GRAND CHAMPION - Prince Bandolier 7th, one of the great ".Banidolier fine" lis cowýned by Ful-O-Pep feeders, Edard Bros, \Watford, Ontario. Ti bull was also Gran ChamiipiQn iof tise 19406RoyalXVinter Fair. TmnLEEN-TOWN TOPICS By 1BARRY Fotalis the.- main topie o f ContÈrover'sy Lu the schoolhal these, days. Every hligb sehlool an11i - coliegiate iLu the .....province is lui the galine, the- watLchîulg t1hose cule uIile cheeýr laesin tire shorî- skirt -S sud bLa ring S weaiters C liereaders for mlosî of thie se)ool teamls have ,aIre-ady beenchi:lose-n. Amrong liske Dam,1ies WC etee:For Danforth TecI: June Joy, CGwen Thciiruber, ~joanî Dowes, Eus i Ainiseko)rpi; Brampl)on: jean Arlscott,AM[a ry Elîloîl suid Doroffhy L'lly aing wviItbflree new onles, Helen Bûcis- ford, jaine Atýin and Be th Towuisend; York Memlorial: Jean SIelle, Gloria Nesbit, \ ioia drey 1 -oorstoii, Anugi Agnieili an,!d 5,leen Palimer. Wliat We Want Silce Our letters went ouI ask- ilg for crepneî for Teen- fIanTopics, -we hfave hlad sev- ceai letiers iqiigjttwbhat iLs wanhed I lu the w-1 f , w. ve want lnews of your teenl-club, its ebesand the activîtLets of the £l'lb uin-rai. If you have ai S 310ey ont aly certain uemhrof the club, Semd thlat alou)g, 100. Aîiniig thal y ou tbink vill mnake for Luîlersî;ing readiug for tee-nert is .ust svat e wauit for thlis coItlmu.Let,-, bae ome of i nams. Our Te-euert Rport Coîborne, Ont. - Beverilie Wil- son: Our Keen Club b lasnl onpei- cd for thi n e sýon yeht. L yeýar we hiad clselea iîdr- mlember) 1s. Ail jmtînbeU-rs havea meb-rhpcard sud lrnust Fshow 't before tbey are admitted. Mcmi- bers ý3may1 briing frie-uds, bait no ou1tsiders are aioe. at lar we be-d. Id anclL:es CeveC1ry FrL-iday nîbWe be-Id se-veral da miLu thie Town H 1-all 10 raýfis fundofor a tenisi- couirt ii) ottr inew Meu>or- LIl Parlc. Lsty-ar we werC very 11nucli taken up w-,ith our Ch)oral Club us-nde-ur Ille direction ofMr Dine su-id hope 10 continlue w"'lt samne Ibis ye-ar. This year w2 ,are 10 forîni a bowling clubl. A mleetinig ab)out iblis will becald in a f-wdays. Veareespecial- ]y prouid of two of ourKen Kti membe111)rs who pssed iftb l r last y lir Te first-Anne lHart wbo xo a four bunidred dollair -scbolarslip. Howeveý-r shestose-i Luriin1g for- a inurse be-fore sIte- l0ue-w about ih'le schl]arsbip. Tliîe seconid - Mýar-garet Ruitherifori who bas just begun a year ai Normal. Marga-et won Ibe bo r-Lng for beinig the- lîlosî ay-i ~< girl iiici te clîoo i. as;' von addtionral acciaim of laie for bier poputiarity sutd work at tbbc Jun- ior Farmercs' summiiier camp). Rualnymede Cole gat e-Velmua Davis: Our te-cilubIs iin thIisle- calty arc. separate from Ibe col- legiahe WIe- have pil-ty of acti'-- iIy iLu ohîl durlipg the winter an(t will try to report thie- news as lb occurs, once thiings gel. under -wa,ý -W-ebave Bothad <oir- o ~n f.or the naew yea.r yet, imil wil be-u ing 50011. 13i1 Torgis of Cana-diats igli N e-ws wss' ohij he i m a dc e-estatensenit that mau1y people wo Le csI]Ocked about MU RKA R ______ the case iii 'Toronito recently where a Jeis oyw silted andi re- 'ne na pblcplace, H-old"ing bis lme aItheiý timei, the boy went oit ea-tiug whule thiree other yongbuicalled hilm very o-ver and inade grab-is rtit the food be wasi catiulg.Fooiu Ib, tbe iîriew wet tuas i hmwiiich oie is clotlbes. Uc quiety lvt)d thieitoop; ituaIhe o arited ,no trouible. 'Tle trio left the restau- rant bttîlot before telling the jewisbi boy they would gel hLim oultside(. One- of the waiterscon- tacted a pol)ùicemnan. While the of- ficer wa; talking to the trio out- sideý and four more, who had jondtbemii, th Jewisb oywent It's a fine st Fate of affairs wbeu a jewýisb lad canit sit down to cal 'witbout somie - filthy-mouthed Canadian yelling, at ihL-, and tell- ing hLm. to go back to Palestine. 'm a 2,Canadin righit Ilrougli, bult. Ëiýis; is etiiing that maltes mie feel sorry that 1 aml even' liuk- cd wLI u the likes of tomi-e that we blave haligîng arounld, Yes, ilI To)rgis, 'we wresbocked laIlthis story. We alto agree wiîh you that somecthinig sbolild be donc, NOW to change this iLI-fouded feelinig;of si-perIiority on the part of a simill inority of Canada's Hlere is a chance foryou read- ers. \Wbat woid yu suggest La a as i!ke 1ibi, Send us your view point onl the maitter and well poolibe lue-tIes for a feature ar- ticle L iei er ciy inear future. It Kept The.-Peace Li thee oay f recurring crises a greal înamy popeon Ibis con- tinient, Canadiauis as wl as Ame,(r- icanis, are bgininlg ho realize Ihat wiat ',bey tused 10 term "Brit- isýh mprasu"aIL east main- tainied pea:ceand order îhrough- ouI at large cares, of thie woid. If that role Ltlnocw to bc assumi1ed hy Unicie sain, then Amierican citi- selves for bigger tax buIis sud FREE OFFER Farinig bas ;adv\aniced grcatlY ini the pî fiftly years. Now almos;t every da rig le-w and im1- proved imcthlodsLi la eing sd mIlanaigemenIt of livestock anld pou)iltryv. Every year Quaker. Fui- O P'ep Feceds pubiisb bookiets coniniuiig up-to-date informa- tion on- fccdliug sud 'naiagement roim.You May hav. these iiterestinig isud instructive book- lets free2 of charge by writing to The Quaker Oass Company of Caniada Limited, Peterbor- ouigh, Onitario. Please inidicate in .your letter1 tuec bookiets desired froni th(, of Layers) 3Feeding Frthie Broiler Market -1. Raise Turkeyvs At a Profil 5.Save 1Mik ant i haLteGood .Fed For Greater Pork Profits DO'N'T DETLAY - -WRITE TODAY! - ByFRANK MANN 1ARRIS Wth thefootbll 11season abIlou-t hai over te wo Points tha,-t bave plinicipall1Y impressed us are, these. weapon mucli rsmbi our lGreat uincIe's mz-e laigshio'gun,5 whic hald suclI a 1potent ký,ick tt ýwas f ar morikeiiýlY 10 în5urtheiij. shooter than tIle game. Andseod that inthsedayýs o 0 de[ r education and epr ocig tL amiazing ho 111a1Y qatrak tl suifer f rom the delusion tat gmes are won do 1i 'e haowof their ow'ngolots -for re wegoing to dig-mog, h figurs for them oho many vie- tories have alreadly beent gainied as, a direct rýesu it of the initerception of onec or moreenemy forward passes. But11 e w oudntmmld riskinig a smtall waerthà-t t L cnidra more ithan ll thnmber won aýs a re suit o0frwr passe-s clickinIg. As,5 an exampieý, tae he igame a ilweek cor so ago wbentic Trot roat liandJily ij'upstthe fatvored Otw 1Rough RiUders. 0O1,our way home cwe mnet a cha-p wbo Aakidls f1mw thei hatfle Ihad gontý. "el, esad Prepar)iign o i hm a low-yb de1ýS c ri Pt ioni, 1"foraile thing, -Argot ntretdseven taa owi d. "Tia±-'s enougli," lie said, stopping us ii mid-career, "how mucliditi ~the ý-win by?", As for our second poi,the best illustration that comeusimeaey to mmild Lt sometb-ing that lialppieàe dowin LuMonitreal. \Witb lesst than five Minutes Éto pIay, tIle IHam1ilton Tigers needed a touhont i things up. Yet down arouind their own 20-yard une thirquteac called for two Unle pugsbefore kicking thus stig pecins ime wblicb sboidhave eneplydi booting the b !ail as far aisposbe and then pax-inglard thiat the catc-I er fml.For, ]In spite ofiil mod- cruimpov dentaancLent coin- hinaion of j a punI and a prayer Lts siill te mosi ealyw n L andare' N1bt oL th uprvsnglde-v a t m e n t c t r ll 11EMO TO 7 0BUSINESS MEN . ta.r football on'11a 'rfsronibss poe4l rgmetsagai .nsi such ac taon-ae r') fotll flsbit 4ne. Itis mi1gj~tleapa ot tryuî ;g ont on thicte tx peo,,pie, next lime onr usinss hp pesItefinish in thered 51 Î, somehow te Memorie;(ýs o a iwe h ad Ibhouglit saifely buiried wcre stiirred by a reýport f rom Gýermt-any thal Max Schmileilng, of ail people, is fighîiugý, gaiad, wbaî t miore, winung,: bouts. For a lot of 7water lias gne ovra inumberci of)îdamrs and,amn other tings, -a guyi , ianmed Uie- remnembier imi-haus comne anid gone sinice tlie dayýs %when thec samle Mr. Schmuling w ,as thebet non er- main Luthe worI1. Two of hisý bouts whicb we hap- pened i10 witness are eorbe ls for theacua fg ti hanfor theý way tbeyedcd, tJ The -firsî, aginst Sliarkey Lune:ý'w Yrwound1uP i just abut the most hiectic mixuip have eve-(r had the cpleýasure ofseig Schmneiing was -awarded thie dukce becautse of an aliegediy fouI bioy delivuered 1just 5 sconrds before the finish ofithe 4th rvouind. Butflic award ws' made tili somne four minutes later; ai n L-le meanîtimie that ring %vas swar,ýminig with nmai- agers, seconds, figlters and. officiais in a manner bcautiful, té behiold- freim a safe dittance-with a hattie- royal threateui -10 break ont at any secoind, aithougl-i-mucli 1 our personal disappointmet- t dîdn't For nil at aat hario 1 oi e bae, 40acres mixctr south eloing -'ou. Lots iatr 10tinilic Weih. Ohen fetures. i iles xnonS. Watt eronl (couty nIDuffinS te lu >us-doer hy, Whi One 53 000.W pce~ 500-ut n aI)à casr.Wrteo s IE onsl,30 ee. 5mlsa ot0 Pnv oatFoc- "eC"reu8as.'rite TRAC eR 15 aces waal ni arîcyfa ren12 highWay.,[t ,, Con ro .ARsa R.R. 2, Acton. Il. -i, sutable for blieon seac Whie. 15 cach rar weeis $751 ach. trent wheels. ,hal.NatiGona"!ubnce. Lt. it ahire Ave.Trononf.0Ot. toc- taims, lumni-j_,n l inling anti contrarie._ lus. Aieatie oisfni- d2 bobsiits Wite toc- Prtieulns. ,Poney J.Ba-rd, 305 PlaîtBte.Olaa I1NTERNATIONA,'LT.5tatiwlhucc- Erie ogeioeRteu ehui1t. Hav e purcleasat lJanger machiina. Dunc Pretic Mintien. Ont, pooSîSO. noadeits. ate, oernayig rw5oOp t hastM'ih tw spay-un-.ail moun'tet on0 -le'f Ilepaee qieenEcletcn Bar BetesCarry ï DuchEm Diseas-e first observe-ci iii TheNetrads sinc e 1919Lt bias kilie-d liieî-ralîy thlous-ands of thle 9geat elims in Eu- j rope, says Tie- Atlantic Monîly.v The li-seaSe Lt cairried b1y thje barký bceetes Ihat Lvd ekndo damage-ddm5lii, feeduîig il, the- ba i of smiafl b ran1,ch cs, commolu1iy La ce-tche,ýs. Th cyýounig .beeti e sde- dngI-e, âsud wbe-ln aided b favor-able wid îey have beei konto carry the Lnjfeccd Ifun- u-is at leasî îwo mile-s. Stop fthc beetie- andti you stop Ithe spre-ad cof Ibe isese- For Ibis, DDTf, whiie not iLîfaljlble, iLtlthe-besî, weaponl at baud. N'qtluraily, you do away with very- ecede-ii regrdes of ils age- l formlîer beautyv. For 100 many twnsthisjbaýs bteli a desperate- remedy. FOR> I L , G REA SES , TIRES il8è icie , E Xatr" e ca 0,1tr e ANS:Sei i pL-Fa:,t Tiegil, Ymur .spart tilme. A fasi sL lîs eetotc rt St ation K ù,, x 2, Toronto, Onairo. sampl wath. Stte st ontoccuation. Sell- Torontoc.Ot iATTEN TION -IL-M EES A ND ') RI oNR or villg QIt eîdnilosbsns i-t.P rageI fleaîiy , 1553 !ntarth Avenue BABY CH11CICR chicle. tte emberits tis tialla ulet hag n t ht he-cg oncs t-axI acasanI. Wrnteo c pr I'," lort Br1, Htei rY. 10 johnNlm mitn n cgze, i-e114 athngsasn F" _intdFN( , Ontri j tRe rage pulcte10 deelt laiosBare j Bocks, ew Hampaire ht a, re po'pular brlde.Aiea day('idcieebooket:i- leote.TopNthChcere.GehOt Bise AutraorpX Whita ehrn,6ivee 1Ic, 7 -t,]ks 5 c. t ,eke 65e sott 1Li-ht Ilr' -is and Mtt E l Breesie; weeke ie, i eceeke 5(, S yacks (t0c. Top Notrhc t~~~~il' hieerce Gelh.Ortai whie tey ot. WiteLehoins, White L1ho -' arreti Rock. BoretiRacleX qaantiiy. enti for rdtipricei.Twde Chr ithe,'!aLimitetdFreOnaril. 1OEBEEEME ites secbo1ui-1 hoc rderel n 1 We1v1afw toretifor pr1ompt eipenet.-Ak tac liet. Bray atb eY.. 110 JohnN., Hamil(op Ont. ISATI SO anyhinsnoce tiylng r -ean- Cg? lWrite 10ous for Infeormato.W r Iladti ta nwer youn enisetbons. Osrtïinrt 1*. Parkers o ye WnrkslhB, ilted, 73;1 Yonge Street. Tenarnte. COniarlo FAIlI F13SALE Ad vertiasinig C ta1nni-atan bItcýï, sauer t.chient Ont.t taun lýSAFupe f u fle , a ret ecil Dlas tson Dvt aaR. 25Al,an, Ot F:00 BUELAR NSRAcEl,,buyarebot t Daiatnie, uniee ly mtis lil famity c -,11anrts Wit o olt Kaf 55 de aide t. N, L oieMn a Premer srawbrrie, $ ,00 par10 ;F,, nTUEEi Ar e tt ar Jme Trnr Carai,... ies eeh c înd 0fOlucrno o avrt iij MALCOLSIUeO-rPr. etagereot re on ' 'vn"I Ocob in1 a 1:0 M JTiNSONtrouHera ngias,5Li ,$4781 Tb. 1.hp 0.75 ni, UltedLivr. Cr re7Bîmi-.Elîton& ahuaeono ant Tgla b,-eenta2 oil xparilarei . . il.ý Fichr, CxI40,Xai-ry iea STURDY 7latham aepbery Cane for0, $6 nin2-50,prtI. Peme Srw bernes 12.1. A.C1 iN.N.1 u REODS I-e catalogue o! aort b TIRES IR BIG SAINGS O Giîarajýtj,, ned forone3y1a 51x1l-5P.5 Tue 51.5. 40x21$e.a, Tub s iOe 1. txs-$101o Tue SIi. 10 x20nue 75,Tubronto, 15-î~so Tb $2,65. 55o l -.î4 i S Tuba 12t.65, 61 0 - Th6i Il MTubee$7,75. pe Ç0D, 3 atei Çar. UREN YOEtTSDfAMItToN S the ras4 alIri-ssn th Ro rta nhî. InformatIon n -cuiradn C&e. lee go'0 H iri ess lns Ac t i i , 137 ,A;r nus Ioati Tocont0 Pains or X Illunlts eoi t O t ry îxn Rem~y.flura' bue Sre, 535Enin,e OttAwalq ctoiil1.0 Thia huitr(takn lby m uîla Cmpune U- tren peia BIsnts Gma atiPlnt OntbatIs i' Pyltoo is t eng t r ov t erietoui grante s e mterhtln ma iePlo5 aeeor Neuits v-UîtiDio Re 5edy. Stan St.s'Dru , S oronto gi, ta a rotaliti $1,00.9St, aiilo Oreat lfanlreasîn 'L e Pca Cgrae M syT1in. Itt 11W cd Cal insus fc-ee Wite ory,,,, l loSt. W, Toc-not aýIaÉý i ranches t l1Rig Sit., hea ilcn a ir74 Ri-1eau t e ttawa1 IcRTHRSTONUGH & Conay PYn Toc-aIn ionkel c infrmaion on requei.,7 Vl7e e fhero cot o corety ite w i l ore bI Ad, D o tla e taCt o,,rtianlag Pnolit. ' uîy ot.2(l54 Dantoc-th Ave., Toront, l. (W. do custoni gratingi, FaISAN faompl osh-othaewn onl farm n chuti iozclr. lte Logs eqiè fer cah Wrie Box617.,fsee-,Otro HARNESS S Fa, At te vetur noare!st your local ýStac, Lýe-alier Goods deaqler, The goodaJ are riglit, and te are orur pie emanuifaic- turc in Our ~gois- Harnes flo rse c -ollars, Sw ca t Pads. Hors Biauike-Is, and Lecather Travelling Goods. Insist on Saco Brand Trade Marked Goods sud you gel saLsfactioa. Made only 6v poq Dra,7,. jî JoLIu &risestng 0a, or pal Ï«et he sait, of your heath and a hal fbeuse Dodd's Kîdney Pffll Iodail tor çtrankEIin both ilu a Quart'er of an fi-oauserg1e- finisbied. VOROWN CIGAFlTTI -t av jze nne!type of Sufe. o, Tis, or write o pcseu.. D Pol. 3. 50 Eetaidihed 155 Th T. RAgi, ifote IROOMVS BEAU' FURNISHED