son in ltes'ýt cens1t1IS ein Cnd anl faÀfib. But son tr Bible ait or jasulsis theSOn, of Go>d God dw-v c ath i7 iiiiim, anldIlie Gd, Ti is tbe'basic beliefofaCrsin Sorne modm tes ch-,ersprst n te tblescrarn- tantI onite echo o gc ,; Flas Couro ni * * Jez swift iy bace guns mA-oviligif oy buit ail tb!ohe Oe Plce who1 c era hins. AcrionsC .nyof reard o say (To, 5acoti lng Dear Mr. Aruo)ýtt:iar wdo r bi-s iwýitb two cida sndI arncos of tep1 tn arig. aeais- lina closad toex io adrt Var ing of wre ihwo r corrsp)onding. It would ha iner- s.d esifo know what yoranalysis he od be of tIem. eels, Aîswar:» Th11cfirst ea teite o, iing- of a SAlf- wlaprsoni i~w who ïs domiineeriug, as svs by .g th'- baaavy tb1ick writing an,1d ftbe ong "flyý,ing T' ar"inth le -,ord 4"this".ý six- There is ro dotubt ftat she -would amr ha iistetabout havhg be rw ~om way wthi a good maueof sar- .as cas i-,to the bargain Do flot cxN- d. pe'ct toc)mucli geuerosit-y fr-om hec sve as he ords car e C ramped1 closeý 11up tgte to rvalanauethât bt believes nin thfe strictest coom giv~n totobbrs tins, Tbe second scr is a good exampla of broadsnîndedness and gencrosy. ha spaconusoftbe script indicates the wligest ovcr!iokthe faut n hrcm inlga of olthers. Ta Ïerst4 caveakieu ewell-pacad rdsà adi the lg finials. Thie witiug is CclarclTce "weighof tbfIle lHues- is ligbit> agood sýgîiofregard for hefeeings of Mors and also an ntrest in sp)iritu-,al tbingps.Trie openlatter "a" il a goon dca- tion, tb'at the wrviter wilnot isasi- mail to it. I out a littie hi ~d not to sec i onaly plea.s nd .elfaressled ,121, 73 ldlcdeSt.W.rToott Tc yre c, c harge fortJ , service. the middlc is a ;ines5~ I lcÇ~ow," b't seet him. tell nmesone she nwrd Je,,us as metrely a gMWt:ni. Theni, of course,;"the cm irackeS rec orded'; Of bjm bcre fniflsois Johnisvery epaic Wois the liar but he who denies that jesus is te ChistThis as th anticrist, bhe wo desstce Fathetr anidfthe Son1." A Chir1stiar nvdwlls ini love. The Greek< word tra-nslated love ini this leso oes flot denote niiera hunan afeto.It is tranllatad charity in 1 Cointhians il. It is God-like for 'Cod àImlvm" It ys shd aboad in the hecart of the inidividuald who be- iïeves on1 the Soni of GodI. i love mnay be perfeced SO thut we Shasi have no dread of the judgrnenýit. Ouri mmdd is flot pefctienca our con- duct is noi t pefect 'but our wole lîfa can ba rnotivated by perfect lo£e, The child hei er imothier babae, makes sorne blunes hut ail the wiie she is h1iping rnoth- er,"She is actïing inlov."alv becaue Hefrst oved us." Another proof ef the Christianî is, that behas this Godi-like attitude towýard mneni. VWe nmay not admiire or wishi to ernllate our brother but wu rnust love bim witb a pure heat.'This is natural for the se hrst- ia."f aman Say, I love God, an1d haýteth is 1brother, he ic s a liar: for Ihe that loveth l ot blis brother whorn ha hath seený , how carhloeîve God wbom ha bath flot seau? "He tmat belivatb on tce Son of God hath the winess -'in biml- self e ialhat bath the Son b athx Mfe," You nead not tdu an atte thaý1t he is aHive. kn1ows it. So the hrstan basthe wîiess in hini- selfeHasings. "Blassed asrne Jesus is mine". John mnentions one further im- potant proof."This is love, that wa follo"w 1bis comrnndnens. W hlave noted 1 tatzaChrîýitianbas linig fear, and low mni. lie fha ance of acceptanu is; a echristia3. Il c lova dispai!- cigbis fel- conitïed. AMl Icould buy dselhim *,tt * li Tbe'i ko Ti - ini the House What a satýisfacti'on it la for mothers to alýwaya have Dr. Chiae'a Syrup Of Linsee-d aud TurpOnti'lý t hand tO tbeek wiugba and eýolds quiekly. For nal all a century Dr. Chaae's h1' ST j il It keeps in the cupboard- it's quick-acting--it's ,always tfierà whent you want hI Now, with the New Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rîsing Dry -Yeast, you cati bake more delicus breads andI rolls iii xtra-fast time. No dishing ta the store at fhe lam minute-youoean keep a month's supply standng'.by, uise iha& 1' you need itIt .wil be as potent the day yoiu use it as the day you bougltith. IE YOU BAKE-AT HOME - get Feischman't- Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast today. At your grocer's. El1 kuïow Your Haindwril and You Which Would Be The Better Wife? s han iï.