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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Feb 1948, p. 2

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QuiVe alaeu'nbrttiddVe ostumle Carnival art Vite olcal Arena onwesnIecay evening lact, under te îsico.a of te Oroi Amateur àLtli- etic ssociation. Quite a nuniber erlacostumie. Ier ~ tj Ul knowvn EuainlsOrator and --fter. lie is informniative, f air, cultured ro " ýand-c id tee ing t a CITIZENS' RALLY NEWICASTLE COMMUNITY HALL IVonday, Februa 6th a800 p.m f rhere will be a period for questions appropriate to the forthcoming vote. AIl questions w-111 be cheerfully answered. Newcastle Citiîzens' League GOD SAVE THE KING ARE YOU ASKING THESE QUESTIONS ABOUT SAVINO ELECTRICIT ? 13 Il STILL NECESSAUT TO SAVE ELECTIICITY? Yes, Not nearly enough Saving is yet being miade, especially in the home. Resuit, for som e time past several large industries > ave had their power SUPP13y cut Off for len à1y periods in the 24 hours.ip IS IT NECESSARY Io SAVE ORLY ai CE AIlN OIRS? No, ît is vital to save at ALL bour-s. While electricity caannt be stored, wva r that generates, it cati be stored. Thewae st rage for the five Hydro plants in the N'-iag'ara area is provided by the Great Lakes. This asIres a copitinuous flow of w'ater sufficient to able these plants to go al out 24 hours a d-tl there is flot enough POwer 1Iq 48 othirHyd-ro gnrtn stations throughoput Onýa Io the water suipply, must be vert ciosely garded-if too imuch electricityi;s 4emrandLede luday, thse next dayý's power suppîva muet sufîr. This condition vs avated bý Autumn. mn stores an but still gre needed. :ally ID% ram 'v fal SALVI? ýLLconsume s stplay ~fied rationing bas to somet !consumption of electricity Ler commuercial co-nsumers, uaLry savings are turgently R ELECTRICIT? burnitig in unoccupied offices. ýr Off. Uise range elemenlts as possible. Turti off verandah hts wýhen not nededl. Use d water sparingly. Do flot ers or glrates. 'A -VE ELECTRICITY ONTARIO The Orono Weekly Times Advertising Rates on request Subseription $1.50 Try our p-to-date Job Plant. Our prices are sure to please, and our work is of the bestc Pulblishl-ed everýy Thu-ýrday mnorning at the Times office R. A. Forrester, Publisher Establishied January, 1937. A PARK APPEAL It m ht et b amis ~t this juýnciturr to thikabout pians for 0 bigger and bWter coMmuniy Park. A lot of p copie geV Vo bro'wsing over soed Cctaogues about this timie of yepanad whule lîttie can «actHly be donc, there is a a-wibonie anlticipatiori 'that i,, hif the' batt!ý,ien seuri t afirt ciass garin. The park couid be ik'ened Vo a huge gardeu n luWhih ail have anshare of inereat, prida' and )respon!siility. WVe want to retain Nhe good naine rwon by Orono park over a pcod of Yeas Iv e xvnutd Me to hoid thebusness we believe _"t fo stars for the havne Last iFail we did considerable irnprovinig Mhi' xiiniake for enlaagenient and bettervment. iMuch miioitey was l'uid W nt.Taorder Vo functon eectively. next year, the Park Board muent again renew te contents of its coffers.IWe nouid Iike VA kirow how this eould be sucee«sWiy douie, Hare is an opportuiy,, for public- spîrîted people to cone.forw,ýard aad, out of thair experience, Vo point eut wvays and 'means of raising mney apart firoini- the direct appoals 'iicthave bceniau alin the pont. Failing à dtis,xvie tan *oiy get down o brase'tacks and approach our frinds of fitis eonestituency for real dolar aid. iFroi this standpoit of bard busines, te vol- u n ta ry .g;ft isici ie smple and eas'y way Out. However, if a tnnn ity spirit can be eenled Vreugh a series of entertailnnents, Vden the idea às worth a try. I'iiocati give leaderszhip in titis vital job ? rýOUýND BARNS WiVh an eyo Vo progros eand coovenience, s'ornefarmers' are recommendig a "round" barim. The conrventioni squar-e or oblong building ls bing abandoned in favor of rondns There may be much Vo suppoirtVne ida. ln fCt thora is, acn e stiadfy the dlaimis of rmen who krow. We caninot vory aveil argue ïith plans M tdnmoasiuents. Thoy have4 la be cpted becauneof ther vory MosV of us have 'hard of the huge turutale upn which live- sto,)ck were hcnsýed at a fInous Aniorican world' fair. As te tur=- table rvieaittendants would porforis'one (duty assgnd ach one. Yoi sea, te work xas carried 'round yVone. Now round barrnsxviii ot be expIleciýýta to urr like a littie worid on an abis The mon and boys okigthorein xvil probabiy accoplish heir doiies with lacs turninîg though, and iess of te air- duonus Labor corrected viltifarin work. Wefo do ot look for anl in- stanst rush Co te round bainlan. Farmons are koor however, Ao accept an-ything V"Ilitt xviiiinmke Virgs btter. Soi-ie avill want a round bam Itocause the noglibor alreay ha.s one. Ohrs xi tee the savirg of space and te convonience cliied àu the doing of clxores. A few viii welcoma the sarctusery of a cornerlosîs buildýing iir the hope thet the dovil wont catch them, TlRudues ould off or at safeguar-d ftroni catelhinig thie devil t 00. Wo-id(ier howa the oid boy views the matter? POWER TO BUEN The troblsomo shortage f gis has been the occasiton f oi.bard- shin in sieof Otais arufactunring twns recor'ntly.Fatre have beep obiiged VoAitheir shut d'wn enitirly, r Vo operato at a lîniied pae. Such nei'.s gives double interest Vo the predictionrs of tome sientisis that thiery years honte wo xiii have d'oveloped sufi cienit aom facîlities'teVo make the use of natur-al gaAno1lngerie- In ne light of present day condiios, we Ms te logical ques- tioni, "la ili bo dnw it>Sh aI «f the extra goodis producod at that- 'ie"Weii, aQwo woud likeiy find ourseives lante thiroes oyf a frt clas eprssonif wo xere se unimagirutie and as stubon as we aye to-day. Porhaps u in e meantime e xviiiH have gotten arouna Vo seeirg how dependent we are one upor the oCher. The whoje world xiii eventually shore ià tee wvpower, and s peial piviige xiiislip uneremodnudy out of the back door, as nations xii have eredto ;co-operate and noV Vo compflote. Wliether vie viii reach that tge fee of arfairerndus Vo be seer. AgAn, viheher te b asifrmtio xiii coein the comparaivey 'short Pa"e ofthiry pears also remains Vo lie stenu Tiora appears Vo be a colossal taskç fýorte sirtsfor te proehen ,for the educationist, For te d"eameq r, la fAutr Yai i erof gond iii. A btter set of conditions in prornis'ed us whoen ve are aisbe ceogli V develop, appreciate and ms e n. TRFFC CCID)ENA PREVETIOýN t\or ýyvehicle accidents kiloed at ieaLst '720 persons in on- taràinl 1947 according Vo a preliminary esimate reeasod by the Hlonourabie George !.LDucehiis1er of H1ighway-s. "The 1947 death toil bron traici accidents is the highest sirce 1941 xviher 901 lves wene list" M. Doucett reports.Ortaroio l nakiing progrese in trafic accdntpreventio,but te buprovemnti is far roni good enough. The fatis did rot inrase during NIe yeai in proportFion Vo the increase in regisered vehicles, Cered driv ors or rmber cf il1es tavled ut thiat is poocolion when vie consider that trafi accidwensufed (ut enough iran, comen aid hilien Vo ril] thvillageof Ororo. Nýor tdo the dahlosstell the vihole terrible story. la1 thýe 10-morth period Vo the end of Oecber for w'hichfi iiiiI ïftiures are captaia sBIDE JRnuar7- rooagr- / SANDY SIMPSON has benu paiely improvng bi dairy herd. 11e saw bhi, chance to huy a pure hreýd bulfl - anld àhe manager of bis bank lent him tCe rcady eanlIto dce the deal. Nom be's expevcting great bigsof bis Inewcaf already be sees bier winnig ber class at next yeair's Faîl Fair. A few ore jik.e he.r anld he cal] also sec, bis silk pro-. duction rising -as weil as a nlicetý ra inco-me from lligbis surplu1s stk Vo iiigboring farmers. Branch bainïs, in ruralcmunte across Caniada, help to buildf prosperou, farms . . and at the same time belp inicrease 14he floýw of foo to family tabIe boulh at home and in distant, lands. THIS i15 ONE flSTAmcrE. ofhompCnda ,0 rî- bank 1'uY te w prt in tilt' aU hfeand work of C(laJuMhan. 8AN~

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