Mady bé'-2 haedtro MIR, J. J. PMEFLLOR Orono, Ontarjo Phonue Or-qo l I)0 REPRE.SENTING ONT.'ý %H LUNES 1Phone 1916 ýVICE COMMIENC1NG October 1, 1947 & NEWCASTLE be f rom the f olowi places:- "ORONO ............ Phoine 97 r 16 GE, POýNTY"POOL.-.Phone Il r ýVCASTLE......... ... Phone 1104 »ol - Newcastle.........5â0e. 'pool - Newcastle.....90C. - Newca-'stle ý........20C.I - -Newcastle........... 40e. coaches.Fo times of printedblw d Down, -~ RONO - - '&1V1. 9 15 1.40 0.00 1.25 8.55 L2Û 8.50 1.15 3.45 1.11 K PM 'r. d a Mi'is. ~it wwtonv -M 1. ieeMr. ich-rs nofPO Hle, nd' M. andMrs. and Mrs. Keii. Laiigrnilan ad Èn -Mr. J'nDey, of Tor- jpeinttHe \week-end w,,ith Mr. s. Perey Sn'eiI. and rs ArnoldTonde mnily spenit SurId y -.vwith 1he, AMr. and Mrs. J. Brimacombe Ca. 1lelenle BarrowCloug-lh, of )rt, spent the weelk-end with ents, Mr. andi Mrs. E. Barrow- On TL tuesdqy ifternoon, Messrs- Lewis and lMss Risof Los Angees, Charlmes icof bondn, and Sheldon Rice, of Streetsville, 'visited withMr and Ms.E.Brocogh The monthly meigof the Wo- 'en'sAsocaton asheld at Ais WlimPaylle's on Wed(hIesday af- ternioon wt an atten4anmce of 25. Mrs Pyn, hois laigthe cm muniy, w presenited it an elee- trie he lamp and a pair of pillowv cses. On Wednes.,d!ayeeng at the Sehj(o i the echoir patsdfoi' the ani- nivrsay wiehisto!be hIeld (on1No- veniber 2nd(. The Yonng PeoplIe's UniÀon'folweands thýe follolwing -people were elecýted: President, Mr. ?Murray Payne; Seeretary-, Miss' Anita Nichlolîs,; TJauerMr. Georg_,e Tuf- ford; and Organit, Miss Muriel MVa- ïon. Snday-Sehool wr S held at 10,3W, withI an attend(ianee of 3:". M r. Car- i Noli lisaesi as, superintendent, and fouir pupils, Hlelen Austin, Doug- las Bee, Hiubert Bînsted anmi Gary Parneil acre promtoted to the Junior elass, and M',uriel Austini was promot- ed te the întrrnueciate Class.'huc followed at 130wit'hRev. 'Gardinî- eîof Cs ntonofl tn, and the musse w ýas prvideci by Mrs. C. Pye STARK VILLE Mis. Thns. Fali!s isý spending a few lieHelen D eeher ýt s 1,Pnt àthe un wk sd at her home in Toi onto. Mi anud Ms.JohIiintne, Orono, at son Fronk Ston'. Mi. We. Fail, Ken al, aspur- ehaed . KHloelsfarm.1 M1r anld Ms o.S ltnans Sund:ay ;at borne Todid"s. Mi, and MVrs. DL IeIc t H allowý,ell1 aýnd dauhîe, wih M. ad Ms.Jake Mir. and Ms Cecýil Ghlss, Kendal, spent Sutnda:y wthMr. andm is2.1> George Sith- MiSe Audey Faow, Nxe"as, MWiss Ejîen iFarrowý, Bradley's, er hýomIe for. thewe-nd M1r. and Mi.Charlie Yue and ±am-ily Osawaxitb M),, Wmn. Sar- ery. MiLss Bih aoel outis spending afkW sd.ysewith Mr. and Mrs. Jake HaLflowell. Mr niMrs. borne PaIdîden an Doreenhad uper USnIdaýy nigot put M'rs. . Paeien, ewton ie of a >son. Mi'ýsses Normna Hallo-well and Helen Deehert hý d dininer w:i t h YMr, and Mrs. A!f, Dis Mdr.ndMe.Cinton Faîro-w, of Newtonav-ile, with MAr. ndMis. Carl Tedd. 31n. and Mrs. RsslSuteliffe andi farnly, visitesi hi-, parents at Poirt Peîîy -oni Monday. Me'r.George, Js and Bol Fýalîs, Peerorughvisitesud VI.T'hos. aison Snday. nihd inrat orme Fanus. li. and Mrs. jack Wark undi Joan, o wen Sounýd,MisBua alo 'neI, Toronito), wtMsHNr aRi faiyMiss Dufii, o f Tor0nto, Spentthleholday ith Mýý-,i.nd Mrs. A. elson._P an-d fam lMi. and i.VitrF- ow ok in Voeet air hlast Fn- ,el Savelîyar on ansi sons, .ughteîs, Mrs. 1±v M'vo 'Rn~-n es',da(iny tisie,1 RexilAntlu IRats and miice lihe it anid üý rsit is certain dleath "01 ne satisfactory. At t'his iixii top enter d wellings and barsm coxnwiended. Lt Poison ,GUARANTEED POISON! -tact Rat Poison )atmeal, grounid fesiý; potaes Also ç1qsîed liberafly around their ýy touch it. It is giiaranitLced .tck PER PACKAG~E ....e Elkay Moth Fume C ryst ais For protecting Suiner C lotýhrng against MNoUs Damage -when Storirýg. 1 LB. TIN...........49C. Moth Proof and Dust Proof Garment Bags 50c. to $1.00 COMING, TO ORONO SOON! THE REXALL OÉ%NE C" 06;ENT SALE Watch this scetion in nextç week's edition of the Oronio Weeklyv Timies for the dat-e Limitedl Supply of Pure Castile Soap, large cakes, each ... ...... ».... .....12 Charles 1B. Tyrreil )RULI&S - AGENT FOR JACKMAN FLOWERS Phoie 68 1_ Orono, Ont. Viceroy Rubber Gloves, protect your hands, new owprice, pair.............. _........... 35c Flashlights, Eveready, Black with Crm Trim, 2 ceil, standfard size, complete with batteries $2.0.0 Parchment 5Papers for Thermos Bottie Corks, etc., pkig;of 100 for...........0 Pot Menders, con~iplete wi th wrench, card. .10 Clothles Plins,reua or with spri-ng, 3 dozeni.. 25e Chore Miracle (hr Gr)for, cleaning pots and pans, woo)den handle protects hands ......15c Lifebu*oy SIhaving Cr'eami, large tube, Newýý Low Price .............. ............. 29, Me' Red or Blue Handkerchiefs, each....... 15e Plastic Scissors for Cuttinig paper, ideal fori- ii dIren, pair............ .........10et Lifme and itatr Book 2 (School Readier) ... 35e Comrbinaý,tion Ruler and Pencil Shiarpen-eirie w) 29c GROCERY FEATURES Stor Rors 830 o 5.0; ed.,8.3 to12.00; Sat. 8.30to1.0pm ý Stýîv eal, 3 lb pk - ----- - -2 'Mebaren's Tasty Spread, t I8 ioz bottie -----------32 Cron Branid Corn Syrup, (O~ç~ 5 lb tins----------83 ÏO4SÎIFJ Tip4Top Pitted Red Cher- r ies, Choice Quality, 4%Sugar Syrup-)38p, Free Toy with eajch twot packages 2 pkgs. ,.......l18ec AYlmer Hlonie-mad-,fe style Green Tomna- to Pieie. 16 oz bottie --------- ----- '-,5C Hfeinz Tomate Ketchup, 13 fluid ozs, btle 27C Ayiner Mlixed Peas and Carrots, Choice Quality, 20 ('z tins, 2 far ------------ -...4l Choice Cooking ovions, 10 lb- bag--------- 39C NOW ON HAND - A Quantity of Assorted Peels, Cut Mixed Peels, Cnt Mixed Fruits, Maraschino and Candied Cherries, Crystal Ïînger, etc. Wagstaffe Plum Jans, 24 oz. bottie ------------- -36e Vlacuum Pack 1 lb. tin. . 6le üUâ RONO 5c. TO $1.Oo STORE YOUR POPUVA, SHPPING'CETRE Northicutt and Smith Funýeral1 Directers and Ftirnitur-e Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE on 'and Mrs. 'A. w then Shirley Vanriatto il.nld Mrs. D, Van- thei foundation for his ALL- i Equilpped te takê Care of the moodest funeral at the Mest reasOnlable charge ae weII as the largest and meut exactimz Telephone:- Office 669, - Reidence:ý 528 and 726 relephoneC ellect Buwinanville, Ont. Z;-.ý