.ir oi Saturday. D's _Messrs, Arehbie Ford and l B. Bil- FE ~ R sted sýpent Sumny in Oillia. M[iss Diane Buriley, of Newtoniville, au~t ntrdy fte!raoon wxith _Mr. aniIM rs. Roy Nicbolls. ERMr. Etbien Jones, of, New,-ýtnville, PUMPS îpent ontiay evenînig vith his sis- 9 Wer, s.W. Paýynle. Mi.Caroî Nchoîsattended !he ~ HIP -dy 5cboo4 ICoivention a Wl IC CO.C. antI Imi--Vsnatto. of Kna 1, Orono pe;>Itheweek-end wtbMr. and. is wh ler prntMr.ani Mis. Ainong Su oy via i T witb M, The ontly metig c the Wo-~n ony o Lds . The 'Jlie Il eV attend nceof fif ee. nie'rol1ati counil o1 ex. e aew ,ý v/sa1eedw i.-sivisio ailnndud wo and honi wit be. CRAMEY BUTERPRODUC- Mr.an Mi. ai~d arowcouhTIO, N INLY OVER iLAST Year Bilyad M issA dion, mtie o___ (l t ;iu i.ad is at ied -1 f ram îibte Lin -md top ed t L epot u s~ M s Juy o sidrabî hi her tha *~ ~ ~ ~ ~~- Pomog -lisistoswih r -ndMi. C PyanweeMiss Phylis Netue flTron o iss Pauýine Thrdke nfaiy mlon on the -L'i ijaln1-of YCngPe pie"Y bere gav rnexcelen addesson emperance lstSL ndaiy Miss Dora Goaa of Toronto, wbo- bas been vii,i ïngherl ients berefavored te congrcgtoa Whtoa beautfully rendere'1 mslo-nSunday. Miss Maiiian MKlR N_., Co BoI)wmanville, and Mi.T. -J. Crc de", Oak, were ricent visitos at Mr. ailnC Mis. Fr1edBracm '. *Mr. ai Mrs F. Bîimacomibe at- tended the celebraion or the tweaty- flftb nnve r f'h', imaiaýge of t11eir osnMr n i F. SnIow- in, Zion, cil atm a veîng COWAN VILLurUE MrL. Tes,,. Kinsîmir vi5ite-d ait Mr-. andý rsLasn MlOn's onSunl- H-AIND S AT WO0R K.A.D. L E-AR NINGTALRN utive cpa ity 15 lie iprattio ['e of thie oune cuttin, sewn'auf is wh"Ay veteranýs arc ýOB, by experts. T nployimeut lmeanis1 L > the De-parli ofveterfals hav iiacquire grea, eln pf Ithe futui portant part to INDUSTRY ý7(ONTýARI1 C reame,, ies maide 10,01,80 0 pounds ofceaUy butter in Ju!y E147, as aca'it 1 (1 sponduinrJuly 1946,an~oce~seo f 12.% Thie cuultivmke of creamiery butrfor tbehefrst seven months oïf the pret ernow ttas46,- ? ;2900 ls. ris aant 243,0 bs. for- t frt seven îi'taof 1946, a ise of 1.% The t4otal bwutter prod(uction for Durhaim Couînty foir July 1947,. was 144,,37,7, as against 128,31!6 for Julyv 194-in iiimrease of 163,061 pounids. Toe cumiulative mroductioni for the first seven mQonthis of 119,7 was 629,- 627, asrgnt54,3 for the ceor- repndn ;eriod of 19,46, a g-ain of day. Mr. Andriew B)andy is la) Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. 'Clarence Burley, lKen- neth : nd Doree-n visited at Mr, anid Mrs. Leonard Hleard's on Suiiday. Mvr. and Mrs. Wes. Stringer visited with Mrý. and Mrs. Bob. Alldreadl on Mr.- and Mrs. -Sid H-allowell and, family, 'Mr. and Mrs. Wes Stringer motored to Niagý ra FaIls on Mouday. Mr. Hectoer, Milîson, Miss Addie, Milîson vsi ýed friends, around Port Hope on Sundjiay. SCUHOO TIME, 's tuRONO 5c. TO $1.O0 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE M ~- w I ___________________________ Motor Equipment Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICj~ Equipped tW take care of the modegt funeral at the ZWOst reasonable charge au Well as the largeat and Most exacting office 668 . Rsdne 523 and 726 Bowm-yanville, Ont Il .........aa@aa..a.a....,...,, of lier fIutr a proineutTAILORING CIs are needed.________ 4he0Ir brancýhes lit ts aries : Lee P. IaUian, 26, ef Si. Themas, a : eernof 4; yeýars' service mith the : frem ppren : Ro a audian ,Na-vy, is shewn h.ere jeob seculritLy ginMiag raeticai e-xpe rienace in thýe : alteratienis tdepartmienit of alag is' Affair& Trnt aieru 1m andBasic traîInIng in var-ieu ~n sheel deartmntsof the indus- : irittry U v -s the veteran a aïrein cgeudknwed, : esenia t als rmoio 6trial dvelop- 113 un exeLît4ve wrkwithiu the iduî ,, Telephone - 0 S Teilphone Collect cý 'VITj"AMIN TIME When the schýioo bell suimmons the children back to the Neý,w Fail Term, it aseremms i.s us tat this is the IMPORTAINT time te start taking a pr-oven itai Tontie. NOW is the time te build Up resist- anice aýgauiist %îInter ColdIS and have added good health when. SUM- MERZ SUN_ SHIN is lacking. We list belew a few of our complete steck of Vitamin Products. FROSST NE'O-CIEiMICAL FOOD VITA M N\S -IMON - COMPLEX VITAMIN B Thie Iqiçl - ----. -------------------------- $1.15, $2.45 and $4.45 The Capsules ----------------- ---- ---------.....$1.2F, $2.25 and $M.0 The liquil is rceîmmenided for children, the capsules fer aduits VITADIET CAPSULES- Mulitiple Vitsunin Capsules, take enly one capsule a day 30 dlay supply --- ---«--------.. ...... ......... ...... $1.15 90 day supply-- - - - ------------------ - ...................-...... ý ......$2.70- Cerftied Malt aad Ced Liver Oil .. ...------- 69C., 98C., $1.89 Scett's EmiulsJin. ý-------- ------------------59c., $1e.19 Vitavax Capsules ------ .......-------- ------------- ---- $2.50 and $70 Wampoles Ced'Liver Extraet--.... .__--- --- ---------------------. Certified Halibut Liver Oit Capsules, easy to take, rich in vita-. niins, 50's _ ...----- ...... ... ....- 1--- .... «ý..... 71c, 100's fer------------- ---------............- ------ ------ ------ -- ...$1.17 Ayers t Alphamettes------ _----------------...........$1.00, $3.50 and $15.00 Start new with Enterai Capsules. One a day fer seven days, then. t we a w eek, 20 fer.....-----------------........----------------....$1.75 60 for-- - - - - - - - --------- ...... .......... ..-- -- -- ----------- -$4.50 "Kýepler" Extraet-of Malt and Ced Liver Oit----------90e and $1.50 ~Cha rIetms îB. Tyrre-'Lýl DRVGS AGENT FOR JACKMAN FLOWERS Phone 68 Orono, Ont. JUST ARRIVED- New Stamped ,Goods, including Luncheon. Cloths,' kumners, Boudoir Sets-, Aprons etc Clai:k's'Stranded -Cotton, 'ail available colors, 3 skeins for.....................lýc. Belding's Aty Floss, 3 skêins.,, ...... 1...... loc Striped Flannielette, yard wide, per yard......35e Lindy Lou Dish Cloths ..............15e linfant's Terry Cloth Bibs.........15e DeLong, the guarded Safety Pins, card .......8ce Fountain Pens ........... ....... . $1.00 to $1.95 Pencils. each............... ........... 50e Pen and Pencil Sets.......... ....;. $1.50 to $2.65 Egg Beat.ers, double action, strongly buiît .... 89e GRIOCERY FEATURES Each box con- Puffed Wheat, 2 bus. tansa ovî per box ........45c. -~Jiffy Pie Crust, box Spiece of china. mae rs o- 2 per box' pies, pkg ........ 33c. SPECIAL :Aylmer 39,c. Vegetable Soup, tin 9e. FOR COLD MEATS Canned Spiced Ham 45e Canned Kam...... 37e Canned Spiced Beef 29c Canned Bologna .ý. 29c -McLaren's Tasty Sandwich Spread, 8 oz. bottie 32c. Special, sweetened Grapefruit Sections, 20 oz tin 29e Horn'sy uddigsflavors Vanilla, Oranige, Butterscotch, Caramel, pkg. f or......... ...... 1..... 5c. McLaren's JelIy Powders, flavors of Cherry,' Strawberry Pineapple, 2 pkgs. for .................. 15c. McLaren's Freez -easy for ice cream iAiT flavors Strawberry, Vanilla and Maple, pkg.......... ....... 12c. pkg, 15e