Subseription $1-50 date Job Plant. Our prices are e, and Our work is of the best ursdlay morning at the Times office IR. A. Forrester, Publisher ilblished -Jan-cary, 1937. To 'Anlim ancis of Assisi, the mdeu love and cmasinfor ui d hy mayiiisters, Sunday -ith roiosinstitutions as a rt that uiess oui- re- d for tbe igbItsj ofth ewday" will not) dawa. sd tberefore that some atrendl of tboughit that is ]*line couid strssthe javture, a love that ex- is SO mucýh ignorance, Educution can bne m iave discussed. Fxploi- nid have. no place lnaa ve when Publicopnn other neaspapers and ieirs. To efcieybe f antimal life as wel". Dale e-w bic-ycles are equ ipped wt .1 driVe chain. Apparently the eul on the steel. Still, vwe were o of thie acute Scarcity of steel, >witbout teriiig- it a robber as trouser leg inadvertetly caugiht in Élie nite so severely as in former days. There ve thlat a beit -will serve us effectivelly as a ý bic-ycle. Coasider thie numiber of turnaý suchi iîng systeml of a travelling car. We note tor driven- bikes. There is nothing iîke al- to do thie work if onie has te eeitb al lby nomes seen tUne end of its; ser-vitude. stay around a high sc'hool or factory ut noon nsee that the whI(eel is still in favor, par- Uts a wndrsomie ïrovision bhas notbee fI a spare tir. A suedr-ive belt too, for, leýsshae to, pedal along to the aext point Seing thewhleoutft bowever, evea uat a g tihe gOooset'fat laid the golden eg o mioaey and wýalk the weary mile afoot. 1It's à * * à oais are simp1y11aadMe dowas fromn wbiat we biave ini mimd eitber. We niec quitig arties,anipoay acosydownthog the years s0 ysquiltiig belongs to ouir (day quite Many lbands to miake light workr, that they suve time and effort tcoo llînig agencies. Not on11Y (Lcross Aunt Emmla's best forlyl a cross section oQf Womleni's Gutiki, the Wo- TempernceSociety, two and nonle. D;id we say sed ai-ln wt the restf Jthe F , parlïimn evik Bookc,1,of otirely void un admn-ission o)ve suffeeth ;tantly jabbedi aed long u-go * à ner? Jo's coniforter, 'but any- life ieminided the pol lot was nmore to bedeid nd, be S2 JO0NIES - ' on Saurn Rev. !,cl Rutlh Th-re DEN - Septen ofC bowiea nahe Iaut wI ' den, of Orono, to Da ýýv id Lloyd .Tnes, of Toronto DEATHS BROiWN -- At Ne\%castle, on Thurs- day Setember2,5th ', Herbert Milton iBrowýn, !belo-vedhusb'and -of Maiýry Ethfel Pa-rker,' aged 69 years. Fanerail selvice was h-eld lai- thie United Churchi, NewasLe nSt jrdhay, September 2 7ih, a t*?. 0 0, p.iim. Interm--ien-t was made ia Orono CeWeery. IN MMRA GR4IA-1AI - - Inl ovinig imemory of OUr, Dear Father Williamwh o passed away Otobe'r l<t 1946. Gone, dear fater, gone forever, How we miss your smiling face, But you left uis to remempiber None on ear-th cs),n take your place. JA happy home ýe once eaijoyed- illow sweet the ml-emlory s till- 1 Buit death has left a loneliness The -worlid cani neyer fili, -Ever rèrncmbered Iby Mother and daughter Doraý and Sons. LOCAýL NEWS 3fr. Robert Shierwýin, Miss Sewn 31. and Mrs. San Berry, Mr S. Soc ndMr Da-ne Found attendied BohaygonFair )on Saturdylat Wxhile the re they mnet MIr. Mitoni' ( iorn-ish, formlerly of Oronlo,wh took, thIem t o is home and! showed them the farmn on which he is emnployed. IThe- barn on ,the farm i, s coidered one of th'e most up-to-date harals la Canada. Whaýt might have resultedinhia ser- ious acident happetied On our. Main stret onFridy mraing last, when a car wIhtwo littie chlldrea wvas Ileft on the street. Wh--etherý the ownier whlo was la Mercer's Grgfailed to put on the mnergentbak or the children released it, we dol not kaow. W\Yhateverý was the rao the car s t ared down grade. Mrcs. Mercer who oticed the car l-m otion withouat ,the driver, called for help, and soon the carwa stopiped. This just goes to shi-ow how easily acci- dents can ha-pen. SWANTPED Old Horses KNOX FUR FARM ORONO Phoneo 64 r 2 I CAPITOLI 1PORT HOPE Wed., Thurs., Oct. 1-2 4ALEXANDER'S RAGTIME BAND9" 8.20 Onily With Tyrone Powver, Alice Faye and Don A,%meehe "THE DARK MIRROR" With flivia DeHavilland and Lew Ayres (Aduit) Fri. & Sat,, Oct. 3-4 "1DANGEROUS s are 1nom aOrm:ila stckintrude is1 if ber ,arent Can- pros- infla- TiHANK-OFFEIWW NG KV fl45 AKirby W.M S, are holding- their Çltassif ied Atuma nThaak-,Ofiering Service on________________ 5ýIInday evenling', October th, ai .00 ANNOUNCEMNENT 0~okin the sundfay School roon1-i. Pailk St. Church Womè' iïssioni- special ýspeakers for the eveniag. ar-Ax uir is holding its Thank- EVeryone 0wici. fering meeting ont Tuesday, Otober __________ 7th, at 2.45 p.m. St. Pu's Auxiiary HARVEST~ ofBwavle will be preseat to THANKSGIVING SERVICE put on thle programmue. Orono Eveni- St. Saviour's Churcb w;ýiI! hold tl--,i eir ing Auxiliary and Kinby Auxiliary Aninual are ansvigSer- are crilyIavited to be preseat vice on Sunday, October 5Û.. at 7.00J and enjoy the afternoon's. program. pam. The Rev. T. 'S. Ganît, 'B.A. Lth_________ of St. Paul's Churchi, Bethany, will FOR SALE be the special preacher and the choir 20ars Lo,-t 7, Con. 3, To'wnship of St. Paul's mi have c!harge oif the of Carke, Apply to Ernest D. Reid, 1music and siaigïia. lMi-u, who N ewtlonville, Ont. waýs formerly of Peterboro and Camp- Robinson Bros. Estate. beilford, served oesa as Chaplainb-7p la tbe l~rr ORONO TIMES WANT ADS SELL BUY RENT HIRE FIND NOTI FY Phone 9r1 to-day! SALE REGISTERS The undlersig-ned busý rec:eived in- structions from Mr% JohnGodn Lot 12, Concession 6, Cia-keTw- ship, i Concession south of Keadal and .1 mile ýwest, to sýeli by public auction on Wednesday, O)ctober 154th, ut 1ip.'r is enitire -furimstock of horses, cattie, swine, fe ed, .Yiple- ments, qttautity of furaiture, anld a MIodel A baif ton 19,31 truc'k ii, Ai conditionc. Termns Cash. - JackRed Auctioneer. Ilhe aunder'signed bas received in structions to selî by public aucton, at Lot 31, Con. 8, Clarke Townshnip, the property of Lawrence Harris, hîis eatire stock of Horses, Cattle, Swine, Grain, Sheep, Poultry and Im-pIe- mneats. Sale to commience at 12.30 on the aifternoon oif Sat., Ort. llth, Termsý Cash. Positîvely No Re- serve. Jack, Reid, Au.ctionyeer. I have been dîirected by Fred Ste- chychl-yn, Lot 28, Con. 15, Hlope Town- ship, to seli by public auction his frm effects, conisistinig 0of Horses, Cattle, Grai, Haeimplemnents, and some hiouseholdl effecbs. Sale to commence at 1 p.m. sharp on Turs- day, October 2d.Tern-is Ca s'h. Posi- tively NO Reserve. Jack Reid!, Allc- tioneer. AUCTION SALE- The undersîga--ed hlas received instructions fromr JOSEPH SEXtS-MITH to Se11 by pbi uctWion at Lot 32, Con. 3, Hope Township 3 miles estof Nwovle WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8 the following-, Farin Stock, Grain, Impflemients, etc.: Horises MNatched te.ami of Clyde Horses, 1,500 ibs. each. Catti» 1 Hloîsteinl Cow, .5 years, due Mare hi 12, milking; 1 Hoîstein Cow, 5 years, ýdue April 7, millkingo; 1 Black Cow, 8S years, dlue April 8, milking; 1 Red Durham Cow 7 years, due May 3rd, milking; 1 Redi Durhvam Cow, fat; 1 Red Durbami Bull, 2 years old; 1 Durham Eeifer, 3 years, fat; '2Hoistein Heifers. &oW witb pigs ut foot. Sheep 1,1 Leicester Breedfing Ewes; 1 Lei- cester Ram. 40 Rock eslyig Grain 400 bushels of Victory Oats; qua-1 tity of Hay., mplemient's, Etc. 1 Massey-Hujrris Binfr, 6-fi-. eut, in good condi(itioýn; 1 Hay Rake, 10- ft; 1 McCormick IMower, 5-ft. cnt; 1 Frost & Wood Cultivator; 1 MeCor- mnick Steel Roller; 1 Seed Drill, 12- hoe; 1. Frost & Wood isc;1Single Souffler; 1 Faniinag Mîl; 1 Woodien Whieel Wag-on, good asnew; i Stone- bout; I set Scales, '2000 lbs.; 1 set of 4-section Hlt-7riws; 1 Buiggy; I Cutter; 1 Turnip Pul-per; i Hay Rc;1 Verlity Tw,,in Plow; 1 Hay- don Twin Pow;500 Lused Bik;1 Hfaydeai Single ýPlow; 1 set of Team' Harn-ess; 1 A.4ncor-Hoît Creai Sep- u ator, ý -Cïi0, capacity; quuntit y of -Ptatoes; qnantity of F4îue ~ERMSCASH NO ESERVE A Cqba No.,24 Stove, used for bt coal and wood, with iron fire box and duplex grates. 'In excellent condi-I tion. Price $18.010. Apply to Mre. W. J. Lycett, Orono. c-38,p. FOR SALE 10 acres of sitaniding miiixed, tiniber, righit at Pontypool, Wood to be re- moved by INay lst, 19,48; al-so '250 bushels of "No. 1 Oats, mu-Lst be re-1 m-oved at time of purchase. Ber- steiii's, Pon-itypool, phone 20 r 4, Bethiany.. a-a6-c. Oneip Dominion Circuilator practiýcally new, lMrs. F. Pho-ne 24 r 2, Oronio. FOR SALE ore eemeiit mixer and emient tule f orms, Geo. phonoe 57 r 16, Orono. 11 7featerý, Peate, C-838-p- a few Forbes, c-27-p. WANTED TO RENT A bouse for Provincial ýConstible Pollard, nlow of Bnwmanville. Any- one haviag a house for rent kind-ly notify the Times Office, Orono. WANTED Hous.e or tiree rooms to rent. Ur- gently needed. Bsns man. Good refereace. Apply to Box 17, Orono. WANTED TO BUY Iloiie with 3 acres of lanid in or near Orono. Would also conside-r 3 acres û!f Highway property sial for building. Al cash under pro- visions of Veteran's Land Act. Apply to A. H. Stevens, Pontypool P,O. Froni the premises ut Lot 29, Con. 8,Clarke, oni or about August 27th, 2 yer,-olds, one vgey and' the othier red and white. Anyone kaoncwiag -of tlieir whrebut-indly notify E. R. Brysoni, phone 58r17, Orono. c-36-p. STRAY ED Onito the premnises at Lot 14, Con- 6, Clarke, one sow. Ow-ýner ilhv sanie by proving property adpya expenlses. Charlie Gay, Phone 23'r9, Orono. -8p monuments The RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port IHope, Ontarlo Monuments, Gravemnarkers Engraving, Goldleafing Free Estîiates will be Given Cheerfully on Rock Wool Home Insuilation By Biower System., Four lu.ches thick, GILPIN & Coý. Insulation Conitracturs, 57 Bloor St. West, Toronto District Representathev for Durhanm County GEORGE WADDRLL phone 23 r 22 - BETHAINY Radio Service! plot, edata rm ail makois, &ud mosiara te-nt .quippim«it wIHl nure PRnoMPT. REÂSONABLE AND EXPERT REPIAIRS - CaRI R. L. MYLES tPà.u.10r 4 - 0101<0e Pro fessional Diorectory MEDICAL A.F. MýcKEN.>ZIE, M.D. PHYISICIAN and SURGEON Office flours 2.00 to 4.00 p in.; 6.30 to 8.00 pan.. Sundays and Wednesdays by appoinitaent only PHONE 47r1 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C.* Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. NOTARY Phones: Office 825 Resideuce 409 BOWIMANVTLLE, ONT. VETERINARY DR. W. W. SHERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON Office Main St. Oronu Phone 63 r 7, Orono INSURANCE J. C. GAMEY IN41SURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automobib and Liahility ORONO ONTARIO Office 68 Home 553 W. F. WARD ORONO'S INSURANCE MAN Dominion of Canada General Hartford Fire Inurance Waterloo -Mutual Fire Insurance Wawanesa Mutual Insurance is represented n this district by DANE FOUND ORONOPhone 8 r 1 If it's Insurance, give Dan0 a- triaL LEROY HAMILTON INSIJRANCE 11N ,ALL ITS BRANCHES Fire, Rlail, Burglary, Life, Accident and Sickness, Plate Glass, Automobile, Liability Representing the Leading CANADIAN, BRITISH and AMERICAN COMPANIES Office, -M1ain'St. - ORONO Phone 32 r 10 Office Open Saturday Eveninge INFORMATION Would you like to know more about the foiiowing ?> (a) How to wijl to your fnmily eue thousand dollars t-hat you have-n't y& Seved ? (briow to guarantee a Salary cheque to your fnmily every moetk~ for 10-15 or 20 years should you be taken out of the piture ? <c) How to have a salary cheque .every month for yourself as long as you live, commencing at age 55-6qI or 65. (d) flow to guurautee that your son or daughter w111 have the moneyï for a n educution beyoud high sch4ool? Let us have a chat about it soute- time. Phone FRED LYCETT ORONO 18 r 1 AUCTIONEEIRS TEDJACKSO-N Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of aIl iau and'a&t reasonabie rates Communicate with hlm int P Perry, Ontario, or see him Clerk, A. E. -Morton, at Orono, for date. JA'ÀC K 1REID y" Lienpsed Auctioneer n Valuator Specialize ini Fan an Fuarniture sales Consuflt me for ternias and dates hoe1620 - Clarkê. eekly Times on request i nogmamuL L 1 1 Phones : SOLICITOR BARRISTEýR a a