ANNOUNCEMENT Orono Wmn' nstlitjp tober myeeting wlll be ldICI1 Frt- y fil 17th, in the CoufriJ.î'ýhiiiIber.Citi- ze)ushïp commlitt rwilI be in charge and a mlost ieesting pjrograan has, been plauned.ý NOTICE AIl -wool gvey blanket, gooý) quai- ity, na-pped softiy jh c e singly, wveiht 4 lbs.,sz J4 jceno border, reqires. 12 mie. olored woollenis and $3175 eaWh J e bd sje ewig'hl 4 1ib4;isIY bordes, Size 64 m,8sitheso rurdes12 Mes Qhte or lîgqlit colred wcoolens and $5Z0 i ete.eduntIlNOv . I At Newca'siýtlc o; Sùnday, MOtober 5ta Lparjcel conytaining a raineoa.,t. Anyone that m.ay hvetaken saine wvould kindfly rcturn to Jam""es Wn na, iilby, or the TimesOffic, Orono. c-9P-. FOR SALE Filay Qspal Range with hot frCnt or vvepqvoir, kIthe, Cabinet, C01,10, ' a Ô r 1 FOR SALE - Mne almost new Eiimel Pin1aY Coal and Wood Range; also a '2-bur- ner Goal Oil Oven, andi 1 Cane Rock- inig Chair. Appl-y at the Times offie. FOR SALE of Ciarke. Apply tLo Ernest P. -ed Ný,ewtonvïîile, Ont. Robinson Br-os. Estate. 'l office Hours : 2.00 to 4.006pjenm, 6,-0 to 8.00 P.u. Sundays andWnedaysbe, appointment only PHIONE 47r1 - ORIONOG LEGAL Lawrence C. Miason, RKA. Barrister and Solcitour BowMýANVILLE, ONT, Office 68S Home 553 W. F. AR- BARRISTFER INO0TA R k: Phones: ý --. Office 825 Rsd" BW vILLEH, ONT, DR. W. W. SHERWIN VETERNl'ARtY Suac.EON Office Main St. Oou phone 63 r 7, Orono J. C.GAE INSURANCE Fire, CaslaltY, uombl and Liability ýONO - ONTARIO A~(JLE prac-tically new. Mms. F. Phone 24 r 2, Orono. IHeatLer, Pente2, FOR SALE Olne cernent mixer and a f' cernen tyte forum Ceo. Forbes, phone 57 r 16, Orono. c-Sip. WANTED Huse or ree roMs to rent.lur- gently needed. Biusness man. Good reference. Apply to BOx-"'1, Orono.d Lanrg.e I ron orS'heet Metal Box> Stove, to) take sÎîxteeninch-,i stick, for- Kfrbýy Unîted Chiurchi. A.pply to) staney. ch"apma, hoe 51 r 20, O)ron-O. a37-p. STRAYED On),-to the preimises at Lot 14, Con- 6, p' C10e nesw wner nmay ha-ve sm'by provýing property and payin-g expenseýs. Charplie Ga-y, Phonle 231,9, The RUTTER GRANITE Phono 501 -- P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontarie 'Engraving, Goldleafing Free Estimates xviii be Giiven. Cheerfully on R'foc'k Wool Hlome Insulatioin B3y Blower Systemf, Four inchesý thick, GIPN& c, 1Insulation Contractors, .57 Bloor St. WyestToronto District ereetaiefor GEORGE WADDELL Phcono 23 r 22 - BïTHANY NN~T EXP, 40 Radio -Servite1 test iequipmmntvil wecensure PROMPT, REÂ8O!AÂLE AND Rl. L. MYLES RONO'S INSURANCE MAN D Jomýiiont of canada Genleral Hartford Fire linsuraince Waterloo Mutual Fire Insuraneco Wawanlesa AMutu-aîluIsuratice iS aersntdnthis districtby DAINE FOUND OROINO'- Phono 8 r i LEPROY HAMILTON INSIJRANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Fire, Hail, Burglary,Lie Accident adScnsplate Glas,AtoilLialfity Reprseningthe Lenading CANAIANBRITISH 1and P1hone 32 r 10 Office Open Saturday Eveninge INFORMATIO%-%N Would you like to knýw moe buê the followitg?7 <a)," wt l t o ,£,your familty une thousangd dollars that o ae' . Saved? ('b) Hom, to guaran>tee- a salary cheque to your family every mouith for 10-15 or 20 years should yub. takien ont of the peiture?' (c) How to have a salary choque every mnonth for yourself as lngas you Dive, commencing at ag-e 55-60, or 65. (di) Iow to guarantee that yu son or daughter will havýe the money for an education beyond hig- h)cl Let us hav-e a chat abhout itsoe im-e. P.hone FRED LYCETT OROYNO 18 r 1 T ED JAÀC KSOe N Auctioneer 21adValuator Conducts Auction Sales of aIl .1UZ4 and at reaso5nable rates CommnicaeAwih hlm at Psit Ferry, Otrlor see hi. clerk, A. EZ. Morton, at Orono0, fordae JACK REID Licensed Aucýtioneer and ÎSp eciïal inein Farm and Furniture Sales Cnutme forteni and dýates Phon 162 -' Cark