F'-'ALL IN ONTA: 'o ___________ By Your Vineur Fîill-0-Pep reporter ti, FUI-Q-pep Reporter 'Pu- 1 u i n t, oti ti past wveek-, co ccL Phýoorapb byI.,yOui 1Fui Oprep Photog apher Beeon-wo ontstatsi thi f reckIce contest at Bee-ton. B~ti lechr o Glfrdand, Ke(itit Robin-son of ýCookstown. I lrm ra ilo ho ing conýtestnt d a slter of ntcere- mnonies at th Tae t(or Leavui t"pro gram atl Ma rimo(ra. :hotug '%Plh b, , yur Fi, (1 , !', yr-,phe- MaroraLad Siina sowe agins toghcomip(ition at MivarmoraFar houapiby t or Fu O rp Photographer Beetn-MrionBuron is<seen atILthe ikeuin g (the spelling maitch at Beton IFailiur pli-saphbyoirFui--Pop 1P1hotoiýgrauer Brussels-1 3- \ ear-Ld Ja icL lHart of D hshlown ta'boe with "Billie", his pet deer, w-Ich Jck ris from t a fawn. * * 11he attend (l and as ulsual, ions were, as Seces are not ini suraiccint supply, It is Still a littIe diffiuit at timies to, se-Ckre aIl- the FlOPpre- quired. The recason for;hsista qu lui hs flot beýen sciie o quaniltity-, and a a esut, nl--P feeds are s till ther bes;t that monecy can buy. At Brusses a co ert and dance at the ,Town HIfallcimxdan un usull sCCe2s>sfIl Fair, at Wic the catieenries werexr mldy hecavy-mioie thlan 200 etisiii alil.- Thie Bc Fnlair caurda bi- cyclece for cilre IwiCh re a£gea r crL : -owd. Tiswas a neCwo event thiis yea-r and aMded colouýr ,ti the ehibition. The l'airGond at Beeton wrein fiine -on1dition-. it is a toss-nas to wheterntheec-. le monet or tHebaby show pleased the proud iparentis 1the m-oat. _\t ZurichI, 11he Sehlool Fair was opt îjiIýlý Ici in", dil f hit ou c)i Fui1O(1F', 1 ou Beeton-The bablyco ntest of Beetonl, Dr. The 'J vn illing1 Haeyonl ,ouM' M~ R. - 9I'5 ý l'eftto l rt, Dr. IrdSer FAIRTIME HIGHL