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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Oct 1947, p. 7

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Vîscount Alexander Trophy -To 1be avwar-ded aLi-îlily to tlie most outstýandiiùg junior aaeratfiete iin Canada. O)pen 1 'bal sports undr o affilated w\ith thle Amlatur Atie-tie Uniion Q Cnaa, Age limit to )e fthat g"o\,Crllilg junîioî-s in the sport C ccern-7 ed. Name)"s f candidlates with citatîion]s shod heSent îm- mlediately "( C. C. Robinisozi, ~ertrA.A.U. of C., Roomn 12, 640 WCest Hasings Street, VancouLver, B. C. Il was inevitabIe thiat Coli ider- lio)n of the amlounit uof lime, tbu -anld rnimey invo)ved in-, keýeping mlodem ilstreets, - highWays, alir- filsand so on clea)r of soow0V' shlould start some effic.*ýit mmdi working on thec possibility 0f get. ýlng rid of sn)ow by tIse simlplest and most 'thQrough metchod-na- tr's. Mltinlg il, Ihlat is. Britain maude somle tuse IIfi mc1thod in the mrgny created by un11precedenîled silo uvtorms last inesays the Sault Daiiy Star. Wartimeflin oe rswere ecm- ployed Ila mllIste ,,inoüW',fromi rail lnes, buit the searinig flamle set-, ire to lies and thrsedam- aged roadbeds TIse blacî fro m jet engines maunted on jalcars proved mnore suitable, but bath Nawrý, a Pitîshburgh eniginleer hias cornle 1up) ilh a scîiydsge mlachine for mltinh'g awaý-)y snow. Tis John B. ý Sweeney's chieM cocen as Wifih kcpiïing air- fields clar, but thecre seem-is Do reason W\"Isy is conî trapî)tlo n shldncllt'xuwork eqntally Wdll0an highways. le's a 12-Ion deice Wich op- craIes like a igiiantic fatiron, lit- crally- "iroing" -the 5110w id ice coimpletely off a 12-foot swathi of rtunWa-oür roadWvay, for tihat ~ mlte-bytWo wide combulsters WhicIs focuis a blast of oil-fircd- Tt travelo i the ratc . of 10 ta 15 ilesvý an hlour, mountied on ani ordinartiy road- grader, and waiter tIsaI he heal does nut evarteis Wiped up iroinstIsepvmetby a large squcetgeIsiade, WOr.king soneilhinlik ie a muber wilndoW; clae.Actualy, accordinig ta M.Swý'eaya a ivy silnail ' i. amounýt 0ofWater is formied by Lthe iicilîg 0w sinice the average Waiter conitenit of a fallinig o crystal is onlly two )pur centi of ils volume. sen not i use, tIe snwremnover can bc rrnomved from the grader in a couýtple cf hours. blast of heat is forccd down onto tIserna or roadwvay îhrou)tgh, hlower-s 0oprated Iby an air-cooied Tnin. is c1lined not ta damu age pavement Iscause ofaIltIs speeaIwhich iî inov-es aling and 1hecauise of the cold weýathecr Jîs adxanltageùS ove(r mcan cal imeans o ni iow erovlart obvou-intedcf po s, sow- ioadrs,îrucs mauallaboran piy àswoosh and tIse snow is gone complcely. r. Swxecneny diaims for- i tIse ad 1i tional-1ad iing io iey spo)ts 1 edngr e bocus. pIe, chap and effïicnt swrît moal prntthod of t1e future-. e ha]ti 0sop gix ing iy ýWif e ~,gn allxx-ancc Sports-gîten.Ting By FRANK, MANN H1ARRISý Eiiiabeth's forthcoming marrige, 11un11;1ieS are prepaIng to senld over donaltions of-ufnodcto the under- nourîshicd people onitan Then, in julst 'a f cwm, onths, we propose ta ship a wh1ole bunch of huîîgry alli- etsand their hangers-on over there, to take part in a set of gansesi which thse British-and' the oest of the( world, for that matter -are aibout as mutch in need of as they need a third1 World War. If th at d!ocs't igr ont, as a screwball propositio,aniy way you look at it, at bla st iould serx e tii] tlhe real thling crnsalong 0f curseý it will be arguied. tIaItIhe Canaan lyp ahîles wiil take terown oo aon wththein. To thtvxe relyOK-scnld that f ood it, [ 1nd ,iior aietes stay at Ihome. It isou persoîl opinion'fthat the B uithorities bhave made a great mitae nnot cllinig the whoIile thig ffbeor tIS,'as ilt, 1s l'Ici ini a flepoîin-sei lin the need 11for WsenWrdassa'c anld, at theare tl0ime, repain o1 Bî:tis prde nB' .alioy, thens lto canlce ltise soat least i(I us stay out of il. ighlt afler a f arniiyhias corne thro,(ugW a 'combinaition fire and earthiquake isn't the lime to go paigthcnsi social visits, even if thý 1e reclose relatives. Thepoitialorator waswoin up, towar s hrper'oratior aiid, ike1 q)îost af1i.r tribe, uszng plenty ý,of oldies ,.ças 1thaugh they î,w7c oîew- nnitcdthugltsof his own.Afitee il, my fiud, he said, "iiot! !iiîg ins t1iis wrdis absalutelycraie x- cc,!pt!deathiacd taxes." He jaused ta riis fevrd rvi ,1,no?" cauîe the oicea eclfrorn the~ rear. "Wha abut hartyapats Iroa 1 rdo i diien ce" $7 ,45 5; net ioss $4-htstere- suitofa fobalgame ini Ottawa, playeýd for swuît charllity'S Sakeý-for ihe,,benefit of "theCciple cildren. Adil a etcntwo almatur tcmof corslor we -ail knlow tht ehattïany such tilgnga scnld'ffir tands at this wiig and 1it lisoulis 1,ca war:ning to 2ah chrtbeorganizations, 100 many of xhorn allow their narnes 10 be, tacked aojj promotions put through by' genIts vh believe that Chiarity Diol only begIins at lhome, but also enidahee.Orie of iseternsin- anid $5000 )Oonit OF il; wichl, eenil teedayvs of higIs prices, wudbuy qiîiîe a lot of train fares, bnae ,and liniment AIl we hopeý is that thie crippled kids won't be askcd ta kick in 10 mnake up the deficit. No mater hlow they try Iýcisrnoothi it over or explain il wawe ithink that lIse Ottawa Trojans and MTont- real Alouiettes have been gilty c; rn very grav,ýe mstake. Tt îsn't so long uothant there veas serions ta1lk of taigfootball on a prof essional 1basis, buit ise pontr of that spôrt managd ta iý,ggie throuigh without gett!in]gnikd But now -with this happin(jÀg-anid happening right- in the taxng auhorities own back yard -wcl, wen thse. inevitable takes pae hycanl console themocives iciitehouight that thcy certainly acdfor- il! 'o 1nzaîy of those whlose entire wakîig h orsseeul ta be .pent N'ihjl easlOt f that greati ilven tioîî TueRadi o, news af Me Perlosban on any future nsîca rc'_0d;iigs camie as -a ray af sîuîlfight burtsting tliroiogh a dark and for- biddîîîg sk. But nawv coules thIis andB Tor ontoG' MA lin o jki part oi lo o 111 lIoný s. Blue Mote i tPPLICAIi1in'r ATE FOR SALE-Trac hel. at Ional(il FbiE 1 Ave.,m T1roto". 1 1,t AN1 1oFFER, evey i tl is and ful tuor Banes Baret tawa, clotctedhundedand tîr. Topronto. d .TA PULLETS and14aweto layin homoI;, Bared Ro los. 1 Ne e Wdte liRoI1csLigit u ssex, an Popla xbred .AsoD ay ld i 1,,,I i t 1 t for ,,iroe atlo4e8T 3keries, Gueph 1 OntarÏo red Rocs e.1a s~o NW9 hors Wnt RCks, Light Sussex. FoiDER now:for194.putsae loi etd'nade.Mmer fh approvi and TA.iWIners o 1,irs' Frco ad latcheyDuto. chck tiscomesso. Isure dPeIliùv $1at'yci aig ourdh ow-'Ired Dr;ern '-thnded ond puior, c tntt Writ focaur14 alogu;,e ndprc i lAVE or nyhngnefsdull rden WIl Wrteta, s for nformaion. e are Stroot, T0trqonto.4OntarjIe GFObRt,16 Yol Strst Lndon FORSIAL frceto10re frm aj u 3 a r s cfbar d woo and cimbe , am a xo-nse laro f ao r o w l lilh týaofudio n. goodins

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