CHRONICLES 0F GINGER FARUM By Gwendoline P. Clarke New îgr prîes-orntues, Plumns, peaches, pears, mor-ite to- maltoes,; bab1)y bakt, dn Jaques, a nwcaîf, hligvindsand lots of raml-ah Itluat anld plentýV iiiore belong to- the chrtoii:cGY the week Iitha h past-not ta mPention namiiing and trainiing Our ne itekitten., Take, those new high prices eniough miaterial there to fi two or three, colurnos, îsn't there? The thing is what are we going to do about thern? That's quite a problem, isn't it, because there is no real solution. We can help our- selves a little by mr careful shiopping; by making more and buin ig less of what-cani be bouigbt ready to wear or ready fo eat, as the case mayiiivbce, But it ail mieans extra work for the housewife. Somte havc the ime and energy- otheris hv loct. It is up to the- indîividual. One thing is certain- sk-oktprices inevitahly lead to, a lower- standard of living. A dollar vill only buy so mnuch and if tlierinmber of our dollars ;s liniteddite sxt du ollar ques- lion is 1how 'budget toedollar's to the best advantitage. W are trying out a few wavs ourselves.. For inistanice righit now we have plenty of coal in the cellar.Th weather has turnied quite chilly Pnd so a lifl-, lheat is niecessary,. Thenl of course filliiigil thle emlpty se-aiers is definitely a l"muist." Personia!ly, 1I have beenz caning so fast and furious every,- day thlat 1 lieep it up in imy sleep) nt igbt. Il, between wilsI liave also been tr-iming a bas- iiette and baby basket for a young rmother-to-be. I finiished it 'aturday nlighit and it did look se 1)re(,t ty . Lace-edged vwhlite mull frilîs over sky-blue angel skin with big pinjk satin bows as a final triiii. FriIlîs and linings where everyting could corne off andbe -washerd. 0f course that mieant a, lot miore work iin the making but 'whiat's the good of things around a baby that can't be w-,ashed? Thursday nighit 1 was still working at the cot when a triend b onedj to ask iïf I was going to ear IEdna Jaques who was lectur- ing in town that night, n it bad quite slipped my memoryl .1 -was very tired and dlidn't feel nm.ichi like gettinig dressed but finially decide, that if E"dnla jaques coutld take timne ta address a, small gatber-iing of womleq then certain- Iy w shouild takze tim'e out to hear lier.So I collected mny bat and gloves, called for four other la- dies on thec way, and spent a ver>' ènjoyable evening. Edna Jaques spoke on bier trip through the Alaska Higbiway. 0f course ber accounit of the many interesting exerenesthiat camne ber way wv-as initerspersed hy lber ready wit and huou.incidentally Second Niece gave mie two volumes of Ednia jaques poems during the 1umr took tbem with me and sbie au-tograpbied the1ni for mle. Now Mwe corn-e to the kitten, whcif you reember, was witbouit a lnme.1I badn't a notion whbat to cali it but Partnecr solved that lîttie prob!lm. W,ýatchiingthe m'ee tbing ait play ort einig lbe sai- "Youi know-we should cali litat kitten Whsy't pletely bewildered. "Sur," aidPartner, "it's Blaclk aniWhite, isni't it?Î" The Fish Jumped Down His Throat Astr about a fishi that leap- ed out of the water and down an Ringler's tbiroat was recently' pub- lisbecd in the authoritative British Medical journal. Tue angler was; taken to bos- pitýalïin "a ver>' dis;tressing con- diin"reported, acting surgeon Dr. R, M. B. Lowis of a Malay S;tate but det ails were supplied Dynamo Victor, bred b Malcolmi McGregor of rîdu Manitoba, was shown by Col- R. M. (Bo) Spith, Oshlaxva at the 1946 Royal Winter Fair where he' xas choseni Reser've Champion Hereford steer. Rupert Eugene, clos=en ii May 1947,by. the Australian deLe- tion to Canada, to h.ead leading herd of Herefords in Au,,stralia, is consid -ed the best Hereford bull wver to be ixotdinto >Australia, sports --An"d One %,Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARIRIS <"$A'Slixbit Citic") FABLE (WVithý apologies Io the late, grecat George A de>, Once upon a time(- there was a, Certain Province that had Very Liberal Sunday Laws. Whecnever tlie Day of Rest' rolled arounid 'Johnt Citizen bad bis choice of atteldinýg churcli, plougbIging up a golf cus siffing the sweet aroina Mf burned gas on the bigbways, stay- înig homne and niagginig the wif e and kriddie-s, or attendfing churchi. If des- perate he could even liste-n to the radio. Buit despite nail this vast vasr- iety of cntertainrnient, strange, to say: the- Ingrate was still not satisfied. So at last a group of Higb Minded Philanthropists decided tbey would do something about it. Thbey decided to send a Representative Delegation of Six to caîl on the Head'Mati of the' Province; and included in tbis Representative Delegation were a Basebaîl Mogul, a Hockey Magnate, a Football Promoter, a Roller Rink Proprietor, a Moving Picture Im- pressario and a Sports Reporter, the laitter -being taken along because the Taxicab held six anyway and there wasn't'amy sense in wasting ail that space. The Head Mani of the Province received them most graciously and asked theni, in bis best Cbesterfield- ian manner, j ust wbat was biting theni. So -%ith one accord tbey pro- ceededi to tel himi of the Teririble Slffeinigs of Jýohni Citizen under tie Liheral Suniday L-aws, bow their Soft Hecarts bled for hum Day and Nigbit, and bow something wouid baveý to he Done About It immédiate-, ]y if nort scooneýr, At !hiý point the Sports Reporter waos heard ta wirper, "What a, Pushiover tilis Egg turncd out 10 be!". Then the Head Man of the-Prov- ince said to tbem, "Did 1 bear you gentlemen tell me -that, in making this Request, you have onl>' the Interests of John Citizen at beart and bave po-if you wil pardon the phrase-Ulterior Motive or Motives, such as Red Propaganda, or Profits, or anything discreditable like that ?" So one and aIl, singly, doubly and iii concert, the>' assured bim tbey 'were thinking solely of John Citizen. "You do yotrselves Very Great Credit,' said the HeIad 'Man of tbe P'rovinice, "aind 1 can see that you are allil i-bMindeed 1Pbilanlthropistq iindeed t So witb your Assurance in mînd I wil inimediately instruct-l ineaii of course, reqluest-M-ýy Legis- latuire to pass an Act looseing up our Libeî1al Sunida> Laws still further; bo îthat now ,rJohn Citizen * will be able to bave the Heialthful Recreation of Basebaîl, Football, Hockeyý, Movinig Pictures anrc!1oller Skati ng in addition to the Vàst Var- iety of Entertainment already at bi@ command, And you, gentlemlen, ini returti wh- At tis jncuraBrez tat feit as to l it carne direct feromýi the, Upper Ace eeed 10sweep through the Rccept io, n Cob cous;in p the 5Sports Reporter to try and recai wzhere lie Iuîd put hie Win 1er Bianket for safe-keepîng# and what it w,(ould cost to pet ir out. But the Head Man didn't appeor-toe feel if, and con tiud- "'You, gentlemen, in return wihl be, I -ani sure, Only Too Glad to do Your Share, Interested as you are only in the Welfare of-John Citizen ypt ou wod naturally be Loath te Profit in An>' Manner f romn the loos- ening of our Liberal Sunday Laws, and,,would desire to work wbiat is3 vulgarly 'known as For Free. Sa I shahl instruct-I mean, of Course, request-My Legislature to framne the New Act' so, that aIl mone- tary retnrnis, sucb. as admission fees,, etcetera, f rom any sucli new Sutin da y entertainments will be turned o0ver, without deduction, to some Wortliy Cbarity. As for you, Mr. Spor t, Reporter, I1 shahl be pleased to -make arrangeents wt youir EtemdEmployer wbereby anly Emnolumiient you mniglit ordinaril> rceivýe foýr rprîgsncb Stnday entertainnlient wiv11ll e dCvote(d to the sainie Goodý Cauise." Bulîow if n'as the He1aciMan of the Provinîce who noticed a brere-- only this lime if zoas the w'ind made by t he Delepation of Six taingt On the Loin out of theRepto Chaniber wîth the, Sports Reporter three lenpths in the leod. "h, oh crever can they have gone .ro abruptly?»'flice Head Man said 10 hinfself. "I hiad so viuch more go soy ta thein; and besides the Camecra Man hasn't pot here 10 Record thies Flistoric Moment for Posteritl-0" Then a sudden thought camie to him. "I have il" sai*d the Hçcad Maist. «Those Hiph MindedPhlthoit are So floppy about zohat th av c- coin plished for, John Ciîtîýzen thal they just can't wait Io go anid .î'read lte Glad Tîdiuîps!" MORA1L: ET/EN IN BEING îHIGH MINVDED AND THOUGHTLE5SS 0F SELF IT'S EASýY TO OVER- FREE OFFERt Thei Quaker Qats Copai>ofCanada Limiited, Pc- terhorôughi, 0ntaria, offers free o'f Charge flic booklet, "Raise Tuir- kesat a Profit".