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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Oct 1947, p. 5

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Stewart, John Oitensay c.I 15, 197'ae 0 years. Servjicei e-K IK0if.Local ew dal UnitedCoro Friday, Oc-t. 17, atE 2.30 P.m. le)ermeui OroCemetery, KLy'huc r TrkOYeigJ s Bs pnttehlida(1,, S ilndaySe vice il be held on with Mrs. H'. J. BeSt fio e ~tat three ù'cqooki th M.HoyLina, o ý aîternoon- nd seive-thirty ina'theh lda isitintwn, Ieveniing. ýRev. Mr. Gardnner, of Can- MssAotvsiefrthTak- ~IW ~ ton, will have charge of the servi- l givinghoiy with Mi. WILH.Baýr- J'jii ~ ces. ,rett an!d Mrs. Cae There will not be any service in r n i.JckLihaTr the church here on Sunday, October otsetteTakgvn oia l9th. a r n r.M .Tmlns OJUR Mrs. Elizaibeth Tansýblyn, Orono,gingekea ihSnecMs i RicklicCul2'l'hNewctsfor in-Iaw., Mr. <ad Mrs. 'eBria ibïne day lhast week. Florida .on ensdylltibr LA,%IeAA nulmiheA from thi section took she will sp:d1teIi;itr imonthsI,. iii Rosenieath Fr ir Iast week. M.Ry'yd fTrno iie MJr.Lanwe;ice Harris had a very :thMr. ad-Mrs. Bîoaks Conanfviter srucesd'l slelast Saturday. te'ehed MisElva Tc r fToronito, COIGEVENTS-visitatthlehome of (JMr. and Mr. As-mail deposit will PRelbahJoge No. 334, will hold n MWhtod Gill,~ of a anice aiiO 0110 T'own Hall on Fri- Wson(er,!idyguss'fMr. hold tidlie Gf dyeeinig, October 3l1st, Roy For- and Ms.Arthulr 1Bell. 4£11 desý-edGlif ter's Haîony Band nu llbe la Mr i. ary Gadyspent thýc- week- attendanie,,à Special feature will be end ii la Imilton visiting wV-Il ithisý tili Christmas a eaw for ,three valua'b e prizes parents whch renow on dîiay la Dean's - Mi. chas., Wood, of Kîtchlen,-,; * * * ake shop. Tickýets, 25o eac or 3 en'oe the Thanksg,_i-vinig week- *for- i Gî Cve ithis m lu(dge a: end svth Mis. IChas. VWood. boost by patr onizing their dancie. Quite a numLer of JhvhsWt lVatch for the open- 11e1he(- ctc'Omedy pl y, "Aunt ness attendedser'viin the Oag ing of Cor inew wytlhe YunpPope fSt d '~ Mr. andmi_ýJs> Harr-y Clark and Beth any, in Orono Town Hall, on fadMi CPecott ,,vwith Mr. Fridlay, Ovtoier 24th, under the aus- adMs ei cae.oe h pices c St. Saviour's Church, Orono.Tansiighlay Gaw aROOMf I M.a,ýMr.Giit-n Adisio,3_ Cents'an.d 25 Cents. MadMs antGmb n b3-, family,,of Kingston, spent the holjida.y with the latteT's parentas, Mi. and The regullar iiontlhly meeting of Mrs. Hobert Allen-. the Oronou Women's Institute, 'vwi lie Mr. an.d,Mrsý. L' Wood ndf fa- Howard F. Wilson i; eld on !riday, Otiolier 1'7Lih. An, ily' visite& Bobcaygeon on Sna il et ally Literesting -programme and <nlled, on the Rev. AMi. and Ms lias lie» plann,,ed witl i Ctîzenship as S. LMtt.ewod r. CaY r- o Jewelleri thc th-eme. E.-ieryonle nelcomle. 1.Clrne 1rg, The ilve --viedil CiiýBrooklin, spent Sunday last with the NEWTCASTLE Th ivrMdlGnest nl lie latter"s sister, Ms'Claren-ce Alhn, held ia Orono To'wnHall1 on ýFridlay, Centre Street. ¶______________________ 0_ c tioer Il, maecn t 8.00 Mi. and iMis. Gordon Leamen) and p.m. Silver Collectioni. family, of Torontç, wee hoe for the holiday, visiting 'with i. and Mrsi Win. Leamen. Messrs. Cecil, Douglas i.nd Clar- ence Fergusion, of Pý'eei1o, ver week-end guestis of iMx. and Mrs. E. SP CI L OTCEManley LittlewoiAî o d J.llB, swnthei uns. a h bil his parents, Rev. amid Mrs. S. Littl',,e- Laundry andDûry Cleaùing w~BhA.ygEt-teon coduta Church seh ervee atLear last Suni-I Will be piicked uip every -Monday, Wednesday and 1ýIKeferonib plnidated Fi-di, cmmeci-lHeservee date for th-e 'Grand' Fri~iy comeningConcert in Oronïo Towni Hall on, Wed- nsaNoveiiber l2tuh. Paiculars Wednesday, October 1, '1947 Mr. iand Mr.arold Awde an fanxily, of Toronto, spent ai evening-, FOR EXCELLENT WORK AND SERVICEthswe th h ore'sp- CL ONU.Mi. and Mirs, usl os rul CALL ON IJS. and daugbiteî, of Naaa al spent a sh"ort Lvisit in O Oïlontheir way - tîPterorug, oer Takgvn OsaaLacundry & Dry Cleaning LCo. ILiniited li teii-n mmbrs o n Agent- Payne's Restaulirant, Phoine 97 r 16, Orono Banid. AtIpesntthre ai aînd twent11y-llve yugmmeslann _________________________________________________________ - 'te differentit ru et __________________________________________________ iad Mis. Sewrt'onan anu-d _________________________________________________ famiiily, fomMonitreal, vstdwt __________________________________________________ the lattei's pïarentsiz, Mi. adMis. Mr. Gieln.Tanilynad Miss Lil- 1la;nWaer both oýf Monitieal, visit-m ___________________________________________ M.JTamb,ýlynï, over th le b A spper nd crd paty xillli * NA AR parchment that preserves hl iteOag al rno M al vtamns nd ineai ait incooingThursdhay eveniing-1, Otoi Lth. Proi- afi itamns nd mneri satg; cons i 7Aý efSt. Joseph'sý Chiurcl, M Neusatie.Seeacvetisenxentoen 7' Mr, and Ms W. Ho0lm1an1, of Toi- nto, te Mss E.LndA. Blackr- Cnt Mixed Fruits, 7 Oz Pkg. -24c m-k-ore, of Bristol, Enlan 'rs. E. CttMYixed Peel, 1 lb pkg...35e DRIED Braes, ofTo'l roao, 1d seIAthasiv- pkIige 21eecedc LB zdThe officis of ileatiher Tlebekah Lodeere11ta e'd by 'the Degr ee Team iof Oshawa Lodge, nîth L S-e r Glace Red Cherries, pg...37c Many Bunker asiti, t ep ,A 2c__________ ful account of i se occasin ill lie Hiolly 11111 Blended JieCalifornian puhhlsheinnxtwe&s sse ti ...... ~... . 3c R isn ad Mi.Ioy A. Foresýter weie,Mi Aýylmer Peas and Carrots, L_-h oo roulMi. Cý. D. in f or.........20c B_ ouck, Miss Ethel Buk of Toi- 444C ~onto, amliMiss Jeanne Foirester of MoarhPastry Flour, 24 lb _______ Ingersoll Mi. R. H.WodcelatdbsSt for .*.......$1.15 PITTED i tda-n hr-dyOtoe 9h Reireltd A. Eu Estace Miî,nister SUNDIAYV, OCTOBER 19th AnniversaTy secrvices bol moiing- and evenig, atî Revý . H. PYaîdley, Courtice, wiI be the guesýt speaker ila.m., Guest $eleist, J. Dyer., Ouest Soloist, R. IMetcalf Orono Tinsho' 1 dau cl uve L Twenty ýýyoui thIat \nilI have ail veîy enthulL are traiinýin.g ori Arena. lThey for. aln hour, a do thiis to iand Orono tihis e deüan hfockey tL in a, ý Illte McCalI's November ( Pattern Books, Ne( zines', and your Free h-ere. Phone, some ROYA THEATRI Bow.manville - pion Thur., Fni., Oct,1.1 Starring ili] Mystery Thriller "4LADY 7 IN LAKE"$ Audrey Totter, Lloyd Nolan CARTOON - SHORT Saturday, October 18 "MAN FROMd RAINBQW VALLEY" in celery also "SEVEN WERE SAVED" Excting Mystery!/ CARTOON IN COLOR Mn.Tues., Wed. HARVEST SUPPER In aid of ST. JOSEPHIS on the evei T'hursday, Supper served f Cards 8 to 10- EUle Prizes 'f.or1 Supper and Cards, 75c,. Cards Only, Supper 25C. Red, rcd----- Beýys' 1PyjamasHev' Fan ne-lette, sizes 7 te 12, Priced ---t---------- --------- $2.9r Gil'Flowered MWoolette Pyjmas 2to 1U, pi fre1in ----------- $1.35 te $200 Il' yoil want a Nw WinÉte* Coat or Hat, sce ouIlrs. A- --- -- for the Cocoanuit, pkg. f or 1L-4 lb.20 Rice Dinnier,3 pkgos for Crossfish dines, tin Sar- 25c 29e tortgneut of JAl £or the, Choice Peas and Carrots, i20 joz. ,Stoneýy (Creek Peaches, 45 per ce 20 oz tin for...... ýýý. . ,ý. Crispie Brand SweetGhris Velvet Ck Flour, 15 lbàagfori Q-T Pie Crust and Pastr5y Mx Luxly or Lifebluoy Soap, 29 bars fý Ladie' FlweMe IR]

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