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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Oct 1947, p. 1

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ORO(3N0, (ON T, r)rget To See -"Aunt h Officers esday, 1 (1 to eathi an aloftibý yl in th'e making nof a first bonsa 1,Sistar Eva' awa Lodge SIMPSON --- CORNISH The marriage of Elizabeth Joyce, auglter of Mr. arnd Mr's. Henry orniis'h, Oronio, and Gordon Ed'ward Umpson, son of Mrs. Simpson and he lata Mr, Geo. Simpson, of Tor- 'to, okplae in Park Street Unit- ýd Church onr Saturday afteirnoonl, 'tober 11t'h. The ceremony was erfornued by Rev. A. E. Eustace. Given in marriage by her father4 ie bride wore white brocadred satin. >els trin-med the headdfress w'hich eld hier finger-tip veil and she car-1 mad a bouquet of rred roses. Her \'idsai as Mrs. oga ýinpsonj , ho ore dusty pink chen- le organdy aind càrried a buquet of ink tlroseýýs. Thle groom was attended y bis tw ýIn broth er DouLigal1s -imps on. 'The reception wasý held at the 'hom-e f t1he' brida's pa-ra-ntsý, after wihichi he happy couple miotoredl to point,- orth. On11 their ratura Mr. and' Ms iripson will resîde , ;59 Lynsemora rm ntTronto. foo1' On WednaL-sd'ay, Ocýtober 15th, the 'y the Officers 0mf Orono Lodlga No. 4.16,1 for e L.O.F., irere dÙuly instaIled in their ýo 'the resip-ctivaýc officeS for the' current term, by Bro. Rose 'ýWatson, D.D.G. ýpart- M. of 'Durbari District No-. 42, and hie was statff. 'The cere'mony was caried1 pras- through mwith ' ignty and despatch. pltace The followývin.g officers,ý were installed: place N.G. -- Bro, Robert Chater. ies '.G. - iro. Robeart Kaa ýey in p-e- SW. J.BRod delJ. ýather 'Fini. Sec.-Bre. G. 'W. -Watson. Treas. - Bro, Virtie'Wilson. if.and W>,vden --- ro. C. IMarLin., as Jâl! Bo. Ke~n. Wananan o. shina LoLdge. 1-n recogn'i-itti nof har service te.r 3!ae Buffker ,vas made he lentý of a euV glass vase at the of Siter Ruth Allen repres BethrLodgle. As if o Co tIra -e;tLlre, Sister Bunker the Seantad a pair. of Gavais fo Il IogSister MAae Allenritun apigthe sane. Soemeth-inî plensanit surprise an'dl con: cae o ighlt when Sister Morgan pnasented yjeter IHatti soP.N.S., wvith a Past Gram la-, andi case, tIre gift of Bro. Wisnand famnily. B ro, IDvyextenýded a mont an cirngin te long white dresses; custoMnry 'upon such ücc -scions, wibîle V-he newly -purchased egliscrown- ed -he scane 'with an air that 'oie - s;pasïks' Rebakah Odeloihi Sis - uer C. W\ýood anldicoim-iittec are- o ba congraVulated ifnr the lovely lunchi tInt was provided. Thae followimg are nawly installedi -Junior Past Nolble -Gtarrd - Sic. - Sic. Maa Allin. - Sic. Glaiys Gamsýby. Controller - Bro. N. Bairstowv. Ciiaplain - Bro. 'Gerald Shackleton iR.S.S.- Bro. Claudk, Sharpe. -ULS.,S, -Bye. Ken. Shackleton. R.SN.G. - Bro. Dane Found. L.N.G. -Bmo. LalaniBal!, *R.S.V.G. -. Sam Keane, i4.SNJG. - Roy Bryson. 1nner %Guard' - lro. Fred raham, Outer GuardÈ.- ýHILLinton.. After Lodge cerernonies a buffe lunch mas served, followal by speech- es liy the M1ayors of Colourg, Bow- mianvile, and othiers, and a tl y Dr. Sher-win on tbings halies'aw wýuheni on his tr'ip o Poland and other parts of Europe. Isutos Wmeepesant from Co- borBowvmanville, 0Oshnbwa and' Pontypool. There mas an attandainceL of egt Brothers, and nwwui the nejw officers installedI, the lodge is off for anothar succes;sful year. The tarm just losed =rs a happy one, Orono Lodge having 'won the degrea compi(Ietition-t- for the District. also the mernjbrship shiel'd for the mnost mmhesinitOiedistrict for, t h lasV term). Canth' fine record b rapeatai this tem? Vec. Se.-Sis Mildred Rainey. Fin. Secý. - Sisý. Mildred Dent. Treasý. - Sis. EiaehCoýrish. Warden - Sis. Alice H1ooey,. 'Conductor -Sis, Velm-ia Waýtsoni. caqpiain -Sis. ,aisy McKenzie. Miusiin -Sis Adys Bown. R.i.N.G.-Sis, 1juIn Hawke. L~SN.t.-Ss. rena M.ýurray. ILS.VG.-~Sis. erle Gilbart. L.S..G-S's.Marion Knox. inside Guardian - Sis. Kathlyin Ilo-oey. Outa;ide Gua-rdian -Sîs. IliaMar- tin. Clarke Union Ho ISchooI Club Met 1Clarka Union Rom IAssociation mat on' lGth an-d meraforüt Ivr. C. R. rCarvth sema of hie popular1 which wýere vun offv were gahrn.Soi one of local intarest. was condcced :oy trie presient, Mvrs.1 Allen. Mr. Chas. Cooperwa called1 oni for a number on his violin, aïccom- panied by his da--ukýhter, Mrs. J. Sta- ple t on. This old-time music was livly andi much appreciated 'hy the mleeing.ý Mr-. Carveth then presented more pict1ures, ohe fini being - very-inter- esting suid besutiful, aýs'WC-Il as in- strctve4hangOf NaaaFafis Uandl the wor'k of the Hdr l tera. ,Mr. Raymiond Cbpn was than cajllad onfo two vocal solos) whieh were greatly e'njoyed. Luinchi was socrvad andý( a social-t timie'Vas spent, after wh1ich the mi-eting1 was ýbrouglit Vo a close. Horticultural Society ilonours Mûrs. W. W. Harrison The ami)nual meeting of the Orono) ilorticultural Society wss' held in the Sunday Sehool hall of St. Saviour's Anglican CGbureh on Tues day evening, Octoher '21st, for the election of offil- cers and transscting othar general business, also Vo pay hionour to Mrs. W. Wff Harrison ivho has been a faith- fui meniber of the S'ociety for ninny yeasc, holding the positionu of secre- tary for the pait igltean yesrs, A large3 nuinher wNere present at the metnwhich was hel'd earliar this yasm than usual,oig to the sacre- taýrY, Mrs. Harrison, leaavn1g 'Co t'ake, touch slightl abunidalt'ly i as. anld as a beg you o t these gifles. to cae e i ha'ppy ocecas: Siadon fian"d, vil1c( Wrigiht, Nina oronlo ont, up- .esidence in Metcaîfe. ir J. D. Brown, Presidert for sto andtsen 1947, welcomaed thosa Present and tWante t-hanuked the miemfbers for their co- The, bride w( operation' duriiig thea three ýy,,srs oibrocaded orgal hs praside'ncy. ýMr. Brown than 'rea-,d with :Sweethea a latter from Mr, J. A. Carroll, Su-dce long pc perintend'ant of the Ontalo Horticu- 8h'or"Quain. VmalSictes hich ststehia,,- mrodared ný gret at the Oroiro braneîh loing the satin chwpiet, faiithfu--l services of Mrs'. Hari*son was a peari-,p can.d giin'g permision to hold their bouquet of pi- ection of oRkiers at this earlier gypsophila a, date, Maddlool, cou', Mlrs. Har-rison gave the miinutas of brides'msaid¶, aný the previous annual and last regular brocad'ed saVin mneetings. Mrs. W. E. Davey read the a sbcoulder Ian, tr'easuýrer's report, com~ a banik bouquet of orn balancee of $4797. 3% Neil Porter man roses. Nl d~prebidd' at hselection of oMfcere, brothar of the wich rasulted ns folloirs sixtyý guests PýeS1dent -- J. D. Brocw at the brid'ý 1 eV Vie Pl a - -. J. Hll. nmothier -Veref 2nfflVice Pres., M., A. Shar-wini. with mratching seerzly -Mrsý. VW. E. Davey. sag-e- of pin'k Treasuarer AVW. E. Davay. wih nrnchng Auditore -Mrs. A. A. Duniinrondsa-ge ofGad and J.C. Gaey. r ttVhsre, Directors- Mrs. J. 1-.' Morris, pIe left by nir Mrs. E. JT. 1H-anu'ri Mme,- Ed. Deanl,brd taer Mrs. C. Dunican, .rc. Fred Tanmyn, suit wîth brov, Mr. . DIrwn r.N. M. Hallcos ageo i M1ïre XM.E.S'herwin. gq i Delegatas Vo the convention in Fred Tamrblyn.ES VMm. Franki Hall, on bahaf of tuhs s Gwhre Orono iHorticutural Society express-meant the ireel edad their appreciation o)f Mrs. Har- :Mr. and!mrs rison'c unVring efforts as secratary. tonville, spenit A paetto of a purse of iconey Mdrs.W. Payne was giJven biy Ms.W. E. Davey, Mr. and,ýM showin'g thaestceem and respect of Laure., of Foi i- the retirng secretary's ny f -riands. IM-r. ind ' A debiius lunich àrid pocial hour severals fron brought the m-ieetinig o a close. ad thIrtera' at Kings'ton Ib Sunday Sch vith a good Mme. E. Ri. Bryson spant a faw days y0ufg Peop in Toronto iast weak. on Wedbredày 'Miss Ruth Elford epent Sypday af-mi r sping gazîng. A fail har- haeld on Sunday, Octoliar g stinalates growthl, dtihý and 7.30 pi.'n fertility and ine'reases Palata- ý4.adMs"akr A li.ght top dreesking with Mr.nd m.Wak, er in thre fat! la good insurance yila, spent Sunday wit .-4 wintar killing and iMrse.Throcmpeo. sfor earliar spring gr(ewth. Mr. and Mrs, C. 'Rite] ce drainage ithis fal l ill hlSp spyeaVra eked eld o firm eavider naxt spring. h we-n ry! spring top dressin'g xith a Mrs. H'arvey Morgan. an fertilizer -il slpeed ip M. and, Mre. Coýwai, h. ~pet Snday with Mr., e tins year it is imperative Vo for"d Cma of Bo~'r r Mm, Vol. Il, OUI IMaO ý,Loàid veil test There ail, six fllnrke j Rr0 0f Pastur e Land es Early Spring Grazing

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