$unda ySchool Metthiodls! ,,u'e ý y n oSlin~~ f~tii ~ es A. Bmwp euar~tle, Ont, * totily estryed te for U~was re-elected tu thea Boar~d of Direc- Tb amui i-netiig f the 1eli- 4ood Start Matie In 1948 of Mr.. .Hgh Staplet'rn, Newtonville,. tois of the oltiFeiAn sso- one of the iargest glus o~wci f arke, nTala fon(ý- at v-ïlý ewasle pnc 111-e-e Saet Pogam Docetanyv use la the deiselengine Mjat bsmeeting lild WeOnclF:eb- ejous auditorium o Unte 1urh tO"nvo Fbuiynow%ý beeni througha two lires. Two ruary 4th at Toronto. MNI. Browu GCommnunity Hall on indleghates reaç nt ferumai- (ntario's 1948 traffic s«fey pro- tanks hldiMng water heside the en- ul ie evea er e~of the iast to hear the "Don cnost Eeery Sunday Schoo] in thec dis. gramn il ofF tu> a fairly good start withi ginie were puinètured, tais savig tHe iNational Extension.C:rn-iittëe of the ga~ pnor triet. Tis ifa-a striy'n'o-denýimlna- January's traffic toi downvr by seven engine froeu beuaýg destroypd, Asocation. $lioe Co., ùner thà tiona get together, afforIng an op- Ilies from that of January lSe year MAr. Stapieton, proprietot, was Close to ,O~O rnem~bers, rîiay of Necsteton Cu -portu~nity for -workei's in cneto and 3,5 l'e thani in January of 1941, visiting a dentist in Bownanville at le oclbedes ttne.as e rivailabie with al churches, to discuasa methods' th, Proince1w penk accident year,l the tinme. Theiii was heing coper- hen oclaee Stetsvie ndearin . M.as ealoi g w¶ththe ta 'of btesng, and tu Share their Ouipe- ighways IMinister, the Hou. George ated by hais two empl'>yees, Messrs. isrStCve Oaio wsalngwhtesad in tels iwes. TwiIos D~ H oucett s,,aid, announcing a near- Breneon Farrow andi Andrewrx andyath 98p n. estiniated Btat over rn heCISSS*recordlo of 22 deaths iast month. When the Ire 'was discoveared the oaf 1 esolUtios were pasased vigorously were present The Président called the afenoi The prevîous 10-ear average was 32,1fiee was a mass of lianies, and ùi a ,poept, th, mpr ato 0,sae f sesin ~>oreret2..> akig ev aahtie, for January, the Minister the cesit of tie miii A eau 'was senL eluonargarine' requesting the Do- de cstage was e .4udreOnt. iirian otorniindt etseaupesuffi oYf wurship. Folwn this' M'r. Eas- pmrtd otute Ne-wre sUe ire brigade, but by ' c oeriiettascueC h nssarhé GFers. tace expressd wurdl et weleoQnse tc "This il gooti netýs" M1r. Doucett the. time they arrived on the scenie fcfnt st fcary on adequate îýe- ejnitis. of The 'eait Ail preseint. fEe said ihe regarded this. aays, "but old weather was on cur the buildig was1 burned t'> the cord of Petformanc esteing for nru Stew Kenney, ltrankla: .conventi'>n as a plaee where--,ie-n and side lrstmonh to kcep a let of cars grotjnd. lccton and ta carry out a compre- niAtMGrg, wmncamie for insp)iratioii as well offh ai Otrosdivr n tme th loe wiî ria censive heaitirprogramme.,ag ni prca as ietrutiantant liefetse atedesitrians will have a liard imea"tute neighorhood of $1wJ,00. The report of the S-creýtary G. M. -puerer a duillimoment. eaci ouid go home ith higli re- ephig"rcoduu"sw solve and re'oeweticonvriction th keptauagotireormu ules e ~Brantforp Ont., showed tnu district wl noý 'ois=wa agrand job.,at il iaks. it a point touiearn andi obe-y ý *ubstantial g ir in1947 tith regZis- ualize thé entertainei the trafic la'ws. Everyonc has -jwmssnr vst A spieivdiffy pieped report of the cf the respnsibilit y: evcry mmm, 'wo- tain eciganwhg o 5-heo ohn"p par yer'sactvites iv& bythamat ati hili i Onari ce hep D S. ( I 100a gainof 4 per'cent over 19416, they listen in a t th seereary-trensurer showed an eniAr- urereýnt dceýaf d iiuysimlply by Bright iuea 110 wb iebers'hip aiea gainad 4 paCr- evanjiag anoutheir mdi ged enrohena the Sun1dr Seholds --cent ta reacli a new high af 1C,450. 1 tstns alt aencouraging nuniber of seholaru eigAarf,".total af 215 heati were eaxporteti oteat cle rceceiréti minofiuli church imnibarship, Fjour ebjîdrn '.ere kmled lasti The icemesaofthe B. '- -Homne- ta 17 dfeeteutis dollars or nat aniinoreasetigiinetu uis i-o an 1moh, fthough this -was one less than imaking Club pmet aon Monday last et - ___Robert Giavilile, 0Or Tu Mhe general wmrt of tMie C0onn in a Anuary, 1947. Spacial attention Mhe home afI Mrs. Màary -Miller. Elseh Notion, Mecsl;1 Tire gmest sekr for the ocýca- 15 beiig grnta thre Safety etiiieatin irlansýwe edt te rail cail with their More Memkoers 'Wauited Bu Nwcsti; ewton S sion %were Rev.r. ltLeard ff cm heatid lirutiýg hi eeesaw daa htyu ruTape lrs. Trtiy SallIows lufie iiToiron , and. Rav. B3. J. andi parentt, l11 iistrsys ith cdate a hanse guest ta reetPb e r" fris e Uorwood aofQ00wn. Thoe pr rideit 'Fety lmes aies and os ans tesigni- T'heminutes af the îast nmeeting Orono Fish And Iluat Club Haral %ai5is, NWAM weîre read andi the tapie for the etven-aptoNwn ir itrd'cig eer'calIed atention Pd for tire varions age groups. There . 9 was 5 nt aîing a o guest wiumrer w is. Sa A lie printetipnrbmanrme, tiet tire ý,as delnita encouragement, ha nlui paniManiwlci- Anyone tshing ta buy a 1948pltn theme -oftira Panvention was«Making1 -tpleton The e Sday encinowasrtb ofits - ught, in ire fact tmat in the las - mg a guest, thre roo n tiiencpom m iemhersýiîp ta tira Oroi-a Fish anti caling", antiBt tee plan 'aas ~A u i tmi of 1947; ciilti fatalities were ibilitis an4 higs ane shulid re-fRlut Club can do no ettuM.. a bod- Fi-owingthe ~ leptest thWugrlt' constànirt in Viewt. down' 26 Par cnt as -omparadth ie ment or as a guest. 1 li'S. îng" programme, a w Taking over rit itat paint * Mix Laa'rd samne perioteMuiam inet j us I 46.re ig oyhdrstdincet a rloadl disetised sanie ofthe features ofaIa Peiestrians as usual bore the 'HI R atr isaot -3eiebigle yitrse ontest waseii l y wel " unaychol H fittht -y ~±af~~~c r ije-I' ; ~ achievemnent day' aliso liawed SOMO l~preserva in of iid hIe in th-isý ralyejyd výTjlJ-uI Qlnýa F(j H t Mt 4w of wMc' '>a'eF but mari. H inéxtedsaph ksa nd record Ji~te 'Club àle a -a e retynoa roanie fore pedan nnanti 'onllocadrovers. i mre atuth0 e t work-It-iniou-sidle soeial liL e hre and spends LonPerey Haro, ailafrivers.ecr yaruotihes Lons Club, gave alit ,sultable. tint pronaeri o Tre otl f or haarnt . as MissHart is Home Econ meristof purpases. coming cvcmyoiie, ot providerd, f i ses npile carefu ila ai ,v than ii n- yJanu i iie t-WmnsInttt rnh ant i Loiin sdaong in ~'gratict, nadnti b1 '11ai, cnpetent 119438mhaen ga"stdr ihnig restet- EHome Economie Bnnnchofhé'treDet. Lat yen it promoteti a Sihng 11e ext'ented la iearty teachars ha in carge.-41 Gee isue aI valides, oI Ariculture for Durhamn, Ontaria, trip ta Bancroft, a rabbit hlan, a ta 'Mabers std,.ffa Froni tirer M Vorwed went on __________________ otrnielnùedVco iCun- birt-ilousa oe e infr lucC" Oor Noibing' 1 'inithe nacrity of tire tceh-r f'sue radirdtitieul intogroupses. pni in lethepa niA te venis dii-LinKeith Aikei-n taking an enery',day interesi nis d hodn trmlatr sni The gils r lpetu n tira amnsra- nrl h ou alwt iemns eCremonies for tie ciase. It ls nat euu s aidti aItyconhyn on fGamne anti Yihe'ies au guet, enub a fra pi hsnhm sshetemn-liourprie c-up cakes wiricirwerc çý ltigtet- Ti rgane1 tire teacher ta camre bali bie w aedwtat en" hadonc ta makr ner c;seruvetiwith otherrreshients. speaecýispnta wny Tn rgam onu nda ani aiet aSont th- n gingaeheering anti vtal factor lunaiglit thaus-ianti trout iii oui' Streamsn. -pouline Storik recitiýn for tire rest of tue wPek 'By a-iwaaîlir bol n tIcaarl. smlr scne -(1 isCher1f-ul"; oI illustration d h'ï faoris own vl" The ciosing address, given by M.ýVL uo"ItJIW'ihvA s rogam atriilaaitr oxpesriene nd oie inup lie sliwawcd Leari, stes cdtire ancaî th ttira !Y«LII 0wbytadn a ntret n iecard chesoli hae for impri gpaeti hi ymr n ameyu a nns.ais'>sang "Th siolaî'a taiaiigs in Spat, s'tudi, an-d ocmjTL ojd bavefor adh asaii tire Cba ti hnlp along with l ulcinr eçompanieti irehonetir teanr funt asurr noladge aI serîpture anti aI what Jivivu «a qthîs 2godtiw rk !a tirecomui ~i.Lynclir; 1111e ienu tle ouýiptaýP n1ila Jesus taugit in z sucirl a w,ýay fit his,_ (astie, <a vocalso, aprachfo resig rni ' a i ciies ould baome, rnat oly Stewardslewr md cita gine oa Ipha liistian 'way a of! isiabut Ireter Chriadns.To 1 The caldt eathar aI tbe past fine Bad" Mr1NiStwat 'ie, ldo5,this ire thac-har niuet lhave his!or esxweeks iras cetainly beurnlarh oartif Nwrd 'etle playatilt Forsupe treelgats tioune ~orkvey mci t car atii sien tire coal M'un Ever since 'winier Mr' . tar ani yodeliad "I ta tie basemntan.t iera tira are tire f ' tiat ire liattempting ta teacir. really set in, Btntarounti Clristmeas, u îs venglgi ulb" guesets aI tfi Clocal W. . hrcms tthe cnluin aI tie aire a trr-isbenn a itir tire castIe, Vocal sala a nomlllliating and Coiuatn o- lirief -service a nf teiainwscon,- l i-cl' o eu, inittee consiicei Mnatai ntrusetidure cv .DePainrWrgttmperature rat times anging fronil Tireawas oaia a luattendance __________ ta het.Rarchedli traothe a fIitti9'4aY a day 'o1felowsip l tet tatwenty-'agirt degrees be- of tie stewvards of Parik St.Uitt r IThigsngpovitetia somiewlat ug- suy isusoantiinpiaton Iow zero, T emperatures reparteci Churcir at t1ir rsmetn'fth D nienteti crowd antere i ontire aven- Wxccutîve ofiers for tirecounîng for Jfondy niglit lat, angtyear au Monday aveingiu, Feb)ru:ary D enlv inig sessirun iti erySîing !ld liy er r:an'irr ron tan to ËfLiteen ilo ,in tic Sundmy Sehol room_ thre prueant It scemeti nrst appro-1Pruesiert-. jMm. M.H. Silszr.Ever since Oiristriais ra Tiere was coasiainhi discusson prciate tirt Mi. A. A. Dîrm n Orno. haw avemarir l, tns distrct, aI tire plantA ranavata the cuumriià sirouiti aow w011ith ataIk an tire Vice - Prs jIlent - Mm.,Everton 1 Tire anly thing we h ppaittieirneur future ýandtihie woerk aI ah- Su"n a scirool, pmrticui iniy T in Scetr Tesue-Ms eu]5tfirbas iracu ticnice ingit tainig etinrates an spacilfl changes wtirer. We aire ongingly lokig uns bagua. It mas aise decideti upon1 flasoth wohp ii, T.r nra amr na i d nr e tre. have a special eurili servicei fiii ftr w fsoipprioi grhthoenAn se T! c i. anat e. .DPnirfr amrsa n iena ui.un ait aI tire extension aI ictorianintfIRefarni il Cad icm ntwuaedy ilege, Toranto. tircy are able ta rafu hcngtlld w"li acer Ironi tireno jcreck. O mg tr'-tCe antnm ti dcaîti NewIy eleueet 'fflicers oI tire board 1reco rde, criticisnr0! samp, sa on tiereoofs has yet ta 1 ie as floas : Traiinig Scirool f 11114 a. ounty Fede..ration fi nd is \"y ttiren ciste.Tbins 1- Glairman - .o. Rd. ,. matie by Tarantoe I canthappen until wariner wcatherý Vice- Chairmi-an - L.tlaio. Gx ýerytir Baringtonl -ýry vrrell.ducectiimteria1i Ia - li uistW r ll l Treeýsurer - W. J. RIdtielh ei- by MmI.. Barringi( Seek AidAgaist W rbleFlyNorthumberland - flùrani tea -.BT.wiih, they c W. A.Meetig*ifre trecesuchargei Tnre DiiibamiiCounty Fedieration of!nid A. Wood asnîm i. f kUi .A etn Aýgriculturie. DteetOi'c tre -aU tie 1Alesuggestion MtnthlicCouty aI flath Uni!Kepori hLerur etn ie o conditions in the sel nn ~ M atiM . efe Rr-i Thcrn i- xitir irOfunr Du ,-The e. ary meeing ofthew Part af hhem report citer fl t-ces cf