al(d!f!arnily.l Dayl Service Saschild(on oua- ilmier-read the sýto-y and Lw lon sang a solo. Iii the ;the past(or olwdteR-11l me by trwgot a chial- beoebte0h:tas Thie W. A. met in eo. Kiniiball, WYed homle of Mu,. day eveing, !don Plans werc aid or thu Puns No.vinbe (IaSo thne bza on No- vemer Qtl. iir. Pnonof -Mi Qijutrc,ae an int,,ieesing,, as wvell Visitý ainstciet-lkon thýe Wonen's M Association of Oshawa Pretbter Cee, and the bienefits of jiîgotherv so- p* cieties foirinprtiead help. A Mr social haîf-hiour wnspeýnt over a Waisl cup f ta t rond nt n ejoybleand1 eveninig, bMi _____ _____Petel Send, your friend the Orono- Tîime, %L NOTICE Laundry and Dry CIeanini IVili be picked up every MYonday, Wedinesday an -Friday, commencing Wednesday, October 1, 1947 FOR EXCELLE-NT WORK AND SERVICE CALL, ON US. - Oshawa Launidry & Dry C r16, Yau wtll f md c me 'hie ChriFtïan treet ---------------------------------------- --- --- - -Zone-,-,,State Street, Oshawa, Ontario, Phone 196 NES £CH SERVICE COMIMENCING sday, October 1, 1947 B3'ETWn'EEN :)Le ORONO & NEWCASTLE rival of Coaches wiIl be from the followling pla-es: CH BAR, ORONO......Phone- 97 r M6 'S GARAGE, PONTYPOOL....Phone Il r 2 EL, NEWCASTLE............ Phone 1104 re Pontypool - Newcastle.....5. are Pontypool - Newcastle.....90r. re Orono - Newcastle.......20c. ire Orono - Newcastle..... ....... 40c. with east and westbound Coaches. For 'arture consuit timetable printed below Read Down. - PONT! DIVISION - Sout Iy DaîlY Effective ------Kir-by -Enter Octobc-r îSth Daily asi--Ar. 5 J - ----.- -- - rprise ------------- 8.150 I ~pool-Lv. 8.45 times of EYVILLE Dake f Toronto, Cyril D re Payne, of 'Crookedj Soper of -Wallawa-llai S.A., visited w-,ith -Mn ýeves- S. ler- Gýo v er, o f sp enlit Sundiay wt Mrs. L. 'H'odaway. Mrs. Alker anddagher of Osh- ýwaý, and Mis. S.,Lncstr a nd - daugh-ter, of Newtonivile, spenit Fni- daiy with Ms.H.Rev. The Ptroog auaitCu 1had ian outing ýat Mr. anid Mrs. H. Reeves on S tuda, ed by ' Mr> Henry ofteColgte and' Misýs Adlie nd Mr.Edldieý Bell, of B&hsda spntSunday -vthMr. and Mn. and Mrs. AnodThcrnd1yke spenitSndywith MrIl. nid(]'MIrs. revleFlett of FnlnFis Amoing thoilse ateningte Stone- Rosýe wdigat Ptror hwere : Mrs. W. Paynie, . C. Pa-yn1e. Mur- raly, Ho1wardi and Ruth. Mr. anld Mrs. . Bnocluhand BilHy, MssAnderson andM. and Mrs. R. flee, of Port Hope, spent ýui1diY evening withi Mr. and *Mrs. AogSuinday visitors withi Mr. _1il(IM rs. C. Payne were, *Mqrs. Lea- land P yne, of Newtonville, M is s Pýauinie Peters,. of MVorrîsht, Mr. Sid- *neý Lochaýrt, of Port Hope, and Mn.r Oke. The Rally JYay Service was held at 11.00 with a verýy goodi attendanre. Mr, Georg-e Tufflord gave a very 1,ood taon thei shuchofthie Friendly Heart", Dr. Ok-e gave an a(dress on the ,Crusau1e of the Sundcay Scho)ol". KFNflAI Weare sorry fto report that Ms Henlb. Mercer is at present is hospital and we wish b fer a speedy recovery. Mrs. A. Jaickson) is in resîdenice at hnhomje Ihere for a few weekýs, ac- copaie b Ms W. J. Honley nd daug'h1ten Matry. -Messns. Roy and Carman Patton wene visitors with Mn. and Mrs. Mancus Soper anld Mis. ýS. Patton dnlringr the week-enld. Visitors wiývt-h the latter duing the week were :l Mrs. A. Jalckson and Mrs. Wmi. Honley of Toronto, Mv. sd _Mis. j. Saper of Rutherfordi of Toronto, and Mr. iod Mis. IEaLeyJ Tye of Hulntslvîlle. WI. A. MAeeting The W.A. hield their nmonthl'ly imeet- inithe Sundayv Schooil room o n MIed nes-da-iY, S e pt e m1be r 2th, with the president, _Mrs. Roy Mercer fin the chatir. PThe roîl caîl wa-s "give an lac- count of a visit you lhave made to al shti o ikpersonl". The qju es- tion of wehe1ong taîles so1l h purchaïsed a icsedadi1a d-cidled thaýt theso shld ho li fbought. It was nsi dcide to buy Ttwo new stoves and lnlu for He chch IA su[ppe'r will 'also ho heIdld aouit the time of the r-pnn of the Curichi. MiS. Wmn. Jacwksýon spoke onl the life history of ithe àcomp)oszer Biahm n-imd fa, ouriedlwîth h e "ul"which 1ho_ compiosed anmd a versýioni of this ori- po Ser. The g-uesi pae of th e aftrnoî Ms.Penifoid of Cour- tice, gave a vevry stÏimu,,lating tali hi which she si,"T c il do alil things touhChrist whichsteghet me", sttig ht we dIo not seek God's help elîough in ourdiy lives. Shep spoke also of mkî use of the fam.-ily ailtan aid of the study of the 3Bib'le whîch gav iusa îew outlook on life. The pres;iden-t thaîked thej speaker for her very helpful talkc, aid after theclsn hym-n, the Rev. H. À. Bunt aslked a 'blessýiîg and refresýh- me1nts ýwer1e ejye AbouttW eny four people turîed ont for this meet- ing- Éid t_'he presýident expressed the jwisýh tihat future m-eetings-ýiwould be equally Well attended. KiR BY Comtmunion Ser-vice ,vill be obsýer- ed in Kirby linited Chiunch next unday, Oetober 5th.1 Silo :filing has been the orden ofl Lée day aloi g the Seventh Line tire ass-t week. Mirs. C. Cooper, Mrs. Win, Greem- 'ood aid her grandson Raiph Green-. ýod, wene vecent visitons a t Mn,. rpid Bnimaeombe's. Mnr. and Mrs. Stariley Chiapnian, ria, Clave, MNIs. N_'ýelles and henr lugter, of Montreai, sp--ent Sunday irmin with M1r. and Mis. Brimna- TAIE VIT1AMINS NOW FOR WINTER HEALTH 0W 15 th ffe time to assure Winter Health and a Greater Fedmfr19M Couigbs and Colds, by taking- a Prover. Vitamin Tonlie. We Ijat a few: Frossf s Neo-Chemical Food, Concentrated Vitamins and Minerai Neo;-Cheïnîcal Food Liquid, >excellent for children ---$1.15, 2.5,$4,45 N ,eo-Çhemica1 Food Capsules, recomnîended for aduits, prired ........... ------...... ... ......$ --. 5 c. and 9c.O t's E-- muls---io-------n----- -- ----------- --- «--- --- - ----- . 5. and 9$5. Wampole's Extract of Cod Lýiver-------- . .------ - .«..---------.-..$1.00 Kepler Extract of Malt and Cod Liver Oi1----------..90c. and $1.501 Certified Halibut Liver Oil ýCapsules, 50's---71c. 1 0's ..«$1.17 500's for,-------- $4.69 Waterbury's Compound-------.........--------------------- ....----93e Certified Extract of Malt and Cod Liver OiL--------59c., 98ec, $1.69 Vitadiet Capsules, a capsule is a daily dose .. --------- - -90c. and $2.701 .Alphamettes. Concentrated Codl Liver Oil------....$1.00., $1.85 and $3.50 A Blue Gillette Blade FREE with every box o3f 5; -box of 5 blades wih extra blade in pack, 6 blades for -- - ------- -- ------ -252. PURETEST A S A - REX TABLETS Box of 24 for------------- -----------........ .....--------- -- ------...18C. Bottle of 100 for ------ -- .-...---------...-....---------------.....49c. Býayeýr Aspirin Tablets, 12's-....18c. 24's---- 2D. 100%s---79c. DRUiS 'AGENT FOR JACKMAN FLOWERS Phone 68 :: :rono. Ont. General Electrie Light Bulbs, stay brighter longer. 15, 25, 40 and 60 watt, each.......15âc. 100 watt . . 20c. 150 watt.. 28c. 200 watt. . 55c. llubber Kneeling Pads, each........29c Lucky Rabbit--foot Key Chains........ .e Eleetile Iron Gord Sets, co-mplete.... -....... 69c. DeLong Bobby Pins, colors black, brown. or Amn- ber, card........... ........... ...... loc. Ray-on and Wool Facinators, assorted colors -. 95c. Youths' Knee Breeches, sizes 28 to 3,4, pair... $1.98 Flannelette, striped, yard wide, per yard....35c. Lady Beth Nylon Hose, reduced, priced pair. $1.29 GROCERY FEATURES Lin;,t Laundry Starch, makes Cotton look an-d feel li'ke linen, pkg ............ .d Stokley's Fancy Quality To- mato Juice, PO oz tins, 2 for 25c. Sweetened Blended -Juices, large 48 oz. tin ý........... 38c. Habitant Pea Soup, 28 oz. tins, 2 for.. .... ........ 25c. Stoney Creek Canned Rhubarb, 20 oz tins, 2for.... .-... 25e. Banquet Brand Canned Pump- kmn, 28 oz tins, 2 for ,...... 29c. Box, 309c. Libby's Spaghetti, oz tins, 2 for . .... Bulk and Pack, Cookies for the w end. Select Chieken Ste, 15 oz. tin for . ... Carnation Milk, 16 tins, 2 for....... 32c. 20 27e aged ýw, 25c. UA 25c. 14C. UûRONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPUTLAR SHOPPING CENTRE M.tq Eq*ipnt rivt, mme Northcutt and Sith KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE E4qiPPed te take care et the, m.deat funleral at the os endid Sudyschool RaIlyl reasonable charte au WeilI ai the Iargmat and vice was helýd here letSn4 e xaiting e supe-cintendient, Mn. Ge-,HTelephone : Ofie 683 - Radne 2 u 2 ýkleto'n, aýbiy conductedth lf ass ited bte Rev. Mn. lTelephonle t2ollect BwafOt MO EN'S op a ý,i