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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Feb 1948, p. 7

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'CTORS greetel a aL jokc - cf startil Wi.ater is tions ofi bion Cf 0Ontario is5turfe peophe On the w str ide of the P'acifie slop-, decide to go in f,)S «tikn"the clauds before they pass across thenunai rngsit, m ighit ihave a ecided effect on thfle trntire econo i y of the finterior area-s, Wh1atever thie finalt result, îtwul seem,, as if. both lawyers and enigi- ueers willL have many po cest salve before the sua;,ttr is definitely settled. Canada Responds To World's Needs In War and Peace Somletimes Aercas ecl that w'rc e a'î peole ro earth w mho h1ave donc and are do- lng anlythinig for thle ,orld, saysï, The Portland. Oregon, TJoutrnll Buit just for thie rcord, and' to ke thlings in thleir proper perspctLiveý, iet's remlemlber that others are dlo- ilu thliinus.too. itd by the Giterniseyý Cattie for hiies-t standing in Ont, itd to Lloyd BaldsdorI, RR2, secretary of the associatîin. ofQkvle past president. Sports,- And One Thing or Another B'y FRANK MAN'N-.HARRIS Onùf aurfemiinine readrsw mgtsythat flic lady ije a violent stp ore f the Mor!treaI canadiens Ai-d lot feîinig aniy too gooýd about the stat of che worldut preset .- writes regarding a Certan well- knôwn mme of thc Tornto Maple Leafs. "I udrtnltha,ýt many yeatrs ago there - used tù be -a sang entitîd AND BIG BAD DILilS MSWET WILLIAM NOW'. 1 wonder ifyou cond get a copy of it, and send it with mluycmlietit, 'Bad Mn znri Ever sinice onle cf Cmr boDys gv hma tmild goin- overi nreal 'Blg nad Bill,seemi ta h-1ave lost an lotof that rmucli adver-. tied fight of his-just another of the kind tatlast A dish tont, but ?csoaly tuhvee prtcha Whoiýse idea cf thbe greatest gaine of the semson le the anc which broke thlast, atteýndance reçord. But jÉ ust suippose that E-ziniki- spnrrcd ta more, intensive efforts by thZose hostile shouitsý , he being that type f thlee-sbuld y cmri5- cIcceijuean apponent really seriouisly, pcr'haps even ftaIynT lees timne tanittakes for you t tê rpead thie, he finds himiself su!spendj- ed, mab ansc or1f e. Insie a ntwh aulwe zeraersmua hamrdO-le so masyg tgrcatlýy- needed clms rmhîs doings - growers out of reason b1eiiig that vas so greatly Çanadianiswho to this kind o ft quiet smjl-e t, til iionsense. Accorc irm Ontarlo Turkey vTu Britain has produced a Xew, stremlied ldsaid te be lighter and 10 per cent faster than any other. The new ski, likely ta prove thie surprise of ttm 94ýJ8 Olymnpic, win- ter gai-les, le made of steel, plastic aid wood,, and may' later be made It was tried on)Lt sceretly on the Junl'gfraut glacier during the sm mrer by James Palmier Thiompki- Son; captain of the Britîsh ski teamn for tlhe Olymnpic ganses. Chick, Uatch( 1 Campbell St., 5'erguL to Norway. Thmee n (and back of then was anautriCht warbgif ag$ billion to Britain) total $1835 bil- lin nteýrms of relative pola- tion (anada has about one eleven- tli as mlany peCople as tlie Unlited, States-), this is the equlivaient of on Amria ba af$2035 illioni. lin termis of national incarne (Can-. ad' sabout oanc fifteenith ours), ài ite eqliuiet of ani) ria outlay af $27175 bllon. Sales to Furope and Cshn, undr thiese credits, ihave ilnlded food, reconstrui iction imacineiry,, ata(I- miotiv-e and farm qnpmetfert- ilizer's and base mtl.Anid con- sîeigCanlada's dollar shori-tage and thie 1necessity for kýeeping pricesdon it basn't beeni easy. Aswe say, theU nited States is -lflcheoly coutry respondlçilng ta the cryj1ing neds af iltose less fort- -nate, Canaida has; dane lier shar-e, ,11)ta th-e full extenit ai the Count- ry's capacity. No asic, nat even the fabulouslýy wealthy Unjited 71 States, could (do more. Hard Necessity The %wearing oa i-thkltis be- coing more common 011inSctad flotbecaseof a revival oai nation- alisým, buit becauise ai a shostage a0' trosers. STIJEF AN-D THINGS t. -.'----< We bsud been bwailing -0j"M. Nelson the iaCt th1a "Our" Ca- if memory serves aright it wu, tae oldTcniehsLacrossc em-a g ith w -) f îit frmsomc't htdrivl, adappeared Ita bein great d 'anýger oa'Inlsing its last "Do't tory bout it too rnuch, ber t:s-fyou werti- o go it hs dresin-romsrîght now t haïf- tim, ndswtc te, cuniforis In ths iw eains, te ro bybe ballngos ote r jusitas ;bard aht »y care on Mt hefldagn. quoted. 'hn yoalook at any pro- gai'ne yo.u --e boAyour noe crh Tf i 7' aronr gaineeenibe faci that t mibc befor the 'chýampion- Ship oýf the orlddoesn't make i i any diffrnt A in a t e u r ahets playng tritlyfafthe fus ofi f, halve saobiglin a hink toom0 c aboiut h pcosbtinit's di f-" et iprfessonls rti f they put on a tome exhibiton ar het ing tosewhomak bbirliving Hrwseta hiavegtssh hiimr G-the past couple ni seasone. Orpersonal feeilig is just flnc sm ias t bas as beeni-that Ezi-*nicki hockey player vw1b1 was binigepot ed, nmostly 'Cy irsosb sports writcrs, o is awn great disadvan- * *' * Associatîin for its action in, the broadcasting and televlis i;Sinsla fture. John-Ila ,rdnll ailtbe great and on11Y 'Ring himslf smrt nd thc sparts ob)serve-r - a couple l-te rtc alonig the sami-e Ii spcaks abouit 1how 'the ,lug popaiarity ai television thireat veýry ife oi sport, nat only in1 bu't on)Isotietas well. * 't iý. viTson sel iii vanir ta kep tings goin we h ven't ye ee ont. WHV BE ETý other peoples' you ican serv Hiouse? It'si tains setthing home teeitvisi Satnday ad the srt -- ai exrinïf very l l of nev that Il ____ mode g0o~O waaes el gradufites osiraied e.ata- cali rm r, Ont. - P atentý-l g Wve.f,

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