S-rtailW ES LC. V ILL l4thý. Watlh fýor- ____________ Sun day Schooil ws heid at i wîth a verýy god atedane tecesabsent. The WoenaInstituite met OId - Plouc f M)' ,. KENDAL withilMf . and Mrs. "Milton Robinisonl. 'Mr. Roibert Alxine as at homle for- the week-end. Mi obIilditch is work;ng at the Mr. and Mss. Leoiinrd fuckler, of Bowanvlçwere gesswith Mr. and Mss.John Patton l est week. Mr. an IMsH.KRyndsset Sun'day iin Toroo! wi+h jljthe 'formepr's parens, Ms andMrss.l"HR.Reods Thie pictIure s S'hovwi I.y Mr. C. R room on Thurs-d Venn.atwr beauifuly olord pctues; orOronlo Faiisand the blr game Fif 'ty Years Marriedl MI. and lMrs'. Josecpli aInei (thle former HRuttie GassetL of Pr Hlope) 'vwerp guesteý of honlor ata ce~rto o Fridaiy evening in the K(nrl Ôraa'e hL,o n the occusion of their olenWedding Anniver-1 say0c'tober 3sd-i. The 'bride anid grom uentiered theIhalIoo the s t1.aine c f "The Annivessary Waitz" playedl hy M.Neil Stewart. Tei1 igt yeas-old granidson, Roges Ccýlinj of Ha-milton, presented a corsa-ge and Georgie -Roacli of Albert St. Peter- booul, gretganpeentda lovedy 1b):sket of y e 1low rse.A conisole raidio was the wedding gift from- their famnily. -An desto the ýCouple w as read by Mr. Neil StewarIIt. 31r. and Mrs. Martineil cut thieis three-tiered weddfing cake, deeked with 50 lighted canies. A eveingl- of danicînfg for more than 100 wa's openied l'y the biride andgro perIformIingý the old time Lwiltz of 51 years ago. They were also on [lhe floor for square fi ncing and more mnodevi waltzes. Refreshrnents wese ser-ved at the close of the enig. Amnoag fthose present we re Mr. and1 Mlrs. Al. Masineill of Gen'eva, N .Y, Bob, ýBih ndJakMartÀIneligrnd Sons, ofInersîl Afrs. J kBell, :Ms. and MHrs. A. Tayloýr anid 'Mr. ani Mss. Alhert Coloni of Hamilton, und friLnds; and relatives fromn PoritHonpe and Petetiborough. 'Mr. :'md Mrs. Mastinli have three sons an.d threeý dlaugliters, fifteen graiidchidren, one greatgrndagtr and onie -great gsadso~. Fiash moving picue werte takeni of the clbain NiEWTON VILLE on Sundaýy eve i,1fty pýraig Mss. Vance Cocper an ,dchjýipre, of I rono, with lier ýsistes, Mss. George Kiniblal. Mrl. Louis Soeanld hs biespenit thie wceek-eiIwîth his prntMr' andMI s a.Soe We are sosr'y to lem- of, the ses - ibus illniess of Miss Ethel 'Wadle in Mr. ana I Mrs. Sid. LancaIster aýnd, little IDor-eila wîvth her -mother, 1Mss. Wm. T. Nicholîs, Port Hlope. Mlr. and MsUs. J. T. Peesice wýith BOW~4N VL1 CUTT COACH UINES Prince Street, Oshawa, Ontario, Phone 196 ,CH SERVICE COIMMNEINCIN1G sday,Ocoe 1, 1947 BETWEEN RONO & NEWCASTLE oýaches will le from the following places: OROO.......Ponei1 97 r 16, W, PONTYIdPOOL....Pone il r 3 TC.1STLE............. Phone 10 Mol - Newcaste........9k. *Newcastle -Newcastie .20e. .40e. east -and ý)NTYPOO )0i on Wednesday af good atiendance. l'OOçillg set afew 0c ugMier, Mrs. SLemon ughtr'eck ,anit IDonna an ~Pane spent lie ir;mother, Crs rson held a party School on Friday ev ats and ex-atudents. Sundav luth Mr. o ofKedl Irv brde suuý Port BrPiei and a n mwade tlrough -Mr. 1 s, he.ld at 7. 3 0 w ed by IM. ReeveP and Mis. Arnold Austin, MI rt Hope. Mi and Mr. iold TI, ' o, datu ghterls Sibaron -iAnil r 1,sen SUndtY ilth ler parer n'Mrs. 'J. PBrimacombel te Gof at- aling te Ben. it and and Ii- and Mr.Rnad.ure nd visitted Editos a-id Mrs. Posterj , of 'Cobourg.j Jolir Andierson is visiting her ýer, il.Ws. Hasry Burdôy in O- I ýnd a so her dau,,hte s Ws- young peoýple ~eepflannig 111 aIl wil be 'welconme so long are young at heurt. Thýs is RICHARD IIUDNUT H" AI 1R B EAU T Y KRI TUÛA L Mleans Lovelier, Ileaithier ilair for the entire fam- ily. This Excellent Treatment includles 1. Egg Creme Shampoo; 2. Creme Rinse; 3. Iandruif Treatment; 4. Creme ilair Dressing. Ladies, for naturally lovely, healthy Iooking hair, this is the hair beauty treatment recommended by experts. COMPLETE TREATIMENT............. $1.25 TOMI HOvME PERMANENT KIT Everything you need to give yourself a complete permanent (with professional type plastic cuirlers) COMPLETE TREATMNENT LIMITED SUPPLY FACELLE FRMEN Large size Cleansing Tissues, 12" x 12", 3jIy box for.............. ........... . . Facelle, reg-ular ...................bo Kleenex Tissutes ........... ......... box-17 C#harles B.Tyri DitULKU - AGENT FOR JACKMIAN FLOWERS Phone 68 Oronto, Ont. M u M ter Eqmipm-nitPr at m Northcutit and Smiïth f FqunerzI Direct*rN Pnd Fuirniture Dealer,% Ladies' White Cela-,suede Slips, straight cut, sizes small, medium or large ... . .. -....$1.15 Smocks, plain colored, button euftfs, sizes smrall or medium.. ý........ ........ ........ $179 Print Aprons, sizes large or outsize. 65e, and 69c. Print Tea A prons.. ...4c Colored Plastic Tea Aprons w\ýith plastic frill. . 69c. Belts, Ladies', Patent and Caif Plastic, assorted styles and colors, each ....... ........... 45e, Baby Rubber Pants, pre-war style, sof ruliber with side vent, ail sizes, pair............. 25c. Gold Color ]3eauty Pins, smiall size, cardC ,.. .. ..e Key Rinig Cases, priced....... .... 31c. and 47c. Rumimoli Game for,2 to 8 player-s. .... 2c GROCERy FEATURES WIN NEW DODGE SEDAN EN LYON'S CONTEST Obtairi Entry 1I'orms lier.e Orange Label, 1-2 lb -.... 56,c. I Blue Label, 1-2 lb. ý..... 53c, Yellow Label, 1-2 lb._.,48c. Whit e Label, 1-2 lb). .... 45c. Lyons, Coffee, Beans, 1 lb_ ...........49C. Vacuum -1Pack, 1 lb,.....5c. Vacuum Pack, 1-2 lb........ 29C. Five Minute Creami of Wheat, 1 3-4 lb. 1pkg.. ý.... >.. ..........29(,. Special - Manhattan Swveetenied Pvidding Powders, asst.,fars . O . . .. . . . .17 c. Ca.lifor-nia Seedless Raisins, lb.. 24c, Magic Bakig Powder, 1 lb) tin ... 27e. ,nd Sacerp Zest Plumrl Jam, 24 oz tin........ 35c, box ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~z 39. pcil Penu ute. 6)4chh ~' i = ORONO 5c,,O 10 Eqjuipped te take rare .f the modest funleral at tii. uoat reasn'able Dcharge nau weiI as itelargest ,ne, M"ot exacting Il Ô 1.15~1.201.10 a m m m Rubber alloons, 2 for Se. KINDNESS COURTESY ý SERVICE 1