Newcas- t ite gýoieerous and will be Ing on thIe Rae( -ne future dat- ealid daýte i -pr,-owu will 'e o f he a r i i aý,s taken uip for, Lof the ion i s.Grge uterssp ~itcr n*i~~ g- ~nt Tue~ 1iiopcrty di~rn~ fi~e'~ ar~i caueed a posi tyore. ________________ Miss ShirlePoter N.,of Oshi wer inOirnoa few das as wek Mrs Hadeatiewhois ina hospi- tail at l-aiIton,ý is greatly hnllproived in henlth. M.Jim iBaýlha a nast'y f,111 aine ayList-ee and is used up with a intireelhand. Mr. Oen Faan, f Tilbury,. spent ~he wek-endwith is wife and son, mie laOrono. Mr. and Mms Smi are visiting withtlatter'parents, M.m periforman lce l inl(iT iiu For Pa 1 Pl THE IMODERN MIRACLE WAL ,FIf- IýSi T'he ,ieatest Sue'cess li Paîit lsory gloriouslyi colorful nlew finish on dingy -Id Nwalls , *Best of aIl, this oil and resin paint doeýs the job ill ne fuiss, nio bothier. lNO E.IU Thinik of 1 Covers i practically includilifm IIN i 17 mne coat, surface e er 1 a it, jia 6 No air r On a orth Econmica ..,i gallon' )FIJSS! NO MIJSS! $4,75 a go LUNN MARI HONE 66w1 l3th, 9 pan. ýIC ASSOÇÉATION fiotre de Ed. -Neilsorïla lu ih 1 vheae slïe undeoe'i n on Saturday of' isý stonres.- his is the been waiting for FLETTE of Vaina FWLte- regular 60e. 5 ... - - .. $2.60 27 luches wlde. Crey Flette Sheetiniv ver-y lleavy Qualil 55e. 5 yards for Losof pieces (of i6 iches ier have everythilng .0M At Z inf The Gi v, and for the mie he consolation prhz ~.Butters. [ing vvas eol'ej-i-ize il- mnarby olag f This was; ware store nubrof higl hi the ige. This ,ery to thie meCs on lthel ,bi S f ig-ur--ýe,: 2.30 p.m.-.Sunday Scheol. '7.00 p.m.- MitknTears. ure Lard, lb. . 29ec uit, 6 for . , 29e nato Juice, 20 .r- .27ec or Carrots, 3 .~25e Powider, t ..5e .~23e s, any kind, 2 'eanmery Dutter lb. 70ce Beans, per .29e d Cheese, .52e MIAT lIES 3 bxes mîcasie Sewing NI NW 1-b 475 b the [Pir al, puts a ,plin, :y, reg, ~tr ip pe MlIk iteet~ Coffee ~5c. ~.ns d picked 29e. 'Ritz' Sodas 20c.