cIasaffied 1 have been instiruted by me. hae e authoiized to seli ecu- Hr yCownto seil by publi ccl- 1 licb auctonnat~ Lot 21, 13 arryCton at lot 21, Con'.5, Clarkle Twn Po M ort Britain, thse prof i at shp'nWdesaO br22n1(7, or? Cynil Da , nFniday', o0 on the foIllowing, 2 horses, 28 head or?ïth, at 1ion p., the followili Se- cattie, 50 Rock pullets, a!nd imile- h'orsýes. 6i head or? cattle and t-,% the1 ments. Teni Cash . -jack Reid ves, 51 fat rooiters and 35 à; eb- Autunere sol ui ne orfarm implen I have een authoized t osil by andfuitr. ersCah- piýýblic auctjonii 1y the eeutror? tbe Rei, Auctmioe. Esnate of tihe late Thonas AEurkehSAL edt Lot 15, Covûcessjin2. lareTownýi- ACINSL lb Ship opposite Lancaster's Garage, on Of? fari-n tocký-, imiplemlents ISatur'day, Otober 25%h a fCIH He or? Theron MFunitjoy, Lot 12, Con. oseodfurniiture. ,At the s a-iene ile enst of Cild ,onFnidayý7 M ure and place the farm consistingClt, conistig cf 4 horse 12w 'd or?7acres (moreM.ories) with 5ë16 sows, 20 shoote, fuHl ne of? i' of arsrwork]able -ada 6-roomed nments, piles of r? y ardwoad *insl bricek house, L shpe ank ber-, wbeat, ix-ed grai and fa]! I bisr. hen house. dule garag'e, with notry, han' etc. Sale at1.00 Llnder the auspices of Durham County By. the Ontario Plowmien's Associagtion 'anich of Thursdaiy, Oct. 23r4l 19417, on the Farmý of MR, S. L. CONNELL -Lot 21, N. H. Con. 11,,Cavan Township i mle vest of? Scott's corner on ighway No. 28I Spectators are cordially invited from tw and country Lunches Served Free to Plowmen. Lunchesý,- served on the grounds JlOHN lýRLCKARD S-cretary, Newcastle NIotice to Creditors AND OTHERS N THE 'ESTATE of 1HARRIET R. LOWlES, deceased. A1il persons lhaving d aimis ngainst he state Ofr?Élhe ad aretR Iowes, late of the Township ofMan Ters, Widow, dcesewho died on thesient day or? rMarchl-, 1947, are equired to file proor or? saie wlth f 1h undersignied Executors on or be- fOre the 10thà day of? Novemnber, 19,47. After that date the Executors will rioceed to d'stribute the sa'id -esta-ýte, having regard only to the claimis or whichi they sh-aîlthen have had îotice. DATED at Peter'borough, Ont, Lhis 4fth day of? October, 19,47. WILLIAM REININIE and HAýRRILY rM. RICHARDSON, Executors rie R. Lowes EstaQte By PECK, KERR, MlcELDERRY & 1HOWELL, ,115-417 Water St, Peterbonýç.iugh, Ont.,, 1their Solicitors IANDS AT 'WORKS. LEA RININGCTO - B1 UI FIJNI T, iJE Province -a prominient place in oms-iand Iled i-andýs -ire -ice&edL ln raininig shools ls are being tau7glit how to make friue Ilhai mulsi 1bu bihueeand abroad. They, à Secuýrity and better working eonditioUs are ytheOprmeto etrn'Affairsa and veterans havo been ive ai riig ;ecojmemore Proficientwt urie xpnec xTaught to use their hands in fsioninig *tenig and foinishng furniure, these craftsmen are in ontani'sprgres-an i'.mportant part lir CADINE MARIlil [L S;uleillai eýlg e, ei niini : saudsagi stud orfther 'se ofoc. Tie qulodoï womsip. : Sc~sools ied hig. xprtinkrctr TIIANK OFFERING SERVICES The Re-opeing anmd Th'a.n'k Offer- inig Serviuces OF Kendal Uniited Chburcflh w111 be held on11Sunday, November 2nd at 1.1 a.m. and 7.30 p.m,vîwth the Rev.- John McLachLlan, of Wieae as guest speaker at both services. Music w111 fie fulrnlished by Shiloh Choir. An Anniversar'y Supper will be served on Thuriisdaýy evening, Nýov. 6tih, begining l-at 6 p.m., follow- ng which 'Mr. C. R. Carliveth wiIl shIow moving p)icturesý. Admission 5Oc. and 25c. rTENDERS WAtýNTEU Appicaiows wllbe received ror' the position or? Road Sup erinten dent fo)r the Toxvnsh1ip or? Clarke. Appli- canIts m1-ust state ag-e, quaifiýcat-ions sud( salary epce.Ail application mu.'t be in thec hanids or? Joseph J. rMellor, Tomwnshiip Clr, Oron, On- tario, not later than twelve o0' 1ock noon, Sý'aturday, Otober 18th, 1947. Ail appicatLions are io be in ,writ- hng andseld CI erk. LOST AtNeasl on Sunday, Octo berý i5th, a parcel containig a raincoat. Aiiyone that may have ta-ken saine would kindly retura to Jam-es Wan- nan, Kirby, or the TimesOfie Orono. C-39-p. FOR SALE Baby Carnage, practically iei Apply to fBox 17, Orono. a-38-p. FOR SALE One almost niew Enamel Finlay Coal and Woýùod Ranige; aflso a 2-bur- ner Coal Oul Oven., and 1 cane Rùcki- ngChair. A pfly at the Tiirnesý office. FOR SALE Cîtrons, a few bushiels or? Spy Ap- ples, and oneý Registered Leicester Ram,. 11years ocMé. Apply Xenneth His, Phone 5 r 3, 01rono. FO0R SAL1,E A Cuba No. 24 Stove, ulsed for bothi eoal and 'wood, -wit'h iron fire lbox- and duplex grates. In excellent condi- tio-n. Price $1S.00. Apply to MUrs. W. J. Lycett, Orono. C-38-p. FOR SALE One Dominion Circulntor Jetr practically nw r.F,. Peale, Phone. 24 r 2l, Orono. 3-8-p) WANXTED Hoiuse or tli1ree r(oons to renit. Ur- (,ently ineeded. Busi-ness m-can, Goodl refrece iAply to Box 17, Orono. WANTED A imarried m(111 i to work on dlairy am.Mus't be Xepeieeed ,itlion ses and tractor. Sepj-arate house, T. Brrowni, Neweas'tle. a-38'-c. STRAYED Onto theý prem-isesz at Lot 14, Con- 6, Clai-ke, one so'w. Owner mlay, have saine by proving- property and paying ex,;pexuses. Charlie Gay, Phone 22r9, The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phone 501-P.O. pBox 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkerma, Goldleafing Free Est-imates wlll1j be Given Cheerf'Ily on)i Rock Wool iHome Insulation By Blowe,ýr System, Four inlches thic-k, GILPIN & Co. Insuflation Contractors, 57 Bloor St, District Representa-tive for GEORGE WADIDELL Phone 23 r 22 - BETHANY Radio Srie The comilbinationoerience, eom- pl'ete dlata on i',l makes, and moderr testequpinut illensure- EXPERT REPAIRS CaIl I Professional Directory - ---ED---- A. F. MeKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN aiid SURGEON Office Hours: 2.00 to 4.0 pm. 6.30 to 8.00 p.i. Sundays and Wedilesdays by appointettoly PHONE 47r1 - ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mlason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMIANVILLE, ONT. Ofice G88 Home 553 W. F. W A RD1 BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones: office 825 Residence 409 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. VETERINARY DR. W. W. SHERWVIN, VETERINARY SUJRGEON office M1.ain St. Orone Phone 63 r 7, Orono INSURANCE J. C. GAMNEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automobile and Liabillty ORONO . ONTARIO URUO'S INSURANCE DMAN Manufaciurers Life Insurance C. Dos-miniion- of Canada Genteral Hartford FireLinsuranice Waterloo M3utual Fire Insurance *Wawaaesa Mutuial Insuirance isrpresented n this district byr flÂNE FOIJND ORON"O Phiono 89 r ï If it's Insurance, give Dane a trial. LEROY HAMILTON INSTJRANCE IN ALIL ITS BRANCHEls, Fire, Rlail, Burglary, Life, Accident and Sickness, Plate Glass, Automobile, Liabilîty ~- Representing the Lead(ing CANADIAN, BRITïISH. and AMERICAN COMPAINIES Office, Main St. ORONO - Phioe 32 r10 office Open Saturda~y Eveninge INFORMATION Would you like tom know 1fmore about the following ? <a) J{ow to jour family one* thousand dollars that you haven't je', saved ? <b) How to guarautlee a salary cheque to your family eVery monitl for 10-15 or 20 years shouldI you be taken out of the pciture ? <c) Hàow to have a salary choque eivery inonth for yourself as long as youli, comnmeicing at aige 554P0 or 65. (d) How toý guarantee that yo3u-r son or dauighter will have the mioney for an educationt beyond high schooal? Let us have a chat about it some- t i me. Phowie FRED LYCETT .AICTIONEERS TED JACK.SOÏN Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of all ulzoe and at. reasonable rates Cormmunicate with 1dm at P'oet Perry, Ontario, or seeý his Clerk, A E. Motnzt Orono, for date. JA,ýCK REID Licensed Auctioneýer 'and . Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales' Consult me for termi J. EDWIN WILSON Plresidenit, Garden HMl i