TABLE TALKS For NewuCoqp4y EaCh year wýe bave thoitsands of new coo0ks. Somje are 1ewIOY-weds M,110 focrmeriy regarded thse Itchen] ,ange as soncihing outiside thecir E.lveýs. Otheris are 'teen agers, or pre- teens, who(- have learnied to like coocking at sclhool and are anxý\ïiou to surprise m-,other and dlad withi tasty dishles of their own mIaking. To such people -and to niew cooks of asyny other type, tis sor,1 I- int No. 1: \Very imortnt:iave your blot fooids bot and your cldd foods cold. Ntigdipcssas inuci as a' plate of kear soup, rmle-SS 't be ;aplate of lhalf-tnlluted tecreanor a wa.rm fruit cup. flint No. 2: LeaýrII t(,make good coffee and tea. lt', c£aSy, bt oh01 h(w few cati1do it. Find onCt lhow your favor'ite offcee0or tea nmaker dee-s tiis trick-aind f0Ioowlher direc- tionis WithIoutdeitin Hint No. 3: Lcaruii ow to, prupare mrusual fruit cups, zalads, sindwý%iches and desets Larn hIow to prepaýce eeables ïnt nften seen on Ithe mienai. Get a goo4I reCipe'; hook and Sev'ral deliciotis mi-oredishecs. Then Iyort are a eook, my fiend,. Hiere are w cpsoe for 2 deicbus, as-o- uk nd healtb- fi dessert for both cilidreni and odults. They-ý are pleasing tar-ters foür the ambitkiusnw cook: Apricot and Banadla Salad 2 crps ltturce leaves, shriedd(ed JI cup sliced hanianats hipdcream or hoiled On each pat arrange a bcd of Shredded ltue and on it placea layer of sliced ripe hanianas, topped by the, halves of anI apricot. Serve with whipped cl(rni or 1bile(ld drss- AppleauceRennet-Custard Divide applesauice amIong 4 or5 individual Jdessert gLasses. Warmi mCUlkslowly', stiinlg constantlly. Test DL drop on iniside of w-rstfrunty Whern CO-MFOrTABLY WR (11no g7c F.) flot hot, rmv s-at once front hea. Stir rennet pow- derijita nilk quIlit kýly iuntil dîssoived - noi, over 1 minute. Pour I once, whîle- still liqu'id. Over applesauce fIi dessert glassesS. Do, not ruiove, ulniil st-abttenin iutes. Theni Scoýttish cmedy SR eturnling to Glaqgow afiera nt the imiportïing, officetoca with bhis friend, Angus. ',My goodnes, Age! he cx- Claimied. "Y'e baii ost you-r terrible statter. Ho di eaccomrplishi Big ïrag4do)il, IPatterti 40/3, with çomplete wardrobe <.. . real enlot gh to niake any ehild happylMoae vrns aud legs, yarn hair, cule clDothes, -will war-mthdie iart --)fany tot ; Patteýra407,3, dïoîl and clothes, nizes 18, 2t4 aud 22 incites taîl, Fo r yardages, scecpatteu.- SenalT ENYFIEcents in is for thiis pattern te reom 421, ~-~k~id StWstToronto. Print I"~~~ADDRESS. ZONýE, SI-73Z1. AND STVYLE -NUJMBER. *HORIZONTAL symbol> 5 A Mî1'L' N R l Pictured 57 Pay lattention NN"101 S. fC .% e chairm-anU.s. ta T E rM-ý' AN IE Surplus Prop- 58 Hedealswith E N vJ erty Board, war -P Y DIGTE Senator Guy' VERPTICAL p L'ý M.- 1lobtained E TA OE 7 On top 2 Within 9 Ejîher 23 Learniug articles 37 Exclamation~ 1OnQe lime 4 Great Lake 19 Briskly (slaing) 13 Falte -5 Toward 21 s51111 43 Cratvat 14 Operatie solo 6 Purpose 23 Grounid 4,5 Giant kingo 16 Speckr 7 Open sore creatures Bashari 17 Performi on 98 Kitch en 25 Characteristïc 46 Destiny rtage utensil spir it 4VR o w M8 Morses Il Milch- anial, 28 Knlock 48 Lieutenaint 20 Wheref ore? 12 Chemrical 3(j Aukrowledg- (ah.> 22 Us radical unent of lu- 4 Garden 23 Greek letter 14 Near debtedness implemrent 24 Myseif 15 Paid notice <sîang~) 51 Scottish cap 26 Biblical 17 PDrend- 33 Writiu.g fluid 53 Lamnprey pronoun 13 His board 34 Dami-p 55 Sunl god 27 Mistake handl-s - .36 1Magn,'Iificent 57 Hlm 29 Slanted, 31 Swiss ,32 Letter of___ alphabet _ 33 Drive M 1 35 Tenacious 38 Negative ~ 3 9-Shua (var,19) 3 40 Left side (ab-.>3 41 Conceni1ng 49 Foddet 8 li 3 e*4 50 De seto 4z J43 6 t.174s9 52 Pace' 53 Divisipn- cf 50 6'S5 ~L~!51. * 54 Rip 5 56 Telluriumn By Gwendoline P- iru A short wbiie go1 wassitting pick up is mail! 1 doni't know on the front doorstep -- hatless, whicb of us wvas the more suir- coatles and bakinig in the suni. prised. Becs acre buzzing around, gath- "Oh1-1 thought thlere was no0- eringnectardfrm the dandelions body home!" Istammcred, blooinig on the iawn. Tippy xvas "And Iitoulght you cr somne lying in the sun but ià evdentty womanoueu anvasig-we have became too bot for comfort so Sn 1man1Y of theintthesýe days." she moved awray to the shade of Non Wasn't that a great recep- anl eývergreen. None of this wouid don?' have been worth telling tbree At ?.30 I met Daughter and ail- monthls ago-but this is Nvm ter a rsauatmeal1 we went to ber! Pretty soun vwe shahl be sec "Qirut WeekEd. e n- tbinking a mnagie ca-pet hbas car- joyed il somu, but I am flý,ot riud Us away to Oie land "down-1 sure it wudbe eeyoesides,' of under" where tbey have Chst- a good picture. It was so very mas in Summer. Enghish So fýr -we lbaven't had àa t,ir l tbe fur-nace at all-wich perbaps Poultry Liîce3 Killedf is just as well, sinice the pipes are flot even np yet. Wbhat a saving of While Chickens Roost fulel this weatber bas been. 0f cour-se tbere are pe(ssiýiists who Seoon te appear on tbe marketu is a sy"eshaîl ppay for this un- necw produQct maufactured to des- seaonale eatcrlater on!l" troy pouitlie b y a comrpletey aMd Well, maybe we vwill-on tbe other radically new ýýmetbod hand, imaybe we on't. WVho cati WILSON'S ROOST PAIýNT by teI? Aysayifa cold ,spring namne, it will reacb the poultry raiser sould lie abead isni't thliraia the in the forraiof a paint which will monr rsn tu njoy nice weadbe- be applied by bruish to thectce wuilewc can? Especially now tlhat roos. When the ciken roost, ,Ne bave had a litîe ramn- not vapors, 'fom the roos paint wNHI enough, but suifficienit to make rie througb the feathers of th.-, poughbg possible. So now the chickens and kiW poultry lie. farmers are happy. This new a7pp)roa)ch ,te the ýprohleniî 0i course, te finit of that long of geting id of poultry Clic il be lokdfor rail had to conte on w1 ,,ecointCd by putrmnas it doesf the Cery day Ibad arranged for avt ay with tue od and tslwnsiy a top to e eCity. of dustinig each iniida hicken Can you blieve ht-1 was in wibtombue powder. the city-, fromn 9 acmto 10 POL. anld WILSON'S ROOST PAINT wîi neyer once nus I inide a store. be manufacnrd front a war-de- But 1 spent imouey aIl tigt. My veloped c 1ia ywilonLabor- reasoni for goinig was te iiia toies who, by its production, furher ocullist-and 1I wenit in fear and lay cdaimtio thir boast of heing frst trnnbling because I bad not 1miade litthe ielud of insecticidus, ,an appointment. But I w,ýas lucky -tnl twenity minlutes he rwaslcy ta see me. Then aiter lunacbing with a fiend 1IW set otavisnt =Yj inlws iere again I îopk a 1long cbance-hy net pbonîug tIent I.I0 N IbiM E I first. I rang the door-belI.. , uno answer. 'l rang twice more withi thie samte resuit. Then I, went rouind to the back but could finid e no( sign af 1f e there either. "OCh we," saidl to myseîf, "tbere will likely be somneone homne soon- on the e of the steps and watch- I__________________ ed tbec squirrecls at play. Presently Postie came along, pusbed openFO Â. rIlF thedoo of the. front entry-wbich