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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Oct 1947, p. 1

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OkO'N0, ird Party, Orange Hall Win At inty Competitioni District School Chldren's Service e largest congregation in yenrs ded the Sunday evening sevc e Pontypool Unîted Chuvch on Iver 19th, fiHing practicaly every nd chair availnibie. It was the son of the Annual Sclhool Chil- 's Ser-vice which camne as a cul- ition of a sarias' of Bibile St2ud-.ý ons cOnducted in thriePontypool rict Sclrools by Mr. dwnH - Student Minister of the Ponity- Plasoral Charge of the Urited ch in Canada.., The choir lof il the avaiafilhe sq)aéuie at the tof the chur7ch was flilhld with 'a hund'red c ld anre froni the La- Ballyduhff, Faillis', asnd', yp 0ooi Juior and senior roemi, ri', Nemvi Park and Entler-prise ols. These childiren formedi a Mdedw clo1Choir whMi sang as nlý'emi, "Ail Thinigs Brighitnd itfuul", e)ie of thfe Pointyrpool Sýchoo)l r"Fairest Lord Jeas";l the Fnl- chlool pupîils "Birs rcSigig Ebi>enprst. School supplied' a tei. The chairinan was' Aivia nli of Lous, and the scripture 'n wvas rend Iby Patricia Gibs-)on niyi. Children from Dun ved the offering and Carscad- -supplied the ushlers'. Ench one i-e scho'ols had s'oine part in the of the service wasý telling rd the story, 3s Rang" b- Mr S. chier of the Newf r the story Sermionl -d an alarm clock Vo There passf,,d to rest on Wednesd O'ctoiber 15th, Jo n Ste'w' .t, a1 Iong- and well-known resident 'Carke 'Towns(hip. John Stewart was born on Decý lr22, 1866, on Lot 16, Coneessîi Hie wvas the son of the late IÇeil S'1 art zand Gtherine Reuvie. VWl<l ýsneml chlldfhe rmoved wiýth hýis pare to Lot 13, Conces'sion 6, ('Wil braie Farmii) where he lived with exception of three yeairs', -ntil tinie of lis death. On Deceiner 6, 1899, 'ne rnrr Isaijbin Staker who 1)1.ed(te e,-- hiiimla n'October., 1625ý During his, tîme, M-r. Stewart waS pirominent bioth public and chrhnf 1is a nmeof yershe wnas a meil of fthe Clarke To)wiihip Colunîcil. seve iis' hrhasaiupeintenî of the uda ehoRcr Steward and E'[îIde foriaYyean M J-.Stewart w'as thle-t survI' memba *o h~sfamlily. H-, is surý '(i by CteieW.nd $eil 'S) hiome,. nn'd Mi-. G(eo. E. Loftho (Jn)of Oshaia, aso th-ree g-a chîl aniWay, Jean and Daývid hiouse. Man'v f-riends and relatives; atte ed the funar l ser-vices whichx 'held in the United'CrcKr on Fridny,,, Octofer 17th. Re'v. H, Buniit con cteùd the rvi-ce and livered !a very kindlv'm'essagIe. Ml 'ip)oke cf the etemin wvichthe1 Mr. Stewart was held. The pallhaearers were Fred Co ishb, A ns on Gilroy, Johm Patt Lawýrenc-e Bell, Garlandýc Carhcart, CIh J- V. Coonper. ntpýrn-.ent ý Orono Cemetery. NE WTON VILLE o01-s to Mr. and Son the irth unday. ins ta MIr. and ni on the birth shiawa Hospita1 on Icone Of a wn'ic nmust oe 'auly wound oy ý into touch wît.h God throug ph ance at Sundcay 'School, Church vate prayers. flha previans. Thursdiay a Bible rIsit- h;,fl rnluoùd j f the scihools' with 'aU1 schools in a vertý hig--h average on a ýifficuIt',test, In f-act ana which have taxed' many an idi.I nlnounced that the wininingý 'was 'Failis' with tli,- high ,veýr-1 '8.In thi*-s ýhooI theral hree childirn wh-o hid aïia huai- naka eonsideraý-le feat as were coly three oý,er chiliren the schools who eipnl1ed that Fronm Fails ý' Sfol Frances ýon; Hielen W-ard a nd Al1la n en hadi one hupdred marks The othner children with one d -ars wre : ponelda Pow- 'CaseaidehJane lChrysiler of and Donald Fisber of Ponty- Thne second schi),ol in standing, gh't beinFi ,vwas New wit1h an vag of 97l'- Tl,, sirhools, ail oaf 'which did - well. veritge miarts c of: Drum 695% luff 875,; 'asadns85% 'ool 82% ; Entqjrpvise 74" , andI Bible le of 74 head ilt tis sale. Toi)ceia first and second prize axvardis ice of $660 was received by Elm- ,oeCh f'h olwigT+s 1 ifit Farm, Oshaera, froin Arthur F. pRuflhM"aon 2 Alvins, Gil- îompnon, Drayton, for the four- )-b 'l'~. 1BelivdÙff: (1) Patric'ia Gib- ýar-aid he-iifer Princess Josephine n' ( Kathileen îMcCuinlouh. F- rt. 8 mii¶ing feinales averaged j! ', (1) -F ancesJdn5r ee 3,13 bradi heifers $5,10 heifer e~dAllen Jhnltn I tied:(2 Ives $258, -, open yearlings $33:3.,)ii"lv Rredle v. M nrv Tom d'é 1s hula $66.Sale mnges1rnkDnriing anil tied. Cnrscad- rp A. ýB. Bruibacher & Sons, îdgeprt. îContnuedon pgefive) feather Social Club Spon sors D-ance Onà Friday, October 31 Trhis Frhi(ay evening, October 3lst, quilt, and the third an ,Peiectr-ic lanpý the niglit the Ileather Sozial Club if you have not ailr eaIy secured Orono and' district are holding, tickets for these valuniaoe prizes, air dance, in the towýn hall. It has now' is the time to parc-hase hna anî sonra tLim-e since this club has the tima is dra'wing- short. Ticket's ,d n danice, andi th'ey are expecting mnui-ha pairchasedi at th0dnc1e aige turnout for this aieciai occa- Friday evening. oni, The Or"no Heathar Reb ekaiode ara endevouring ta buIIdi up a byl Th-e memlbers of Heather Lodge aceount ta taka their 'part in coni-1 funaral of lier sister, MUrs. Chackl1ey, ini Hamilton, Oefoibar l7th, Wex- tend our irncere ,--th1v -tw. and IMrs. H.A. Bunt ançiMrs. C. Burley attendied the WM'.Pras- byterial in Hniipton last Wdedy Mrs. Burkall sold bier fatm and imiplemaents, etc., laisit Saturday, 2Otih insc. The sale wu-s qui-ta successful. M'r. Sidney Lancaster puirchased the Coin'tulatioms ta Mr. anid -Mrs. Floyd MiIo(nee Miss lra Burley), of port Hoipe, on, thair m-arringa on Saturday ZOth. Alsc ta e0r. and Ms'Keith Sevns(nea {Mîss Jane Wnre) -who were marriad in Toronto on 'Saturday. Miss Doreen MlilisonHed Mýissîon Band A Mlisslion Band vwas orginnized ià Oictüber 24th, in the Unîted Church basemant 'wvith Mrs. ( Rer.) H. A. Buat as Honorary 'President, Mlissý Manry Bmrlay~ andi Mrs. Ron.ald Burley as Leaders. The following slate of offlicers were elected for thecoig year :Pr-es'ient, Dorean.MIàllson-; ,Vice-iPre.sidernt, Donna Stark; Sacre- ta1ry'; Trearsurer, Douglas Rowe; Pss iSacretarjies, Ross Brown, ard( Edwýard Rowe. Thieir teacher, Mr N\,eil' Anderson, kinly invited thýe gýroup to mieet in the2 Public Schlool. IThîs would' 'ha a happy nrrangam-e&nt- durinig the vwinter nmnhs ate ta henting the fihasenient for s'uch aý short timne. Mâore arrangemnents wl be known by another imonth. fOth Weddliug -Aaniversary îMr. and IMris. Rûbart Broven, forin- eriy of Hosenieathi, now res'idin'g with their (1- ughter, 'Mrs. N. W. Stetvens, Newtonville, celabrauted thecir Sixýtiethl wadding annn.iveirsary on Saturdny,- Octriber 25th,. Hasides thieir dauiLghtar Mrs. Stavens, Thiree sonis, Alex. of Peteinborouigh, Ray cof Posinh n GCalihas ofCo 1bourg;sevn ra- childran and onea grandichilId' ware present. Aise -a riothreorge, Toronta; Mr. ani Ms Ken. Brnwn, Mrs. Browni's sister Mrs. Wyley, of-1 Peterlb)orou1gh; MiSs sb aBrown, Ros-enaathf; Mrs. Maud Bv-Urovv l r. ý,nd îMirs. Rusawý, of Hastings-; Ji.i Beatty, of Feaucha, and Wmi. Beatty, of Wnarkworth. lMJrs. Brown wa's ý,forarly Miss Brc'wn, daugh-ter cf Jmnies Bonof S,ýcotceh desýcent, andi her hiusbnnd a tha Son of JmsB'ro'wn af Knguish and ac tar andi is No. 40 Presiden +rict Pr( Bran'ch. doess ai the W. iis I' Oru;iv

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