(Cniudfrom pa1ge 01,e) ityofthsegcs pssssquliie groonid ad drecedout te place, thmon an eualfootin-g its- iele gene ial in admcrtccoui-~ Thie annual repoi't of thiescliool shows thalt 52 rper cent c f thle cern- mimnswer'e below ILhe normal ranglle of intelligence. Mrs. Barringtp-on je reported te ~rectory have said: "I ceuldnt stand it after four days." One cf her reasons was~ One ghl te squat or the floor for 12 heurs and ~at enly hread and water~. on pri !le ef sd te arry injrd asrihl aoud is cita-g if therink. del and had te he assisted off te ice.ke ,nth etiRowý-e was irelaced in goal for the re-g registenigng ainder of the game ind heCld the 2 u 1 sorme scoreles. Or"oostartd nemr d e play was! the endl of tlie period to press hard foi rer, serng a nd werýe rewarded by two, goals, te ame holding flrst hy suro h is third Of the Výi slappdthe game. ih tce letgeai going te Ba Just hefore Siblock on a sc(ranrble aroulnd the "et. a for Orono, First Period iý interferene 1, Stulyrroc siblck).......5.003M roff in the 2. Sturrock _Si --oc --.......-- 52t w ýd twe quick 3 Welsh (Hooper, Banes). 1.7rei r and the 2nd Perlod At wa ran fintO 4 Tunul fawes, Br'aleY).4.351 Or-ono, buLt riHooper (naýsssted)........--- 0i main adv.anl- 6 liwe(flraley).--.........-747 Tineir ht Third Periodi easlly han-! 7WIsh(11oper, WeOddupï).---102M2 83 Wlson (TuXrnbull).......301 y comoed i the9 Robincon (unassistel).....0pi aand two [1I Sturrock (Ellot) .. .....11.02 PC thir goals il Siblock(unassusted>.......1.01, piod, theLakegld ~Bantair hockey team de I by 1 feated the Orono Ba1ntama ii the b ins n ,1e"a Second rouind of the playoffs hereOon miemnus Satuirdlay niightt by a score of 7 to 0, tgoalie, 'was winniing' on the round' 14 to 2. S t 2t,1947, e h ol e epr w s m(i c Wewere imi- essed fi-stof il bythýe dfnt neralnmosphere e f hpiesi e eee.We nmet quite -a numbàer the grls prson l btte nerit anly gle case did we have ary cern- sints. The flstgou ve nmet was * rtr.We ere h',itefýreted' in wh1at e dtiffe1ýfrentor1eýwiah1-ed tfhco) 1ie rnajerîty exrse ihe desire tei enurses, o)r nrpn idýs. Asuother otp inatpwrt rleswr env about thecirwek We meCoher eupsle te lundr, te gymna- Wm, the gardens and in the hair-1 uand tue sameethsan" Quoting newsmaper excerpMMv rgin sid i"t i plied that Ms chang,,e oesprl' e en.The fact a t the f.orher superintendent, rs. E. Peader, otfdt'he Mnse ,.o years gothat she intend-ed te turntethe uïiivevs-ý2ity for furmther udy. No. 4" l3th -8J15 p.i. this 28th day Plats. 1, ib DECIDED world's liinsflS t rags. Onk 'ately in need Cf food and c1othin$Tl Tey,, need sdolig of v as Sick as ffher withiered ho4s are no#' mved, oui' world is l1.01 bilidren is noew con uctix of respons;ihi UnitîedNations operatiing (th callengï,e o iee Your h'elp1 is needed nom",YouSyni ~m\neds.This~S - You wsant to gwe. But goodwill adgüoo C 1 , wit a .m e um are not e noui-g h. Sinýce y ou ma--y rnot Lho cai to psiývide foc0i CEyliîg do IC lefailuire Lto act ho on your coi( ýt and rnursirig motheèrs - rept lia an Iirhp(101ta, ruined reds of lildrqeu id else- er their a geneiesý . ipathise id wishes auvassed, escience. n. Turn ttagilc Yeu havea't jet 'atee P2 ZAWq iyevery mûs.tS -, shouMd jeu b. a Salary Clhoquel trcif as long »as ýg at ago 555-0~ aee that youit have. the money on higli achool? t about it somue- AUCTIONEERS T E'D J A CC,ON contribution - Y g t or bank now andgve o F ARiM1E RS A N D ME'M BE.R S 0 F GO- lie OPERATIVES: consi tyur local oirganizati(3n 01n as to ithe Lest way to ake vour cotributvioa, rO THE and aide SURGEON B.A. citor Telephione to RD [ITiloR i.t t Ororn à, of ail si1o1 r a tes ci at pora date. tc