B y A C SOIN -COL E îlepeaýpie." She becsitatetrat for a mo;i- amileoblg~ ~ meoonIod aay frm m.n SoMc ni nS reammat of tht sýtories wcv licar we-mly pea- le-canni-ot blev.Some w"é do PCX *walt ta believe, bcuu-- ýR vil Ttre. rc always storicaý go1sng iriaculoudsly fram11 arcund, about me, 1 eevrigo, on botb ides of' Vamd"ztod bersomberY."I pay no ant of ttswn rofc attention ta hen. dcalcniixg rmars. ,'lk ;]S(, hesait!, ber voiceý totally unexpect- growVing'softer. "Saine say you are a of the iret! gun- bad nian, bult how can vou beý? To- in CiescudIng day iwbei i awyou 50 gntieso fuf asvgx'Y wno, f knness àdsrçabIsyt eled and! pawed, nysclf, Tim as a goau man. 1l a inig ant wtiny- bc.naothper. sung pbmas t!M WbeIic get 'ta this town 7obight, roI thC:Ini.Fori a and outtsidec- of it 1j flot a t!ead guard, of El Câballera I arn Ifearifuil for. yOuý. I bave hurry zwleeas thti 1awaypibe one a y f rîend bath idue It 'beeinitbeiton-I bave nan ia ut!, riders. them mlwo bave etb rongb« t he ven than thtl vic- f rom thie border cauintry on vain )ilgl as El promises-and bave oliteIi FE1 PUf as, frm the Çaba!Iero Raoja is lhere ta ccoIlet for ned aMly where fitezn'imnor Gýrvin, ta sec ta porry cav er, yh 5 their Iand is returd ta hei." the sarnage. Ht COUid fot tit Couidgi noPossible ta tble 1mcanling af bis 11.ot mn et! wenfinlally, in ua. most aoftht gunien- o( bat! not lreadyfae- ta breakz tbrou,îgb tblecos les wbose yellow dagges of bbdthrough the nigb]t. il tliey wecgant, routtet! yp e wbilce ht eots aI t1hat Ïbat! Sent them cury-.iIY roîied doîvn the darkenedl %y n d c yse ltmba wmmt, ily ais it bat!1 began There ognIfe froin1,- the win!- anly liovel on c-itheCr side aDE LIt pas abruptiv as quiet tli teMeianvlg at! amotiet!at aIl. range ;ant! timeî1y -assistanice se People puzzled chael Xby ba t hy donc i? For at muetbave beentce rea- wby? Na anc kne ewas anc, knew the issin that bt bim. LStartet! ta milove cuiu pop y oing be coul!&fA wbio wottlt!epan at that c at!- E tht * ever id. h I recognizing at hitn C abaIlle ro Ra-jac," f am. glad I bave do someithing tai v0il for walie padre ant! my But nari tat "Sa aur Mexican n bave fit up tfiis sa goad reception for the ou1tlawýS that lhave becom-e a plague ta tus ail awbo once have came froin' eic. Mihal aldez notdet!. 1[ thýanïk yau, and! aIl 3your - pe.aplc, jiuaeita," lhe sait! witb graveco- tes L o an de-eply gatfu -Wn I waoit yau ta tel! ail your pol wba bave lnt thei;r landt! that wil be returnieta thfleii asý sooa. as it cao lic aan»get.Tel!any oteswba mIay lie*in danger aof !asng thi lat!ant! homnes through nmortgages ath h ey nlcedn't wvorry Vany mare. Tbey won't bc itbrd abou)"It S iCbi thlinga ai. ,Buit Iv got taj lie gaifng 0W. Bue1-1Sia ohs Juanita." Before s! e conid!speak agan Valtcz IftdEl Ceosrisand! pointet! bim toward th'--crescent mlloanlwih a! aet ram lie- bînt! the cIlt!s-Anl(! be rode Swift- ly. For lbe kn litat, (:venil am1ýtig these cpeople i0nwbom Juanitle CUevas bat! rucb conifidenice?, here couid! casîy bc same wbo ighft bc attractet,,! by t1le falotis ri- xvrds onflic beat! 'AI 1- j Caellera, C Sa it bebo)ovet! hii Ua ide fa134t and iwaiîy. Htbaie gnep1rad ten ii les from ,,i-Luna Raja, an- ling np sioathte anans l. tenlding ta Icve aisanfo Vii now that bis miain purlpose cr VIasII accomplished belore li caset! 11p)bis speed toa anye nt A carcîecss sang was on, bis lips, sunig juit below bhis breatb fo tht Irisb in Michael Idez l"Ia camne ta tlie top, nwthat thtlic.ser- mous busines.-s of thte igtwas, successfuiy accomplishet. Tht Iow-pitched %rihball thiat lie bad learnet! froni bis maoth.. er was an ccmpniet tapicas- -~ant thoulglîts. Ht was deci-ding on baow besit 1e-c ould hlt!ont tht' mney be had taken ro Ray- miont! Çarvin and! return it ta its rigbtul owncrs. Ht fuiît a peculiar twvitcbiiîg in E' Cici's muitscles first, ant! then ho suddenly became cansciauis af bcing foilowcd. Hteuredaront abibole an tht trail and! sept a quick glance b)ackwýart!. His instinct - or ElCielo's -bad bn ighit. Clip Collector - FHaxiing von Other -gil in southernCali fornia tis yearJean Brýo \%n Poses with sonie -of ler trophi- ies, Fë*iure.s on the piewn ing i figu-re are: Age 21; h-eigbt 5frt, 3 inehes ; bust, 34 icis hips, 34 inehes an; md vis,22 inic1ies. By Roberta Lee Q.Wbien i ia nanld a are stanîdingin lacrdd stret- c ar or bus anid an',,ther mail of- fe-rs his seai ItaItle wmasbouldl her escort aîso etxtend his tbhanks? A. N'es, bath the womnan and the man thank the pe-rson wblo offers the seat, and the man ifts his hat to him, Q. Doca z.bridegrooni ever ask 'en terta bis best man and ushierstbs bchla innr? A. NY'es, if he wants ta. He is privileged ta ask any friends hie chocoses. Q. Siu~t11e2'vliole bauld be diipped inG-to the-w%ter wiclîenusilg a fiinger bowl- A, No; dip enly the fingertipc, and one hand at a timne. Then dry the fingecrs wvith the naikin, on tht lap. mrake Pattero 'tQ,11, e-bebl skrlFlatrering - thtcros ve neCkCUn lie'a cope- or twa-piecer-, Pattern '491icc'nîpts in sizes 12, 141 1iii, 20 ý. Size 16 takess yards 3inhfabrie. Sent!, TWENTY FIVE CENTS (5e) ini coins (stýanps cannilot be acceptet!) for this pattern. Print pýlaîinly SIZE, NAM,,, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER Sent! your order ta Room 421, 73' Adelaide St. WTorjurto, Pattero-i Departmtl.t ta the side' of tI denîylic esaw It "rider'" was fol en Qa, E IHSTj .nL4'~UM.d ot vCt s, aîi ai u eo'nvinced you Cao * b compatible. So g(> ahead with *your plans, and give these timel *children the good home they *should bav e. Mo~For SI~uId iv~ las tco fie bos. Wearcnt scen q our niarriagE living j~ aiier, ut I nazcVoe loes avod it. You icgd to live 'ýPe ben ivoccdsine nv vf efirst years ins privacy. Aune "DARANN lEST: Wliat l atevl ile I wa1 i;I 117c y ý~istsconcicnhelp you, if *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~* myolgto oaruynpb ? hveafu-erad il ~A~ write lber at this newspaper. expet tube arrid ii thee nd bliee I aul tIn 'XNE Hirst cao bhelp you make-it home * wrî1 if you'll write ber frankly ! inh,it I arn sa woricd iand woman rebatsuelia ý,s nvrknozrnu;. * dcAro *~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * 'iti ln' ko wa t doI ioz'Aia ranbu hverad «421,,73 Adetaide thaetakets saur coluin f( o saine li7e at. Wcst, Toronto. >7 care ni iber fo'r eerelv bcl.«teeva ou hclpm. tbe past th * re'M " very clo e er. * make: a fine marriage? You hv Seis not very 1,both had shocking exprieicsin bih tIis face, * mutual lov e and faîîb. buti bh[nd is * You are exer,îsîîig gond judg- bakslhe iakes * ment in not seeing bei-r until she is * utm.sarcastir cmlarkl-s frce Anytbing %wbicb reflects up- whjIcb Buut ýt bris ni%'y on ber intcgiit might coniplicate > 1 "v fiance r efuas to let lier live * i lih s,.lHe sn hser attitude, *li asît! saý it wo' work out. Alsc> * is job pais little, and! be feel's 1l* be ill bveail be caîs do u- ta sp- *port ieili. My nthrcari get a po- *sition if sc ue bs to. Ibut 1 bate t. * ap.Ye' kowii iyhart sbe * hapv fth erunîn eitcima *la My fiai r i iling tg conitrbu)tc *a silt1 simt ta ber eacb je * but ptt bis fooLt down on lher "' Imlxe inîi dearly. Tlis ikr *ngisgeting onmy eve.Pleasc *tl1Ilnie baýtt ;iS thel(7igbt thlring t. *LIVE ALONE ilir..Yonr ariaebelonr ta' jais sud yoos hsbaîîd. linrsiiug yorir nîtîrt Iveriih vou, avn if .rhe adîîircdliiu îîircsrvedv,"s teipt- As for hier, sue oi/ be for iopier su ps:i)ion hcnjolvs, lvi lier, à /l, faos seplos.cThrai c2.S ;Iotlhîig1likeiid'c Ienane -fo)r a v!îudd>.ýc cd oni. Coîgand gai '. m ounaking ue frend tbofnthcr ookbis'ving herse'-If 1Wtf:vrelIt sue roimiss you sorelyV, Sil' z ici hescs bow bappy youart ie oaceof voLazn sirerouvi! o- </til. aîîd rjîaiii vou!r .good roi/hat tua o2sairsk ifric/an-.1 U7ben aur m/lier csue s cdoirc of yan, Ind tbchir ritasi et Focni, plas't!îî, iprdct bandafradd ta ber iIic,7ine. ber life ttiIbcoi rcierad fu!er It i proableflotihelù ias gv up uîanY pet saîtal I is sh c ean- Joycd bccause ais avebeau lziing roii/h lýi. WPli o gaashe ril have te canc taind/ gelier 'fins ssu, is , plan br orot if e, allid Jave the ssrnc hat j'on areý enja3'"iqgee roîorsbir/h- rigî ag b'b nd da bonme of be r ao.Cc rp "DER ANE 'RS: ! i ecd yaîîr /iep bdlx . ou , ad inlav teerecbiden ;tu s diocg ie drikcrando oarproide).Shj Saturday's Fatalities Statisties shiow thait there are moemotor accidenits, on Satur- day tlan onSudy says Cn adlian Bsnss tdoe-Sscseem reasonlable thataf ter thaccidents an Saturday,thr are les-,popie remjlaininlg 1tohaveC a ccidets uon STUF2? Ar-D THTIINGS liher divorce. 1 realize wlîat re- * straint this imposes on you. both,I " and 1 salute yotu. " If v on are thinking of the slightl " difference in yo-uir ages, forget it.LLDUSOE * You bave known this womnan forI ei~Ca*2 from Your CDwn Negative.2n for$1 *ith tnVeiopes f«r moItio Chriâtmât carde you. «a ge r. arda £riends, wMl treasureSend un ,your favOite iiSat4ve. W. e- card.9 &Wx iwtlio match n nelope, On Z. Pelcolor folder carda. $tU0doaz Il Photos colored, V-50 &.. *7aize roll, 6 or 8. dovet.. Ogadprinted. 30C. Del>t. 13 STAR' SNAP5HOT SIRVIc Mother Plays Safec With Dr. Chase'a SYruP in the House Wbaft a Saisfaction it Is for mothers to dways; have Dr. Chsse's Syrup of > 1inseeýd and Turpentine at hand to cheek cougbs and eold's qicildy. For n"-ar1y haif a century Dr. Cbese's Syrup hasbeen the standby treat'inent îfor ", ughs ai-d colds in the great mnajority of 1homeýs. Tt h just.as dependable as eve.r and just as pleasant ta use. D.Chose's Syrup of Linseed and Turpenune 15 Family size 3 tîmes as m uch 7,~ k> 4 'NUGGET" IS A STAR PERFORM ER- WATERPROOF SHINE. ust wbat, Sir. madr you think I was steahiq a bowlin~g bil "' - s. r MI à% qJE3 Ai 83 E3