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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Oct 1947, p. 6

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K, S 0N -CO0L E oýnce she had passed-( it she sect a nt ieu EtLiCa- ;týeed to the cantiet the ha.îyladlen aîingtheI oe uiy a0r1 RmodGar.. ýfùix e Juanîta s eyes bleard the cîkof thi,;-stic set deman- hiorse ont e C2\e cav lier coni- was alive rIOspect of she hiad comlpteted mmvshe woltd( lie- straniîge saga of ,J. Thle prie-sts at itctell br an [or did nlot learni lixg righit nw, and loý onl eartb couild uist follow imi cnt, wbatever lbe: tb&uigbi'was likýe JtI one arraw)ý, anl ber- tfie otly traIlý Star-ee daisýies and pr-im-oýses gazed I',p at lber lu n~y nother-- places, an-ý heire and thue- she rode hy a junigle of jun1iper aud chapax-ral that looked like, a ses o'f green, stretcbîing away to tbe lhori- zon i. t othigteml-pted lber to dîsmount untit eacb igbtshe founfi a Caming spot ere she ate a cold imeat and w-rapped up àx hei:banesto falaslep uder thei(-s ta rs. (n the afternaon of tbe CbiS day Af ler joumney Juanita de --Ctievas saw tbe (istant outtnes of Che mission. She urged Pedro on * tona swiftei pace. . Sqf-t banks of %bite doces ung mloiiconless in tie Cardinal sky of just before dusk. 1In the rays of that setting sun they sbone like polished siiNei-.Aipd uLnder thiîs c cathedral canopy stood ber goal thle Mission Of corpus Christi. Appoac i:itfrom tbe mount- ansde' alon wich she bad been travlg for tbetstMew ours, the fist tbing she saw wVas the( life- sszéd representiation, in granlite, of the Ciruifixion. It wras in the ceýicnterdfite garden that aslushl wxtbl blooms of scarlet and wbxvite and gotd, and shaded by age-old trees tbat seemed tW bover over the place in beniediction. A gray-baired padre swatkedi slowly back and iorth in, the court- yard, repeating bis atrnstr.11 stopped and iknled be I)fore the great. granite cuii.Onily the low mumbleiý)ï of bis voice couild be becard, anid the mutted hbum- of ïin- sects comling onut to greet tbe Coin- ing dusk. Fils 4evoions comlpleted, the; pad,(re becamep aware theni, for the firsttime, of the kneetig figure athe gate He arase and gret Juanîta, in her- ragged overalîs of,, n peon. boy. %A benediction, My son," he saifi hi. a sonorously mellow, but gentle vaîce. Whtbrinigs you bere this nýigiit?"ý "I b-ave Camec a lonig way with a messçage and, a present for youi, Pade" Janita repeudmeky "Had you rcame witb no burdeni except ,your sins fý or wibyou miay wisb ta) atonec you ,wald have be vC1ecomno," imurmlured the padr "I ami Padr Vincente," be annouinced. 'Ut is 1 perhaps wbomi you seek? What do men caîlyoui, "Juan de Cuevas, Padre," was l uaitas simple response, and she spoke -trthlfutly. for- men ilhad catI- c r ber that, since bier fatber bao meen fit for hmr t go about ih guise of a boy.. "Juan?" mnttered the padre, "mnay the grace ai God be with you, Camle tith m in idoors where you miay be fed and cared for. I w7ilt have yauir bea5t ,seil ta." Juanlita lifted the wigbted, saddlehags from Pero'ssaddle, toDssed them aover bler sligbt shouild- .ers an-d haîf' sturnibled alter the priat. Ife !ed lber tbirougb a cor- ridonr iand into a cetI-like Office in the adabre building. Thiere she raojppd ber buirden tu thie floor, openedthe saddlteba-gs and tet tbe gold pieces inkle ont Ontu the Stone floor, (To be Conitinuiedl) GIue-Sof tener lue t1hat bas becomne hard eaui nisnally be softened ta [ a ulsable con- dition hy adding on,-e patfgy- cerine ta 9uî pats aofgoue, VJhe tis is dlonc the glue itl iot harden again no"mattr i, log t"eman Ali dressed up in bier Ice cream-1 'n-aedress! patterll 4819 i s 5 daity, basa darlig flower-bougue toemrde on it. Mjake tbe every day frock, pntis, sip, too! Pattern 48I19 in sizes 1 ,3 ,5 Size 2, frock, 1j ydr. 35-4n4;pan- ties, Y yd.; slip, -% yd. Tranisfer iCouded Send' TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25e) in coins (stamps cann-ot Ibe acceptedl) for thïs pattern to roomr- 421, 73 Adelade St. Wce, Tor'onto Print plainly SIZE, NAME AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBIER. SunidayScolLsn Religion in Practice jamres 1 :5-P, 22-.27; 2 :14-20 GOLDEN TX-ati thave niOt î ls sda. ae 2:17 'Livug Our Rweligon istc to i osti ktsson forYoung1 Peple and Aduts and Mba is re- ligion in) practice. The ipistie of )ames is reput- edly the epistie of "ok~ and somne, iniclinlg fthe great Matif-n Lutbecr, bave set itàvrag-aïnst thie ]pistlIes of Piil as epistles o! "f ath,' But to makýe sncb a con- trac: is untrue to tbe leter and, spirit of tb.e New Testam-ent, Four Jamewses are mentioned iC the New Testant: James. th AIpostle son of Zebedee, and brother of Jh;Jamves, thec son of Alpbaeus, also ank Apostle (sýec Luke 6:11 Amueia Revise Ver- sion,;James, the father of judas, tbe Apostle wbho as not judas Lscariot; and Jamies, the blrotber of J esus. Tbi sistJames, Chrisan hus- tory asserts, was the autýii'hor, of the& Epistle of James. He was flot am-ong tbev Twelve Apostles; ini fact, we are tld ià jobn 7:3-5th a b brotbers of Jewssdd not believe Ci. HLe occamnea greaýt power ini tbe cbur-ch at Jemuisalemn. Wben we tbýink cfJae as the leader of thec Christian) communii,,ity we Cali sce im muii-,cb as we wouldi See tbe wisýe pastor- of acurh dealinig with bis people according to their needs anld Conditions, re- bukinglaiy By fihe-tim-e thet Epistie WaIs written-, ftleCriia cmmnt had grown iienough to peetnew problemns. Tbel"manwittheicgold rn"was typical of somex of the well-to-do wio lbad beenl drawn to the Christian fello)wsipi, and Jamesý fouYnd incessary to remnind the Chrîstins that God wvas nio res- pecter of p erson,,s. Likewis'e, when he saw Ch--ristian duties and oppor- tuniities for kindniess being neglect- ed, Le gave the great, practical definition çof pure relIigioni, in Ja.mes, 1:27. Both tflecworld and the church need a lot of tis Epistle today. The male flycatchenr la One of the few birds that assists its mate in making fhe rnest. roffee #L#CKID NOSES :7 9 1~ "Tink niig can ma;ýke it £0" sounds IU UI A frtbut OPit ffeu orks.AnneHrs wilhelp you to bleein yourself. Write her at Boxý A, room 421 73 Adela(ide St.Wet Torointo. ~ Od~from Your Own Negatives 20 fur$10 From 1 Nogofivo with Envelopes foi Maýlilg the Most (istinctive Ciramacarde you caa et...card& friende avi treasura. Send U& your favorite negative. Wa'iIre- Mrrn 20 attractive greeting ýeà,,pa' printed on mi .1t Ienvelopeac n2 colorto)l or card3,$1.JOdou, IfPhotoe colored,$35do.. *A ize roll, 6 or 8, deV6i- oped mi nted, 80e. Dept, 13 SSUAR SNAPSHOT SERVICM I.Z 129 P.S9i ORbe ATaeqea Mother Plays Safe With Dr.. Chase's Syrup in the House What a satisfaction it is for mrothers to alwvays have Dr. Chas-e'asyrpOf Linseed and Turpentîtîe at band to checkcoughs and colda qiekty. l'or nearly hatf a -entury Dr. Chasec's Syrup bas been the standby treatmentl for qcou1ghS and colds flu therpat ; snajority of homes. It is jusý as dependable as ever and just aspleauanti to use. of Lirlseecl and Turpentirte- S5tý Famly Size 3 tmeqa8mnuch ï5e ~(sui~ EerMad6e, Tka's aIuAmets Double Actf"- Y7ES -whethier you have had years of baking experience, or bave yet to Smalce your first biscui'ts, you'il find that Calumet'Baking Powder assures% fe-ather-light, tender biscuits and cakes anld muffins - contsistenrtly. That'5 because Calumet's doubl« action protects lig,ýhtness ail the way. 1*In the miîxing bowl - thousands' of tiny, even-sized this hc slY iolÇ bubbles are released to start the 1eaveing, when liquid îs, lry weka f > ~added. In the oven, thousands more ne, ively littie bubbles continue to raise and hold the mixture high, light and even., rnluý Blc - po.#cle Follow directions on the tin for any recipe. t5 TWICE YOUR MONEY BACK If you are not saisfied that Calumnet is thec finest bak- ing powder you ever used, senad tin containing unusecd portion, aongz wi th your naine and addrexýs snd a note of the pËice yvou paid - ta General -Foods, L'îied, Cobourg, Ontario. Yau will receive back fioe47 what yau paid for Calumet. DOUBL -ACINP7 G rde fceocroiFood#, Cp'cpicicc- Shc i palial The True Szeret *sitanin hi aii tCorner, wblile life is (of assing brhy *This is ;ont normald, tltough il is i '~ fr frm unommo. Wlat she NE LNHQ1l'Y grltdas ne si megooud ad',ice, and 1 \ voiCes Ible coiplaiintof ray * oetcan gi to lber. * another.n SAe Lcsn elMu" * NOTINGVENTURE * ieeIo a a inul dcgrc.Sb e M mrtf hvesome éen'.qaý1gg tells 1m1uSbei s ?Hualifenor she wonldn't have so Saways deprss- n'on Pyfcde . But inad of nakxni ed. She docsn'tiCe unost of fheîn, she consfatl gtadanices lbc- dz enlis o ht she think acre lber caus sbcs af Pm%,ts.U7o sas she is "jt facaýf- :raid sheil tîe pfr is ocOnly herself, I be askd to uspec Nexffipie sje. ooks ,ýin the dac. h von't nirror f ugc br f0examnetbrsei g......- on alind oe fil, cnocde wf ..........ecause.she.p.easitelier no7i dsce what con becos afrai fix ta mpro e i rs.Ones;eresio y G iI ouln g m n offe bs Imore fo do rci ier PoPu- * mighit lb disa-pppinted. Sbe has a 1larity thonni, )c preffiness, e!nd il is * od oitionI, caims she lbas lots is lribyhr oe caind. If she *of frxcn21ds ber I7figure is good, she e tScs 00ouf on adatecon nedihai *s'ays and she dresses wl. Bt slîe's goingfq havea wneflthme, *shje xs not atilactive.",sbe'li bave if. The fhouyghti !brin g 'FTbe trouble witbl this girl1, as a sparkle fa ber y, color fo iher *witb sa lmany other shy ones. is cheek; î ifzjl o(dd inusie fa be(r voice, * tat sbe is afnrid of Ef e. Sl13ac and changc ber woepe-rsenaif y. *dreatds one morey rebmui, sielacks Nexf imsu sgirl is osked fa go *the couragt-e to try agin. So she ouf, I1hope shew a ccepf She'll ar *1rlý b idels sef away f om any new a =eCa focu (wom MWh wi ie her a Wft and sbe'lstrid ouf of fhe house feeling She is Sombody Imfportant1. iin i. Bttafter IHis crucifixion, Every one of I(u s i ore or lehss tbley joinied the Chiïstian com-pany self -con1scious. Thle cure forif ie s in (Acis 1 :4), and tw ho books Of the a sur ke lnoke of oui attactiv New Testamient, jamjes and Jude, qualifiesond il n eoploying foin are assoitd with broters of tbe Our besc advanstge. Once we k;woza Master. zwe are doing thar, wcecan r-elax and Jamnes is mnentîonied by îFaut (I forget ourselveés, and cnefaeon Corinthins 15:7) as among thase of br people. This isth true secre wbrio bad a vision of thle Risen j- ofpouaiy

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