Your landwriting Rand YouAl'Y -r---' away front, her eýyes. Th]ere kilung 'ssmi'sctçrn ftcars in tbeni, but shellfaýced CH-APTER VIiI %sée you ars e!"bcons- ias noches, Sessor Cabbal,- io"said a law. silrery sel Vadzssilvermountedi oppcd back into ats hoRs- i a tbud, and be groaneçi. ltac R"e susd. Weiiof aIl What ans I1gocg f0 do ujuanita? Can't you sty e is nweeIcudg, de Cuovas said calml-y. , 1 bar,' alrady said tw by SbOUSd Inot go? I go back te my borne and. naita bias already ,wepî lead; and she caries tIsent n bier fbeart. But ithere wiRi nioreý tears, Ther-e will be w ho youfeel, Juianita"," said soberiy. "But you know of Et Caballero avent yous beard eitougis ;o know ,tliat *bý (e iesthse at somé epeople -calcok that wbatever they are, y, rides themi alone-'5 le onirt time he seemedta, wh-Iy thec girl was stand- le trail, and tbiat be(r herse g on the ground. 't know whtot do with uta.," he said flatly. "o oli. And new yen are 0w did that happen?" )jred sadly at the horse parting on thse ground, " she murintured '"that îas cýarrjied Juaniiita as far- CL Hie bas been brave, lie is tired tcoedeAh stunsbles in ahole i 'she spieid lber ari, a gesure of futility - in yau do?" Tear Cer b er eyes as she ilookedel îrse wbi v as the lone thing of lier -p-or home, at be imay bave brolçen m1omencltary exasýperaiti'Mu loeySpanlish ,girl Swift- ta Lconcern. He îoved id could not bearufA see ain a flash he was down own maunit and wase'r the bare-tnIbbed boie so vaîiantly carried jua- ir. But he wodcarry artiser, lie saw at f.rst j lor Pancho's dayes acre s * 1raely, "but like e ta l mifs Iuseave Iicbael Val- c girl turis face ,in lber d frn the over to the tarned t dderssh- ber Ila nçu wvere " -What shahi 1do "will go wtsyou, snr"she said sinply,. "As 1 ha-ve said, ' Shie brushedi tie tears froin ber myes and smiiledcon, enl ha it.- The Irish in hlm tifelt a quic- spasmrip bis bert. As perpiex- ed as he was, facing a situatîôfl lie this wth wbich be bad not tie slihuetMiea ow to dea, such feaity as bers, tbougb un- thinig inew a-nd gefresing in bis lonely Ide. --Tie Dutiawv trail is bard, Jua- niti," lie finally said. "fustie l not alwy Ctained by lega1i meanls adlong ago I m ade tup rmy înind ta) sec ihat others got ià by any meas watsOever. Maybe riglit nOw, -with youvr fresh, grief for your parents, your passionate wish te djo somretinlg ta avenge their çleaths, it seerns fine( and free tac you. But you don't know,. Cther times-it is nw o nce. 10' al way 1aiElife that is net for a gir, Juana" "1.t, is for 1nie," juanïta said, as Mtboh reeaing a iîaniy. Wh you go, I go." "Adrightno 'cw it looks- like if you do," -Valdez buIrst ouit, a wialkig. brwndhadtow.ard El C iel o, standing imbl ihdagn reinis. "Yurmont"she said, '"lie -'s fine and N e twill carry two, yes ?" "And whee?" demaded iVal- dez. "Where Cdo yuthinIk 1col taIre you?1"Good little girl,dot you kow 1 waýs geitiing ouit o PaïîisanoValley be ýcause I tboughft il i mighit IbedangeroüUs for sme af- iter what bppne oniight in Lià IRaWhere 1f'l take you?' JtIanita onlyrepeated Itle im.- sicil i rish) grill that swepft across V-aldez' feature.s wipedi away thec sternnesstthe puzzled bewilder- mient. CWlh le said at 4ast, n breathed a, deep sigil of tempo- rary suirrenider-. "WVell!" -His strong arms scooped up ber light body and ipluimped bler ;in fr-ont offtise sadd(le on El Cielos back. "Any- Gornez,Icat leave you stndc-ýing out here m liles froi nwhrein tIse imiddleï of the nighit, Roj," aliïta said sftyas he swugng p behind ber ad reached for El Cieio's bid'le, "I houight miaybe you wuldsec that I cati give great aid toyu" "Have ýCit your onwaCVie said, glmagain; for he felt as if lie were takinig a step flhat rnan,îy timile, he wvouldfnd reason to regret. That -was al he did say, for long1 time,ý as thecy rode on thirocgii the nligbit. Nor did Juaniiita speaLr, Bot whati plans, what dreais Ja niita waçs havinsg there ini the moon- nut have oldforthe worldJ. (TouBEt Contltned) H,..Vaniguard %will kep ber Royal sulite irîtact, recady for next year's probable Royal VISt to Australia. ISSUE 40-1947 Teacher Intýerested Ina Putpi1s' Handwritinig ]-ear Mr Ar-nott: ar a school teacheýr, intecrested in the han1dwrit- inig of twvO students A)in myclaiss, Au analysis off the enclosced examples <rif ther hndritngwould leapei ated. Aiiswer The flrst handwrjitin-g re- veals a pronlt tat's iiighly imagnatie, atiier takatveand( shows grea ~t rnolionl tndn;ds Enthsias fotthe ntcrst5she liold- s i niae ythe wepn "t"stoke. usticefor sa L i le wachword of. thlis person an i n thisxregard tercis za diçplaY of af- fec-tio1 n ad ymatfor ithose ini dfclt.There 15 nù doubt ti studcent is anindl das and pr- f ers to kee-cp her own ounelrather tneth he advice of ohr.You wii. probablly find tlsat she holds hierseif aloof from the othier sIýtudens. The seconid situdleni, s a eroof literry ailiî , ecellent Ipowerls of Cr, vi th Radmirable cquail i 1e s for recoguizing details. This persýon J5 also lighlly imaginative but has a gond deal of self cont-(! road is ,more deierate :Inctio t than the firrt studenlt. Much better poerDf ex- pression are reveàled in 0this samffle of wiin.Accuracy and precisiosi mre tc IP Part of thr character eval inlg a niature %whîch sno atisfied( with orfDarv effort bun tives-fo perfction. 0f the tWo students, the latter is the better, havIýinig more c olsi -0brility and self conitrol thian thie former st1iddent. Ayan>e wsiga oecmlf anly.r3is fles.end efadrsd .rtamped enve,,lope ta o C B, rocim 421', 73 Adelaide Si.Wetart. There is no charge for fhi.çseri Gieyour îUmmîte aiosy freshness of a garden Wt this ginners work-lof iuin to sl on! Embider f bic- tis for gayv color! Patteriu 533 1bas trh serof- l'X x 18 il', and a 2T72 x 23 iin motif, Laura VWbeeIer'snempod pattecra 1maIres neiwr osm ple Witb its c11ar-ts, photos, con- cise directions. Send T WE N TY - PFIV E CENTS in coins (tamps cannot be accepted) 4or this patternt Roons 421, 73 Adelaide St.West Toranteo. Print plainlýy PAT TERN NUMBER, yor NAME and ADDRESS. Sunlday School Loss( The Better Revelation Hlebrews 1:1-4;'--2:1-3; J 14:5-11L GOLDEN TEXT-Jesus majth ohn I4IRST j &, ~1L4~6dO~ Unlio Lornc ,band is th,'e HeIrew s, is tîî,t they areIl agreed in a commun f aith -in Jesuls as the Messîah, in belef Ilis avn power, inil is rsurcin anid living presenice throuigh thieH-oly Spirit, and ini their coniceptionl of the Christian felîoîvsblip and(l the nature of the Christian life. This could be dmntrtdin many paral lels of aictua eýXrecssioîs, thougb eacb Epistie imiay bave üits particuflar fmbss amnes, for in- phasis on faith, buit in-. Paul's miore stance, emphIasîzes ork as the evi- dence of faith, weePauil puts em- extensive writings onec wouid find many passages that, as strongly as James, stress the practical nature af tbe Christian if e. Sa, aise, tbnugh John is the apoýstîe of brotherly love, aIl that be says only strengtbens wba't lPaul wrote of love in I Corin- thians 13. And wben Peter writes o)f helieve(rs as "prtkes ithe div'ine nature," it is precisely what P 1111bas Wrîtten in, Ephesans 3:19. l1ief in JeIsuis as the Mý-essiah andé the fulfilmnlt of Jewisb bopes and proph(cies, is doinant in the Christian churicbi; and it is at this point tbalt thec devant Christian and the devout Jew d iffer, though they bave the Oid Testamnent in common. IT IMEANS A LOT wheu' the mieal includes imaxweli House. -This imarvellous ecoffee is extra delious' because Ît coiitains choice <Latin-Amnerican coffees ...- thie finlest the World pro- DERANNE HIlRST: 1 an-,ai- noSt cra;zv! lIlina a i] in ny40's, Smorn ogitime 1s il] our lifu, but * eraised furci.1-idren boM I i ove ias wel as I Still love my wife. *1 work wayf rom hmcorne l'I"l the iast 1 re yarsm wife * h ben nIîngaway fr nie. Ouir home bafis I)v by another wo- n. ý, mn vbm I is '>'~~~ with; she ba ~gourned n ier.w îlome *)lý lic'cve apledfor a 4diý )orcel'itSI] e iltg-ti[it (She * îutask fmefor- it, s;11n(, S* i Ssay s sI1e bates me. Yet I J*tlîink we%- cold start al aimeragi I *ing bc e ends ? 1 i-)-Iolle. *some cfor brand te hiIriu * hav aiwys povided for thim al * thebest itold. SbouldIC1f ree liber, or dIo you thiink sbe 'amy corne *baek ta me lateron? * A DSPERA'_TE HOPE ifis possibïc le tatour sef rillii couilatire of fuis rwoloncîf she is lad 1g Jadmit1fisc hope isi prettydeseratefor shie is eujo>ving lierseif ait tise cosf of you and th Ile chîldrenm. 13 cf ou roant ta!,cep oit hoping for a caîq.anld 1, Sec(ne poili n i iiu ra divrceat Ctiss kcp youit iilouchIl 7eif h your cisildrenl. Th i, v îs1lst !b£ wondcring ssU'lif a1l thlis is abouit, aîîd 'your cnfiudand habiitaI reeneshould tetlnd ta quiet soine of th', fears that attack themin ioîir wif eis îlot tfofaliyï ire- sponsib le,, for you say, she does take Care of hei )h - ou are wy If sdrbeissoveerltat ise --ho-s not aoee ta thle harm shle il- cautszîîîg t'h Neni t ise ru f roseIng sp oits ahigslycon fused idea o1 Can yoit discnss /the ftuîre of ftse eh,,Idldcu wihher sanie wc end uhlen yoii are home?« H looumuch education con ou ff ord fagive theni, for inistance; rljesof 1thcm;nis good college noera; oaftlenlts of 'aisich ch ild soudbe enciour- agcd; zuhat Peaainfolrtif e should tise olisers recîefSui a- ily discussions ni hav-e lthir effecil, and 1I urge i f0 bgisi enios snom as you Cali. The diorce lIof '/Ic stafle in hchyou ieIarn laId, areCcoin- plicatcd. Vouir rife could rot get theý divorce site wanited. Fou zvii vef Uv -. ~ae Kidney-Uvev PIIs First Fiy: "WThlat happened te poor old Hlector?" SecondFy:"Ie died of the, DDT'S'. TO RE POPULÂR as hosiess, serve Maxwl Bouse Coffee. Ih eonlaims choie LtnÂeia coffee.. the finlest oh. tainable. It's blenJed 4y experts wiih traditionnf kaowJedge and Skill. GIRS!WO)MENIrTRY TRIS IF YOU'RI NURVOuS On 'CERTAIN DAYSI eetbeCoapoud to relievz of To NInth toa. lhis inemedici@ *f TIuvonMenthtIefor this Purpoge! Do fesnaI, functonal mOnýiU-y Foi Over 79) yoors houosýds of dlsturbajce& make you féeel nr- grsad womOD hlave reportea; vousa,R gety pcranky, so tired and l bepet.,Juat use. if you, odole "agged out"-ei s ucl* tlmen? report excellent resa1tà! WortJ& Then de try Lydin E. Pinkhan'ii bring. Co&& 'Irî5or0(44 0jVEIETAB 1, 400- ~ #~C@W@N cou1su/t ali iyer astu. dia. giconds you haeoa dvo ci,if4hot alsad plgh. ctthreis o Izay ope, oecrslirn it cmrtdv "DEAR ANNE HTIRST: 1 an coii- * îng to you for ad\ ice on vIhat to * do about lnlns.My hutsband * ivas killed, leavinig ime-aýil alone. * We have raised four children, but * they are al rrwdad have * homes of their own. * ,J have a home and a snal i- *corne-but I'm so alone! If only I *had sorne one to make a, home tfor *-as that is aýil J'ni prepared toý do. *My ineome is insuff1ýiit ta adopt a *chîld. "I "1 go tachnrch 1ýand Sundaky *Sunclay sehool, lbut 1I stiII have the *long, ioncly w eek o spend - L[ONEL7y', * DONT DELOEY IVhy don't yoiu fi)id sofic other loue/v zcoian roba ,ould appreciat yoîur coipaniiisip a nd likel Iv 1ý Ilg u4ilh ' /9 ie c 'orJd is Jil 1of them, ond li re1peet lroser OMiliîunt hlas ifs 01- er O obiilssgirlnal iovsiiariing yolr lhome. Ifwod be n' gad te hae smeo o uni i l1g, arunllic ho1tse ayain. Vos n viiht tall: this o s ej oufr liii e . ck;uovis ftwiîi nie.sof is fl wl uJilea- hvesggs fions for ru There 15 ns io ecarilth oos(o;,for enr,ýo1?e fa be lue/. Aud a ora RU e on aiu td;in tlice crts of hoin-makugshould hiave no10dîffi- ctit attIf iii iidiîga cîgna I1Vrît e your troubles ta Anne i,,Irst -be fore if is ta te for Ilier to guide you. A ddrcss her af Rooin 421, 73 Adelaïde StreetW. Toron to. CAge 16 to 401 Bo8re is your Io work in Toronto 1 Chiistie. Brown and Company Off er you full tisue emiployment at good wages packagi nq Bi scuitS Thore ore many raclvantageg le wyorlinq et chrâte's Steady Employasent-Ideal Gar.- ditizons-Liglit, Clean Work--Good Pay-Supervised Dressing Boomsr -- Medicai Centre - Bright Cafe- teria 4at King St. Bakeryls iat- ute Rest Periodz Every kMj. and P.Ml'.-Uniformis Supplied-A yims_ Place ta Work. If Yeu con arrange for board and room in Toronto, appry te Eh,, Personnel Manciger 202 King St. East Toronto 2, Ont. foýýa*Lois .1 PýOp