iwing nday, Bar the ' II lie î,ph'ie jrine -- ---------- ----- 50e. ---------------------------------------------------- ------- ------.----------- ----4U. ---------------------------------------------------- --------- ....---------- -- - - - -39c. --------------------------------------------------- ------ ----------- -------- ----- -75c -----------2--------5---- and 50e. rchier, excellent a-;ai inhalant 29c., 55C. ub .-. 39C. S- 3. edium agazine ePaort, No.2" p WERi 30th 8.00 -8.15 p.m. $1.49 and $1. TRANS CANAI TIRES AND TI TIRES 600 x 16 Tires... 525-550 x 17 ... 440-450 x 21 .... TUBES Mr. Leonard Hilditch sp week-end at home. Recent visi:ors with Mrs. I were Mrs. Bruce Anderso-n Fredidie and David Roughley awa. Miss Dorothy Elsey, of spent the -week-end with Mr. AGENTI si ze - - --- ---- ... 49c. B.Q. Cold Tablets-............25c. ker's Cold Tablets~ ..25. 'ove's Cold Tablets...24e, 44c. Tyrreil JACKMAN FLoWERS Orono, Ont. VAL lasting waves d-h ~oc~1i 1rk Socks, pi on Striped E 15 to 17, eac r or Iron Cc ay, Tne coufl reets of the the sti fac ho had been :hes of n'p or Uown the plo aive had the I ONTARIO volin. . 33c and 35c y 6 ft, assorted pair ... 39e to 89c 3 Shirts, fused . .... ....... $2.15 complete ..... 69C. .9c. ge, open stock, Din- and Butter Plates. s, Cups and Saucers URES 1-2 lb........20e bottle ........25c 1 Black Pepper, r ............. 11C. ng Officers for t the vote to be t age -of Newcastl. P'lace Count The Comi Neý Ualvin <ragon G. H1. Porter Ruby :3runt .. Reta Gordon Jacoueline Si Irwin Colwill Miss B. McIn Percy Hare -- Iloward J. Toi BA IHarold Adair Jello chipso, NeWcas arate Ambulance i mith i Dealers SERVICE