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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Sep 1947, p. 3

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TEEN-TOWN T6NIý,V By BARRY rMURKA= : ~y nw, omeof you 'n-i1.'ar- he'ard the faJtal n-ews. thloseo --cu who hIavn't, May wesug- geýst you '_1id-a ice easy Chair, before eadi Chte rest of this. r-eceivinig foýr your summner job aea tiî;o, 1the past - as o)f fow. YeS, as rriuch as it kýUrtS, it'S truel 'lhle officia] report i- out. And thati report is to the effect thatin hundii(? ds of emnployers are ro v reý-plaeing teeners rith ex- servicemeýn, and civilians who had ,war jobs, anrc aie 0w out of w'r.'D, 2 niddays are gone wbnjunior %ýanie home flashing a roi] equal t his pop's %weekiy stipcnd. Nex iummer, the em- ers in û ý us t hee wili be far fem7tr jobs for tzenage kids a ric',vfherc there are, the money willi b,ý much, S less thani it has ben ougb as àitma secem. hlope , nu' really didn't believe th ' i h and fheaven too," wouud iastforverHeres lopîug Y ou inde t bestý of the free- ovkilchîiei ]sted. Camera ClubLS Popular ~,niCeIt!e wr wâl ýe have noted vîtbustres that photography is fastbeomn a popuilar hobby of the mdl-na.Younlg people as wC l, aýre taking a decided inter- est in shooýtinig this and -that, (Not to' b-e takýen lterally). We used to tbink *that photography was for the iàan, with money; but. in the past few years, it has been ,oointed out that good pictures ',an be taken with an inexp niv .arnera. 'V'he. secret lies in the knowhow, Bookletls for a few esnts can uc obtained anywhere, !eiling you how to get the most ",toryour can'iera vwhether it be A sî-naîl box job or a spelcial ýitreamline,1 offair with ail the eadgets. Camnera club- are -be- ,qDninig very Popular across, the ',sne. Many teen clubs have them. Aganig gets togther on a Satur- lay fteroonand goc§ out talc- ing pic1ituresBy pooliing t heir fi- :la1cîi resources, they caýn set ap ýýhcir own dark-room, comnpiete *ýith developer, printz-r and en- sreAny mem(,ber of thne clubi cýan make use of the facilities for nya fi(w cents. Thîls is a sug- êcstion for yclur fa]] programi, if ouhave no .t aiready t1iought of iice. Very Nice Mary Watcî*, higilischoni, stu- ctat Mounit Forest, will have 'Itle trouble, with dates this terrm. 'rhe reason: Mary, walked off w'ith the tîtle of 1"Miss Mount Forest" at the receîît beauty con- test held up there. She defeated 15 other contestants. Nice going, lfary. XVe hava just been iooking Pt IVary's pîcture, and can easily nnderstanid why she won. This re- m1,1(inds us f a story a few svccks bak, of thie boy in ac. eastern On- tari ton, ho drsseil up lîke a gil, entinithe local beauty conrtest and won first prize. He waýS given tl!ý;e tie of Mss-what- evrthe oam,-ýn of the place xas- and no anc ýknew until -after the cnetthat thie heauty-queen xvas, e 15-yeair nid boy. Flying H-îgh 1MarilynJ House, 17-yea,,r-oid stuident at Danforth Tech, is3 go- ng places i fie ilying ,world. She bas thie distinction of being the yoiýugesngirl ; ýin te Win1gs Chlb, fraternai o1 rgao1izatýon orm ed by aito stttents- and pr-i- -ateý pilotsý operatîng from Barke- er iel, TronoShe liked f iy- ing o mcske has taken a job wîh n r atoncoin 'pany. 11cr iext ga iii flying, is to obtain heCrprat pilot's liceiise, Apart ,rom fiying, aiy likes swim- ning and reading. Gome d- ay she hopeJ's to own andI operate ber oDwn plane. We hope she matkes duintrve or Am By FRANK MqA <"A Sixbit Q ite an intcrcsting discussion migbt be but h'iound the question - Just which type of sports f an is the scr-ewýiest?" Tiîere have be-en times wheni we wouid have been prepared to argue strongiy in favor of the horse-racing addict; whiie your dyed-in-the-w ooi hockey followcr is neyer ta fieldI too lightly, and neithecr ir your rabid baseblal bug. Stili, after considerabie tbougbt, we have corne to the conclusion that, other things bing equai, the football en- thusiast tops them ail. Like the higbly indignant f riend we happened ta run loto short.,aft noon on a recent torrid Saturday. "There ought ta he a law," be ex- ciaimed, mapping bis streaming brow,. 'The very idea of playing football in this kind of %veater- making folks sw cter in the bot bleachers wvhiie the guys on the fil-d can barciy go tbrough the motions. Yes, there ought. tc be a lave, or something," "1;> tbat's hiow you feci about it," wAe suggested, "why doo't we just find sanie quiet, air-conditionied spot and spcnd the afternoon there?" Our friend staried at us in genuine amazement. ý"YoU mean not go to the game at al?" he gasped. "Vou muist be ,even crazier than iýual to, taik suich nonsense-so get a m ove on or w-e'll he missing the- kick'off !" More and ,zoare we mnarvel at he amaount ai shecer, uncarnplaining cour- age there is Iocse around this zeicked oid worid! This beautifui thoughi canes ta uls frerqenly nozc'adavs as tee readabu the heads of variaus greai busiiesses tellin aiof the intense pain tlîey sifjer ai beimîg fau'ced ta raise the prices af ihe conu.odities they seli. You'd airnoet iuniagiîîe soute af thetn, ati east, wauld iry ta xspare theniseives this agany; but N Zo, tiuey stand up under it gaineiv, utnfliinch- ingiy anîd ta a inan, the unsung heroe that tiîeyare! iother -%NN HARRIS supiigis 1hi contilmrd stay at th1ose bigbits. FoLr it is hardiy a ieCren hai e it t-as proposed to tiom ilie mbling AIp into a grappler, ireal conero îas feit-rnanyý of those lie- hiîid the scenes beinig coicd tat Primno as liable to breakinto sev ciai segments the fiist tim eh- got a tumble. In fart one I%-btnder suggested gcttdîg s(ime of tLhose FRAGILE - H ANDLE W\\iTHl CARE stiekers to paste on is, car- cass, and using' "London ridgeis Foiling Dou o" asTereIli. But ta th *e amazemeo(rt of ail cn ceroed Camnera bas flot )i-1\- r manag- cd to stay in one picce, ori-theire- abouts, but has continued to rove a real box-office draw, packing _themi i0 night after night, and rolling uýp a iist of- vîctories tmat wouild puit J immy Londos, Strier Lew.,nis, or any of t1ic greýat oeus f4 nId to shame.MWe udrsadthat thiere is otruth ini the runlor thiatlie Ihas met the samne opponenit sone 200 times-the actuial i nmher heinig ot over 1tO. Ant(I what Primoc himself thinks about it aii-wel, if hielbas a sense of humor, be must 1e gettinig nmany a secret laiigh oývrlthe voie thing. WIIY PARENTS GET PRE- MATURELY GRAY! Asred, by advertiscoîeis tha the picture zeas a st.riking denm stration of fthe lad tuai "Crime Does Nol Payv" the mother allowed her two sivail sorns to, attend the înatinee. Lailer, sh» overlîcard the tzeo of theni disýciss- iirg that they Jîad seen. "Yoit ,ee, Frcddie,," said the eider, "tlhe mis- tlakc this dope mnade was levî is, figrrns on the gai!""Sr t hing lsird in the younger. "Nuis' if %ce 'reere doing it, we'd take (are ta wear rubber gloves, z'ooldîî't we?" **It Followed Her To. School One Day .. '-Mary Anne Fannon, centre, 8ya-l girl decided thatit would be a nicer -%orld,,especially on the first diay of schiool, if nutiry rhmscame truc. So Mary Amie and "Bai Baa" showed up at: St. Joan1 of Arc Parochlial Sehiool. But "Baa Baa" looks like he'd prefer to take it on the lamnb. Canadian Airmen Graves Wçll Kept Graves of Canadian airmen kilietI duringth war have been niaintained in "euîu condition" by kindly Luropea ns, said Sqdn. Ldr. ýG. B. (Jerry) Philbin, DF.,C., of Valley- fleitI, Que., on returnfing home after twco years* servicewih ttc ie î.A.F.-R,C,A.P. nilsslnig research andI Jiquiry turit on thecniet Theý unit, with tcamsï ranging overg France, ~lirHomaîid -Demark ntid Nowy octed the, gravee of 19,000 aIlietI airmen, bc said. CivillAbî cemelteries, bu wheh ml-ost af thtm are %ittated, art vr euiu, flowcrs beirng~ lc on the fflerS' lo Very weei by lrcal inhabitpsU. "If relativ-es of Canâadiau ffieVZ In the last 16 years, Detroit's Negro population has increased by 75 percent (to 210,000). Los An- geles' 133,000 Negro population h1as more than doubled since 1940. B'etween 1930 andI 1945, New York's Negro population has in- creased 67 percent (to 547,000); Chicago'.- by 50 percent ta (350,- 000); SaniFrancisco'e by 14 percent (te 32,000). la Portland, Ore,, 'Neg i ncreased frOým 2,100 in 1940 ta- 11,000 isx 1946. Who wee ilîrd could thtsst ceme-teie>are kr ple o~f the, liberaWed C<) owa expente, they ' proud" lie said; vxt

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