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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Sep 1947, p. 1

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OR~ONO Vol'.11. No, 35 OROIN0, 0NT.. THLS DÀY Subsc COÊMperative Medical Services F WorkTo Commence Soon Park StreetUntdCrc On Orono Co-mmunity Park l TaigChoir olds Cor Roa T'hé 0Oronlo Par)k BO."rd( héld amet ngon Thursday vénug Séptenvbr 1t, withi sîl thé mémilbers présent. Dt now smsthait work- will coml- méincé on1 renevaitinig tihe park grounids this Fall. It was agreed te let thé coutraet to a coni-struction Company that is work- igin this district at thé présent ti. A committée was appointéd thiat intéréstéd thé contractor, who vaie te Orono and looked overc thé park, wvîth thé resuit that thé cou- tatwas let and work, will commi-encé thiaý Faîl1. Thée larg-e bulldozer that --will hé usd wiGivé sixtéén yairds a3t a timée. It is expéctéd that two aTay:s wvill finish thé 'work. Théic. Park Board has leaséd seve- ty -'ve féet et 'land at thé south end trom Mr. Mà'cGbhLc for rnuty-uiné ")yéars. Thlis pièce et land which- w ill extend thé park '75 fet at thé south 'eud, -will hé huilt up frein thé éarth that ieh tori fromy thée bank on theast side. Thé éast bank will'net bé comipletely tomn away, 'but will hée raalyslanted upwcamd toward ýthé. ténc,ýe, priobably a'drap et ab)out euee foot.ý There will be a row et pýine treés plantéd alonIg thé férice on- thé 'atside. Théré- will hé tbréo or)-. four trYees rémnovéd from thé xwést sidé wheré, thé baircVbaîl diamond will hé makdeut. Thèse tres. havé caus- éd manity arg-umients, ésp)ecia-lly hi rarwith hiar-dhall. Thérl mvin t-)f thèsýe treés -will do aw-ay, with thlis, aliuan opén field for handball. To, hiavé this ail done.,will hé véry exesvthough it xvill only také two days. Thé ParIk Board wîlhavél ta praY $2 5.00 :,ii 'hour, wiicà wMll -m ailnépedtn of $200 o ani eig-ht-bnurý day. in ail proïbaboil.. ity$40,00in ail ThYe Board éxpécts o tech bro'ké by thé thi this is com- ' plétéd and miore aouatîons will bé Dnéed te put on thé fiuishing touchés that; -will hé néédéd te finish thé job. Anýyone cariug- te maké a- donation te hip along witbi this iyinprovéméui(,-t can léav.e théir, donýation with Aliss Aima CuýtéI in Mr'. R. ýR. Waddél-i's office, ~~ or ay meinder et thé Board. rasseédl wiil héboe this yéar aIseý on ail thé lacé that havée héén ,eésurraced, se-ha by uéxt suiimr evérthin xvii h in réadiuéess for h-ardb)all anYd foal.This wili make a higz imiprovémnt te thé grounds and wé takée thiis eppor-tuuity te comn- pimii-ent théc park hýourd in géttiug buyte havé thé grouu-ds campiéted in as, sjort a timie as possible; also M1r, MciGhéé, who will bélp lu super- Svising thé worI. luý tLimé- soméething might aise hé doue whéré thé bowling green uow is. Ths t thél présenit timei Îs gaiug teý wast e, It cou!(d hé uséd for to z;h uffhars a chiidren's play guda parkiiug placé for carsý, or fxdup for- a heauty spot, wvith anuh sd flowér beds. Théë Býoard now havé two lawu oonsee mni Sy power and thé éther 'hy bîaud, -wlïfch shouid méét thé démau-ýid in cut-tiug ef thé grass udxt yéaýr on thé spacieus grounds of Oronlo Commuiniiý,rityMémorial Park. Oshawa Taxi Driver Releaved 0f Car East 0f Newcastle On Wédnesday, Sept. 17th, Austin Bennett, Nassau St., Oshawa, driver for the Mid-Town Taxi Co., was, takien for a "ride" to Kurv Inn, just east of Néwestle, taken down a side road, had his bauds tied behind his back, releived of a sum of monéy, and was set afoot-hy three men who drove away -with the car, leaving Bnnett o ýreturn te Oshàwa the bést way he could. Bennett told pce thé etrio dreW four guns on him .and toürced hlm iin- to thé, back set of his ca~b whén hé had gêné just a -s'hort distance front hisstn on King St., wheré the men ordered thé car te go to 210 King east. During the trip from Oshawa, with ýped6 rangîng up to 75 miles ani heur, the name "Nick" was men- tionedl during a conversation among thé three. 'Thé Itc.lian-appéaring b1-andit who had taken over the ,con- troisý of thé car, nodded warningly to the gunman who had mentionéd thé namne. 1Strandéd on thé side road with his hands tied, thé taxi' driver finally made ihs way to the highway whére hé atteimptéd to "thumb" a ride into O1shaýwa. Whén no transports would stop té give him a lift hé wént to aà eab farmhousé and-rouséd thé ocuatwho -untiéd him and called oshawa policé. MéIfanwhile, a pass- ing trans;port die who had seen Benett on thé hiighwavy, hiad béecomé 4rSUpic Dus dýwm41fàa e,. 1policé,. Provincitial ofeeficr rm Bow- manvillé arrivéd béforé thé Osha--wa police and took Beuntt to Bowmau- ville, Just 24 heurs alter Austin Bennett was kiduappéd, robbéd ef $65 and dumpéd with his bands tiéd behind his back on a louely reý>ad, thrée men wé,vré arréstéd lu an ýOttawa hotél room by policé. In thé r'oom wéré found thréé revolvers, oue with five buliéts in thé magazine. Thé' guns wéré two Brownings, .38 calibré in which 9.9 m.m. ammunition can hé used, and a long barreled .22 Colt loadéd. Also found whéu Ottawa dé- téctivés made a surprise swoop in thé éarly hours on Friday ou thé trio, wéré clippiugs £rom néwspapérs hérdliniug thé holdup. Thé car, whlch was taken by thé andits, wâs recovrd in Ottawa on sedan, béaring licénsé plates 23S,82, ownéd by Midtowun Taxi, Kng St. West, An alért ýhotél maid was respon- sýifle for thé arrésit of thé thréé gun- men. Cléaniug théeir roomns in a lower towu hotél in Ottawa, shé obisrved thé revolvers. ýRéporting ber dis- covéry led policé to raid thé hotél at 2.50 in thé moruiug, whéré thé men weré arrested without a struk'gle. Thé trio wbéré taken to. Oshawa, whére Benuett w111hé ealled in to try and idetify his assailauts. 'n ternational Plowing Mat ch Plans Well Adv'anced ]Zack tram Kingston, nihene hé sur- véyed t hé site fer thé International Plew-vin!g Matcih tà bhé heid near thèe on Octoeie 14 te 17, arld met witb thé ]ocd lconiymttéés, Zr. A. Carroîl, Sec- rètaî'y.Mau-agèn et thé ,Ontario ~lovmé'~sAssociation, éxpresséti hbisgra delig-ht at thé enthu.siasm et thé' local comm-iïýittée and 'thé ad- vacdstate eor iganization foi, thé very phase et thé plan- -P:ftg, thé camm ittée lnucb urthem aiéad LIthan e hdad- èepeted, sud its nhrsar'e keen omin maing this thé grè,atest match lu thé Associa- tions hstoayInu heir reports, thé ç~mitèchafirnispokéeoft thé ex- _ellen--t ic-opération bing ri:eevéd teitlhé ity ot K*iingéten sud lthec ta-nmérs et thé district. E Ltoésferthé uany oméitioni classés are pouring lu, and thème is a particiilarly béavy éentry in thé trmntor _plowiug classés. Wiilé thé land situation, for thél plowing éventsÉý, is excellent, ou accaunt et thé large tracter classés anticipated, thé cemný mnittée was asked te sigu up a muni- ber of additieual fields lu close prex- imity te thé headquartems on Hemn- lbek Park Fans. Thème are plenty et fields avé ilahie néar te headquar- ters, se as 'te keep thé match lu a compact ares. Se fan as tracters for thé compéti- tors are coucemned, sévénty tractons are already availaihié, although no ssmétic canvassé bas yét béen m5adé hby thie committée. Thèeebas hee nedific-tylusécuig 'thé ré- quimecl teains forthé erseclsss, (Cniudon pýage fcurý> ï>s a hroosjoevnfori u hLate George Tuésday frai WhénPar St Untéd Church Moriday at er Choir gCéé ttéhmeo r yaiéM and Mrs. E. R. Rié last Faîl forlrerc an old-fasiond corunov st, itas réuovrthé roc solved then and th-ene that aul beinlg thé,uli for wéll, théexpérýience would hé répéat- witbout regai éd whén corn timé rolléd 'rýound onice Aïr. McLal more,.are toneQs Thus it was that ready ace(éeptaiice dynamnite lu folowéd thé gracioùs invitation Of foi-rirnan, Clif Mr. and Mrs, Clarenîcé Duncan t'Lo thé rest of ti maké théir home and grunds the hack a safédi scène of Vbs yéar's function. Mtér 3Mr. aiou 10yar Théefu Yta i-awseKtcýiendidat a 1 .lWLu recent dhoir rebéarsal, an~d Mn.r. ythé fue. Ali Morton, Mrs. Chas. Weecl, Mlrs. C, théré xvas a Payne and *Miss Betty iamnMn dag foninéd a committe 'whch adé pos-rily iujred. siblè. thé véry dlightful réhéarlal .Théielaté M- on Wédnesday, Séptemiber ,7th, at indeOsbawa [ Mrs. Wood's home, and thé sibse- sehébols. eH quént corn roasict nd get-togéther at das ach seli Mr. and Mrs. Duucaun's. his grandfatl Through théeéouc chnssear, r"ne. A ttér acteristic of womnantollk, s(omé very csilleghlin tasty sandwiches, cake and coffe bis incuiti rounded out thé réteshméutsthis do yéars ugo, despite thé présent day restrictiou'nethélatéGéor upen sug-;ar. and rising prices afect-"nrh"aédthe mng néarl y evrything, elsé. semée four nY which wns rm Mr. Reg. Suttoii, président of thé waa opératéd choir, med a vole o fthnks to aIhé b nméet whe biadt beninstrumental in the ' and Son. R evening'ýý succéess, anugd thé ",choir prainoft hé builît up ise that its futuire dévélop- dtinItlis tmé, pnd Une ment rmay h4asuré.in 1942 hc t bagli oni DAVEY-H ALE wieh b ci on Saturday, Sept. ofhetEdith Way Halé,dagbé of Mr. and Mrs. Wýilliam Halé t éwouilé,and( Hloward Réitb Davey, son 04f Mm, and Mrs. R. Davéy, Bééo.Thé tré mxony was pé?forméid hy thé Rév. Griffith against a bckgreirnd et gladieli and asters., Mr. Workma-n playéd thé wéddîng musie, and thé saieist was ,Miss ýGwén Chatterton et Oraiie. Thé bridé was gvîénlu arnag by ber hrothér-in-la, i,.Mr, Alilan Breoking. UHer gewn had a badiiuc et white hrocadéd satin witha Lifull net skirt sud long sléevés. iShe woe a mnatching fingéntip véil witb a hale béaddréss, and a néchçlace rt péarîs. Shé carriéd réd rasés, Thé bridésmaid was Miss Vivlin NichaIs wearing a g'nwith b le satin hodice and tui] net shýj irt !(d miatcbiug lbéw léngth l ace glavés. UHer héaddress was ma-de of bu vlvet fiowérs, and ber 'bouquet wVas et pink rases. Thé hest man was Mr. Roy Mc Mullén, and ushéring wéré-Mn.i on ald Childs and Mn. Denald Wilex. Thé brid's-niethénrécivd thé guésts at thé réception héld at ber hai'mée. She wore gréy crepe trimméid with sequins, navy blué nccéssries, and a corsage et pink, rosés.Ass- ing ber was thé hidé-gnaom's math- en in black ad turquoise, hilsck ac- césseniés and a cersagé etfwhite ra- ses. Miss Vivian itamiltoni, Miss Rosé, Getlick and Miss Vlet RoI- liugswontb, triénds et thé briide, ser- véd lunch. For travelling ou ber honieymoon thé bride wore a turquoise blué crêpé dréss witb a metching tbreé- quarter léngtb coat and hbrewn , ac- céssoniés. Thé couplé will 11ivé in Bowmsnvillé, Wanat Young' Recruits For Orono Band On Tusdyenýiug las;t, the Orono Bnarýss Baud héld its annualmetn lu thé hasinient et thé towu h ýall et! Onono.1 Thé évening was, ciéfly spént lu a discussion oft bégiuning a large class et uew musicians, xith thé résid.' that ,a class is te hé started ilu thé im- médiate future. AIl thé diffétrént typés ot instrum ents ,-iIIll hé -t Anyoué hégiinig it this CIýIs wveuld' fhé cpaleetpIaying ilu he b)au-d thiscoin prin.Se aker et ayn'sResturnt id gét1 Mr.Jas, Ragiéoson and héri itte are t>, e hécomméuieded On pléuidid programmé, thé décora nd thé éihflol-ahoé heon that WLIS sérvjedi. 1 was a~ us. gavé a ty te hé awaré etfwarid lié éffect they ý-will Ihave3 ec anr activé niart lu imp vimnt, aud té(- enci er péaoplé te take théir- owiuig foi épting a ýp ér' lst and vhich - dent c' et h oséi-néinAsa cition etf Ciaada. Héehut ni) a herd et pédigreéd stock whosé éutto éxténded tan éyndthé caninés et thée Dom)Ilinioni. Catlémen C Illetrom. as fanyay asAgétnsd ethr SSibAmnécan countnies te înspect blis stock asud te ur s osmée bi, cottfl- ta imprové héir eownhrd His iSth jency erçluinCmaad, hM bs tbrée cértisel XXEX bîééding mine.é. l cLaughiln la hd fine nudidaé , aoiwe)n 1thée Gr1uid Héi uvvdhv ibis ()w.ow th formr Mejore IsbélEnnis, sud sévén childiren. Théfunra xviité ,plaýce anFn- day~ ~~~~ý'C Sétmbr2Obtrmth ae Thé, ser!vice will 1hé at 2.30 p.m. antio fard ~ ~ ~ l bc-nen vii éin Obw Haydam-,agewas doule te thé, to- mate ýocrops lu thîs ýsection 0onlMo-1 day (ig Illde te thé héaivy frost. Thé Ioss wH ill ru n io hosauiset dolklr for thétlefarmers. Thé tabrcceo cmeps in thiis section whéjxré éariyail sovéd. 'Ma stù et thé craps bad beén pkéed prévies te thé frest on Mofid ay n i glt.Mnr. Bailéy who muns théeliobacco terni foimierly éwued hy IMn, Hélbér Souch, completéd îtaking in bis crop la1st Satucrday, whilé thée faims at énda nealy althé crops were gathéréi. Thèewéldonly hé ai few ,acres lest. W'ith thé ligh-t [imad thé toalcco nmen can gét on thé land eanIv iyin thé Z~ig iving Îit a chance te ma*1turé bet omfratsets u. At tules set with dilicioun haine aigantiq"ue cina and cytl sanie séeVEnty-dfvc-1plle mébés andvisi- torsý sat dowu te enjoy a social (cup eti ts and chat. 54- Orono Athleic Association Annmal 1etig Sept. 30 Ou Tuésdjay événiuguxSpéi ber 30th, té0ono A mateurMAth- létic Assoiation 2will holdtiléir a-i nuel m-eeting in thé Anounié , -i méucing nt 8.00 o'lochsharp, anti evérycu' i,-iiiterestéd lu sport et aIiy intdi ae akdte hé présent Théré xv iI é usiniess ýte de ii)pat- tén, the summéir spor-ts, and lta la plans ton. thé CcoIuta il andiwne s perts. Thètré ilaioh ib lc tie)n etof fliés. I more w'11 evélntualy oft thèse plans i Thsné rganiza meetjing -exténdeq thé ail coleeéi t oward C Céunty Féedération c"et sposonug hismovei timéet tatogf Thsis net nly foi Thé sscainbas nwbéén .:lu olpératien frtwo yéatr.s. inuitis léngth of tinté, many cbiildrnnl havél ( héen given ithé oppotnity f te enter sports. Orone bas had gocod heckey téais uew avé a gooed footbatll ý Diemonstrate VY Ï rasturt tanmérs, heid1 1'ni julst wést Gea-r, Agni- for Brulce capacity et eive incn-eased1 ré itsé D.,

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