OF REVENGE C K SON -COL E ci, he cied lWalace, Diiyon teit 1dm there' wasn't hall Af te couAnryinquired Car 0fcourse Idd"Hselan- swe~cd.1But I sould h1ave k;oIn enough flo--t to. it didin't mean any- tinî-g to him; avd 1he carcd ls. "Did you teli him wve wo'ulds't let any tobacco farmiers squat in the nrt end of the vallPIey?" asic- ed a nwhiskered older from thce baclc Of thel room, 1lis vocice qui- "Yeah-I told * e made afia ai raise maybe d cash h-1etwee and trmdgedt hie grovvied )f Deep Water fiat. owgo On anscT H' 1e storm-r Li". slaýýininig thec iï unitil thie glass that." * 'Andthatif one fenice wentýUp to keep Our cate wy om ýthoe water we've got a, righlt to, thï,t "N'o!" Haskeii cu-t him off. 'Ivc beenopngthaât Soule of you en have thought of somnethng Mes lmngy than rýidling roughslod over farmers Otamae oniy tryifg to maea livîing, afterai. HUe pmasd or suggestions, glancng from man to man of the- grilnifaced mce5ill front of him.s "We'ýre go-iing 10 do somIletlh'iigi", Lukelce bar-kedc, "and I'ml flot .a youngrman ny more, and I've bceen hlere too long to be drivn ou of homse and home by any barbed wire. And since there's L-o hope Of fhelp from the lthe e'ejust gt to foriget abouitt heIcoied, "we Cani dûoroe thing. As moon as a %ece goes up around sweet water that WeCnMust have, that as. we rip itdown." "And if that waýywo'wol? V-aliace sniorted. 4'we'Il Ccross that bidge when wecornle t i,"Haiclisaid fir-i--1 11e had just opýleed hlis moth to say oor--ýe he the front door buirst openCI unxpctdi ta Hakllhmself as weil as every npresent, swung around as if yakdby wires. Eyes Dppped Jasdropped.Me wrespeech- les ith amazemnent. T~n nthc threshold stood SI«cdceit, a 7rcfr"; sbe. plenJs. Heu' arentsare bun ot AiAof the lad.? Theyc lcesr remind ber isitthis is "jut.wh zce c ecedof m. Teysl blami,, her, of course, for eing seeak t'fey, Vse*ll) bcsho cked bY brds JAnestyv. LBut they zoil siilsy W laid yfl os. Any boy zseho ltsyo meet Ahim aansour sihsdeW care-enugsfor yav taproe!C!a froligossip. He is, godliAn that, I'Pm a! raid, seul be',sI Parents hvegood reaons nul for objiecling taa crtin boîy ftheir file reafson, il is becau-,se tbey kn she isn't imatulre enougheý t Cre C hase important ithey are. Ae c z, hope ssel! ccpttir jt#gen Your [Iandwriting and You Apex Low-,,er Loop Letters pare withi this week'siiur to shkown loîw? Doès jit have some ýof thle features iidicated ;in thlis script? IfJ your wriIng is sIimr '0hi there 2are soIrmiteresting ;feauýrce abut ior personiaity and hAn- w1riting that yon 1mighlic e to ko compare youir iower Iloped letr of arc ev tyide and saiosord thy ave afln iene ppaac abouit thiem? This vraindenoýtes a differenice nte rtrsesn rer part ,ht to ModemEtiq4uette .By oberta Lee !A. hoare the AjSt t0 cave the mrch when the wedding ceremony over and the bidai arty has sparted up the aie? ýA. The uashers escort to the door 1 the womi.en who are in the .t pews, the. bridje'u mnother, the degrooni's. moth.er,, then. the lier kyonen i the. firut pew eon her side of the. aisie. Q. Whnaman 15 a ccomtpany- ýg awoa on the stre.et, bhotid etake hIer arm wencroisinig malnn&g for ea -while food end yo O4r rea ders m ay cv e 1u eroviitg and fstrt -e proa aisalyiiO'f iteir .adeilgb nlgai, exam pie of wtigsls 25 cents a5id a staiiped s!-adrs se ce.nelope ta axBroi ,73 Adeleïde StWsTo. a and behave tih e lady eye bru lcthr iup ta be. "Thîs boy has a good job an4i Aîïdithijnks ilta's ail thatmates iier parets knSa lorce about ima hns/elee s. They are not 'for- biddsg ber to date him for tie fun of ii, nor Just Ïb shozc theIirashoty The,ý,y oanît ber tO a hco(e,ad imeis- btstAboystheýy coapproeCo. Itwold be fa~r easier for them t say, "o ahead, oureohil n<ui tobo ouv roud, aIindle' ris tat ber oholefasiure moy dpedupon the sor i b o ys he dae now, and sAs is too rclu fo hm orsk a miistake,. 1 hope thse parenht se81til1hei dagtr jast whIis boyi'-,S not acetalOnd reind lher iithat tby pht be rbono A r frym Vaou won T, T"TR0UBL1r) SUE": Tecli *your parents imlmediately thal *you've been deceivin" tbem, but *youL are throulgb with that now ,m-an asl,,> emto be frank it *,oit. Ohri yoti are headý 'ed for mnore troub"Île than Yo- ca * know. And throu)ighi you ,t'his *boy wijll ufetoo. If y usà in atigabyyu paens ave forbirden you tafot, you a re foly ceangfrolbi.' fOr tisI by -andyouseÏ00a. Aune Hrt seul show ou the rigbt seay ont. Address ber a'(B- xA, Rom;; 421L 73 Adeloide Si. West Toronto Callnels, atogithoroughlsy do- 'mlestiCated by teAr-abs, are stu- pid anm a-mied','y natulre. for fcist baking ln e,, store at the last ischmann's Royal E3 ci