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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Oct 1947, p. 6

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r Former Officiai Date MayTrent pue the stairs ais the mcevi- ,f the Front door a- jumistakable arrivaI of ýita fris- dfore 1bis iarotind al (quic;ýk s aid(' lauigin lg ini 0 "reinosil" Oe and 'sigised nI e ni of bis iisth fitat re new n p- f snlome ser- ig tht next tesetium ght te feed themske We bavec ni well are ani withi of, gooti- HORIZONTAL (ab.) 1 Pictured for- 59 Point mer Canadian 61 Dined De! enise Mfin- 62 Required i Ler. b-.- 63 Hle was in 7 IHe was ap-. Chare of pointed by the Canadian - - goverument 'V1E RnICA L of - 1 Beam of lig 12 Winglike, part 2 Beverages 13 Native mletai 3 Musical nut 14 Either 4 Tow.ard 15 Spinning toy 5 verbal 16 BibI ical 6 Seine rironoun 7 Dr-ess hlair 17 small 8 Measure of narticle kariea 18 Mlyseif 9 Ne-ar 19 Th eref ore JO Cupola 21 Alumiuum 1IlMimie symblol) '20 Unusual 22 Per 21 Late Ameni 24 Electrical can humori ~ht engineeý,r (,ib.) 23ý Affýirm-ýative 25 Accomplishe-d 1- 27 Before N ? 129 Father 'l Bottms oî 34Aîratn ' ' current (ab.) HZsi~ 35 Negative 36 Obligat ions ~ . 40 Speedi contests , 43 lAnger - 44 Australian 3l4 45 Pint (ah.> 7 3" 46P2rint umensure 48 Editor (ab.) 49 Pair (ab.> ls.Pl45 51 Italian river 52 At 'a distanice 54 Silver. pl (Symrbol) 56 Kindi of truee 58 IRhode V'sland A we @previous Puz 24 Long tih utos 26 Iridium 45 Stance (symbo~l) 47 Femnale 28 International se-rvantl Ianguage 48 Great Lake 29 Tablet 50-Rodents 30 H-igh card 51 Kitchen 32 Compaqss point uitensil 33 Distress signal 53 Aise 37 Sm-,all pi 'ce 55 IDriving 38 Transpose . command (ab,) 57î Hlmr 3Observe 58 Concerning 40 Crnimsen 60 Bold face 41 Pa rt cof "b)e" <ab.) 42 Dr inking 61 Any E~ Gwendohne l~ Ciark~ Sceýms t1cta w idc aigers hla ve got to baud it te- the yoninger gnrto-bydo know iow fte pioduce suý1d raise be)au)tiiu5 1bab ies! If youil ubt my 'v,0ldCItbink of thie new babies thiat you kneow; or of thie eetotre ear Obds, loek aft1 thmon thle stree-t, and admit it would be biard te imagine hlealthie-r or bitter cared for bbies sui any genecration. ,,I^ us ,,I-ave been in tl3è habit of dePl.oii nte freede(lirof Our' younger follk, predictiuig terrible calamIeiities te posterity as a esuflt ()f the late husthiat are more or lesa hiabituaI ithte yeunger generatien; of th"e muii'ng iýarouind te hevaveni knows wbiere for the sak oýf a (dance or ïashow. Y-es, and tII& drinikink th.'at we biave heard aboutf, and the smnoking w hiave seeni, and the ever present pfri-ois- cuty-it al! adds uip te semiething we ie b eesue weuld produice dire resuilts. WKii t at inmm and by and Ie iawsef reaseuig presnt day babies sbIouIld lbe Stuntted, 'weak- ly c,?Ielic. As yen know they are anythling btt WhIY ae'tte-wa s the auswer? N") doutil you ýIwill bave yeuir therîy just as I have inie. It May be nrighit or it mlay be wreng. Fer01 what Ît is wetb, 1I think :theex planiation lies in the man-!;tîtr-of-fact atitude of oiir yeuing îmarried folk. They are realists. Tbey discuss frce- ly what ,used te bce srickly us-1 bush a gmeertn age.a eyko the auiswýers. Tb'ey knlow wa' what and ewbere they are geing. After marriage they seera te grew uip aiàwfîen teyonulg wif e rel- ises a baby lxnay be on1 thle waýy she cesualts ber doctor as àa m-atter of course; uts lberselfin]his cair, bas, reglar xaintinud tius aIssures thle !ahy the best in pýre- natal care. There is ne faise mod- esty aboui t the yeng prnst-e tbey lead a nornmals ocillEas the-y 1k11W il. Having an baby is jstsemebingtbe-y take in their stride, aýt the samiie ime ftey do 3eem teù get the idea, that arntg brings with it responisiility--and in the majriy of mcaseseoung folk mesure up1,te that 7Lrespops- 'iiLy, 0f courise th'ere do "seem te be Mme graudms Marentonthes daus from &Whateeue d tebe 2-aud grandmas crtainly have their plce in the scheme of t1hings and tome in very handy at tm. 'LjC iic ti t th early dissof the war do Yoou rmemer ohrrifi- ed weweeathnune fmia- ly unfit among the yougng en who were caleti up? Wbhy was hi The deprssin spy hvebac, Sanme- tbngtedo witls àtàbut I cnld be thtW hMernssef tese beys wbvlen the-re biabies were er were Iessenlghtnedand more prudsib thIanthie motherS of tnda. Tei wa;y of living wýas certainiy more1 te'mperaýte; they were defliniely more-c01l th tyatbm ype-'bu't tby ad inthibii;ons wbich somle- tielesulted il' a elctanice te cnuta doctQr at the righ ime Medical scienIce bas madetr41emlen- dlous strides buint the humnan factor reàmaînls of tetmstim Portanlce., Te irst nmove is Still I upte the patient. The modem moh101er apparently re-alises this btter (thanbe thr anid grandinothier, conlslts her doctor early and bettcr babies are a direct esult. Maybe in1 thatwa the swifti me1vinig temipo of Our yeuulg f olk is counte-balanced. MIother 'Nature 11sually bas a waýy of ecveniinýg p the score or t'le huma-n race, iits ignloranice, would 1have died e on ago. Yes, there are advan!tages aud distivntaes e lmeost everytbiug anti that applies te morethan, family affiairs. Right 110w it applies specificaîly te h--ighway ontrc tion. The Departmienti s buîilding a uw ighaypast our farmý,,- aud we have reasen te know. The work bas been geiug on fer seme timle but f nrther lip the lhue se 1 the-ught I -wulýd save my cen- m,1ent"s until thle evideuceý was netar- Cr home. TMemoatiyisbeiug widened te thu widh of a three-lne higb- waY bY takig seventeen feet off farmnlanti cithr side of ,Ithe roati îUp until 1now I don't t tbink any of us realised ih, th ork that buiild- ing a hIighwaýy involves. ,Along tphisroati tereare bull- dozers, skrapers, gradecrs, tractera, rollers anti I do't 1k11W know how mY-1 duY(mp trucks working on a for-il tretch (of Yoati. Men are hl ilt it twýelve 1heurs,- a day-mr- 'cludîng Our Son) Beb. HuIs are bec- ing levellethollows filled iA; rees tbat 1biave taken i'ers tc, grow oppl tcd Over by a few sh'Oves from the bulldoze. On euefarmtw sea shovels are loading tmueIks vftl top siou fromc the lantI. Culverts anti bridges are being rebult; hydre aud telephone pos nmoveti back; mailI boxes PmOepei.1up anywheýre at al At uightàitis quite a sîgt-thue aire Iight,,s îer,,te I ihard te kulow speimes wbletbler tbings aecoming er gOing as the big, mah nesave headlamips fore and ait tbe mcd and gren Ipis oni ther trucks weavîng their wvay in and euIt. Yeu ilpbbybe more abjoIst this nextwek HouseCea r One sers of Sprays abouit $40. ,E TALKS On " Hiere are tive timely recipes thiat you w011 add te your "reguLlarist if youj try th1em once. The kidney stewtoihcerealdumpns makes an dea dih v he staksand chops areun11obtainaible. Made wit 410% ,bran faksthey have a flavor well worh rmembring. As, for tlie soufi*l, l, it tuýrus a smpe inneï(r into a faT I's a favorite mouwilIl sevepri Il- eaýsy to pr)1epare yet tastýty and full 0of gon, iutatfo>nd values. Kiduey Stew jwith Cereal DuimpLingý 1 pounld beef, veail, or pork 2 abesoos uteror ohrfat i taspoon saIt D 01lsofpepper 74 taspon Wrces ýte rshire sauce ircîp ereal Dumll-,ings- WahkidlneyS 1thoroughlyý, Split in hlveleni(1gthwuise and remoiive fat and tuibes.Sa in coîd salted and',dry hrog LIf jkidocysar old or large, Cove,-r with Cold water, brinig soly to a hoil, amiddrain. Cut kidn.eys in ¼,-in-ch slices. Saut k iney îee infat 3 minlutes, Add flouir adcook 3 mntslonge2r., stirrinigcosaty AIdd water, union , dsaoig and bring teo simrinb point. Add Cereal Dumplinigs.ovrand sm mer 15 minutes. Serve immediat- syoMaks 5 to 6 servngs. Cereal Dumplings / cup ]Ii[!k Dash of pepper 2cuips 40% bran ïlaksfiniely crushedu( cadmilk andJ add shortening. Reoefromi fire. Add saIt, pep,- per-, and C99, iing well. Add flakes and onion, and mix thior- ou1ghl'y. Shape into l-inch balîs. Drop mpIings into simm'nering Kidniey Ste, covr and simmeýr 15minutes. Mýakes 15 Grape,-Nuts Fla-kes Souffle 2 tablespoonls butter or other fat 3 taLeeý,,on1s flour 1 cup nul k Take Spots Out With Cornkstarch Graudmotheli-r turned to'0 ber panitry sheifin mn inor household1 essergeucies ;nd can, do se sliilarly today. So Say textile Che- Firs of aIl, hee'scrnstarch and corumeal. Tbey are exellent for absorbing iquids spilled on rugS, spholtery, or mattresses, When Itî is no0t feausiblIe to wash or àcak the dam,,-agecd article, Pour the constarch ororuel vrthet stain immriediately ,to keep the liqulid from soaking in andi spreading. Oer spt rmovers maybe used afterwards, if ncssrte take out 11n3 remaining traces of stain. Fond and soûme othier Stains on upholstery., mattresses and blan- kesoften ykid to a thick paste of cornstarch and wae.Just let it dr, on, ten bmush off, repeaitnfg the process until the spot disap- pears. A siila-r paýste of constarch and cleaning fluid is helpful in me- moving grease spots, seot, or smn-oke. Treat sont or smioke marklighjtly, %baking on the corustarch, and then brushuing son-tand starcbi off te- gether. If it's auj acid dtintt youl bave te ea wtîwi ch maiy dis- celer or d.mage a fabic treat it pomptly vith baking sd.Thisý rheuld acttas a nurjze rvn Ïng stain dmage. SourMikS stte What do yen do when [tie recipe talla for seur milk and therje is noue a t baud? Home ecouemists suggest mýak-_ iug 11P substitute by adding aciti in the fermn of lemion mitîe or vinlegar te "sweeft' milk. Thlt usval mule is: AUit eetbepo of- lemon iteor vinegar te eue c1 of mlk. Stà ir andlet stand about lhalf an boum. Then use as sor iîin mbis cuits, comubreati, b)rewnj breýad, cake or otherbke produicts. Almlost ithree-fourthis ef ftie 4,- ada anti the Uniteti Stajtes isî 3egg yolks, si btly beten % taspon Salt Dash of pepper 3 egg Whioeustiffy beaten 1 cup, Grap-Nu"tts Flakýes MeIt butter in saiucepan. Acd flour and stir to, a smiooth; paste. Add rnilk gradually, stiring con- stanItly, and continue cooking anid liring unti thickened. Cool slight- ly; add egg yols, sAt, and pepper anrd biend. Fnld ineg white.s and Grape-Nt[ Faks. TuIruin to greased shlîow bk disb. Place in pan of hm cwaer and bake in mioderatte oven (350dersF. 40 inuites, or iuntl ffirmn. Serve immedatelywith chee(se, tomate, celery, mutsbiroom, or onieon sauce. GÉEhiTRY THIS IF YOU'R On- RAIN dAY$ Vegetable ýCompouidte turelievem of TheM nh'sc smt s ifnemedicire i5 very effectite for this Purpose! Do female fntoa monthly For ever 70 yea-rs thousands of disturbances make yeui feel ner- girls and wornen hverepoýrted vous, deyak, su tiïred and be-nefit. Just see if you, too, don't "diragged ot-tsc times? report excellent resul-ts! TWorth' Mhen a.-, try Lydia E. Pinkham's yng 'w' Brains! The prou'd- Jather was talking about the iifëêTffýnce of his son.ý "Yuiknowý, dea-r," he told bis wif e, "I think h le imust have got bus brainis fro m mIle." "He ceraillly imist have (doue," re- torted bis wif e.'ve stili got T1. atral erSt. Canut, Que. drpa ppmeimaely15 fetsDtb en fornm S swirling 1aids wbicb rm n te ibe No.rjIl Itsver. The itile 5ya-l o Itad beeýn sitting ou a rock part Ma up the falîs anud somebo-,w ya aipeinjte the cunn waters .. . te be cazrried down. Stream imtmediaeely Ly the clsrrent. SEARCH PROVESU pflISS Several mcn Who bad, been bathiang above tbe dam rshed dowu te thp, apids and orgauized a searcli, Expectiu)g te lind that thse youugseer had been brt ou tise rock-S, they combcd the bottom -but with uo resuits., CHILD CARRIED 100FEET Miracul,'ously, the bey haï] becu carrziet far downstream wihout being injureti . suad had aagdte grasp r arnh as ie wMas beiug sweýpt by. Gisèle Crête beard bisaguse cries from ierý homei iud quickly set ont in a boait. Afterorwinig about 200 feet, caing eut as she rowed for him te hold tight, Gisèle dove liste the water aud grabbed the- boy by the arm just as lic was Ietiuggo exhansted and dizzy, With diffic'ýulty she finally Suc- ceeded in lifting himn into the boat ... then climbed in herself aud rowed te shore. For ber quick, brave actions and for ier coiness aud pres- euce of usint, we are p oud te bonour i 5-year-old Giséle Crête of Montreal, Que, tbmouigh the presentation of The Dow A ward. i s A few yards freus the fratic yug Stc1r, Gisèle eadfrmlier boDat and smtetble recue, -Shc ifountibim-i iwas ne easy task for the 15-year-oid girlte drag the bey ,thrngb thei, "water ..lift him up lie th boa . . sud dieu dlimb in herself. THE DOW AWAIRD î, , citation fo- outsanding hero. ism, and includes, as a tangible expreSsion of appreciatio, a $100 CanMaaSassiagS Bond. Winlsers are selected by thte Dow Awvaydcomlu a glroup of cd torà of leading Cûnadiass dily nîewçpapçrs. List

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