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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Feb 1948, p. 6

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dotyou it iulba Jiachi flio age , n miers are pro- ey bave silice arily vwOrkîng Cr ta) tep up le weeuks runl- d (i,gging over, s!aud ini tbcr ber' 20 tbey ons, thie bigh- uclieJl 90 le wel easinig 50 ta begin in janu- 'li gs i tbe-1ir reigbIt So\spr froii tbeý ",er 8,J00,- an in tile rst U-ime etweenl Oth"eï.'s Problemn -y repart ou dami- by birds','sae BBC broaýdcast. yealrs Isle cost of tby birds crashs' bas tbeen .140.000 a faiirtvly h wlh. Býut ý ury, aslý-1 n * Tbe r ~iOW. horse, e r e Skis Stckled In Front i'fý thedstneis onie of il invitation miet.G k;lit..hd scelles at Colli: s from 'lUnivers eC two <girlS fnG mili in By M. CHNRI1S TOP HE R alj Miers tuolhis tue wavvlking ýthle bouse ta the stable. Pe asaligbit winid irffling bis Tl'le air sme(lled leari, comi- sp fron t tie rr He could tbe warm -1sun, >feel1 it bural use, during these loii n orthi sbsenýce hie had grown uumac' omed ta it. e tuls , be e son FuIl Speed Ahead on the Traïl of thie Salmon-Tfis shiot of a~ aii ;.11o action-ý is onie of thie Imariy vivid scenles fro mi the Nation-al Filmi WORTLD RDE- film designied to brin g home to Canadianls tionial commlierce- lias cone to mleanl to ugcourr ÎC anada - World Trader" Wvhat istise best way af iHausý tratiug a drastic hagein cir- ~usacThis wtas thepobe wisih curotdthe priua produceer, dircctor aundcaeme of tht National Film Board wheni tLhey were wakig the fiiilm, "Ca- nada -- VWord Trader" s film which is ,now playing othe iicrural1 ircuit film progr-amls lu Ontario Tfhe iovemaes nw ithat iuast Canadiaus we re e that Canada had chsnged sigificantly duing the war:tMAt we are uowv tfise fOurtis indu.-strial power i the> warld, as wel! as one of tue grstz est expoýrters, of raw maerils ,utlte movie m-en ,knewe that a great -mauny Canadians ed i nt api- prcat he implications of this ch-unge. A lot of people wowl"d Say, "Sa hat?-sn neyer give t'he nwatter s second Ithou'ght. Sometb' g,,New Added Sa, ta brinlg tisa point home, tise' ni-oie-mkersused lthetcniu cf contrast. As thie filmr opens, youl see pa ight pano.rama of Landau lu tli-enineee-thîrtieçs. As you wvatch thee niglit ligits you becomne awIvare tisat yon areloUkin;gatis caia iyof ftise most 1higly 4dustrialized nation, in tise world. And, by contrast, you S--e WIsat the peaple of the woi d tink of .,j they hear the word, "Caa dae" Caaawas famnous thon a s au exporter of such vital raw stuffs asý wIseat, caie, shooep, tumber, pilp aud fisis. indeed, ber lead iàithece pr-oducts was 'ain o aaiway re- sponsible for victory iu 1945. But, look nt Canada 'u 1945 or 1948. To adapt tisd phrase, "somethinig new bas been added"MThs ism mealsnmattr. It mas htnations wbich used ta send us rmacufsc- tured groods lunreturut for aur raw imaterîis 1caineno-longer do tbis, since we eau supply m-any of our own rsuatrdgoods.Titalso meaus ta eare lu ýa position tao help) wartorn countries lu Eu-ropec and Asia in- maniy more ays thian we couý1ld lu1939. Wesedte machines as well as food. Canada Industrialized Ths brigs up a serious point. Our luidustri-alization bas îhowu uls that the world i not as large as Ve thougbt. Our owvn prosperity de- pen-ds ta a ver-, great extent up- ou1 tbe prosperity of other ntas If they are, depressed, we cannot fArlong escape the sanie Ifate It is ta, aur very best interiests ta0 piaDy as viaosapart ;lu world affairs as is possible. This is tlieseau theme wsc ru-ns as an. undercun-ent trtg "Cana.da -WoVcrld Trader..Ts filmn, howcver, is aiso a record of tfie remsrlkableinduchstrial adhieve- men1ts of Canada dultriu-g thse past decade. ln a suse, the war forced usta eoeidstilzd o aur Own d1e-lfenice mach1ines lhad ta be bWCt.The techniques aud tis tools ucsaywere uukuowu bore -w bad always iniported ~c thigs befre now n 111-y. Canadas Place ln the World In the focd iudustry,m inumnî? ions planits aadelu sî a l pases af in- dustry, Canladianls worked out their technliques sud iade tieir awn tools. At the tme tble war etnded Canlada was prodnucing gianit gen)- erators in H-ailtonl, l.comoiýtivzs in Motensd aluinium ,)1nat Ar- v;ida, toa name but a f ew examples. Produicts rangînig froni diesel cri- gines sud ýea-goiu-g slips ta farmi .machinery. Plyw"oodl and plaIstics were being turned out at a rate which j]Would bave amazed ,us in 19139. These prodlucts are stillbig turued caut. Andé, f gr countries which cannmot afford t,, pay for them, Canada bas adv-auceýd over eight billion dollars in lbans, credits arid outrighit gifts. We bave md the rigb3t Start fior thse postwýar er, heretise prasperity of one n.ation affects sa vitali'y tbe pros- perity of every othier nation. Caaa-World Tae"gives us a picture of aur true place in tepost w\ar wrd It is aut cm- couraging picture, based Gou aur latent power, wi-ich we are_,ouly naw eginin taperceive suid ap- preciate. That was jus takzen coff ou tha crashied intea i taken two !ive t' uerý fence post. a lMit. 've rest sboulId be l e of t'te fljad, oUed theni hob had ligbt and :It had m-orst bis, ýt left bi's 11 hea rd the hoise. M iC'h al Thie horse enemerdhimn. "Mi- chiael!" b hire e ilscly. TbIe bore\hiïmied. Hal felt -the nase taucis hïi utstretcbeitd baud, ',You a!' prit How you b Le"i, huis? How you iseen?" Hia! snifed apprciatively. HESlked tbe smell 15f a horse. Hl sbould, for ise had pract.ically grawu uip witb it. "J'il ineyer ride yuagiMike, aid b)oy," lhe said softly. "'d (1pro- bably- is-eak my neck. That's wblat the' doc said. That woufld be, faol- isis, woldu't i? M' be a deé4 duck and not be able ta touca, smell Or hear yau." Tbe horse whinuied again and Ha! cboked.' lie hadn't realized how iucb thet hnd meauti At thse hospital, withti te gauze ou is eyeslhe had thougbt 0of the wondeprfsî days when be used ta ride Mihael across the meadow an-d leap tbe fesce Hal's father 1a purcbiased Michael as a ~l for raciug. Right froni the first Mi- CLcael hd won. Buit a borse 'geýts Older. T-e mnsi quit. Hal ba i male tirs in For ofv attrs«etS'.n £.V*."C me 4leetorir just arouud the meadow, boy.," The1borsestatedoff., Hal ei the graceful miove of his 'body and coordiuiated bis 0own oenet wihit. 'Gradvai1ye Hal nmade him go faster, each tue ("c]lugihg tighti e: ta the rein3 ini his hands, The wind w-iippedl againist Ihr faceý, and a couiple of),th-es hle feit himstUf ~yoiff to one side as _Mïchac, pugdtaO make a turp, b is hooves tl ,nipiiug againistthu hbard grouud. But' hle alwys rgtdhimlsell and stayed on. 1Ha] lauighed againist theý win,-d, lauighied Ioud!ly, ini the sheer ciy of riding aftice again1, at the saie tui-e proddinig Mcalta a fýaster and faster pace. Presenitlyv, a voai cc s hilo0umt ied ti)roulgh- the whistt1lng d-arkness at hlmii, "Son! )r Hea-venýs sakes, what'reyOu -dling? Stop Ft Ha!lauiighled tlie loude1r."i'm id- ing, ad!"he sbutedback,"Rd Mink Farmis Solve Whtta do with aged borses b-as atlways ibeenl a prob01leln for farcmers. eýspecial ly whe Illethe îanimais were wellvdandvaedfeds Tro seIl!th,1-elli wasta rkthleir ge7t- ing iuta bad lhand(s, wbo -,would 1ot truat theitýiudy. Iliu mnycases ta, keepitheilon11as-en, neswas nlie solutionl. Becauise oaf wornl-aut eet or other inirmtie, tey igt lin- ger anlu faijlng bealtb. Yet, manyil. fartulers besitate tatakea2 unand hota faitbifl ima! bic h scerved loyallv in its rk biu manly parts of Otra h probîem nlo laniger exýists. Tiis beý ï calise of the dee Jpmntofmu-ik failcs. Horse ma is the -idea"-l f fOr inkl1, and severl 1weekMvly uws- papers thirouighoult the provin1lýce con- tain avertisinentsfor aid orses horses, bui t ias its advantage(s. It enstires thlat tbey, are nlot sld ta be1 treated unk1ilvy bysoeoe.orth-at tbecy do not bave taIn duire faiing hieatb, or lingering iîes In ufat saineiearmercls prefer ta dispose of a hors,,wbicb tbeynoloern cewd but -wbi1ch is stli rltvlyyu ,in. tbat maunelr. M\ost, farmers do nlot like ta tbiuk, enl ug f a ort aia!, tht it ighit sublseuenitl, h e- camjTe ftbe propertosomeqoline wbo wouild abuse it. anv 1

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