rley men (âb.') ýn coins fore (ab,) es tilB GedoieP. Clarkte An roOm became a )ut there was the se sUiS witil t. .L ey troopers ilong ago ýwitll rc lie faded into obli- d ast hicard of bîim in Ile probably was stiilI deemndto find ot, ,e im a rousinig saluta-. rular circiisman's greett- À strengtn m l nu ,ip puffed ont. a souind re-anoutsed mmd. (ý ilncreduItlouosiy WasL it just a0,part of ness th-1a t 1hadcicorne' :)wýas it really a cr- Jutst mitside! Tbe cy biis marci. Te Ci- r cl! d1, bappily.'tle boy bis circus after al. said somiet'linig ed puzzied. He 80. pretty it rmme8hiis'. Geet It is deadY e handest t la iii- Wl,vIwhy net? Fil fairs ae oer, Thaaksgving is past, WC ave had our 11ndian summer, we are back ont standa(rd ime, so wys id' WC think of, and planl for, the last ig event of the year? To teli you the trutIfi hiave lhad it i iin md forseealwek adaeall reaýdy purchased a box of Chistmas cards and a couple of Chrisfmas gifte. have a feelng that ordin- ary, eerd -crsenitsar gon ,0to, beard to corne by at resn able, prices ilter on, Daughiter is aloCbristnsmined and ber knttng needles are busy aul te timre. She vwa-s Ihere for Tlianks- givig as were also Othmfrens from a istanice. Thecse from ,a dis'tanIcecramlew unxpctdl tat on Suliday oudinin-aleloe nr as if it were set for a thiresb- ing gang. On Mondlay sorne of us took, a- trn"upthe road to take a lo at ou- nw b lighwaVy thatLis stili under consructon-and ohat is ptittinig it m-1ildfly. WVe Ineyer know()% wben we start out lkfiorm th'isend ,wbat wesbl find at thf, oter- or wbietber we sfial get throigb1 at aI. This time we tfond a sen S'bovel at 1ork checwinig its way clear acroî,s the road prearatory t,0 Iaying a cier.WC e et as far as we could go, ten turned tail, and ppoacedth job by way o'f adtorto ,find Ont wbfat asgoing on1. We founid plentfy of acivity. Tbemacbinery as work- Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee Q.Wben a mail is waitinîg ina doctors or dentis' ce, or barber sbop, or sme suscbplcewold be give up bisturn to a wonan ac- quaitance as a natter of couïrteSy? *A. No; nor should thle worman request or expect it, Q. Is tbere aniy occas-ion Phn. hostess wvould wýýear a bait in bier ownbone, snicb as a form11aI ec * A. No; the bostess, and those who presidýe at the tea table, do flot wear h'ats. Q. Isn't, a 11m n spposed to) pay thef :are rof a ,ma aIaltac vWhom he meinets iti a -pibIiý' con- A. N. H shuldnoteven offer to do so-nor should she expect it. departmniit Ltores addIress theýi A.Customers should be addressed by namne whien jk s knowl; tother- Wise, as mdai and "i! Sales- women shoýuId neyer iddress womrten customers as "dearie" or "hcnce'; this is exceedingly crude. Nor îs It good form to refer to a womnan accornpanying a a n as "ýthe wf e Q-hg It -,orrect to ntimber the pags f a socra!liletter? A, No; ln long letters the pagesý should be written oneutvey ing at a spot where they Iha laid aogone side (ýof -the ra anld ail lklinds (offiI-dran gravelc -1l Id been, umped onTihle roaIild. Jut ýsti i the Li ro i)adbed ilwas like aspogeto vwailk on. 'Lt really- gave-,one üthe queerest feeilng. i waïs ailmost atraid to ift oe,1toot a iter te other;--thaisi untiiiiil reecbrd that heýavy majichinery was coninually Lalilovr h sp1)o t, and Ilsin,1c e each piCc e Cf eq11i11,uipment inu't wi gh11a1güood imany tons I1 hou h therewas jnst a chanle fihe ra-e ol flotpive nider imy weght iAy. way dauigbter and I took1achance as w wanlted to) watcb thle big off at anoher pýCi ý[la -cewatching some te r mach11,1"liine. 1Thc)blldozer waUs going lup and down ]aLige ba,pu)LshI11,iirt ahu1ea f iton tthe road for mor1f(-,]-C oke aif i utsrl take a nase- dive 1but of course we, knew t wolnt- thle ctrilrte Hae' e been hiavînIg ftbe niost wonderfu4 wet NVatbe1r andis' tie covuty lovelythese days?I think we hold A take a Mite ueiroftsorne time and take ad- van-,--talgeC of every chiance wex get to see a littie of our own natiive scenry.Maye i is't eceary' to go veylarcafieIld - sometimes tno fterthan our own backdoor. The mai-ln th'ing is to ]have "eig -And speaking ocer-f yoni get, the cnetonwa omy readeIlrs thiink of the Battle of thie Sklirts? 0f course WeC il lave, dhe men ont of tShisettédiscus- sion--wbait Iwatote kow "iS htthlde s tink of it. Per- sonally, I airn ail 11n favor of the longerhem-ue-if àtdoen't go to extremes Dr esses the wa, ly theýy we(re maty be ail ighitforfie footers al tbey hlave to do is shorten them to 1()sit thlemlves-, bu aewornen like yeffv feet eit- e neer find ayhn l lg cenougb1. Now it 1will at lealst give us a littie leeway whetbeer swe inally decide to, have themi long or sot And after alilladies, you %W adit that the longer hemii-huie wil cover nup, alfew runs and sncbhike in these days of dlearer stcins ut, of cour-se, if fashion say-skirtS tothe ake m-ell, tat's aothier -story. That is whecrewe cn shw our idpn dence and do as we Mike 1Eloney is knlown as Natture's sweet. The ancierit Greeks who nsed! hoaney, cailed it "nectar of tire Godé," The colon and fiaviýor of hioney vary grecatly according to thre type of fiower frorn whîch the nectar bas been le e.T-astcs vary, greatly, some ike mild delicate hroney wil othiens prefer that witb a poon fiavon. Aill boney ,exceýpt thiat packed ii glass contiainervs> sbîpped frorn one province of Canada to ancohen is required tA beclasifed as toc lor and graded as to quality. The lre portion of honecy sold locally is also, graded. The colon classes for honecy are: white golden, amber and dark. Clor does flot affect the grade. Clnis however, anl indication ()ffivr for, as a gerl rle the datrker the honiey the stronger thie flavor. Holley is soîd ini botb nnuae and liquid forn. 'Taterizd"honey, whicbh is of cre-arny texture, baus been reaedby the conroddapplitonof beat o a point weealil yeasýtsrepsie for fermentuiation are detstroye2d. For this reasqon, it will keep indenitely. It is~ packed in plants rgsee with, and oper1atinig 1under the supervision of the Doiniion De- partrnlent of Arclue Wben hone(ly isgrdtegre pnd Itle clor casiiainmst be sbow on'ilthecntier aserie honcy is lablld as Muc. No. Igrd of goodtlx'o, ne from iiforeiilnmril nd ithgo keepinig is the benst grade for table usel. No. 2 grad ,hony may vetas of polln or wax. Thekepn quaýlityji ot as gýood as No. i ut iis of gn lvr Nol. 3grade may n tot be nfof !i good flavor as bglse(r gradeosan m-ray b-ave somre pollen- or wx It basý poor keeping quaIîliieS a i-, not L,, good for table use but is excllent for bakig. Goof Masr "I alwayS believe inighig y words béeesekn, said Mr- Hopkins. "And you donit gk ive sortweht eithier," rephied lber hsad Piincess Fizabeth bas received tise freedom oüf Stirling, the former capital of Scothanid and key town ;ni the wars witb Enigland (Jwhich ended wben the crownls of the countries were uinited. She accepted( the freýedom 1 both iiilher own nrigbt auId on behaîf of the Argyll and Stlerianidi igh- landers, of wb%-icIh regimli'nt shec Is Colonl in iChie-f. Just Friendly A mild little man, wbowalke4-ý inito an incomie-tax ýCohIlector's otifc recëintlv, sat do)wn and beamed at everyonie. "Wbat can we do for yOu, Sir?" aqlked tie inspector. '<Nobing notingat aC, sîr/' ne,- pIied thie littîe mani. 'etjust wanited to me(et tiie people FI'm workýing for." GIRLS! OMEN!leTRY THIS IF YOU'RE NE V 1IS, c-RAN KY, TI P-OUT On 'CERTAIN DAYS' Vegetabie Comipoirnd to relieve o~ Te Mothlsuch symptoms.This fine inedicinec r'ý The vlry effectiveyfor this purpose! Do female frinctional monthly For over 70 years thousands of, disturbances inake you feel ner- girls and wosnen have reported vous, fidgety, cranky, so tired and benefit. Just see if you, too, don't "dragged ouit"--at such times? report excellent resuits! W4orth Mhen do try Lydia E. Pinkhaxn's trying. QUIC KPRELIE F FOR BABY'S TENDER FEVERISH GUMS TEETHINýG AID TUECODCMRS TO RELIEVýE VAIN 1jDIGO3.CALiF, 'i * ~%6~4,kmk( One of ct seres of uvrieel in tri bute b Ihose Canadians in the service of ihe public 'ffï7 alHr pfflle